Matchmaking is biased to "nerf" certain killers?

I know it sounds paranoid, but we already have examples of such dirty tricks played by other online game developers that try to balance some broken rng-based mechanics by adding hidden rng bias, some games match players with worse teammates to make everyone stick around the golden 50% winrate etc.

Lately I have noticed something similar in DBD and I want to know if someone else had the same observation.

So my hypothesis is that DBD online system matches certain killers against certain perks much, much more often. Specifically, in my experience I have like 90% games as Bubba agains 2-4 Sprint Bursts everytime, but when I switch to Nurse, I always seem to get 2-4 Dead Hards and no sprint bursts whatsoever. It's extremely annoying because you feel like you get your games way harder due to some kind of unrealistically unlucky RNG. And based on other BHVR judgements and solutions, I think some hidden biased matching can really be the case here.

What do you think of it?


  • BLADER_1
    BLADER_1 Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2020


  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,685

    Your thread was in the spam filter, I approved it and merged your two threads.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    It’s all just coincidental. You just notice survivors running Sprint Burst more often because your playing a killer that is weak to Sprint Burst so it has a bigger impact on your game. Same thing with spirit and Iron Will and Balanced Landing with Haddonfield.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    Sounds more like confirmation bias, tbh. If you're playing a killer that is particularly affected by a certain perk then you're going to notice every single instance of that perk being used.

    It's like when a certain streamer chases a survivor up a hill and says "I guarantee that survivor has Balanced Landing." Of course a survivor with BL is going to run to a hill or drop..

  • BLADER_1
    BLADER_1 Member Posts: 11

    Yeah, I know it's usually the case, it's probably called apophenia or sth. But the difference is: when I start to get this feeling, I usuallstart checking check perks after EVERY game, and then I see that in like 10 Nurse games in a row i get survivors with no other exhaustion perks but dead hard, and it's not a subjective perception but a fact.

    I've already been through sth like this in one CCG. A popular card's description said that it deals random 2-4 damage and creates the same amount of summons, as the damage dealt. It was an extremely powerful must-have card, but I had a feeling, that at some point I started geting 4th way to rare. So I started tracking stats and the result was 16% of 4th in ~260 games (instead of 33% as it should be). So I usually seem to be able to tell the difference between me just being mad and really odd statistics twists.