Is Victor in the entity's realm really Victor?

RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,327

I just read the Twin's lore and I was shocked that Victor actually died long before Charlotte entered the realm. In the lore itself it mentions how Victor suddenly comes back to life just before Charlotte entered into the fog but he appears to be rabid and animal like. What do you think? Is Victor in the entity's realm actually Victor? Or is it a clone who exists to motivate Charlotte to kill?


  • Arial
    Arial Member Posts: 134

    This theory is so good

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306

    Yeah that's what I thought. I did a post on this a while ago. But you worded it better.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I don't think it's really him, Victor, no. Like you, I think he was created by the Entity.

    While the Entity is powerful, I don't think even She could resurrect someone. Keep them alive, sure. Steal their souls before they move on to the afterlife? Definitely. Actual resurrection? I doubt it.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    The lore is purposefully vague and directionless, giving the writers the freedom to go whichever way they want. So, to anyone who has a theory: Maybe? Anything is possible. Imaginaaaation.

    Downside is, people who come up with theories probably put more effort into thinking about lore than the actual writers.

  • JactusCack
    JactusCack Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    He might just be a branch of the entity

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    I like to believe that the real Victor died and this one is to trick Charlotte and make her play along, this Victor would be like a spy, if Charlotte does something against the entitiy's wish Victor would tell it.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Think about it like this: even IF Entity can't ressurect people, she don't really need to, since she obviously can travel through time and space. She can easily return in time to the point where suspect was alive and snatch him.

    But, well, thing is... Entity CAN ressurect people. Spirit, Pig, Bill and Tapp say hello.

  • En3ermost
    En3ermost Member Posts: 298
    edited December 2020

    Spirit, Pig, Bill and Tapp were all taken by the Entity just mere seconds before death. Same as Hag and probably Oni too.

    They never died, and they were never resurrected.

    Closest case of resurrection by the Entity we have is Victor, but a lot of theories suggest it may actually not be the real one and just a recreation made by the Entity itself. So maybe it's not resurrection even in Victor's case.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Tapp is died, acording to SAW franchise. He even had funeral in one of the movies. Pig, obviously, couldn't survive bullet to her throat in movie and continue killing in DBD. Bill was found already dead by L4D2 survivors.

    Also, Look at Spirit again and say that she wasn't ressurected. Try to do it with serious face.

  • En3ermost
    En3ermost Member Posts: 298
    edited December 2020

    I wonder why you speak if you know absolutely nothing?

    Dead by daylight is obviously not canon to the Saw franchise and Left 4 Dead series, so of course in their own movie and other games they are dead. It's not like they predicted their partnership with DbD back in 2004 when Saw came out and 2008 when L4d came out LOL.

    Still doesn't change the fact that the Entity picked them just before they experienced death. Their bodies would obviously be seen by others as dead in the real world but DbD characters are not actually dead as being in whatever there is in the afterlife. They're trapped in another dimension out of space and time in the Entity's realm. Other living beings can't notice or know that obviously.

    From the Pig's official Dbd's lore:

    "Bleeding out on the tiled floor, darkness engulfed Amanda's vision, accompanied by a sound like creaking wood. Then she was in a forest, once more viewing the world through the eyes of a Pig. Trees surrounded her, their branches clawing at her from all sides. Waves of panic washed over her and she could hear her breath reverberating inside the mask."

    As you can (hopefully) understand, she wasn't dead yet before being taken by the Entity, just very very close to dying. As her view was becoming darker and darker due to imminent death, the Entity approached and took her. She never experienced death itself.

    From the Spirit's official Dbd's lore:

    "A dark Fog slowly veiled her eyes, but it could not subdue her rage. She would not rest--not yet. The darkness whispered, promising blood and revenge.

    An oath was made and Rin closed her eyes."

    Again, Spirit's was obviously still alive when she made the pact with the Entity, and she too was abducted just before dying. Proof to this is how would she feel rage if she was already dead?

    Now, of course after she was taken her body would appear dead in the real world by other people, but she never experienced death itself because she was taken by the Entity just before that. Same exact thing happened to Pig, Bill and Tapp.

    Regarding Spirit's appearance, she is obviously kept alive despite the injuries by the Entity’s powers but she has not been resurrected because, as her own official lore heavily implies, she never expericed death to begin with.

    And on top of all of this, there's still the statement by the devs themselves saying the Entity can't abduct and resurrect dead people. A statement in which I personally still believe in as I believe that the Victor we have is not the real one but just a recreation made by the Entity itself. The real Victor is long dead and unable to be abducted by the Entity because he is deceased.

    Trust me, the only thing that is hard to do while keeping a straight face is reading your comments but if you choose to believe they died and were all resurrected despite the official lore and game devs saying otherwise, you're free to do it.

    Post edited by En3ermost on
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Victor wouldn't be the first person to die and appear alive in the Entity's realm.

    Imo he, like others like the Nurse or the Hag, are neither dead or alive, they just exist thanks to the Entity's will.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088


    Their bodies would obviously be seen by others as dead in the real world but DbD characters are not actually dead as being in whatever there is in the afterlife.

    So, some DbD characters are more like spirits in afterlife, while their dead bodies in real life/canon? Then what about the bodies which wasn't found in real world? Like, Adam or Jane? This heavily implies that Entity is transfers body, not mind.

    What i'm suggesting - Entity ressurected the dead ones AFTER they were seen dead by others.

    Also, not really related, but y'know all this stuff that "Death is not an escape" is supposed to mean something. Entity can ressurect dead people ATLEAST inside own realm.


    Ok, I still can be wrong, since DbD lore is vague as fog. And I'll admit that I wrong, IF you give the source of this statement you made:

    And on top of all of this, there's still the statement by the devs themselves saying the Entity can't abduct and resurrect dead people.

  • En3ermost
    En3ermost Member Posts: 298
    edited December 2020

    Devs saying the Entity can't abduct dead people was in one of the million Dev Streams they did years ago.

    I obviously don't remember which one exactly.

    If Victor was really brought back from the dead and the one we have isn't a recreation however, that statement was retconned and is no longer valid.

    But at the end of the day we can't know. Probably not even the lore writers know.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited December 2020

    No, it isn't Victor. It is a manifestation of the Entity just like everything else in its Realm except for the Survivors and the Killer himself/herself. That is why he can die over and over even in the same match and pop back up like a sabotaged hook. I think the Entity took her and granted her the Victor "power" as a reward in the same way it granted Feral Frenzy to Legion, and unnatural speed and strength to Pig, and so on. If the "real" Victor had been brought back and joined with her, it would be "joined" with her and wouldn't have fully functional everything when it detaches.

    I know I'm applying logic to something supernatural, but even magic has its own current and sense.