Trash perks being strong with specific killers
You know that iron maiden an extremely useless perk is quite a good choice for huntress.
I found out that forced penance can be a pretty usefull perk for the twins. Tried 5 games with it and got so much value out of victor's ability to snowball made possible by forced penance.
I'd like to know if someone of the 3 players in the community that play the twins have already tried it
I literally bought Legion the other day for Iron Maiden for Huntress, can't wait to see it in the bloodweb...
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I'm struggling to find a good perk combination for the Twins. Thanks for the tip, gonna try it
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I seriously dont see the point on applying Broken Status to survivors. I mean... If they're not healing they're just gonna rush the gens, why would you want that? I like Sloppy more, doesnt have such specific restriction and it makes survivors waste more time + it's also good for tracking injured people.
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As slinger, people resetting and forcing you to use up 2 bullets to down someone can waste a lot of time. Forced penance keeps people injured so they can't reset and get all healed, meaning faster downs for you and higher snowball potential. While sure you don't get stall pressure from them healing it should be made up for in lots of quick downs.
For other killers I've heard it's pretty trash though, on slinger however it's basically as good if not better than sloppy depending on how alturistic the team is.
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Forced penance is god tier on legion.
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Iron Maiden is also great on Doc for very obvious reasons
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Meaning that when you next find them on a gen, they’re injured and 1 hit, and they can’t do anything about it
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Blood Echo is bad on most killers, but is actually pretty good on Legion and Plague, if you go against survivors that are smart enough not to heal/cleanse. Basically encourages survivors to waste time healing against Legion and giving Plague her Corrupt Purge, through cleansing or they'll lose their precious Exhaustion perk.
I had never thought about it until I went against a Legion with Blood Echo and BBQ, that snowballed so much, that I was basically always exhausted.
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While I want to get his Mad grit to use basement Trapper.
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Ooooh... I never thought of that. I need to try that.
Edit: I've got my own for Deathslinger... Agitiation + Thrilling Tremors. In my experience, Deathslinger needs to bother as many Survivors as often as possible. Charging towards the Gen that's still being worked on with someone on your shoulder is a pretty fantastic way to do that.
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The most obvious example is Stridor on Spirit. STBFL is good on killers like Deathslinger and Trapper, who can minimize lost stacks from hitting the obsession by using their power. Legion and Plague are good with Thanatophobia, because their powers excel at getting most/all of the survivors injured in a short amount of time.
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I don't run it in my basement Trapper build. I like having STBFL because at high stacks, the survivors can hardly escape the basement you're doing so many attacks.
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I'm all ears/nemesis/enduring can be lethal on Pyramid Head.
It gives you a lot of insight into a survivor's actions during loops and you can capitalize on it.
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Have you ever heard of Territorial Imperative basement Demo?
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Iron Maiden is a noob trap. That's the general consensus among Huntress mains anyway.
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Use mad grit too.... I love how confused they get when you just start slugging with a Survivor in tow😆
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Blood Echo on top of that
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Mad Grit Plague. It's amazing.
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You don't think it is worth the slot? I see that CoconutRTS plays with it all the time, but yeah it's competing with a lot of great perks.
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Also for the twins, I have been getting a ton of value out of Coulrophobia (the clown perk I can't spell). It at least works great with my playstyle
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I'd equate it to Blink CD with Nurse. It's a fundamental part of her power and you will reload in a game if you're playing, so guaranteed seconds shaved off that build up over the match? You're never not getting value out of it.
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Just got max STBFL on DS but figured I would lose stacks on obsession. Yes you can shoot them but you reel them in and hit them with your Basic weapon. Figured DBD would take my stacks.
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Yeah and not only do you get the obvious time save benefit from it, but survivors can get less distance on you when you reload, which obviously makes shots easier, hence you hit more shots. Also there's the surprise factor when survivors have less time than they think they do when they reload.
Plus you get the locker screams for free.
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I didn't say you wouldn't lose stacks, you'd just lose less. Breaking the chain for an injure wastes a bit of time, but then you only have to lose 2 stacks instead of 4 to down them.
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No because the time saved is pretty small. Opening a locker really doesn't take much time in the first place, so making it faster with a perk is unnecessary. In addition, unless you miss all your shots you're only ever going to reload after you've downed a Survivor, not in the middle of a chase. So saving 1 second reloading just isn't enough compared to the other perks you can run instead.
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Are you familiar with the saying "If it looks stupid, but it works then it is not stupid." Same goes for add-ons and what you may consider trash perks in DBD.
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Bamboozle is strongest on Clown due to his very nature that he can turn one vault into a hazard before completely blocking another with Bamboozle, forcing a survivor to either abandon a loop entirely, or simply take the hit running through gas going for the vault that isn’t blocked.
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I'm assuming dying light is bad for a lot of people since I never seen this perk in action as a Survivor. It's my personal favorite for my Oni.
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So, I finally got a chance to try this... I ran Thrilling Tremors, Agitation, Forced Penance, and Mad Grit... 2nd game resulted in a fully decorated Christmas Tree. The entire team decided to stick a 4 man Gen in the shack vs this build. And... the Basement happened to be in the shack.
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Legion Pin 🤨
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Iron Maiden works well on Killers; Huntress, Doctor, and Twins.
Simply not because it's a ######### perk, it's actually a really good perk, but specifically stands out for these 3 characters because it synergizes well with them. Huntress can get hatchets faster. Survivors can't avoid Doctor's shock. Survivors can't hide in lockers to deny Victor (Seriously need to make Victor's block stronger).
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You're welcome 😁. It's not helpful most times... But my god is it satisfying when it is.
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Iron maiden is NOT a good Huntress perk. It's noob bait. You're using an entire perk slot dedicated to slightly speeding up an animation that's already quick, and can be sped up with add-ons anyway. Such a waste of a slot that could be used for something like whispers, stridor, Nurse's, brutal strength etc. Hell even bamboozle if you are one of those people.
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Insidious on a Wraith is absolute cancer. Bing the bell then stand still after you chase off a gen that's more than 50%. Works wonders with Dragons Grip, too.
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I have to try this
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I love it. It's a bit on the toxic side in the low ranks, but in purple/red, when they try to sneak around you and loop back, it's AMAZING. Especially if you pair it with either of the All-Seeing add-ons.
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"Trail of Torment" on Hillbilly.
Stealth Billy can be very funny also you get informations about the gen. With you mobility provided by the chainsaw you can do some very funny plays.
Also literaly every perk on Ghostface. I think you can use nearly every weired "information" perk on that guy and get value out of it. "Dragons Grip" is very funny here as it misguides the survivor about you needing to stalk them and how long the exposed status remains.
And finaly my most favourite idea the doctor with "Dark Devotion", "Distressing" and "Coulrophobia". Huge radius and then he transfers it, applying the penalty and becomes able to stealthy. Had it once as an opponent, cool build and it took us forever to figure out that it was "Dark Devotion" he was using.
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Mindbreaker is really a good perk on stealth killers like GhostFace, The Pig and Wraith. How many moments do you have when you sneaked to the survivor that is repairing a gen and before a second that you'll hit him he sprints burst away? Well, this perk denies this situation.
I have a moment when one survivor tried to bait with his Dead Hard on the pallet by making some steps backwards and after it use DH to force me to hit him... And when he did it he realized that his DH wasn't working cause exhausted status effect and got downed in win-win situation for him lol
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The typical number one killers for STBFL are actually Demo (1st) and Piggy (2nd).
Trapper has to rely on a bit of luck and Slinger eats a noticeable drawback for breaking the chain. If you list him, you could list any insta down killer.
I actually also heard that hag is fine with STBFL. She can't control it that well but being able to teleport again faster can be huge.
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Add Make Your Choice. Tried that several times. Nasty. Normally there are more people going into the basement than out :D