What has this event taught me so far?

SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
edited October 2018 in General Discussions

Edit: Video of my nublet survivor gameplay at the bottom.

I as a 1500 hr killer main with every survivor at L1. By being forced to play survivor to get the most out of the event, I've learned and observed a few things. 

Adding objectives to the game might work, but something would have to give on the killer's side in order for it to be a fun addition for everyone. The only reason it doesn't work well in this case is because it's not tied to the main objective for survivors. 

Players like me who have no vested interest in actually doing well on a side I don't enjoy playing make the game less fun for others. I don't enjoy the playstyle and actively avoid it. I get in, get my juice, give myself to the killer and move on. If they're open to farming I oblige, if not, I die on the first hook and move on to the next match. If I'm particularly salty about being pulled off a juice box, I just DC. If I don't get mine, I won't help you get yours. I don't care about ranking or BP as a survivor whatsoever so I often leave other survivors to their fate.

The killers are only required to do everything they normally do which isn't very fun or exciting in itself. What we're working towards is exciting, but the process to do so isn't. This can also attribute to the feeling of some players that the event is sided in favor of the killers since nothing changed for that side.

Which leads me to the thought that this event is also a beta test for adding objectives and alternate game modes for DbD.

So, a bit of feedback.

Forcing players to play a portion of the game they don't enjoy will have a negative impact on the gameplay experience of all other players. I don't think the other players enjoy the fact that I leave games early in order to get my vials as quickly as possible and get out, but I do not care. Please avoid this restriction in the future events so everyone can have a more enjoyable experience with the role they prefer to play.

If something is going to be added for the survivors to do in order to escape, the killer is going to need something to do that counters, or takes advantage of that additional task in addition to our original task of sacrificing survivors. Just adding an additional objective to the survivor side would push the balance too far in the killer's favor. 

We as killers have been trained and honed by the... questionable mechanics that have existed in DbD for years. When changes towards true balance take place, we killers are freed from weights that have held us back and the result is a plethora of survivor posts about how Killers are OP. See my Naruto parody for a visual example... and maybe a laugh. But because of this, any changes to survivors, no matter how small, should include a balance to killers that compliments the change as well.

I'm a R20 survivor and even without giving a damn about rank, bloodpoints, or escaping, I've managed to rank up to 17 after about 24 matches. This shouldn't happen. Fix your ranking system to actually rank skill, not check off a laundry list of things to do. Given enough time, it's entirely possible (although unlikely) that I could reach R1 as a survivor with this same playstyle which is stupid. 

The additional objective was a breath of fresh air that is quite different than that from a new DLC. Killer gameplay is the same for the majority of killers, but adding something new to the gameplay made it more interesting. Something I think DbD is in very short supply after several years. New killers and shiny outfits only go so far to hold interest. You need to spend more time on the gameplay if you want to build the goodwill necessary to encourage more people to spend money on your shiny things.

We as a community like working towards things. These events should prove that. As we play your game we gain Rank, Prestige, and Devotion. What do you have in the works to facilitate the feeling of accomplishment of those achievements? I'd personally like to hear more than "We're looking into it" "That's something we'd like too" "We're working on it and hopefully we can tell you more later" and "Soon."

This turned into a novel so I'm going to end it here. Let me know what you think of my thoughts.


Post edited by SpaceCoconut on


  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @SpaceCoconut It might have turned into a novel, but you know what? You're spot-on, and I agree with you.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334
    But bloodpoints are shared between Killer and Survivor. So technically you can play Survivor and still earn a lot of bloodpoints for your Killers. 
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    I'm comfortable in either role, but I see where you're coming from.
    I am not sure I can earn enough vials thanks to my work schedule so playing so much is tough.

    Maybe spend some BP made as a killer on a survivor that might fit your style more? They all play the same until perks get involved, then they play really differently.

  • Wolf177
    Wolf177 Member Posts: 4

    Okay I'm fairly new to the game but I'm loving it! But Jesus Christ the community is ridiculous. I also hate it when someone offers themselves to me after they've got their points. When I play survivor, I still enjoy playing the game like I did before the event started. I'm really equal between killer and survivor and enjoy playing both. There's my 2 cents worth as it were.

  • BombDiggaT
    BombDiggaT Member Posts: 45

    I think that they should take some part of these "Visceral Cankers" that survivors drain the juice out of and put them on the generators so that the generators have to be "cleaned off" before being repaired. No idea what killer would do in return though.

  • Eross1b
    Eross1b Member Posts: 58

    I'm forced to play survivor, because the lobbies take too long for killer. Cosmetics look great, but getting them won't be fun.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Orion said:

    Here's what I learned from this event: Survivors are OK with Killers helping them complete their side of the event, but they won't let Killers hook them in return.

    That depends on who you talk to , I actually enjoy the event as a survivor 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @lyric said:
    That depends on who you talk to , I actually enjoy the event as a survivor 

    Well, I tried farming the event stuff with Survivors, and while they were more than happy to get their vials without my interference, whenever I pointed to the event hooks they just ran away.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Orion said:

    @lyric said:
    That depends on who you talk to , I actually enjoy the event as a survivor 

    Well, I tried farming the event stuff with Survivors, and while they were more than happy to get their vials without my interference, whenever I pointed to the event hooks they just ran away.

    For the most part both sides have been pretty cool with letting each other farm, with the exception of a bunch of matches both sides lately. On killer side there's been insidious campers I mean cmon you put an offering in then camp the plants and event hooks.

    Then wonder why survivors don't trust killers or let you farm any because some jerk decided to be a jerk and get their stuff but not let anyone else get theirs.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @powerbats said:

    @Orion said:

    @lyric said:
    That depends on who you talk to , I actually enjoy the event as a survivor 

    Well, I tried farming the event stuff with Survivors, and while they were more than happy to get their vials without my interference, whenever I pointed to the event hooks they just ran away.

    For the most part both sides have been pretty cool with letting each other farm, with the exception of a bunch of matches both sides lately. On killer side there's been insidious campers I mean cmon you put an offering in then camp the plants and event hooks.

    Then wonder why survivors don't trust killers or let you farm any because some jerk decided to be a jerk and get their stuff but not let anyone else get theirs.

    Well, I don't have time to go through 99 trials where people are too scared to trust me just so I can get that 1 trial where they do trust me. I'm just gonna kill everyone and hope I can get to event hooks.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Orion said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Orion said:

    @lyric said:
    That depends on who you talk to , I actually enjoy the event as a survivor 

    Well, I tried farming the event stuff with Survivors, and while they were more than happy to get their vials without my interference, whenever I pointed to the event hooks they just ran away.

    For the most part both sides have been pretty cool with letting each other farm, with the exception of a bunch of matches both sides lately. On killer side there's been insidious campers I mean cmon you put an offering in then camp the plants and event hooks.

    Then wonder why survivors don't trust killers or let you farm any because some jerk decided to be a jerk and get their stuff but not let anyone else get theirs.

    Well, I don't have time to go through 99 trials where people are too scared to trust me just so I can get that 1 trial where they do trust me. I'm just gonna kill everyone and hope I can get to event hooks.

    Well it does seem to correlate based upon time of the day the same as it does normally, the jerks all come out at around the same time.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Orion said:

    @lyric said:
    That depends on who you talk to , I actually enjoy the event as a survivor 

    Well, I tried farming the event stuff with Survivors, and while they were more than happy to get their vials without my interference, whenever I pointed to the event hooks they just ran away.

    Yea I don’t blame you for being upset about that, if I notice the killer isn’t a camper even if we’re not farming and I see the event hook nearby when I’m downed,  I’ll just let him take me there with no struggle because I’m hooked one way or another so I might as well let dude enjoy his event too and get those points
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    You should start playing survivor more often, it can be a really fun experience once you get good.
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    powerbats said:

    @Orion said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Orion said:

    @lyric said:
    That depends on who you talk to , I actually enjoy the event as a survivor 

    Well, I tried farming the event stuff with Survivors, and while they were more than happy to get their vials without my interference, whenever I pointed to the event hooks they just ran away.

    For the most part both sides have been pretty cool with letting each other farm, with the exception of a bunch of matches both sides lately. On killer side there's been insidious campers I mean cmon you put an offering in then camp the plants and event hooks.

    Then wonder why survivors don't trust killers or let you farm any because some jerk decided to be a jerk and get their stuff but not let anyone else get theirs.

    Well, I don't have time to go through 99 trials where people are too scared to trust me just so I can get that 1 trial where they do trust me. I'm just gonna kill everyone and hope I can get to event hooks.

    Well it does seem to correlate based upon time of the day the same as it does normally, the jerks all come out at around the same time.

    Lmao yes I must agree with this, in the morning everything goes great then by the afternoon some random is body blocking me in a set of tires on autohaven until the pig comes back for me 
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2018

    @Orion said:
    Here's what I learned from this event: Survivors are OK with Killers helping them complete their side of the event, but they won't let Killers hook them in return.

    Nothing else to add.

    My first 2 event games were on Azarov's resting place.

    With all the event hooks on one side, with all the survivors knowing it and always running to the opposite side.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Due to the killer lobby times maybe they are trying to get people to switch over to give others a higher chance?

    It is a pain, I play both sides so it doesn't affect me but I can understand having to do something you don't find fun, apart from the grind it is in essence the same principle as the last events, I would say if you don't enjoy it don't do it, think about the last events you only got one piece for for each side by playing each side, if you did not play survivor then for those why do it now? look at this as the same way you still get the one skin for the side you play.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    edited October 2018

    @Orion said:
    Here's what I learned from this event: Survivors are OK with Killers helping them complete their side of the event, but they won't let Killers hook them in return.

    Survivors will always have the "fudge the killer" mentality to them, even with the killer being willing to farm.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited October 2018
    Here's what I learned:

    - People who are so opposed to playing the other side that they will throw games for themselves and others just to get through them more quickly, are almost guaranteed to be heavily biased toward their chosen side. I'm not sure how you can accurately form opinions on balance if you don't regularly play and try to win on both sides. In fact, now I know to disregard your opinion.

    - Not everyone wants to farm. Some people want to play a normal game. React accordingly. I have literally run to and pointed at hooks for the killer to take me to for my first two hooks. And then they find me and down me for a third time and they kill me. Oh well. That's part of the game. If you are "nice" to someone there is absolutely nothing saying they have to be "nice" back. Everything is on a case by case basis. I've had rivalries with killers in the past and then we meet up during a match where everyone plays BPS and we agree to farm together. 

    - Some of y'all really need to stop painting everyone with the same brush.

    - Have no expectations. Nobody has to be polite or generous or fair or play with great sportsmanship. Stop expecting others to behave in ways you want them to.
  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    @lyric said:
    Orion said:

    Here's what I learned from this event: Survivors are OK with Killers helping them complete their side of the event, but they won't let Killers hook them in return.

    That depends on who you talk to , I actually enjoy the event as a survivor 

    That is exactly my experience.

    I even named myself EventFarming for a couple of rounds and guess what I still got some tryhard players looping me forever and wasting my time, still wiggling like crazy when I finally got them and the event hooks were on the other side of the map.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2018

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Here's what I learned:

    • Not everyone wants to farm. Some people want to play a normal game. React accordingly. I have literally run to and pointed at hooks for the killer to take me to for my first two hooks. And then they find me and down me for a third time and they kill me. Oh well. That's part of the game. If you are "nice" to someone there is absolutely nothing saying they have to be "nice" back. Everything is on a case by case basis. I've had rivalries with killers in the past and then we meet up during a match where everyone plays BPS and we agree to farm together. 

    Had a game like that yesterday. One guy being nice, not wiggling and letting me take him to his second hook across the map.

    The other three toxic as they could be with looping across the entire amount of pallets and windows.

    In the end I got them all. Guess who'm I carried to the hatch on my shoulder from the basement after they had farmed all the vial they needed.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    I'm just playing survivor to get the stuff easily but my god 4 games with campers and swf teqm that were just screw the solo today 2 sprits who basement face camped (one had a hack to find somone as last two left I was on the other side of the map from the hooked guy and they was camping and the guy was already hooked when I got to the other side so how can you find me like that I think) then had a pig game and the moment I helped somone I get hooked then unhooked fast lived a small bit then got a basement hook and it was just screw him they all went on a gen no one even trying to help dispute being on come how do I know one was running past to get the hooked then stopped and helped me on a gen before the hooked one was unhooked so they knew I was not getting help till the last second which was to steal my stuff only game I had fun today was against a Michael I got 3 hooked bu managed to last till I got a gate open so I'm happy for that
  • Babatom
    Babatom Member Posts: 23

    Thank you for this honest post :) About as unbiased as they get on here haha

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
    I added a video of my survivor gameplay to kind of illustrate my experience at the beginning. I'll be editing and putting the rest of the interesting bits up later :)
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    It’s taught me that HAZE is now canon to Dead By Daylight because of NECTAR. 
  • BombDiggaT
    BombDiggaT Member Posts: 45

    I think that they should take some part of these "Visceral Cankers" that survivors drain the juice out of and put them on half (4 or 5) of the generators so that the generators have to be "cleaned off" before being repaired. I think it's a good way to slow down gen progression.