How should the key be changed ?

I really don't get yet the nerf on keys.

What's going to happen ? Do 5 gens, gate and then scape and use key ? (Joke)

Really what is your opinion because i never care about keys and i completely don't understand the rages.


  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Broken key should have some of the addons attached it

    when you open the hatch it closes off behind you and cannot be opened again unless there is one survivor left

    also you can only use 1 addon if you're equiping a dull or skeleton key

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Only thing I can think of is one person goes through the hatch. Although it wouldn't matter if say there were 2 survivors left, one uses the key, then you still have the same scenario and the killers who hate it will still feel cheated. It already has a much harder "Match ending" requirement than Mori ever did. I think Moris should at least give bonus BP when you do it. I mean, all it does now is cut down on travel time to hooks.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438
    • Only 1 person can go through the hatch with a key.
    • Once the hatch has been closed by a key, it cannot be opened again for 60 seconds (to prevent whole team key escapes).
    • Once the killer closes the hatch, they actually break it, preventing a key from being used on it.
    • Unlocking the hatch now has a 5 second animation before it happens.
    • Franklin's Demise no longer has the 90 second timer reset when a survivor picks up the item.
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,142

    Better than the hatch being closed for 60 seconds would be that, after a key has been used, the hatch closes and disappears, respawning elsewhere. It means every survivor escaping has to deal with the same RNG and SWF won't have an advantage.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    I do agree with only one person holding a key going through hatch.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited December 2020

    That might be nice but probably too difficult to implement. At least there are some typical explanations like this in previous change requests. I'm pretty sure that hatch placement is part of the random map generation and would cause problems when you want to change that during the match.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Hatch spawns at all gens done or last survivor standing. Under no conditions should the hatch spawn befores these two points.

    An action to open the hatch will make virtually no difference. It might encourage survivours to leave there allies behind lets not make solo queue worse pls.

    One survivour escaping via hatch stil has a massive detrimental impact on killer points espicially in red ranks.

    You need to address its core issues which is that it allows an early escape. The hatch in my variation would become a better escape option if the dreaded end game close spawn doors occur. It will also be an asset for late game escape option for multiple team members if the gates are being contested. Remenber the achievement where did they go exists.

    You cant pretend all you like that hatch and keys arent equivalent to moris but you cant argue against the statement that hatch denys a massive amount of points and ends a game faster then the game intends.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    There's a lot that is "To hard to implement"

    But... IMO Nerfing keys would mean changing how the hatch works as a "free escape"

    If there's gens left an unlocking the hatch takes 5 (or so) seconds

    If there's only one survivor left Hatch works as normal

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    edited December 2020

    Yes only person with key should be able to open hatch and escape alone. The annoying thing with keys for killers is the unfair 2-4 man escape through hatch. So hope they make this change after changing the very unfair moris.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I posted a thread about this recently, but I think they should consider adding a timer to open the hatch, along with possibly showing the killer your aura (and hence the hatch's location) while you do it. In order for it to not just be a free escape (which you can now set up way more consistently with the new hatch offerings), there needs to be some sort of risk involved that is likely to prompt an encounter unless you plan carefully.

  • Teacyn
    Teacyn Member Posts: 93

    What I've wanted is pretty simple

    • Unique visual for the Broken key (this is less of an issue now that Moris got nerfed, previously though you basically couldn't use the Broken Key because a lot of killers would immediately bring a Mori if you brought a key because it looked exactly the same as a Hatch-opening key)
    • Opening hatch takes 5-10 seconds, so you can't just ditch in the middle of a chase.
    • After the hatch is closed by the killer, it cannot open again until there is only one survivor left (which opens it as normal)
    • The Hatch makes a Loud Noise notification when opened by a survivor.
  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Make it so the hatch only spawns when there is one survivor left or the gens are done.

    Problem solved. Still is an easy escape after the killer closed the hatch and no more matches where 1-3 survivors suddenly just dissapear even though they didn't do their objectives.

    Also easy to implent

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    An interesting idea for a key change I just had:

    - using a key starts an animation that notifies the killer similar to a rushed action. Opening the hatch takes "x-seconds" and if the killer manages to interrupt the process the key takes damage resulting in an even longer hatch animation on the next attempt. If the killer manages to interrupt the process again the key breaks.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Well, what @TragicSolitude suggested would be a possible change. I say it could be made so hatch-unlocking keys can only be brought by a single survivor in the lobby, no matter if solo or SWF. If one survivor has it, the other 3 cannot equip one, unless it is the Broken Key (Green).

    I'd say that it can also be made so, if the system detects that a key was brought into the trial from the start (a player equipping it), it drops down to a 0% spawn chance in chests.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    What you are missing on that, tho, is that such a change would make the "Where have they gone" achievement impossible to get. And I don't think devs can touch already established achievements.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I don't think any changes other than only the person using the key can escape. Maybe the skeleton key can allow you and one other person to escape. Otherwise there has to be some distinction between the two keys but maybe someone has a better idea. I don't agree that the hatch should be permanently closed after someone uses a key, that's too punishing to the other survivors in the trial. I also don't agree with the notification, that provides free information to the killer. The killer already has enough free information throughout the trial.

    The one change is that when the hatch closes behind the person it doesn't trigger the collapse. only the killer closing the hatch should trigger the collapse. Otherwise it screws the remaining survivors.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I honestly think the hatch should just be removed. It's a really dumb mechanic imo.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    How would that make it impossible?

    Once all gens are done the hatch spawns as normal and if everyone is still alive they can escape together

    It would be exactly the same as it is now actually which is the nice part

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    since they can no longer be killed early from the killer's pink offering, their own pink offering should no longer allow them to escape early. what it could be useful for, is a way to open the hatch once the exit gates are powered whether or not there are other survivors alive and not yet escaped. Also when a killer closes a hatch spawned and opened fairly it should be able to open that hatch again and that should be the extent of it. It would still have more function than 'moris' that way, while not being able to allow them to escape before the gens are complete or they are the last man alive in a hatch match.

    If the gates are too close for survivor to camp one while the kilelr finds the hatch, and you found a purple or pink key in a chest say with plunderer... you could sneak over to open the hatch if the killer is closely guarding those poorly spaced gates unless you knew the hatch was far enough away that you had time to fully open one before that killer could make it to them. So still useful. Unlike moris. But also a fair change, since in a hatch match with poorly spaced gates on smaller maps if the killer shuts the hatch they pretty much have it in the bag with the egc timer and that's the situation the key should still be useful like how mori was helpful against swf running a nintendo ds launch party.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    I agree with ONLY the key holder may escape and then hatch is closed again. Then if someone else has another key fine.

    Close by killer and break i don't agree. It's already too easy to slug and close the hatch, then if i have adrenaline i should be able to reopen.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,142

    I agree with you. The hatch should only spawn once all gens are done or only one survivor is left alive.

    No multiple survivors escaping before the objective is completed.

    No hatch campers.

    DCing to give someone the hatch becomes much less viable.

    It's perfect. It's simple and it's perfect.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Key is fine as is. Big mistake if they change it.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    edited December 2020

    Yeah, because even the weakest killer is going to have all 4 survivors alive, by the end of the game. Come on. I mean, it doesn't bug me, really, as I already have that achievement. Found a killer who was farming once and he let us all escape that way. But I like being objective when I propose something.

    Plus, I say it would end up being the biggest part of the problem, was it to be that way. If hatch spawned as usable when all 5 gens were done, there would be no need for survivors to A) look for exit gates, B) Reach them, C) Open them.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    I think killers should not be able to hit survivors. It's really dumb that they can do that.

    The hatch exists for a reason, which is to give at least a single survivor, who may have been the best of the team, or the one who hid in lockers and Urban Evaded around the walls of the map, a chance to escape, even when their team performed really badly. Who gets the hatch is RNG.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I think they alluded to having to work on animations so apparently there is going to be an animation to opening the hatch. If this is all they are going to do then that'll be great, this way the functionality of the key is the same but you can only open the hatch when it is safe.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    The key should have to be charged to use. How do you charge the key? You have to actually work on gens. Once the key has been charged, only then are you able to escape through the hatch.

    This would prevent people escaping that didn't deserve it, mainly by preventing a key escape when there are still 4-5 gens remaining.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I'm sorry i don't see what difference it makes for the achievement. For the hatch to spawn now all generators have to be completed if all survivors are still alive.

    There is literally zero difference for the achievement.

    No it wouldn't, it would be mostly used by the last survivor to get out once the killer closes the hatch. Or to circumvent opening the exit gates and avoiding certain perks.

    Would about be as usefull as mori's are now

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    1 person per key simple

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited December 2020

    Only useable once EGC has begun, you know to be on par with the Mori nerf level of uselessness.

  • VLight
    VLight Member Posts: 126

    An interesting idea is to possibly make a key open an Exit Gate a lot faster. It's not instant, but like 3 seconds.

    Honestly, I'd still rather have keys relate to the Hatch. But this was an idea I heard somewhere.

  • MasonOliver123
    MasonOliver123 Member Posts: 255

    That'd benefit every survivor a lot more - I'd say keys should only either work on the survivor who has the key or only works during EGC

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Easiest key nerf... Nerf hatch.

    Hatch does not spawn until all gens are completed or one person is left alive. The biggest problem with keys comes from too much added pressure of "I can't kill this guy or else those other two can get out with their key because they've finished 4 gens." Or "There's two Survivors left and they've done three gens so hatch has spawned and they can now get out with no recourse."

    Having hatch spawn when all gens are done or last one alive still allows for the where did they go achievement, still allows multiple people to get out with a key, and also prevents the biggest issue with keys in a match. Yes killers will still feel cheated when people escape after all gens are done but it allows more wiggle room for getting keys out of the match and allows the killer to feel like there's a bit more counter play to them.

  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    Keys are fine the way they are. Keys give the player a chance in a lot of these games. 5 gens don’t get done in a lot of games that I’ve played in I’ve noticed. it’s way too easy for killers to, at least more consistently than survivors, complete their objectives.