The Binding Of A Kin lobby music sounds french and that's great.

It's great because Elodie is french (and to not confuse people she's French-Madagassian because she was born in Madagascar but speaks French) so I get what BHVR did, that was a nice touch.
I almost forgot The Twins are also French so that makes the lobby music sounding french ever more fitting.
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Search up dbd is Elodie french it says Elodie is French-Madagassian and then check the dbd wiki on the twins it says they're french and the lobby music ngl it actually sounds french.
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This is such a pure post
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Oh elodie, I read that wrong and thought you meant charlotte
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It’s probably more because of the Twins, lobby music almost always fits the killer of the chapter iirc.
but i definitely like this one, the others weren’t bad either though
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Hush! You aren't supposed to praise the devs, thats sacrilege!
Everything aside, it's nice to see positivity. Whoever runs music always kills it.