Playing killer in red ranks right now is impossible

Just the title, i've got hundreds of hours in this game and i don't care if all survivors escape every now and then, but with literally the most used build and maining blight there are games i stand no chance. You could say i'm just not that good but really, survivors complain when you run super meta perks but if you change any of them you're just going to lose and get teabag. Killer isn't even fun anymore.


  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    I can only speak about my experience with ps4. I have ca 2000 hours, i guess a bit more than half on killer.

    Most of the time its not hard to play as red rank killer. Depending on the time most games are not hard and almonst non feel unwinnable. I had no match in months where i did lose and it wasnt my fault.

    Sometimes it feels unfair to lose bc the survivor did many mistakes and i only a few.

    But in the end when you are a good killer you should win most of the time against the average survivor, bc they are not good.

  • Quiver
    Quiver Member Posts: 18

    4 games in a row this morning where i just get genrushed with no kills, how is this supposed to be fun man

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    I don't use meta perks with any of my killers. I use pop but that's the only one I'd consider as meta. With crossplay enabled people can't even message me most of the time.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    For me it's a mixed bag as always. Some games are not that hard, some are too hard and some can go either way, these are the most fun games.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I haven’t played a ton of killer lately due to having less free time, but I played Pig and Legion last night and got 4ks with both. I had Corrupt on Pig and Ruin on Legion but otherwise not meta killers or builds. It’s definitely not impossible to win most matches, some are tough but not the majority.

    If you’re having a tough time, it can be worth it to record your gameplay and upload some videos of matches where you struggled. People will give really good advice on things you may be doing wrong or where you can improve.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I think back when ranks meant something, you wouldnt be able to get to rank 1 with "hundreds of hours" while the game is already some years old. Maybe record a game and send it to Tofu for a review, my guess would be that you are used to the randomness of matchmaking and fighting some potatoes (at least one per match) which brought you to red ranks, but actually miss some fundamentals which let you stumble when you run across "true" red ranks.

    Being a Blight main should already be sufficient to get 1 or 2 kills in a game, running the most meta gen control build on one of the killers that can take the most advantage from it could maybe lead to a 4 escape but definitely not allow a "genrush" unless you do some major throws. You could also post a full game in here to get some feedback.

    No offense at all btw. I myself get to rank 1 easily on both roles quickly and comparing myself to several streamers, I would consider myself purple at best

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Same, i stopped playing killer 2 months ago. Simply to stressful to bother.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm a Red Rank Killer and I do NOT have thousands of hours of experience. I have no idea how our hours compare. I find I can fight there ok. Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes he eats you.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Then let them complain.

    If you have fun using your perks, then everything is fine. Running meta is neither offensive nor against the rules. Something is meta because it is effective and survivors dislike loosing just like everybody does and when they loose its easier to blame it on the killer and his "op perks" then to focus on their own gameplay.

    And if I have to run a meta perk on my build because it is fitting then I will not let myself get shamed for that. Because whats wrong with Pop or BBQ, if your killer can use them well? As Hillbilly I like running BBQ, Pop, Infectious Fright and Tinkerer. They all fit him well and Tinkerer is even his own perk.

    Perks are your toys and you are allowed to have fun with your toys. Same for survivors by the way: If you want to run OoO, DS, Deadhard and Unbreakable, fine by me. I dislike object and will focus you but you made your choise to become my obsession and I play to it...take what you like and do not let yourself get shamed for it if its fun for you.

    Fun is what you make it.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    i could same about soloQ surv on red ranks (ruin/undying, before rank reset 6 of 8 games vs spirit)

    but tbh i dont find red ranks too pleasant place to be in on both sides. On both killer and surv im trying to be in green/low purple rank (so mm wont take me too often to red ranks) and my playstyle helps me in keeping my killer on green/low purple i have troubles with keeping surv there (its too easy to pip as surv, and there is no way to play a game and depip) on killer i just have to not run slowdown and dont kill until i get 7 hooks (and unless survs are pepega you will safety pip).

    Im just sick from meta gaming: survs will do gens on your face because they have DS, ignore surv on hook just to do gens, or just camp safest windows in the game. Killers will slug for 4k in almost every single game, play spirit,nurse use ruin/undying, iri add ons

    and between those sweats i am... with my bond,small game, inner, plunder or whispers, bbq, enduring (and 1 perk depending on killer) wraith/pig main

    casual gamemode when? so ppl that think this game is competitive or rank means sth will go .... themselfes in their own called ranked que (limit casual gamemode to yellow items)

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited December 2020

    If you're losing as Blight with the current meta build you aren't playing well. It's that simple.

    Personally, I would kill to get constant matches against good survivors. Last 2 or so months have just been green/purple ranks every game that throw themselves at hooks without BT and don't know what a pallet loop is.

    So incredibly dull, I don't understand how some killers can enjoy VSing potatoes.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    It's mainly because both sides are way, way too easy to reach red ranks with. So there's tons of survivors boosted by SWF/bad killers and tons of killers boosted by said bad survivors. So even when you're a good killer the constant stream of bad survivors makes you bored/complacent. Then when you get an actually good survivor team it throws you off. More fun though.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I do get that feeling sometimes, but I still don't use meta perks on either sides. On killer I just avoid playing after the daily missions time (here is 9 PM, but I don't know the official time), because that's when the matchmaking start getting me to the red ranks in my yellows.

    As survivor it's harder because I usually pip even not wanting to. I'm trying to stand at green/purple ranks to be able to use perks like Flip Flop, Better Together, Tenacity and still have fun because I'm not being hard tunneled without DS/Unbreakable and exhaustion perks to keep me in the game to get some points.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Yh i got lazy bc there were so many bad survivor. Then you get a good team and you are not at 100%. And the best matches are against good teams.

    So since i have all killer max. and i only need bloodpoints for new perks, i stopped trying to get many bloodpoints every match. Without needing BP it doesnt matter when the match ends on 4 gens.

    Playing optimally and going for win streaks without addons on certain killer helps me to get better and while i feel sometimes bad for stomping new players, i think its better for them when a match, where they have no chance anyway, ends quick.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    actually casual could be like the blinds in league were before premades could also fill up a lobby in ranked, which was the last time I touched league. let the troll with friends fill up casual. and keep the ranked mode for solo and maybe duo... sure ranked in higher ranks on league got sweaty too but generally if you didn't play enough to worry about it then ranked was basically a way to take a break from the chaos of blinds. current dbd queue is essentially the chaos that blinds in league were.

    introducing a solo, Maybe solo/duo restriction to ranked in dbd and shoving the swf bs into unranked mode would do the game some favors since eventually most people would settle into their elo and even killers would have a better time especially if they knew how to intentionally play down a little sometimes to not rise up too easily in neither hidden elo nor displayed ranks. the unranked mode being the only to allow twf could also run based off of a hidden elo only, no ranks, like the blinds in league. to avoid either side blatantly shitting on noobs constantly once they've done it too many times in a period of time. Let it slowly decay over time so that returning to the game after long breaks will be easier also.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    It depends on the time of the day and area. I don't know where you play, but in Central EU generally games are significantly tougher from late morning and in the afternoon, if you're a red rank killer. Of course, you can get a pepega team here and there, but in general you will have to earn every single hook.

    However, if you play later in the evening and at night, it becomes almost ridiculously easy, to the point one might even lose interest (or, at least, I do).

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    but you know they cant do swf only in unranked? if all swf's would go there:

    A) there would be too little survs in ranked

    B) and no killers would be go to gamemode where only 3-4men swf would go

    so on both ques, que times would get much much longer xd

    also imo tryhard nurse/spirit cannot be beaten by soloQ, and majority of SWFs can be beaten if you tryhard enough (and ranked would be for those type of ppl) beaten even by normal killers (like demo, bubba)

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    Sister it's really not that hard you just hold W and M1 occasionally.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Personal question: What is your devotion level?

    I only ask bc I'm on ps4 and can't see hours I've put in. I'm hoping if a few pc players tell me their hrs and devotion level I can kinda figure my hrs out.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624
    edited December 2020

    Learn to play issue. You are just fighting people way better than you. Lots of killer players do fine in red ranks. You have to get as good as them, or your rank will eventually drop from losing so much and then you're back in purple and fighting survivors who are a better match for you. "Hundreds of hours" is nothing there are people with thousands of hours in this game, they just know the game much better than you do.

    I myself I consider myself only to be a Purple ranker really. But I get to red ranks easily because the ranking system in this game is broken and meaningless. Real red ranks crush me but I often come across easy fights where I win handily, these are people who also do not "belong" in red ranks like me.

  • Kaitlin814
    Kaitlin814 Member Posts: 76

    I find killer extremely easy, especially with ruin/undying. Playing killer is mindless, even at red ranks. I play survivor more because I find it more challenging.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Playing killer, I used to use Mori's to purposely De-rank, just 1 hook into mori up to 3 survivors and let the last one get the hatch, but now I can't do that because they changed mori's to work after 2 hooking survivors. So then I WAS using the Twins instead since they had problems gaining rank, but now they've gone and corrected that too with the recent hotfix... Sigh, I'm so sick of being stuck in the sweaty as hell red ranks, and now the only way out of them is to throw the game on purpose, which I think is a bannable offense(?)... just, damn... they removed all my tools for purposely failing to rank up while still playing the game... Guess I should just stop playing killer for a few months if I want to go back to the fun ranks.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    Blight is overrated, especially on PS4. Even with turn add-ons, his turning is nothing. Survivors will wiggle and make you miss your ability every single time. What does that leave? An M1 killer with no ability. I guess the devs didn't foresee that.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited December 2020

    The problem with using killers that have strong chase abilities like spirit or blight and getting good with them is that it's easier to get good with them if you are missing your fundamentals. Which means that you have to rely on their abilities more to get downs which means you get good with them pretty quickly because you need to. I found myself falling into this trap because I mained spirit first and then blight. I've noticed that the games that I lose it's because really good survivors can prevent me from getting downs with my ability and I need to become M1 man to verse these survivors but my M1 game is weak and they eat me alive.

    So I've been playing Ghost Face for the last couple weeks and really working on my M1 mind games using his stealth, his ability to hide his red light. It was really tough at first but I'm getting to the point now where I am winning more matches than I'm losing with him. And those skills will pass onto Blight who is 100 percent still my main killer.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited December 2020

    I've been playing killer fine. Stop giving a fudge what survivors think. They'll bring DS, Deadhard, etc etc, you bring your winning meta build.

    I'm only against NOED, that's it, I'll never use it. But....use your Meta Perks man.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    If you wish to master Blight, one of the key tenets to Blight mastery is to be unpredictable.

    Those who can't tell what you have up your sleeve will have a hard time besting your ability.

    Another thing that helps is using your power for mobility more than going on the offensive, but never be afraid to take a swing you think you can hit.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Blight isn't overrated. Even if you miss your turns his mobility alone makes him better than other killers. Having a way to get around the map quickly is huge in this game.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    It's actually the easiest it's ever been.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    But every 10 seconds is you injecting (stunning) yourself for using your power, and if you're not using it you're an M1 killer with no ability. By the time your stun is over, the survivor has made it to a safe pallet which you must leave or throw the whole game looping around.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Well a perk loadout and strong killer will only take you so far. If you're making the same fundamental mistakes and habits every match you're gonna lose no matter what, like committing to too many chases, not applying gen pressure at the right times, not using your killer to their full potential etc. If you had a video of a match a lot of us could go through it and try and help you find out what went wrong and how you could improve.

    You can also watch these guides that Scott made. Some are a little old but still relevant. He even has a Blight guide since you mentioned you were playing him.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    So stop caring if you get flamed for playing meta by meta playing survivors hammer the mute chat button and focus on your games. If you wanna take a chance on a wacky build accept your gonna eat some losses. Savour the wins your gonna get.

    This is likely a frustration element I get it but dbd post game chat is not worth it 90% of the time. Its built to be a salt zone for both roles.

    As for the toxic crap never let em get in your head. They want a reactipn never give it. Sometimes the teabagger just desperatly wants your attention because if you figure out a person close by is a weak link there screwed. That or they want you tilted to hide there inadequate gameplay.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    You don't need to play with meta perks only, you can win easily nowadays.

    Use whatever you want but record your videos then watch them, see what mistakes you made and how you would fix those mistake.

    Not to be that guy and I'm not trying to be mean but maybe you are not ready to play at high level.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Op in most cases i would suggest a better killer but blight is insanely strong. There always more ways to get bang out of blights power male sure to test it more thoroughly. Never give ds value. Slug em up and burn the unbreakable early.

    Never commit to early chases that lead you away from worked gens. If its blight your optimum build is ruin, undying, tinkrer. The last perk is a flex slot dependant on what you feel you need. Bp bbq, map knowledge thrilling tremors, more stealthly approach M&A. You can experment but the main 3 above is core from a competitve perspective.

    A lpt of this you likely know but if even one of these tips helps it will go a long way.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Problem is red ranks blends in people with 100h with people with 3k. The 2 first weeks of playing killer I skyrocketed to ranks 4-5 and then i got stuck with games getting bullied by veterans. I don't think the game is that imbalanced it's just the matchmaking that is a bit dissappointing.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    you can do it its just so boring and sweaty

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I have nearly 2k hours mostly as killer and haven't lost the majority of my games , i would say i lose 1/4 of all my games IF i'm not playing a killer i'm good with and as my main which is Hag i rarely loss as her.

    If your not playing a good killer or your playing a killer your not good with yeah you will loss a lot of games unless you are in general good at killer and can dominate chasses even as a m1 killer.

    I will say tho that in the rare case you get a sweat swf unless your playing a top tier killer you will probably loss. Even as Hag i have to rely on some luck to get a snowball going which is how i usually win against those groups.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Don't worry in time it will be like clockwork. Waiting out ds after slugging a bad unhook. Setting up 4 man slugs there satisfaction in it all. After all victory against a difficult challenge does give the more competitive a reminder that experiance an knowledege can overcome some overwhelming odds.

  • SeeAndWait
    SeeAndWait Member Posts: 94

    disagree, the new map is much better for me.

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    Most of my red rank survivors have been potatoes. Maybe in the past 30 matches, only one game I didn’t get a 4K. I don’t find red ranks that skilled. Obviously not all red rank survivors are potatoes, but a majority I come across are

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    All very useful videos. I suffer the most on running the Generic tiles, and just have to keep watching this over and over... until it sinks in. As a Survivor I'm a terrible Looper so it isn't surprising that it also applies to my Killer.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Do better pressuring gens, and try to look for mistakes you've made.

    It has certainly helped me do better as a killer.

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383
    edited December 2020

    I used to play Wraith in red ranks and it's just impossible to have fun. In ranks 20-10 it's almost 4k every game, but in ranks 5-1 almost every game is either 0k or 1k, so I had to switch to Spirit. This game needs more balancing.

    Looping is too strong against M1 killers with no special powers. If you play against 2-3 good loopers with an M1 killers, you won't do well, unless you are a very skilled killer.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    it doesn't need to be called "unranked", it can be called casual mode versus ranked mode where ranked puts you into the game as truly intended and not the troll with friends fest and the constant anticipation and frantic detective work involved with avoiding them when possible. that's too much stress for some people who just wanna sit down and play a video game. especially after the year some areas had. I don't blame people for not wanting to play killer any more, that's the devs' responsibility to make it fun enough for them to want to play it again.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    I have no issue with red ranks in general but you do get the sweaty SWF teams which piss off to no end. I have no problem with coordination but you shouldn't be on me with a flashlight every single time instantly. I've had games where staring into a wall is stll insufficent to avoid the constant blind, and then they body block, and you end up with next to no hooks.

    Seems about 20% of the matches in red.