How many female killer mains are out there?
A trend I've noticed is that women tend to gravitate more toward survivor. I haven't seen a woman who is a killer main on twitch either. Every single killer main I have seen on twitch is a man. Show of hands, how many of you ladies are a killer?
(Also if you are a streamer, bonus points)
Here! Also Umbra is pretty popular, if you wanna see a godlike huntress. :)
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This is not how you meet women
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i am. though i play both sides i'm leaning towards killer more. also i know many other females that play killer, maybe they just don't shout it out. my best friend is also a female and rank 1 spirit main. my sister plays killer a lot too and she likes freddy and myers. i'm a red rank ghostface main and a female. but i still play survivor too, mostly only in SWF anymore
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Haha that made my day xDD
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I've seen a total of like 4 female streamers that main killer the rest of them all play survivor and never touch killer it's not just women who play survivor there's double the amount of men who main survivor than women from (my observations) it's just due to survivor being the popular and easier role to play, you can jump in easily and do well with a team.
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Lmao, good thing that's not my goal here 😂
Thanks for the replies, I was curipus about this. I notice girls play DbD a lot more than other games, or at least are more open about it. There are a lot of friends I have who are women that ONLY play DbD and then only play survivor anf don't like any other games. I was exploring the observation, seeinghow many girls out there do actually prefer killer. Good to see that it's not uncommon.
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the reason we aren't very open about playing other videogames is because we get harrassed and insulted. DBD is more welcoming towards everyone (not counting the never ending killer vs survivor stuff)
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This. Streamers play survivor to relax and read chat. You simply don't have time to give attention to the stream or chat as killer unless you are stomping the survivors.
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Ah, role reversal.
So she can be the stalker this time right?
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"I'm looking for a woman that likes to MURDER PEOPLE."
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I am! I play both sides, but I only SWF, when I'm solo playing, I play killer.
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Gamer girls do not exist, don’t believe what they tell you
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True, they are all 40-Year old men behind a screen.
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I am a killer main and I enjoy causing as much pain as possible in a match, I think survivor is easy and boring, so unless peoples insist for me to play with them, I'll 100% be playing killer.
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There's a good reason we play survivor more often.
I mean. Who wouldn't wanna be penetrated from behind by something black and hard...
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Here man. Technically a streamer? But not really.
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There is at least one in Russia - Diana Dunaeva .
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Umbra is probably one of the best killer mains in the game. She gets 4k with lots of killers, not just huntress.
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I'm moving away from survivor more towards killer. This rank cycle I plan to play killer mostly and give survivor a break. I finally have Michael Ghostface and Legion so I'm about to go nuts.
Honestly if my friends hadn't wanted me to play SWF so much I would have been a killer me a LONG time ago.
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Great question, I am a female DBD killer main streamer on Twitch. I am maining The Spirit. I have noticed that few females are killer main. It would be nice to see more. <3
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🎵bumping threads, bumping threads, it's half a year old, but I will still respond to it🎵
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man these threads be bumping
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There are certainly more guys than gals, but there are a few female killer players on Twitch.
- Umbra: High skill killer, Huntress main, frequent stream
- Malika: mostly survivor, but not only survivor; used to be a Spirit main. Streams are infrequent, but when they happen she's entertaining and good at the game.
- DieHardDiva: survivor/killer split. Frequent streams. Average skill at the game, but very entertaining.
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No offence but... Your killer rank is green/yellow and it's 2 days before rank reset. Your survivor rank is red/purple judging by your streams that you just tried to advertise for.
You're clearly a survivor main (which is no big deal. Just wondering why you're pretending to be a killer main).
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Just saying, it's way easier to rank up as Survivor. She could have more hours in Killer, considering it is more difficult to rank them up.
I could sleep and get to Red ranks as Survivor. In fact, I've done it twice. With no perks.
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It isn't really difficult to rank up as killer "per se". Some killers get robbed of emblems (Bubba, Billy, Plague etc) making pipping ridiculous at times but Spirit? She pips easily - especially at beginner ranks.