SWF Red rank matchmaking manipulation
Ive had some games recently where it’s a PC 4 man SWF, all high red ranks except one obvious new smurf account rank 17 - 20.
Seems to be obvious that they are doing it to get a lower ranked killer, anyone else experience this?
Is it against terms of service or just bad sportsmanship / poor etiquette?
I'm more curious as to how you know it's a 4-man PC specific SWF.
But other than that, as a red rank player, I always get matched with players who are of a lower rank than me.
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I play on PC / Steam and can see their profiles, the 4 players are all friends with each other as you can see their friends list.
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Just seemed odd to mention they're on PC if you're on the same platform.
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I have a sneaky feeling that if I didn’t mention PC and wrote the same question excluding the platform, you would have then asked how do I know if they are playing together.
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Yes, there is a common phenomenon where one of the survivors is ultra low rank, the other three are ultra high, and then all four of them play super toxic. :( As far as I know, it's not against the rules.
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It's not an uncommon phenomenon, given this is exactly what happens when some of my lower rank buddies join up to play some games with those that are more experienced. It's all very chill with little desire to stomp newer killers. But it happens frequently, and I'm convinced the groups that do this with an obvious smurf account do it to dominate weaker killers or milk some achievements/challenges with no effort.
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I had rainbow ranks/green rank SWFs tonight. The problem? I'm a red rank killer set up to deal with red rank teams. These poor saps did not know what hit them.
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its been here since the game was released, 1 low rank gets u matched with rank 20 baby killers. good for making vids...
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I mean matchmaking is a joke to begin with, since it never works there is nothing to manipulate.
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so they can't bring their friend in to play that has not played in 6 months? or even a month? (rank 13 goes to rank 17). i'm sorry you feel this is manipulation but it is friends playing with each other.
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Nothing can be done because one of them being a low-rank survivor doesn't mean it's a smurf account per se. The first time a friend and I started playing we had a friend of him (rank 5) show us how the game worked.
Not everyone is out there trying to be an elite player, some just want to have fun with friends.
I would aim at differentiating competitive v casual match modes, maybe that could help. Some sort of restriction for competitive matches regarding rank differences between survivors.
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It should always queue against the highest rank SWF member, not the lowest. All the system does now is screw over new killers for the amusement of 4 survivors.
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Sorry, I should have made it clearer. I’ve seen when a low ranked player and joins his friends, he stands out like a sore thumb, is clearly new and the other players do their best to protect him which is perfectly fine. I’m referring to an obvious smurf account where the low rank smurf player finishes top of the table on 25k + and is the strongest player on the team.
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Thanks, that confirms what I thought! I’ve only had it happen a few times but it was in quick succession, which made it stand out.
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Fairly certain that got changed a long time ago and it now matchmakes parties off the lowest rank. I.e reds
When this happens to me its insanely obvious that the rank 15+ is brand new to the game
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they tried to get it to do this, but it didn't work and they reverted it back to the way it was before and then they tried the MMR and that didn't work and they reverted that. so no it isn't like that.
again please prove hey are not someone that has been gone a while? you know rank reset will in 5 months set you back to 20 even if you were rank 1. this isn't an obvious smurf account but someone that hasn't played in a while. OR they are new. doesn't matter. Devs have said there is nothing wrong with another account on the same pc, "steam family and friends" etc. sorry not something that is "banable" and you'd have to really prove it.
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It's a shame that the matchmaking can be tricked like that, to match the team against a low rank killer.
A solution would be to base the killers rank on the highest survivor rank. Instead of the lowest.
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why still play killer if that happens too often to you, the only thing you can do is stop playing killer untilt he queue length gets so bad for survivor devs are forced to put out bots with bad AI to be the killers or actually deal with swf
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When my friends tried to play, it was me at red purple and them all 17-18 vs a red/purple killer. All seven of my friends who tried this game quit. Killers never talk about match making like that that makes it ridiculously easy for them but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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It's generally fairly obvious. The swf in many circumstances is the strongest player, is running a full meta build and is using strategies that a swf would use like head on plays or running object.
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I think that for SWFs with 3 or more members, simply ignore the rank of the lowest ranked survivor and average the rest.
In this situation it would be that they would be verse a red rank killer. That means they would need twice as many smurf accounts to pull off this kind of behavior. Smurf accounts that would quickly be used up as they easily win games.
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So you're telling me it's an average match except one of them has limited perks? Wow, killer got even easier!
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Not looking to get anyone banned, not looking to debate what I’ve experienced or hear someone play devils advocate, simply wanted to find out if anyone else had noticed it.
I’m confident that most experienced players in the game will notice a full on SWF when they see it, the builds they run are a big give away, all friends with each other on steam, 2000+ hours per player except the “new” guy who’s on 50 hours but his play doesn’t exactly match the game time.
I know exactly what I’ve seen, it’s only been a handful of times and that’s possibly because I’ve dropped down ranks to attempt to complete some of the harder killer adept achievements.
So just to close this out, it doesn’t bother me, it doesn’t usually effect me but it could be an issue for mid ranked weaker killers.
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They know it and they say nothing in the end game chat.
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it bothered you enough to try to find out if others see it as well... btw i've got 2500+ hours and i don't play the meta game I play what perks I feel will do me the best of good. you also have to realize that you can not know how many hours that person has played in dbd without them displaying it on their profile on steam. I never thought you were trying to get someone banned or anything like that I just wanted you to realize what other posibilities there are.
one time I logged in to a game solo, and we got in, worked on things and when the game was over the killer asked if we were a SWF and we said nope none of us know the other. Just so happened we worked together without needing to communicate verbally to each other.
so you admit to reducing your ranking just to do certain parts of the game and did this intentionally? that's a bold statement considering that is not allowed in the rules. enjoy and good luck out there.
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Yet to see this happen in 2100 hours
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I’ll jump in and say to the OP that I’ve seen it plenty of times.
I can’t always attest to it being a genuine attempt to game the matchmaking system but there are definitely some obvious signs that make you suspect it is.
They are often the biggest tantrum throwers when they lose too.
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this whole "running object" thing is a meme killers made up, right? I can play killer for 5 hours and not see a single object, I can watch killer main streamers for twice as long and see one or two OoO users, pretending they're in every SWF is a little ridiculous.
Also, the amount of red rank killers who instantly go into end game chat and cry SWF when I'm playing solo is pretty high tbh.
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First of all, match making is not working properly at all, so I wouldn't expect it to be "manipulatable" as you can't really control which killer rank you get. Second, how about that 3 man SWF just convinced their buddy to start playing DBD and just played together?
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This is what it should currently be like. I think they did it around Demogorgon chapter or a midchapter later. Before it was the average of survivor ranks that the killer should be (1+1+1+17 -> 5)
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They fixed this once and it destroyed ques so it got reverted. Would be nice if they found a fix but it would most likely destroy ques above purple ranks.
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I've had many games every day for the past 2 years where killers stand around doing nothing.
Seems to be obvious that they are deranking so they can get a low rank so they can fight low rank survivors. Anyone else experience this?
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Just bring a mor...oh wait.
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Every third match is exactly this anymore. It's getting ridiculous and it has to be even more painful for newer killers.