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The mori nerf shows a double standard

Remember when instaheals were nerfed and survivors got like a week or more, before they were actually nerfed, to capitalize on using all their un-nerfed instaheals? I sure do. You couldn't find a match without 1-3 instaheals.

But guess what happened when moris got nerfed? No heads up, just insta-nerfed. So game breaking survivor sided things get to stay in the game until the devs "get around to it", but the killer sided ones are top priority and must be removed without delay!

I can understand why they did this. Perhaps they learned their lesson with the instaheal nerf, not wanting everyone to unload their mori war chests all at once. That still doesn't make up for the double standard, but it is practical.

And of course, we all know that the key nerf is coming in the near future. It's a shame that keys couldn't have been nerfed at the same time as moris, but whatever because they'll get nerfed eventually. What I want is for keys to be insta-nerfed as well, with no heads up. If that doesn't happen like it did with the mori nerf, it will be proof in the minds of many including myself, that the devs are survivor sided. So don't let it happen.


  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 492

    They said during one of their earlier streams that they were going to change keys and mories.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,920

    Yes, but as of right now only moris have been changed. Who could have guessed it?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,920

    And when was that announcement? 8 hours before the nerf? I play this game just about every day, and I hadn't heard anything. Not a peep. It could have to do with me taking a 1- or 2-day break, but to be punished this hard over that? Imagine how those people feel who do don't follow the news really closely, and had this dropped on them. Oh wait! I don't have to imagine because apparently now I'm one of them. Whenever it was that the announcement came out, it was way, way too close to the patch release date for most normal people to react in time. I wholeheartedly believe the devs' intention was push this thing out ASAP so people would have little chance to use the un-nerfed moris.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    As long as both get done it doesn't matter both are trash and ruin experiences as long as it gets done right there no problem. Obviously, moris were more of a problem but keys need their fair share of dealing with asap also.

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    Stop the damn whinging for 1 damn day. They said keys are getting changed at some point. Learn some damn patience.

    Your just proven your double standard for being killer sided!

    Mori's off the first hook have always been unfair, as is Myers killing an unhooked survivor. Like it or not, its true.

    Keys, you can do something about those if you bring franklins, while not a 100% solution, at least you can try and deal with it. Mori's you couldn't do anything about as a surv.

    Personally, I think survivor need to lose the ability to jump back over the pallet if they just stunned the killer with it, they should not be able to pass through the killer, they should run into the killer and they get a free grab.

    Keys -> Eventually...when changed. I not sure how exactly they can be changed yet, but I think for starters, the person with the key should be able to go out the hatch, not all their friends at the same time. 1 key, 1 escape.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,920

    I'm not "whinging" and I don't have double standards, but I do play both sides. Of course I'm killer sided if I have more fun in that role. But everything else you said is spot on.

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    Alright, fair enough.

    I just wish people would wait, we know key changes are coming. (Although, an accompanying post from for BHVR on the mori nerf notification that mentioned the key plans might have been smart....)

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    My problem is we don't know when the key adjustments are coming. It was supposed to be coming for years. It could be years again.

    If they were coming in, say a month or less, it would probably have just been smarter to let them come together since the mori fix was so easy, so the wait is probably going to be even farther out which is not something to crow about.

    If they were concerned with mori spam, they could have given super little warning, if any for both fixes.

    Patches can't just happen with consoles from past experience, they have to go through a stricter application process. There's just a lot to prevent the level of optimism you have about keys being fixed on my end.

    It doesn't help that the mori nerf comes while killers are being kicked in the ribs while they're down.

    It's a huge betrayal, and it makes sense to me that people are angry about it.

    Keeping everything in one thread means people are going to be drowned out, and quickly. Especially if they aren't on the last page, so they want to be heard. Makes sense to me.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    It shows how whiny and helpless can some killers be.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    What was the time frame again on that in the stream? Was it "soon™"? Because soon for BE could be any time between now and the apocalypse. Now that mori's were nerfed first everyone's blowing through their keys. Big surprise!

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    But... we did know? I wasn't around during instaheal changes, so presumably the type of changes and when were disclosed there, but the actual fact of a mori change has been a given for awhile now.

    They even had that survey dedicated to the idea and many direct statements about the agenda. It's the same way we already know they're going to target keys next (even if not knowing specifically how). Also explains why people were upset that they didn't do both at once, with both always being tethered together in discussions.

    Also my experience was actually that people already were using them up like crazy in anticipation of the changes. I'm pretty sure you can find posts on the forums with other people describing the same observation too of killlers dropping em like its hot for at least a month now.

    Besides, they're still pretty useful IMO . That's how I always used them as a killer (with rare exceptions).

    THOUGH this reminds me..

    So, on the subject of knowing stuff and making efforts to act before those changes...

    anyone out there wanna help me crank out the "WHERE DID THEY GO" achievement before the upcoming key nerf?


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,920

    That is not the kind of announcement I'm talking about. Of course we all heard they would "change" moris and keys but that is the most vague thing I've ever heard. It didn't give a time frame or any clue as to what kind of nerf they were making. It's just like when they said the locker-holding ability for Victor would be added sometime after the launch of The Twins' chapter. That didn't tell us anything.

    And I must have been very lucky or something, because I didn't see any more moris than usual when the vague changes were hinted at. I've heard from multiple people that "Oh, it was horrible! There was a mori every match!" but that was not my experience when I played survivor.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,920

    Whiny? No. Helpless? Yes. Play killer against a red rank SWF, with a low or mid tier killer. You'll see how helpless it feels.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Devs are survivor sided because they did something you didn't like is what i'm hearing....

    Like others have said, key nerfs are going to be far more complicated and will require much more testing than just changing the amount of hooks needed before a mori.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    How on earth are killers being kicked in the ribs atm? Killers have never been more supported and helped than they are now

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,846

    If anything the fact that keys haven’t been nerfed yet should be good news for killer biased players. It means a more comprehensive rework of the keys is “supposedly” underway, or at least is more complex of a change than your precious mori’s.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    It would of hurt the game to announce the most broken offering in the game was going to be nerfed in X amount of time. You know people are going to abuse it. Wake Up bug that made it a super perk or the glitch that had Survivors fall through the floor in the basement showcases both sides have enough bad apples who would abuse something while they can. Surprise nerf was the best option for the Mori issue.

    I'm already seeing more Keys and preparing for more. (had Victor guard one and got 2 additional kills with Felix escaping the hatch the normal method in the end cause I knew they'd be hungry for Claudette's key)

    It's sadly fitting for some cases though. Mains on either side can be very bias and have a rather unsettling victim complex for their side's nerfs. "Survivor mains" is used just as much, if not more in a negative light on the forums.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    That mori's where stronger in terms of balances honestly doesn't matter. Both were fun-killers that ended games prematurally.

    By nerfing mori's first they bassicly unofficially announced keys are following soon and we have the insta heal problem again.

    I'm extremly glad that mori's were nerfed but they really should have waited untill both were ready.

    When they already have a reputation of being survivor sided, stuff like this really doesn't help

    Also no offence. But you're reallly being delusional if you think survivors would not have complained as much if keys were changed first. It would have been exactly the same.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,536

    "When they already have a reputation of being survivor sided, stuff like this really doesn't help"

    They get those reputation only because every damn time something on the Killers side is nerfed, people are like "They are ALWAYS nerfing Killers". Like, if I see that someone complains about "Infinites being back" when Breakable Walls are a topic and claiming that the Devs are survivor-sided because of that, they completely ignore the point that those god loops (which were way stronger without a breakable Wall to break) were removed a few months ago.

    "Also no offence. But you're reallly being delusional if you think survivors would not have complained as much if keys were changed first. It would have been exactly the same."

    Nah, the backlash when something on the Survivor-Side is nerfed is way less. Probably because Survivors are used to it, or because basically all of the stuff nerfed was justified. Which is the same on the Killers side for most of the things, but especially for Moris. The game is improving for Killer all the time, which means that some stuff which was ok two years ago is not ok anymore.

    2020 has been a really good year for Killers (and for the game in general), still whenever just one slight thing is nerfed, this Forum turns into a mess, because Killer players are acting as if their game got destroyed.

    And still, I did not see an increase of Keys in my games. I have seen 1 or 2 Keys over the evening, which is the normal usage like before the Mori-Nerf. I had a game with 2 Keys in one game, but those turned out to be broken Keys which had no impact (except for losing me my Flashlight to Franklins..).

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Hes litterally just referring to the people who play killer more than survivor. If you take that as an insult its pretty weird.

  • mamkahfd
    mamkahfd Member Posts: 1

    The ebony memento is useless now... Now you equip it just to watch the boring animations? What is wrong with them devs???

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    This change brought about the worst bout of survivor entitlement thus far. Before Moris were nerfed, it was general agreed upon that they along with keys we're both horribly unbalanced and cause problems. The general agreement that everyone had was that we would gladly nerf the moris so that we could have more fair keys. it was a perfectly fine trade everybody for the most part was ready to go along with it. But then the developers had a different idea. They decided that the survivors could have their Moray change without having to give up their keys

    . Even if the devs only intended to Nerf Moris first and then truly rework keys in the following weeks, it doesn't matter because the devs have already sent their message, and that's why you are now fighting a survivor's fighting so hard to keep their keys after the mori nerf.

    Is the developers encouraged to mentality that don't worry survivors we will take care of you The Killers keys weren't important, it doesn't matter what the developers intent was, because this is the result of their lack of foresight

  • Eorpwald
    Eorpwald Member Posts: 46

    The mori change was simple.

    How do you nerf keys without making them utterly useless. You already have to have more completed gens than living survivors just to make the hatch visible and then you have to find said hatch which often takes longer than doing the gens or opening a gate.

    Also this is coming from someone who never uses keys or moris.

    Besides, devour hope is way better than a Mori any day.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    To be fair, the fact that a mori change was coming was known for some time. I haven´t played a killer game without an ebony for months, because i wanted to use them all up and had so many on so many killers. While the time and way of the nerf was unannounced, its coming was known.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,920

    Maybe I'll start calling everyone who I disagree with crybabies and just call it a day. That seems to be the easier and more popular way of arguing.