I'm a slug killer & I love it.

So, I have been trying out a very sluggy build recently on my beloved nurse.
Infectious Fright, Nurses Calling, Sloppy Butcher and BBQ (for when nobody is around and for a bit of BP bonus).
Now, the reason I actually first even attempted this build is because I got tired of being body blocked, saboed (not that saboing is much of a problem for a nurse but it does get annoying) and my biggest gripe, flashlight saves.
I also noticed that I was struggling with multiple gens popping far too quick while chasing at the start of the game. So I also needed a way of pulling survivors away from them without running slow downs because, nurse.
I'm never going back. I love slugging and I honestly don't care what people think of my playstyle. The beauty is you can decide just how hard you want to slug. You can ease off and play around with the more chilled survivors, then absolutely decimate the sweats trying to sabo, body block, ds etc.
It's amazing really I get multiple reactions. Usually the ones that are in my face clicking the flashlights or overly cocky SWF with meta builds are the ones that cry, and that only makes it sweeter.
It's a genuine strength of the nurse and one I'm going to utilise, a lot.
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I feel like it would get painfully boring as both survivor AND for you as a killer but you do you. If you find it fun somehow, slug away.
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I would change nurse's calling for knockout, then your slug build would be completed.
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It's only boring against really dumb teams.
But my build can be countered just like any other, it's just a different playstyle.
Thinks like decisive strike and flashlight saves become useless, but unbreakable has screwed me over loads.
Smart survivors notice the scream from infectious and stay away, forcing me to hook for BBQ as I don't run whispers.
It's not an op god build, you just need to recognise its different to every over killer running the same meta.
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I want to point out too I don't just slug and leave, I only go after another if I know there is another there. If nobody else is around then whoever down start to go on the hooks lol.
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Removing sloppy makes more sense, since this perk doesn't affect recovery speed anyways.
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Nah I'm so precise with my nurses calling blinks, it's literally my crutch haha.
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Sloppy and Nurses go hand in hand.
Sometimes I take a hit and run approach, if they're injured that's a good thing.
And the amount of people I've tracked during fatigue from their grunts is insane.
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I mean Nurse is a sluggish killer, no surprise if you get good games when you slug as her.
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Right? This is my point. It's literally her strength.
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I love killers like you because i run WGLF and your giving me free BP. btw nice bait thread, i know your trying to get a rise out of people but you need to try a little harder. maybe, "i slug, run noed and camp hooks" next time. adios.
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NIce bait dude.
Doubtful many give a ######### on how you decide to play. Most of us have seen it all. If it's fun for you, then enjoy!
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Good, glad to help lol.
And it isn't a bait, there were always gonna be those who disagree and those who agree, but there would be no discussion if there weren't.
I haven't belittled or trolled anybody, merely elaborated on my reasoning.
Not everybody is pure toxic.
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I've made 21 posts on the forum, I'm fairly unexperienced at the game and I'm only just discovering these new builds you guys have seen all before.
So sorry that I'm behind, catching up and want to discuss my new findings with the forums.
I thought there was a community here 😕
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Slugging is how you play the game at high ranks. Also "tunneling" is important. Nothing controversial here, but you said it as if in defiance of something..... Which I guess worked because alot of people got really pissy at you ITT, but it's absolutely not controversial to play that way.
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Body is short one character
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Nobody asked but cool I guess.
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Jokes on you. I love being a slug.
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To be fair man it's genuinely my first time playing this way.
I've always been overly fair in my matches and it's only from reading posts here I've realised I'm being too lenient and sacrificing my own fun and progression for the sake of the survivors enjoyment.
So I was merely here to discuss my new found love for this type of play and my build.
Best part is all the people replying about nobody caring but cared enough to comment about not caring.
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See I was thinking of trying that other perk... I forget the name the one where all regressing gens are highlighted in white.
That seems logical for the build...
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Lol I found that funny as well, like usually if a topic isn't considered controversial, you would not be receiving this amount of backlash, but this was a pretty popular thread lol some people will only be able to see their side of the argument. I don't think.anything on the survivor side on particular needs nerfing at this point, and definitely nothing on killer. Aside from bad map RNG (and the map spread in general) this game can probably not get more balanced than it currently is, so I say anything that's possible now for the most part is absolutely fair.
P.S. good luck to you getting into thale game!
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&&&& all of you slug killers, especially you slug nurses.
Am bringing Distortion, Calm Spirit, and Tenacity so at last I can make you wait until I bleed out before you can move on to your next game.
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I mean, it's a crappy way to play and you know it, but you're free to do whatever you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯