Is Stridor going to get reworked at any point?

This perk is awful on all but one killer (Spirit) and it literally makes her uncounterable, surely it should be made more useful for all other killers and toned down for Spirit?
It's just the only killer who needs the perk. Same way that Shadowborn is really only used on Nurse or Huntress.
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doesn't need to be, it counters iron will which itself would need to be nerfed. you really don't wanna give them on ideas on how tot urn more people off of playing killers
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It is a decent perk though (not just on her) you hear injured survivors that would be out of your range otherwise, and iron will is annoying in general
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Another survivor main wanting killer nerfs because they refuse to adapt. Try actually using perks to confuse her, i.e. Quick and Quiet, Deception, Diversion, etc.
You can’t run around the same loop and expect the same outcome with every killer.
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Either the devs would have to nerf Stridor by making Iron Will trump it, or remove/nerf Spirit's hearing when phasing. Imo Stridor Spirit isn't as cancerous as people say it is, so I don't see why a nerf is needed.
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I am a new player and stridor actually helps me a lot to find survivor when I lost sight of him since I can hear him making louder noises. In my opinion this perk is useful for every killer, not only for spirit.
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Stridor carries bad Spirit players.
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There's.... no reason to?
Stridor's a decent enough perk on any killer, it's just that it works best on Spirit because she relies so much on sound. You could throw it on Legion and still get some value, it's just that other perks are better.
Honestly, it's like saying Thanatophobia should be nerfed because Plague/Legion can easily get max stacks, or that Infectious should be nerfed because an Oni with it is an absolute nightmare.
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Any tips against stridor spirit?
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split on gens, use stealth, abuse the fact that she is a 110 and has to use her power with lengthy cooldowns to patrol any faster
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But what about if she has addons to recover her power?
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Stridor is rather ok in its current state. Spirit is not.
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The year is 2023. The last Killer perk has been nerfed. Spirit phase walk now lasts 1.5 seconds and stuns her for 5 seconds after coming out of it. Nurse can now teleport only 3 meters. NOED has been removed from the game. The lobbies are now filled with the cries of Survivors complaining about their 57 minute queue times.
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I'm not saying nerf it, it needs reworked in order to do something else, Stridor has no place in dbd's meta on any killer other than Spirit and when on Spirit, it literally removes all for of "counterplay" against Spirit when perks shouldn't even be considered "counterplay".
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Are you insinuating that a killer that gives survivors no feedback about what they're doing should be able to negate their only weakness? Because I personally don't agree. I'm not saying Stridor should be nerfed, just changed to do something more useful for all killers.
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Shadowborn is great and used on a lot more killers. Blight, Billy and Slinger can all get good value from it.
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See, I've always hated the argument of "Just use perks to counter this" You shouldn't need to run a perk to counter 1 of the killers on the large roster. That is very bad and ignorant advice. Stridor Spirit is un-counterable. Can't change that fact. Once you're injured, you are dead unless the Spirit player is not using headphones.
I play both sides so I'm being completely unbiased. Spirit is unhealthy for the game in herself and then putting Stridor is just insult to injury.
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Healing, Stridor only works on grunts of pain. Unless the Spirit has Sloppy Butcher, this is the one time you want to Self-care in the corner
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Are you saying spirit has counters?
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Thank you
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Wrong. At max tier, it also makes regular breathing louder.
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Isn’t Iron Will arguably uncounterable if it wasn’t for Stridor? How do you reason that logic?
Also it sounds like you need to play more of both sides. You still don’t realize this isn’t a 1v1 anymore, not at this level. A killer like Spirit is going to take 4v1 to win. You have a lot to learn still.
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You're comparing Iron Will to the context of a killer who's absolute BS. Spirit gives no indication or input to the survivors with no information while she has all the info she needs. Stridor Spirit is completely uncounterable. Is Iron Will that game-breaking? You know the answer. Also, don't tell me what I have and don't have to learn. I have almost 3k hours in Dead by Daylight but it doesn't take that much experience to see how unfair Spirit with Stridor is. You're literally comparing a perk to something just as broken as old mories. Very laughable.
Also, what "Level" are you talking about? OP is literally talking about Stridor Spirit alone. What are you setting the bar to? Comp games? Rank 1 SWF games? because not everyone in the game plays in 4 man SWF Deathsquads. A lot of players are solo queue and with that flawed logic to balance everything around 4 survivors all on comms, that leaves solo players in the dust which is pretty ridiculous. Seems like you have a lot to learn.
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I have not once seen any of the killers at red ranks use that perk.
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Cool I have over 5K hours but it doesn’t matter. If you can’t adapt to Spirit Stridor then you already peaked a long time ago. Try to learn how to actually play against her and reread my first post.
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Have you ever vsed a tournament spirit with spacial sound? i don't think so. Good like trying to confuse one.
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Is the average Spirit player one of them? No, i don’t think so. Good job trying to skew data to the less than 1% though.
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So ur saying that because bad and mediocre spirits can make mistakes that spirit is balanced? You don't even have to be a tournament level spirit to dominate with stridor, you just need to know how to play the game. How are you supposed to mindgame someone who can pinpoint ur location through auditory sounds at all times?
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Is Iron will going to get reworked at any point?
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When did I ever mention bad Spirit players? I swear some people on these forums really need to learn how to read. It’s people like you who interpret things in their own narrative that makes these forums as bad as they are.
Spirit-Stridor can be beaten, you’ve done it, I’ve done it, anyone can do it. People don’t like the challenge that comes with that build though. That’s the reason everyone complains. They can’t loop Spirit like any other M1 killer. Make sense now?
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No-one complains because spirit can't be looped, otherwise everyone woudl be complaining about nurse far more.
The fact that you said tournament spirits shouldn't be taken into account because they are an outlier shows that ur idea of balancing killers is around mediocre and bad players. Sorry but GOOD stridor spirits will not be beaten unless there is a 4man coms involved or they mess up terribly.
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Look at you putting words in my mouth again because I don’t put the top 0.005% of Spirit’s in the data for consideration of Stridor then that only leaves mediocre Spirits, no in between just black and white. You really should think about stuff before you type it out. And well there you go you answered your own question, the top 0.005% can beat the top 0.005% what do you know.
Try using comprehensive skills before you type. I swear some people just argue to argue they don’t realize what they’re saying half the time.
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And do you even play this game? You realize the only reason people don’t complain about Nurse is because a good Nurse is very rare. THINK ABOUT IT :)
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Ur missing two things.
1) Spirit is infinitely easier to get good at, all you need to know is where survivors run and general game knowledge.
2) Even the best of nurses has counterplay, its just very hard to pull off and requires alot of skill. Not even being the best player in the game will save you form a god level spirit.
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There is no reliable counterplay to a spirit though, even just a decent spirit will annialate you with stridor unless you guess insanely lucky. It's not just the top percent spirits.
If you're having 2 minute + chases with spirits then they quite clealy are not good spirits at all.
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No best player on dbd will escape from any god killer 😉
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As others have said the perk is fine. The fact that you're 100% quiet with IW including regular breathing noises from running is what makes it so good.
Spirit is the major design problem here
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You shouldn't get used to it because it might mess up your game sense ones you don't equip it.
The reason why I never use it since I get confused with the distance between me and the survivor being used to normal sounds.
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Doubt it. I believe that spirit will be changed instead. Stridor shouldn't be incredibly powerful either way. But this on legion of the twins is actually really useful
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Stridor is not fun to play against. It also rewards weak players. Killers need to play based on skill, not based on perks or add ons.
If ur using spirit w stridor, it's basically a free win. Even new killers can get a 4k.
Stridor is so OP, it needs to be nerfed.
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What is the logic in nerfing a weak perk specifically for the one killer and buffing it for all other killers because it benefits one killer the most out of the 20+ roster of killers? That’s like saying “let’s nerf STBFL because it works too well on Demo and Pig but buff it for Nurse and Huntress”.
Stridor isn’t the problem. Spirit standing still and giving no clear indication on what she is doing is the issue. She gives zero feedback and no reasonable counterplay besides blind guessing. Give Spirit some indication on when she is using her power and SOME general indication on her location while phasing and Stridor is a non-issue.
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Heal up. Stridor is somewhat helpful on non-injured survivors but incredibly useful on injured survivors. If you can tell that a spirit is running stridor heal at every opportunity.
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Let me just tell her to stop chasing me so I can heal to counter strider.
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If she's chasing you & you're injured she'd find you without stridor.
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Yeah, Yeah, you DEFINITELY "Adapt" to Stridor Spirit. I'm sure being a Gen Jockey while your teammates die so you find hatch at the end is adapting for sure! Good advice, seriously.
"Run these perks to counter this" WeirdChamp
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Why are you complaining about spirit rather than oni. Do you complain about Oni not giving you enough time to heal up after getting hit. Literally play the same conservative way that you would play verses Oni. The longer you can go without getting hit verses spirit the better you will do verses her, the same way that you'll do better verses Oni if you don't let him get you hurt.
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Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣
What is this treat about really, STRIDOR or how supposedly uncounterable spirit is?
Stridior is strong on all killers as it is on spirit.
On all killers you hear the same amount of sounds from the survivors, but only because you can't see spirit while phasing, almost everybody is losing their minds.
Instead of just trying to think out of the box for a change and stop playing like a blendette.
But unfortunately to some people who say she doesn't have counters you might as well talk to a wall cause they listen just as much.
I've had game vs spirits with stridor and still made it out?
Use that gray mass they call brains and you will do just fine
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Bruh, then how do you exactly counter a good Spirit with Stridor?
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I do at rank 1 on all my killers. I'm addicted to it.