Tonight is going great.

First game of the night - First person downed DC's and the Ghostface proceeds to hard tunnel me. One of my teammates tried to block and take a hit. He went around him, downed me, ate the DS, and hooked me again. I didn't bother to struggle and moved on to the next.

Second game of the night - Doctor slugs everyone at five gens.

Third game - I cleanse a dull totem and a Nea brings the Twins to me. I go down, she's ignored. She proceeds to spend the entire time I'm chased Urban Evading near the gen she was working on while it regresses. I kill myself to get out of her game. Why work on gens when the killer is busy when you can do nothing?

Is anyone out there having fun tonight?


  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    How are your queue times? because if they are quick it doesn't matter.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920
  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Oh fudge, did you purchase the pass before finishing it? Man, I'm sorry, that sucks. The Rift basically forces people to play and grind it out on nights like this where you'd be better off doing aaannnyyything else. I take it you can't switch to killer because you have survivor challenges to do?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    yeah 10 mins I'm on the fence at that length if it aint a great night.

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    Ya I often have to take long breaks from this game as the grind is brutal and mostly pointless. I picked stardew back up now that 1.5 is out so it's not so bad to play a match or too then gtfo

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I'm having fun. I swear Meat, your region has the worst survivor players.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    That's awful. My queue time right now is 10 seconds. It'll become something like 5 minutes later tonight but right now I have no problems finding games and the sweaty killers are all asleep.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415
    edited December 2020

    Well, I almost played you guys as Clown around 9:30, but I bailed ‘cause I thought it was a SFW an I just got rocked by one in the previous match. Probz would’ve been GGs for ya, if it helps make your night any smoother😌

    I had a few of those *everybody rushing to see who can DC first!* matches tonight🙄

    time for me to enjoy some Christmas movies an jus chill from DBD for a bit🥳

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    "Is anyone out there having fun tonight?"

    Well, I had a blast tonight with family & friends, but . . . we were playing Overwatch. About to go read some before bed, now. I just wanted to see what was going on in the Fog, but I haven't launched this game since Blight's release.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    10 minutes being 'not bad' for a few minutes to around 8 minutes of gameplay in exchange... I really wanna see killer nerfs so we can try and get those queues up to half an hour for the entertainment on steam discussions after it happens. some games I have more fun reading about their disasters thana ctually playing those games, dbd has usually been one of them lmao

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Oh I was playing that too just an hour ago. Hahhaa.

    BTW nice to see you Klmeran as I recall last time we were also talking Overwatch (this was on my other account that got banned).

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited December 2020

    We probably were, LOL. It's been my main game since it launched, and it helps that I can relax and chill in it with a 4 to 6 stack family & friends group. We mostly just play Quick Play Classic and Mystery Heroes in the Arcade. Almost got this week's Ana challenge skin already. Next week is the one I'm waiting for. Love the Roadhog Frosty skin. Bought the Zenyatta Toybot skin last night since he's one of my mains, and still sitting on 40k coins. I usually only spend them during Anniversary or Halloween Terror.

    Had a good night tonight. Was popping off as Soldier 76, Junkrat, and Lucio.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I only play QPC. Not fond of forced 2-2-2 matches. I already got the Torb, Rein and Moira skin for the Christmas, next saving up for Mei that penguin suit is cute as heck. I just finished Anna's gingerbread challenge which is why I'm right now typing while on hook in DBD. Hahhaha

  • Yoink_Incarnate
    Yoink_Incarnate Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2020

    Killer main here - and while not this morning, I got doctor yesterday and have played exactly 7 games, and have had 8 total DC's and 3 depips

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    I had a couple of games yesterday where Dwight used his ability to see auras to run towards other survivors while in chase. First game, he actually survived (the only one btw).

    The second time, the killer realised what he was doing and tunneled him. Not a fan of tunneling but he needed to go lol

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814

    Merry Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) you filthy animal <3

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Well to counter point it, after 10 survivor and 5 killer games I had a generally enjoyable evening with no ingame or pre- or postgame BS. Finished the repair gens and sacrifice survivors rift challenges and generally gg's all round.

    I like to end the night with a last game de-pip challenge, get the maximum amount of bloodpoints possible without safety pipping.

    Build BBQ&C, Thrill of the hunt, Beast of prey, Distressing. No addons or offerings. Squeeze as much out of inefficient play as possible.

    Killer of choice tonight Clown. Hard one as you can't just spam your power for freebee points at the end.

    Hook no more than 3 people once each, kick gens but not enough to get pips from regression, commit to chase and down to slug after hooks but be careful or you'll get chase pips, open gates once powered, break everything for the BP, dropped pallets and breakable walls are your friend.

    Rule numero uno you must commit to the game! No going afk or other scummy game killing stuff (DC etc), survivors must have no reason to believe anything other than they heavily outplayed you by games end.

    Remember enjoy the little things you make your own fun.

    Tonight's depip total 17'000 BP game score, 48'000 with bonus. Almost a new personal best.

    Good luck tomorrow night, hope its a better run.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    I had a game against Ghostface where I was the only one Exposed and I purposely ran to two different teammates, both hid instead of taking a hit for me. A lot of people don't seem to understand the value of taking aggro away from the killer. After I got unhooked I went into a locker to heal with Inner Strength while (that same teammate who wanted to crouch walk around) kept trying open the door. Once i healed and left he just stood there.

  • cabilldence
    cabilldence Member Posts: 2

    Wait a second- were you on midwich elementary? I was playing a meg with blonde hair and a black outfit trying to block for a feng. This ghostface was blue and tunneling HARDCORE. He even camped. I think the feng DC’ed but I’m not sure. This was yesterday btw?

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Yeah, even though we're a premade group, we loathe 2-2-2. Dumbest idea ever. Sometimes, we just need to switch roles between us mid-match, like if our DPS are having a rough go, me and my 27-year-old son can switch Support with them, take DPS, and usually turn it around between his Ashe and my 76.

    Can't do that in friggin RoleQ. Not to mention, I hear that since the OWL gave away 50k game keys, that RoleQ Quick Play and Comp are smurf flooded now. If so, I'll pass.

  • WardenKingRey
    WardenKingRey Member Posts: 1

    Hey bro play xbox happen to me last night doc he was just camping hell as me if want play let me know

  • Cele
    Cele Member Posts: 63

    I'm having similar experiences as the OP today.

    I'm already quite burned out due to the rift grind and solo que is as horrible as ever. Ugh I just want to complete it and take a break for a while...

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Yeah since I got closer than I thought I would I really want to complete it but some nights are just really rough no matter what.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I have the same thing happen to me. I'll be injured and run by two fully healed teammates and they Urban Evade and let me go down.

    I asked a guy once why he didn't help me save a teammate. (I wasn't nasty to him, I just wanted to know why he did what he did). It was before EGC. A spirit was camping the hook which made perfect sense - the gates were open - and there was no NOED, and we were near one of the exits. He was searching a chest while I tried to find a way to sneak in and make the unhook before getting hit. I got hit, ran to him, he healed me, but when I tried to get him to come with me, he refused. He said no one ever helps him so he isn't going to help anyone else.

    I think a lot of people are like that. Teammates are just a tool they can use for their own escape. Most people are bad at the game and they see an escape as the only way to win. I personally like trying to get better. There are times when I'm like, I just did not know what to do in that situation. I die or screw up and my teammate doesn't make it out, but I'm like, well at least next time I can try something else. LOL imagine if everyone used critical thinking and tried to improve at this game???

  • prodigy1337
    prodigy1337 Member Posts: 32

    In a kill or be killed game, you chose the wrong side with the highest risk of failure as a solo que. I'm sure you had a frustrated time, but this is the game you qued up for and this is the forum you are posting in. Let this be a reminder to you that not everything is going to go according to plan or by how you would like it to be.

    Especially in this game. The other day I saw a video of a hacker playing Ghostface, throwing Huntress axes, let that sink in.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Tunneling, slugging, randoms not helping or killing themselves. Yeah, it's been " fun "..

  • Moat of my survivor games today I'd get tunneled and teammates cant do gens... my killer games on the other hand are filled with survivors basically running DS, BT, unbreakabill and BNP...

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    What rank are you? I also have a sneaking suspicion that they didn't actually tunnel you

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882
    edited December 2020

    I've had the same experience as the OP. Rank 2 survivor and it felt like when they turned on MMR for the very first time. Nothing was getting done in any of my games. I was the only one doing everything; doing the gens, lasting in chases, rescuing/healing...

    I gave up and played R6 instead. No regrets.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    you probably should blame your teammate instead of the killer in this case.

    first, how can he injure everyone else when you’re slugged? I assume all survivors are around to get a pallet or flashlight save or some other reason so he can injure everyone else without you been rescued. This is your teammates to blame:

    second, you are hooked, and I assume there are 2 survivors hiding around injured, waiting to rescue you. Your teammates should never attempt to unhook when injured.

    No.1 survivor made a mistakes and get downed around the hook, and No.2 survivor makes a mistake at immediately unhook you when the killer just down No.1, possibly without BT. This is your teammates fault for being so altruistic. You should be lucky you have DS to give you second chance. I believe killer picked you up just to waste your DS so you don’t have it in end game. We all know how bs it is in end game.

    third, if you play solo, you just made a mistake of not bringing kindred. If this case happens even with kindred on, then more the reason you should blame your teammates.

    When I play killer, I would be stupid to ignore the unhooking and proceed to hook the No.1 when it’s so close to me. What I would do will be the same as this killer, go back and potentially down both of you, and go back to hook No.1, possibly found the last survivor around, and end the game right there. if not, I will at least injure one of you for unhooking, and go back to No.1.

    remember, deathslinger has poor mobility, so he needs to snowball as much as he can when all survivors are around him. It was the most logical choice from him.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    First game of the night as killer vs toxic 4-man SWF bully squad. One plays the bait, one is the designated Head On mid-chase to prevent bloodlust while the other two do gens. All five games as survivor tonight were against tunnelers and campers.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    That kind of stuff happens to me when I play survivor

    Also I don't go out of my way to do those things (but I lose my thought process a lot under pressure)