Distortion Vs. Undying
Distortion has become one of my favorite perks, but Undying rips through it like nothing. You wind up using two tokens just to cleanse one totem. Is this a bug or intended? It doesn’t seem quite right to me because Undying is only supposed to work for up to 6 seconds but my Distortion lasts 10. A totem shouldn’t be setting off my distortion a second time. It has already acknowledged my presence, it just isn’t relaying the info to the killer.
Possibly a bug, you should be able to get three totems if the killer has no other aura reading
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For this reason its why distortion is in desperate need of a buff. It won't stand a chance against perks like undying and other aura reading perks and addons.
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One totem will take up two tokens seeing as the cleanse action takes 14 seconds to complete, and one token only hides your aura for 10 seconds.
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Undying shows your Aura only for 6 seconds, not for the full cleanse duration (14 sec.)
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I thought Undying shows your aura as long as your in it's range. The 6 seconds only applies if you've left it's range cuz undying just reapplies again.
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When you walk into range of a totem your aura is shown for 6 seconds and it does not refresh unless you walk outside the range and enter back in.
Even without distortion killers can still miss survivors auras on their totems because the aura doesn't refresh.
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Maybe that's the problem with the perk then. Undying never gets to activate for 6 seconds so once your immunity for 10 seconds is up, undying tries to activate again. A bug or a feature? I dunno.
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I'm pretty sure there is no bug. The aura reveal only triggers when you get into totem range (2m). You are not revealed for the entire time you stay there. If you lost 2 stacks on one totem, you left the range and got back in again. I can confirm that I only lost one stack for cleansing a totem. The only other possibility would be that he had Hex: Retribution as well, to consume the stack after a hex cleanse.
No. a single perk should not be the reason to buff Distorion beyond horizon and therefore rip all other possible aura reading setups. In addition: Distortion is not meant to give you aura immunity. Just for a limited time. Most of all, it gives you information. Also when you never lose a stack the entire match. Like "killer has no BBQ, no nurses, no Undying..." And after getting this info, you get the possibility to outplay the perks you know about. Or allows you to not waste time in lockers to counter a non existent BBQ
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I was being hyperbolic but I still think it needs a buff as a killer using multiple aura reading perks and addons can completely take your tokens away, what if you wanna use the perks effects later on? And even if its a full aura immunity (which is not something I want) the effect once a token has been used is lack luster as 10 seconds of no scratch marks is ok but not too impactful, especially if your injured. It a great information perk and great in swf but experienced survivors would use the killers actions in order to know if they have that aura reading perk, no need for distortion all the time, with this i feel distortion needs a buff.
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As I said, if you buff it, you will fix it for Undying only. And for the VERY RARE games where the killer runs multiple aura reading perks. Games with 0 aura readinds are more common than 3+. Buff Distortion and you get aura immunity against the more common games where the killer only runs BBQ or only runs Nurses.
Just roughly calculate. The most games have like 9 hooks and the first kill is about hook number 6 or 7. Subtract the up-to-2 hooks when you get hooked and obviously are within 40m of the hook. So 5-6 Distortion stacks would already be enough to completely counter BBQ aura reading. And how many times do you heal within 28m of the killer? 3 stacks is already enough to completely counter Bitter Murmur, because you don't sit on every gen that gets completed.
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I would say three tokens max is fine, but there needs to be a way of replenishing them. There are multiple ways to do so. It could be working like Stake Out and Diversion, slowly filling up when in TR but not chased. It could work like WGLF, for each unhook or protection hit, but that might be to much. Maybe only one token for each unique unhook, that would result in maximum of three recharge token. Or you gotta finish a gen to get one back. Or, totally scrap the tokens, and give it a one minute cooldown.
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if you repleish them makes no difference to having them from the beginning. Having 5 tokens is having 5 tokens.
The only change that would help @dspaceman20 's request would be to start with 1 token and allow to replenish a maximum of 2 tokens, so you can get to a maximum of 3 uses but you can control when to use them.
Cooldown could also be a solution to not overbuff it but makes it way harder to control when to use them
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It sure is a difference in whether having 5 from start or having three but can get more, bc you have to work for it ^^.
A cooldown cannot be controlled as easily, sure, but it would have the benefit that wallhack abilities from the killer (mirror myers, amandas letter) wouldn't eat uo all your stacks near instantly :9.
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You are also forgetting about addons that show survivors aura which there are a multitude of them that could completely shread through the tokens. There is also the issue of the secondary effect not being useful. 10 seconds of scratch marks is not impactful enough to get use out of it since most of the time a token is consumed your not near the killer to not leave scratch marks. Its also won't be to useful when injured since the killer can follow blood and use grunts to detect you.
A good change to the perk without making it overpowered would be to increase the tokens by 1 more (whats the harm in one more token as you demonstrated above that 4 would not be impactful) or make its secondary effect more useful like increasing the time your aura is not shown to 15 seconds and you won't leave scratch marks for that time, or keep the time the same and also include no blood as well as the scratch marks.
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If it's not a perk that gets the community talking, what will they do about it?
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I am not leaving the aura range and losing tokens, so you’re wrong about that. I am just sitting there cleansing a totem. I lose a token and then while I’m cleansing distortion’s refresh wheel ends halfway through and immediately spends a second token. This is happening over multiple rounds and retribution is not involved. It sure seems like a bug to me.
Other than that I have no problem with the number of tokens I am given. I don’t want the perk to be a total crutch.
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then its weird, when i cleanse one totem either if its a dull or a hex i just end up losing one token, the only thing that wastes the most tokens in my case is nurses calling, which wastes 2 tokens like in 3 secs
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Maybe increase the length that distortion's effect is active.15 seconds rather than 10 seconds and an additional token. That in my mind would make the perk in a good goldilock zone.
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I'm not forgetting about them. These are normally ultra rares, and balancing Distortion around them would mean that you shred 2-3 perk aura reading builds of regular killers. I said it before, these are rare games, the regular games would completely be nullified then.
Not sure what the 15 seconds would help you. Except for constant aura reading effects like scratched mirror. Most aura reading effects have a time limit of 10s or below
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It makes very minor difference as you have 3 token consumptions of time to get the other 2 stacks. The main thing is, 5 tokens counter the regular aura reading games
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It would fix the problem where cleansing a totem would eat 2 stacks and it would be a nice quality of life buff to the perk.
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Yes - since Distortion came out there have been multiple aura read perks added and the devs have not updated Distortion to keep up with the times. It is pretty useless now.
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I'd like to see the base number of tokens increased to 5 or, a way to replenish tokens such as staying in the killers terror radius (Like charging up Diversion).
I don't see anything wrong with wanting weaker perks changed to be a bit better. This applies for both survivor and killer perks. There are so many killer perks I wish were better.
Why else do you think people run the same, strong meta perks every match on both sides? If weaker perks got more love it would encourage running more diversity amongst our builds.
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distortion needs a buff mainly a way to get more tokens.
I would say that it would be fine if it hided your aura if you were repairing or cleansing but OoO exists...
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What does that have to with anything? Object of Obsession is a survivor perk not a killer’s. Just don’t be stupid enough to use both at the same time.
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distortion is survivor perk that hides your aura what you on bro.
OoO is a powerhouse perk having a way to keep using it and hide your aura as you do the objective would be extremely OP which is why i mentioned OoO.
edit: in case your misunderstanding I basically said i wouldn't mind if distortion was always active as long as you were doing a gen or totem. However that would be completely broken combined with object of obsession.
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You made the comment that Distortion doesn’t hide your aura while repairing gens because OoO exists. It DOES hide your aura while repairing gens so the only way OoO would erase that ability is if you yourself chose to use that perk, too. Just don’t do it!
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go reread my posts i never said that it didn't hide aura's.
I was saying that having your aura hidden when doing gens would be broken when combined with OoO.
As in the perk would ALWAYS be active when doing a gen.
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Distortion sucks w nurse calling as well. Will go thru 2-3 tokens just thru nurses calling.
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Yeah it did, but at least it alerted you that they had it and you could stop healing to prevent more token loss. With Undying you just have to walk past a totem and not even know it is there to start losing tokens and if it happened to be a hex you wanted, forget about having any left afterward.
Just not worth a perk slot in its current condition.
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If that is a bug, it is a bug. I can just confirm that I didnt had that.
Ok, not sure if it is a nice or needed QOL change when it applies in just every x-th game. But no complains about it then from my side :)