List of Common Complaints

Now I'm probably missing some, but I've seen these as complaints quite a bit. Feel free to add the bunches I'm missing please and thank you. The purpose of this topic is so I can put together all the common topics that can be filed under 'complaints'.

-Keys and Moris



-Certain maps (If it's Midwich you hate I'm with you on that)

-Killers facecamping with malicious intent

-Certain killers dubbed boring

And those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm more hoping the devs can focus on making animations better, but nyeh. I won't go breathing down their neck about it. That list they've mentioned is probably the size of the Nile River (in which case devs, don't sweat it, I'll be a bit more lenient).


  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554
    edited December 2020

    Saying a killer is boring isn't constructive. It doesn't tell you what aspect you have a gripe with, only a blanket statement of "they're boring."

    People need to find the words to describe why they dislike a certain killer, instead of making a blanket statement that could get a killer nerfed for nothing.

    Edit: for instance, deathslinger is said to be boring, but they never say exactly how.

    I can clearly say how I dislike him, he puts you in a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' dilemma each time you make it to a pallet or window. With you having to be dependent on him messing up to survive.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I don't face these issues as a Rank 1 killer.

    I have no issue with DS+Unbreakable because as shocking as it is to some of the killers on the forums, there are 3 other survivors out there, not just the 1 that was recently unhooked.

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 128

    Ideally what I try to do is go for the survivor who unhooked, but if I find the unhooked player first, well tough break. It's not that I don't want to tunnel - more often than not I'll let them get back up.

    The reason DS/Unbreakable has gotten the bad rep it has is because it gives survivors 60 seconds at most to do whatever the heck they want (at most two times during the whole trial). They could chase the killer around if they wanted.

    Also on a note of Unbreakable - what I have seen some SWF teams do is 99 their recovery, get picked up. They still reap the benefits of Unbreakable without losing the free pass.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I will play "high and mighty" because like many others killers on the forums we deal with it the correct way.

    Simply go for someone else. That's it. And I don't trust the devs on anything, they've messed up balancing, they've nerfed Coup De Grace ( LOL ) so telling ME, and I've been playing for 3.5 years, that "Even the devs touched on it during the QA stream" is just a laugh, because they've made the poorest of choices over the last months.

    Have you ever, how do killers deal with these 2 perks?

    Or are you the type who believes that complaining hard enough, praying to the devs, that they'll nerf the combination? Because must be either new or don't know how the 4v1 works around here.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I can honestly upload video, over video, over video on how I deal with these situations.

    And typical response, you cannot handle a different point of view so you start calling me a troll, you start insulting me because your mindset cannot handle an outside perspective on a situation you cannot deal with.

    That's very "Adult" of you. In which...I'm convinced you're not one.

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 128

    Yeah, I think this guy is the real troll here, man. Like, lemme play this out for Hardkill here.

    Say the guy who got off the hook has DS, and we're facing a premade. Guy who got the hook save is in said premade.

    If you're the killer and expecting DS, wouldn't it make sense to go after the other guy, especially if you're sauntering up to the hook? Plus if I want all four stacks of BBQ no duh I'll ideally want to chase the unhooker.

    Though in fairness, even if the unhooked player has DS/Unbreakable, leaving them down to either use Unbreakable or someone going to get them still generates some pressure.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited December 2020

    And my problem with that mentality is....

    Why are you concerned with the survivor who was just unhooked? Why are you chasing this one survivor instead of going for the unhooker? Also, my issue is....why are you even around the survivor who was just unhooked? Were you camping the hook? Were you patrolling the hook? Didn't your BBQ show you where other survivors were? Why are you so concerned about this, one, survivor. Why not the rest?

    If 1 is dead, then the game is practically yours. If 2 are dead you shouldn't be stressing, and if 3 are dead then just wait out the timer, camp their body until they're forced to use their theoretical Unbreakable.

    I don't understand killer's infatuation with going for the unhooked survivor instead of the other 3 on the map. If the unhooked survivor is going for a gen, who cares? So are the other 3, or the other 2 that you aren't going after.

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 128

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Even if you're juggling the whole team fairly and not 'tunneling', I think it is kinda crazy how you can hook a second person, down the first person and still get DS'd.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Because DS is on a 60 second timer, it doesn't magically disappear if you down someone else.

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 128

    You think that if it did (DS only active for the most recently unhooked survivor), the complaints would vanish only for new complaints to crop up?

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Because to place pressure on the survivors and have a chance at winning, you need to be able to control and threaten the majority of the team, and when one or even two of them can have DS active along with UB, it destroys that pressure.

    Also, a lot of survivors literally wave their free minute of invulnerability in my face as the killer. They'll get unhooked, I'll return back to the hook to chase the unhooker and go out of my way to not tunnel the unhooked guy..and the guy with DS/UB starts repairing a gen right in front of my face. What am I supposed to do then? Ignore him and let him progress the gens and basically win? That's like expecting survivors to stand perfectly still for the killer, let them down you without resistance and then proceed to hook you. Imagine if killers had a perk that gave them free hooks, imagine the outrage.

    By the method I mentioned earlier by camping the slugged survivor for a minute, hooking and repeating until they're dead. Against good survivors, they'll finish all the generators before you even kill the one guy since all three survivors can independently (one on each gen) fix all five generators pretty quickly, especially when some gens might've been completed before u even got to hooking somebody.

    It's still a perk combo that objectively gives survivors free time to do generators. Time to win the game when the killer is already stretched for it without DS/UB into the mix.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    No, and here are 2 reasons why.

    1. The devs know not to upset 80% of their playerbase, which is why the perk hasn't been touched since its rework. It just will not get touched. Period.
    2. Any "rework" that still grants a survivor an escape from the killer's grasp will always be a topic of complaint. I know the whiny side of the killer community and nothing will ever be good enough. If DS does get reworked how everyone wants it to be they'll complain that they weren't tunneling and still got hit with DS then, they'll complain that it still works in end game, then they'll ask for End Game DS to be nerfed. etc, etc.

    Nothing will ever be enough for some killers when they don't get their free tunnel. It's just how it is.

    Have you played games as a survivor where no one is running DS? I have, and it's not pretty.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    My only gripe w this game are the entitled survivors who are entitled to escape. And don't realize they are entitled.

    If it's not 'fair', it should be nerfed. If it's 'boring', it should be nerfed, if it's 'toxic', it should be nerfed.

    Survivors wants to handicap the killer and escape cuz it makes them feel better.

    Shouldn't be playing dbd w emotions and feelings.

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 128

    Plenty of times actually. I think it varies from player to player what happens though.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Always so polarized. It feels like nobody cares about other people's experience and use another's similar apathy to be apathetic themselves. We talk about boring killers, but this is an extremely boring and basic mindset.

    -Ruin and Undying along with usually Tinkerer are not OP, but many times will carry sub-par killers against solo teams and make competent killers absolutely steamroll the average solo squad. It's not that the combo is broken, it's that it is oppressive without a degree of prep/coordination. You may prepare for it yourself, but if the killer decides to constantly harass you, it won't matter, and your team will fail because you can't expect randoms to think ahead like you do. You're often screwed from the getgo.

    -DS/Unbreakable, usually /abused/ by sweaty idiots, it is genuinely frustrating to deal with. Ultimately slugging is the solution, not perfect, but these individual perks are not necessarily OP. I don't think nerfing either is wise, although reworking DS would be healthy and likely solve this issue.

    -Map RNG and design are the biggest flaws of this game and will often be what determines the outcomes of a game. This applies to both sides and it is very true.

    -Facecamping is dumb and people who do it from the start deserve whatever the survivors have in store for them. Should be penalized more since it is maliciously blocking someone from playing a game they waited for.

    -Boring killers are a buzzword for killers that rob survivors of their agency (basically minimal gameplay), such as Spirit, Slinger or even PH to an extent, or have one very simple way to counter them which ends up feeling very repetitive, like Clown or Freddy. It's either 'Guess I'll just die' types of killers, or 'Guess I'll instantly drop every pallet' sort of killer. Both extremely boring. There's also the specialized camping killers like Hag and Twins, but it seems most people agree they are asinine.

    -Iri head is ridiculously bad and hopefully gets wiped out from the game with the rework.

    -OoO is terrible and the devs' reaction to the stats is setting a scary precedent as to how things are looked into.

    There are others but the most important are covered.

    I feel like the common complaints are all valid and people really shouldn't try to diminish them. Compromises can be found in each case.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Punishing a bad unhook creates a ton of pressure. DS+UB makes it so you cannot punish the survivor for a whole minute. No matter what. All that the perk combo serves to do is guarantee an escape for bad survivors.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    If you're punishing a bad hook, why aren't you going for the unhooker?

    I'm baffled by the logic.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Chances are the unhooker is already down. Or maybe they've immediately vanished after unhooking, which is annoyingly common at any rank. The unhooked may also consistently get on your face with BT, and as a result, I'll wait it out and slug them to punish the greed. I'm sorry but people are complaining because these situations happen far too often, and why wouldn't you pursue the unhooked when the other teammates aren't anywhere you're sure of? Aimlessly find a gen to pressure or pressure the survivor in front of you. The choice is painfully obvious.

  • Unfortunately that is the only crowd the devs listen to so I am sure it will get turned into garbage eventually =/

    These are the same devs that nerfed Gearhead afterall....