Fengs like Christmas too.

Does this mean while everyone is getting pretty skins for Christmas, Feng and Clown are getting nada? Dwight now has two to choose from.. Anyone who bothered with previous rifts already have these items anyway. This Feng Main wants to be festive too.
Atleast we have the bunny
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Theres the Christmas sweater for Feng!
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This game loves Dwight too much, I bet they'll make another Christmas skin for Dwight before they make one for Feng :(
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The game loves their original characters (Dwight/Meg/Claud/Jake)
But Feng got an halloween cosmetic not even two months ago :=) and you can equip Bunny Feng and do like it's a onesie
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Feng may not has a christmas outfit but at least she has one of the greek legends collection and a Halloween skin.
Kate has not even one of the three.
Bikini Kate when BHVR?
Edit: Forgot the halloween skin.
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Hey hey hey Meg also got nothing for Christmas :(
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I´m sorry, but bringing myself to Kill Fengs is hard enough already with all these cute outfits she usually has. With a proper Christmas outfit, she may become unkillable.
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But got pretty much everything else lol
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My boy Quentin doesn’t even have a sweater
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Santa doesn't visit naughty children who don't sleep.
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quote from fengs lore
Sleep was less important to her than training. At the top of her game, she filled stadiums with fans who adored her. But it couldn't last forever; The pressure to be the best grew stronger and stronger. She pushed herself too far, slept too little, and her performance began to slip. She started to lose. At night, she would stay up, tormented by the thought of disappointing her parents… and her fans.
seems feng and Quentin are both on the naughty list
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But what about adam? He gets next to nothing all the time. Poor guy will probably have less outfits than elodie soon.
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I love all his outfits too it’s a shame him and Jeff don’t get more
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less popular = less outfits i suppose. It's sad because i do like them both and they could have some more really nice outfits.
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@Phasmamain It all makes sense now... Dag nabbit!!
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Quentin needs some love
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The monkey paw has heard your wish but not really.
She'll get a bright red Christmas tree dress with flashing lights and a glowing star on top of her head.
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It's also gonna be a legendary set, as we aren't playing as Feng but actually... Slightly younger Feng Min, $5 extra.
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Egh, why is this a "Feng" issue whenever I see this complaint on the Christmas skins? Adam didn't get one. Yui didn't get one. Meg didn't get one. Jeff didn't get one. David didn't get one. Felix only got his ugly sweater while the other two new Survivors got a set and a sweater. Nea didn't get one.
The only complaint that is kind of valid is Dwight getting his 2nd one. But he is also kind of the pure hearted good boy mascot of the Survivor side that is also a pitiful wreck. So giving him silly and dumb outfits works very well for him.
Also weird you mention Clown. Him getting another would be in line with Dwight cause he has the Santa outfit already?
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Feng has a Christmas skin.
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*sad Jane noises*
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And by everyone you mean the most played survivor characters?
Cause last time I checked my nea doesn't have and probably won't get any festive outfit.
The devs just go for the most used characters because they can bring in the most money.
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I don't think they're counting the sweaters. Which aren't really Christmas themed anyway. They're more just a winter sweater, since the image has to do more with the characters lore then actual Christmas.
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Not every character is going to get a holiday outfit every year. Especially Feng who had already been apart of the Halloween and Greek Legends collection. Yes I think it's dumb Dwight got two Christmas skins, but at least he wasn't apart of the last two big collections.
Also, Clown already has a Christmas skin. Not sure why you're complaining about Dwight having two while also advocating for Clown to get another one at the same time.
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I want a christmas skin for Plague, too.
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I want Piggy skin, although that's wishful thinking.