Really unpleasant gaming experience this evening

Man what a night. I'd say its been one star game experience after one star game tonight.

It's like some kind of toxic survivor quagmire this evening, this is not about win/loss its about just obnoxious behaviour and abusive post game chat.

The last game was really the icing on the cake 3x nea swf that kept sandbagging the fourth player, while trying to constantly circle and taunt me. They weren't doing gens they were just hanging around circling and trying to block the David with pallets.

Now its free pressure for me so who cares just kill em and move on but I thought I don't even really want to play with these people. So I'm not gonna lie I ignored the Neas chased the david around a bit to let him stun me and escape a few times for the blood points and then just DC'd.

I'm not condoning the DC, its against game rules, but just I really didn't want to interact with these people. Nor should I have to.

But I was happy to see the David got at least a reasonable amount of bloodpoints while the Neas got jack ######### outside of the DC bonus. That feels like a bigger win than having actually gamed with them.

Man I wish this game had bots because as it stands right now a large section of the community are people you would just ever game with.


  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Its not about winning though, teams that want to get into chases and taunt and BM after everyt pallet are easy to destroy because its a really inneficient way to play survivor. I've done the hardcore play to win thing but at higher ranks its just ring a ring a rosie simulator.

    I like the immersive feel of not running meta builds (which is a euphemism for easiest build to use), survivors fleeing from you rather than trying to get your attention constantly with just obnoxious behaviour.

    I don't need the shallow reward of destroying unpleasant gamers because I'd rather just not play with them. But sadly its online PUG which means its a toxic quagmire that feeds a toxic quagmire in return.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    last time I checked the satisfaction of "winning" is directly connected to the effort required.

    imagine being a pro runner and everyone else is sick at home and you are the only one so you just get the medal because nobody challenged you, woooh you are the winner!!!...yeah....fantastic? must be so proud?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah I long for bots, the single player experience in star wars battle front is what keeps me coming back, yeah its not as challenging but at least I can crack out a generally casual game on my own terms and call it a night.

    I'd love to be able to do that in DBD without playing wanker roulette at the same time.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Honestly that sounds like a terrible experience not only for you but that David.

    As a solo surviour that has actually experienced this type of behaviour I want to say thank you for seeing what was going on and not benifiting on it.

    It's a shame you had to dc but it says alot about you that you actually cared about the David experience in the game.

    Sadly like I said I've seen this happen on both sides and actually had it happen to myself and its horrible.


  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    There is nothing half-cocked about it...and its not a metaphor either lol, its an analogy.

    Honestly though I dont know any simpler way to explain it other then ot just repeat myself which seems pointless but here we go:

    The satisfaction of "winning" is directly connected to the effort required.

    The less effort it took, the less impressive your win is.

    Succesfully pooring a glass of milk is hardly praise worthy unless you are disabled in some way or perhaps a very young child.

    Becoming the deadlift recordholder, especially when you arent born a giant however is quite a feat and worthy of admiration.

    Tunneling or camping is not playing skillfully, its easy and therefor its weak so "winning" that way is not something to be proud of in any way. Heck personally I would not even call it winning, you killed people yeah but.... I mean might as well use cheats, same level of skill required.

    Otz did not get his following because he camped and tunneled and (old) mori'd players, he earned it through playing really well and that is impressive and therefor fun to watch.

  • EvilClimax
    EvilClimax Member Posts: 41

    I could not agree more: are you reading my mind or something?

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    You lost me at DC.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    And that's totally fine, a rigid by the book black and white view of the world is not what I'm here to debate.

    I don't condone the DC but it was the outcome to the story and I tell it like it is. I made the decision this time to spend my time elsewhere rather than with the poor caliber of people I was being randomly paired with.

    As an adult, I'll make that choice even if it occasionally flies in the face of the rules.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Well, I appreciate the well thought out reply to my simple post.

    I still believe you should have avoided the DC, it does a disservice to the game and in some ways undermines one's credibility.

    I personally would have made it my mission to slaughter the other 3. Fk David, I'd allow him the gennys and saves, if he so chose. But the 3 Neas would have been my mandate. Even if I failed and they all tbagged me at the gates.

    I would have attempted to kill as many as possible. At the very least you gain valuable experience. And often these groups are so altruistic, you can predict what they will do next.

    Plus, if a killer DCs , for survivors, often that is way better than any 4 man escape. Don't give em the satisfaction.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah I agree, and my typical response would be to do exactly as you are proposing, its definitely warranted, but this was the last game of multiple just lacklustre gaming experiences that evening and my patience for it had ended.

    When its not fun its not really worth playing and by that point it just wasn't enjoyable anymore. I rounded out the evening with a couple of games of among us with my partner which was far more satisfying and hilarious.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Well, fair enough.

    As Dirty Harry said, "A man has to know his limitations ".

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    People can play however they want. I've been hard tunneled three times tonight for reasons unknown to me. I guess I should just stand still or maybe only run in a straight line if I do have the audacity to move? I'm not sure. But three games tonight I've been downed four times (I always run DS for this very reason) and my teammates haven't been hooked once. I mean, if they only want one kill, it is what it is. Life of a solo queuer.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    People can play anyway they like and I'm not disputing that, but you don't have to have an abuse laden meltdown when you lose, or spend your night trying to just grief other players for your own sad amusement.

    No one else is responsible for my fun just as I'm not responsible for theirs, but if I aint having fun I aint sticking around. Also a little emotional maturity goes a long way.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    lett he swf killt heir game lol, it'll leave people thirsty by the time the evil dead game rolls around next year.