Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.


So i have a few accounts, different unlocks on each ect.

I like to hoard promo’s when they come and you know twice is nice. ;)

I play around Rank 3-7 frequently and believe i have a competent understanding of perks mechanics ect.

However when i take this knowledge to my alt account which resets from 10-15 and even lower the game is actually UNPLAYABLE SOLO.

It doesn’t matter how much of a competent survivor player you are or how much you can stall the killer out for chase NOTHING GETS DONE.

The camping claudette in the corner of the map is no understatement for level of play for these low ranks which I UNDERSTAND these are low ranks.

But hell how about a tutorial for these players?! A rank 20 killer will pick off a lobby of rank 20 - 15 survivors IN THERE SLEEP and as soon as you pass rank 10 people somehow understand a grasp of the game? WHERE IS THE BALANCE BHVR?!


Like throwing a recruit in an army to the frontline with no weapon//supllies and literally no chance.

New player experience is horrendous imo and that’s my view as a tourist.

Anyone else's thoughts? curious to think more can be done here.

Like a tutorial ffs your mobile game even has one BHVR you have no excuse.


  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I started playing dbd after I watched series of letsplays on youtube. So I knew the basics when I started. I wonder how would I learn about gens and hooks if I wasn't prepared, because game only give several tips on loading screen. And it looks like new players doesn't notice tutorial option in main menu. Game should probably obsessively suggest to complete tutorial at very first launch.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I firmly believe there is no dedicated usability group at Behaviour, and certainly no external publishing partner saying "Hey guys, we're gonna recommend that you get this fixed." The entire game and all of its systems and feedback is designed by engineers, and at this point they're so deep down the rabbit hole that they don't know what they don't know, which is 10000000000% what happens with every game developer that has been on a project for any substantial length of time. This is true even of really strong AAA development teams. This isn't necessarily a criticism of the developers, because this is naturally what happens when you're too close to something for too long, but there's also nobody in a position of power pointing it out to them.

    Their internal corporate culture/development worldview is entirely metric-driven, with no human touch to guide things like onboarding. But it's probably been that way for so long, with no one at the top thinking it's an issue, that it is unlikely to change.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    I'd have to disagree, here's what my first games looked like as a new killer:

    Let's say that the experience sucks for everyone. Probably due to smurfs or people waiting to derank enough just to terrorize actual newbies.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Which is why I always advocate for staying in your own ranks.

    Your competitors are better and so are your teammates.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    It's because players are actually new and think this is a horror game. The shame of it all!

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    Yeah the biggest disadvantage about DBD is that the game doesn't teach you how to play. It doesn't even teach you the basics other than how to work a generator or hit a survivor. The game either needs a practice mode or a much more in-depth tutorial.

    Newer players play like s***, but that's a failing on the game's part.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I have multiple accounts too. I also play on rank 15-20 and it's totally fine. Yea there are some potatoes but what do u expect?

    I started dbd this year when the pandemic started and didn't even go thru the tutorial. Who does?

  • dollbaby7870
    dollbaby7870 Member Posts: 27

    Lol!!! I love this idea!!!

    I'm a solid rank 19-20 killer because I hate being killer and do it just for the Tome challenges. I will hook someone for a challenge, walk to the other side of the map and stand in a corner using insidious and the hooked survivor will go into struggle and die struggling because no one got them off the hook. And no gens got done either.

    Chase them? Guarantee they run in a straight line and throw down every pallet waaaaay too early.

    Bring the doctor and zap them? Guaranteed to blow every skill check.

    I think beginners should have more of a tutorial and be able to play games with a dummy AI killer and with certain perks explained to them. Like the other AI survivors bring kindred and the tutorial says hey see that icon in the corner? It means kindred and since this person is hooked all survivors can see each other so someone can get this poor sap off the hook. And BTW is super important not to let people die or your odds of survival go down drastically.

  • Thelgow
    Thelgow Member Posts: 4

    I just hit rank1 survivor and only play 150hours/3 months. I hit rank 7 on survivor and killer my first month. I was swf with a rank20 friend and it was interesting. He's down to rank 4 already but I found the lower ranks 15-20 were just face camp and tunneling sluggers. I had to go out of my way for to get decisive strike. 10-14 tended to be doctors that m1 from a mile away. Noed sprinkled liberally in between these matches. Flipside my killer is rank9 and I got matched with 4 reds, not sure if swf but I 4kd. Next match I was rank2 survivor and was mat hed with rank 13, 14 and 15 survivors, 6 killer, who face camped. Rank doesn't seem to mean anything.

  • bootrocks
    bootrocks Member Posts: 10

    I don't play a ton of survivor so I'm always around rank 20-18 but when I do play survivor I have luck just doing gens. But if I'm targeted hard then it's just over lol.

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195

    I really think the tutorial needs to be redone. For new survivors, the tutorial doesn't even talk about basic things such as pallets and vaults. It teaches you to just do gens and hide (which newer people just spend their time hiding anyway). The strongest tool survivors have against killers is looping and the tutorial teaches you NOTHING about it!

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Yeah the tutorial part about Dbd is pretty pathetic when you consider that the mobile version has things better on that part. I mean, it is obvious that the game needs a mandatory tutorial to new players before throwing them to ranked matches. Otherwise those who do not care to watch youtube tutorials will remain in rank 15-20 forever.

  • Facture
    Facture Member Posts: 284

    Completing both tutorials gives you free bloodpoints, just fyi.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    What does that have to do with anything? By the time I found out tutorial gave free points, I was already red rank.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Didn't happen to me at all when I was playing on someone else's account. Gens were actually being done. 3 were done in about 6 minutes which is good for low ranking survivors.

  • Facture
    Facture Member Posts: 284

    I may have misread. Your message seemed to imply you had not done the tutorial, was just letting you know you could get some extra bloodpoints if you did.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I did try the tutorial later. And ur probably right on this. Becuz the tutorial was a joke.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    When I was a new survivor I came up with the term "curse of 3" because every game someone would die before or after the 2nd gen was completed.

    Gens were being done, but let me remind you that this was pre-huntress, old ruin, vacuum pallets and windows. People were hooked left and right, tunneling and camping was rampant, no one at those ranks had DLC or good perks yet, no Dead Hard.

    It was tense, to say the least, but it wasn't very fun, as most killers were inexperienced enough that that was their only kill, or they played doctor.

    Brown ranks have always been bad, before and after the tutorials were added, and they're only worse now because people are ######### and want to ruin the experience to newer players, while simultaneously complaining that the game is dying.

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    Im a survivor main but used to play a lot more killer than I do now. At one point I was a rank 6 killer.

    Anyways, I didn't touch killer for like 3 months and then noticed rank resets had dropped me all the way back to 20.

    Was a little surprised by that. How is that fair for these survivors? I am absolutely demolishing them every game. I'm talking like a full 4k by the time they finish one gen. If anyone survives, its cuz they found hatch before I did.

    It's not fun for them, it's zero challenge for me. No one benefits.

    I think it's an issue cuz I know players throw games to derank and do this on purpose.

    In short, you should only be able to derank one or two tiers from your highest rank. New players have enough hurdles without worrying about former red & purple ranks stomping their heads into the ground at brown ranks.

  • I completely understand where you guys are coming from. My friend is usually a really low rank, so when we play together we don't get the best teammates, but seeing as I'm rank 1, we can get some very good killers. So it is kinda unfair for the new players.

  • lilchromyy
    lilchromyy Member Posts: 1

    I wouldn't say unplayable but I know what you mean I've solo Q all my survivor games and I finally made it to rank 1 but there was a lot of trial and error with myself and other teammates on the way

  • Ninety3Percent
    Ninety3Percent Member Posts: 14

    Stop the caps, its very silly and takes away from your post. This reads like a whiny rant when you may honestly be looking for opinions.

    Rank 15-20 for survivors is incredibly tough NOT to pip. Just do the very basics and you'll be out of that range in no time. Stop feeling entitled to do amazing and expecting teammates that are bad at the game to be good at the game.

  • tameon
    tameon Member Posts: 1

    I totally agree. I'm still relatively new but when I started earlier this year I was doing swf with a friend who happened to be in purple ranks. But now I mostly solo q and I've been stuck between 16 and 17 for the longest, partly due to me being absolutely terrible at chases but also because nobody is ever really doing anything except crouching behind a tree when the killer is all the way across the map. I don't necessarily mind being stuck since I obviously need to improve anyway but at the same time it's annoying when I'm in a match and it feels like I'm the only one doing anything

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426
    edited December 2020

    Plot twist: the other survivors were actually all red ranks slumming it on alts to "apply what they'd learned" or whatever too


  • bledd
    bledd Member Posts: 58

    I think that for ranks 15-20, scratch marks should be visible to all survivors.

    This is the biggest learning point in the game imo.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Hmmm, well the Feng I gave the key I found with plunderers to so that I could save someone from a cage of atonement just left us both. So I don't think they were red ranks lol. (I still got the hatch tho)

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    One of the biggest offenders is Survivors running self-care. I acknowledge a time and place for everything, but losing time is what costs the game in many cases.

    I run Kindred in all my builds, and I internally scream when there's one gen left and I see 2 rando teammates in the corner doing self-care 🤦‍♀️

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004
    edited December 2020

    Otz has done a video tutorial for beginner survivors called "Guide: How Not to be THAT kind of survivor".

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    This explains a lot- there have been several matches lately where the killer just didn't play like a rank 20 typically would...

  • Luckyluce
    Luckyluce Member Posts: 4

    I'd like to point out that there is a tutorial that does offer 50k bps for completing both, and they're fairly well made. They introduce all the basics and kinda guide you through the game while not being mind-numbingly boring (I ended up playing them twice thanks to my entire account being wiped)

    The issue is that these are an optional tutorial, and people seem to have a vendetta against doing tutorials for some reason

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,850
  • Impact
    Impact Member Posts: 89

    I agree with the OP as this has been my experience also at these low ranks.

    To be fair, the game does have a steep learning curve. It doesn't help that there's so many perks now - most of them are just gimmicks that aren't worth using in a serious game. It would be good to get rid of some of them or combine some into one. I had to put hours into learning to play by watching Youtube videos.

    Sometimes I might not play survivor for a while. Then, when I return to the game, I've gone from rank 10 to 20. I sometimes assume that we'll have an advantage, because we'll be playing against a low rank killer. Wrong! A rank 20 killer will always destroy rank 20 survivors (assuming they're mostly new to the game).

    When I have not played killer for a while, I find it unfair that, as a rank 20 killer, I usually have tedious 4-kill games. With the pip system it takes many games to get back into green or purple ranks. What happened to the new skill based matchmaking system that would replace, or augment, the usual time-based rank matchmaking? To make it more interesting, I'll play with a low tier killer like clown or cannibal - but I still get the 4k.

    For me this also highlights an issue with rank reset. Why should the passage of a few months significantly determine the skill of the players I'm matched with? I think they should get rid of rank reset and introduce a new skill-based matchmaking system.

  • Eorpwald
    Eorpwald Member Posts: 46

    Yes. At ranks 20-15 other survivors are utterly incompetent.

    It's half the reason I use bond at all ranks.

    It's hilarious how bad people/lazy/scummy some survivors are.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Late to this thread, but I just wanted to say this is an excellent write-up of how to play Solo Survivor!

  • Anthony_17
    Anthony_17 Member Posts: 3

    Don't forget the random Dwight in the locket, and the Meg trying to be a team player and tries to do a genius but misses and runs away with her sprint burst. Dbd for new players is a hell fest no one knows what they're doing while you're a red rank doing all the work and by the games horrible hit boxes you get smacked through a pallet and they don't come for you

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

    I got this feeling when the MMR was introduced and I as rank 1 survivor got rank 15-20 survivors and the killer was low rank and was camping while the survivors was hiding 😂 Suddenly I died much more than when playing with other red ranks against red rank killer.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Yeah, I replay the tutorials for the hell of it every once in a while, and omfg is it horrible

  • SirBDog
    SirBDog Member Posts: 31

    No, you combat bad with bad. If your teammates don't save you, why should you save them? I'm not saying to never do anything, but treat others the way you're treated. If everyone is super immersed, crouch around the map and don't get caught, they can't get toxic about it because they do the same thing