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Killers Crying
It's interesting cause what I've noticed is that a lot of the posts are about killers crying that they got a 4 man swf sweat squad, or that survivors needs nerfs, survivors items need nerfs, survivor perks need nerfs.
Meanwhile, vacuum pallets were removed, BNP (toolboxes in general) were nerfed into the ground, Key is getting a rework (nerfing into the ground) soon, insta heal? gone. (Not saying they were balanced but they got dealt with nonetheless).
But all I see on here is killers complaining about stuff and wanting these CRAZY changes that would make survivor gameplay literally unbearable lol.
A survivor can't say anything on here cause all the killer mains will riot under your post. feel free to go crazy here too, I like reading the comments.
Am I to assume that you thought all of these things were balanced?
Because they weren't.
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Bait. IF you loop really well, then what are you complaining about?
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They weren't but the amount of killers that ######### about things vs survivors is way higher imo.
Take mori's for example, they used to be an insta kill back in the day. Now that they got nerfed all I see is complaining over and over.
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What does looping have to do with anything? I'm talking about how killers complain way more than survivors.
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Are you for reals? Any killer that can kill effectively is immediately deemed "boring" by majority of the survivor player base. And 99% of the time, that killer gets a significant nerf.
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The million threads with people complaining about freddy,deathslinger,spirit,pyramid head,noed etc. say otherwise
Both sides complain all the time
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Of course both sides complain, but who's actually getting the constant nerfs?
All I'm seeing lately is killer getting reworks (buffs). Freed went from being the weakest killer (I thought he was still fun to play as) to being 1 of the strongest. Pop got nerfed and then reverted and so did discordance lol so I don't get why killers complain so much tbh and I play both sides but slighter higher rank on survivor since i play it more.
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Nurse and Billy rework were buffs? Are you for real?
If one side is getting constant nerfs. Maybe, just maybe they are still the stronger role?
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Its more the forum community as a whole. Everyone seems to be here to complain and demand changes, the survivor mains too. I think the game is generally balanced and don't complain a lot, and I bet most non-forum players feel the same.
If I had a nickel for ebry complaint I saw about ruin/undying, tunneling, camping, or NOED I'd be a rich man.
Sure, killers complain too. Just saying its everywhere. I come here for updates on bugs, tips, the current meta and to post chapter concepts that never get touched. I mean, come on, some of my chapter concepts are lit but people only click on the "NeRf SuCh AnD sO" posts
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Killers are getting the constant nerfs... I don't understand what you are trying to say here. And in terms of "reworks", that doesn't always mean buffs. A lot of the times it made killers weaker in certain areas, all on the behalf of making it easier for survivors.
I play both sides as well, as does almost everyone on these forums. And I can say that survivor is without a doubt incredibly easier than killer.
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People aren't really complaining that moris got nerfed very much. Most of us knew they were over powered. What we're mad about was the lack of a specific date and that keys didn't get nerfed at the same time.
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People complain because they nerfed Mori's without nerfing Keys. I think that's kinda justified to an extent.
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Don't act like they got nerfed into the ground they are both still very viable.
I've used billy and tbh I could barely notice a difference. Nurse on the other hand I never cared for but she's still strong, god forbit you have to wait a couple of second before you can blink for a second time. Remember when nurse could blink up to 4 time or so. Good times
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Billy nerf and bugged, nurse nerfed and hella bugged, PH bugged and more annoying, moris nerfed.
Remember when instas were getting nerfed and they told the community? Remember every game that killers had to play against 4 insta heals? I do.
I feel like they will also let people know about keys.
Old bnp oh you mean the insta gen? Fair and balanced.
Balanced landing nerf? Oh you mean the perk that made haddonfield more annoying?
What else did survivors lost? Infinites?
Remember that Billy was one if not the most fun and balanced killer (except crack and insta saw) now rarely you see billies and I personally rarely play him since for some reason after the animation change I hit more walls than I hit people since I can't curve normally anymore.
And going from what you said, keys are not unfair or anything? They are fair and balanced?
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I've also seen ones that say they shouldn't have been nerfed at all. I get the frustration of not knowing when keys will be reworked but let's be real how many times do you see a purple/pink key in your lobby?
When I play killer I barely see it and even when I do, I don't sweat too hard it's whatever.
As a survivor I barely see my teammates carrying a key and I myself don't care for them so I don't use them.
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Because they ARE always playing vs SWF sweat squads. Because you can not get kills in red ranks and you get bullied all the time. Let me back up my argument with the following graphic.
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That's why they didn't tell killers that moris were gonna be nerfed cause everyone would use them.
Also I never claimed these things were fair, and I personally do not care about key I never use them unless a challenge requires me to.
Also not only did they nerf balanced landing they also added a sound for when you're dropping which is only muffled when you're not exhausted (make it make sense).
And bugs, everything is bugged all the time. I just had a jake puke constantly against a plague while fixing a gen and he wasn't even in the broken state. Bugs are everywhere.
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Funny how when a survivor uses this, killers go "But that is not accurate" and whatnot.
Also 57% means that at least 2 people die which seems balanced to me. So I do not know what point you're trying to make here.
People just haven't been playing nurse as much but that doesn't make her bad.
4 -
This guy defended insta gens, lol. Why not defend no hook mori?
Insta Heals aren't gone, at all. Styptic Agent is the same thing. And you can't tell me if used mid chase that the killer waits it out more often than not.
Vacuum pallets were ok?
And "key getting rework, soon" -- I guess 6+ months is soon to you, meanwhile they have zero counter.. seems legit.
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So if you never said that they weren't fair why bother making a thread not defending but basically saying that survivor stuff is fine.
And I understand the balanced landing stuff but Idk if you remember that not only bl removed the sound, it also removed the stag from falling, unless I misunderstood what you meant but I think BL was nerfed just because of haddonfield.
Most killers complain about stuff that it is unbalanced just like how survivors complain about them as well.
Example slinger which is really unbalanced, spirit same, keys giving a free escape (depends but you get the point), moris were hella unbalanced ngl but this is what people don't see or care, if you nerf one thing from the other side you do both, another example is the pop vs ds argument that people had, both perks are similar but only one got nerfed.
People in this case killers are upset because keys didn't get changed when moris did, they both do the same cut the game shorter even if survivors had to do more to use them.
Think of it going like this 50/50 then after the mori change it went 45/50 and that 5 is just there but not on one side.
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Quote where I "defended" insta gens. I simply talking about changes that happened to survivors I even said they weren't balanced while replying to someone. It took YEARS to nerf moris all they had to do was chance it to last hook which I'm pretty sure it's not hard to do but they waited this long.
Again, I don't care about keys. You don't know it will take 6 months so why make up a timeline? They could remove the key from the game for all I care and if they did I doubt many people would complain except for the super toxic swf cause in my experience I barely see it and EVEN when I play swf we don't use keys.
I need the devs to come up with swf stats and what items they use then we'll see how common keys actually are.
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Both sides complain equally, you just see the Killers complaints more because the forums seem to have more Killer mains than Survivors.
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I've seen 12 Keys in the last 3 days.
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My point?
Isnt that obvious? We killer mains get destroyed by survivors all the time! There is no way we can win in this game. The game is so unfair. 75% killrate on average is clearly way to less! We want 100%. Minimum.
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And I saw 10 Freddies with pop, bbq, ruin undying ni the last 2 days. Doesn't make it true.
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First off this is not what this post is about. Second insta gens really arent a thing if you know how to play killer and patrol gens.
Finally the posts where survivors are complaining are all the way at the bottom of the forum and there are way less. When I went through the first 10 discussion that werent posted by the devs 3 were killers complaining 1 was a survivor complaint and the rest were gibberish.
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I have no way to prove it to you. It's getting to the point where I'm considering adding Franklin's to all my builds.
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Lol, the hypocrisy. While with nowadays killers you can easily outplay every survivor on every look with almost every killer, you still complain. Billy was never okay. The ability to drive around map with insane speed was broken as hell and his stupid chainsaw hitbox is another whole story. Same goes to old nurse, and she still applies same pressure btw.
And now we've got a Spirit, who takes no skill by standing still and getting kills for that, plus Deathslinger with no counterplay, where you rely on killer's mistake instead of your skill.
And yes, vacuum pallets were ok, since even with dedicated servers, even with good ping on both sides, you get hit literally through pallets and vaults after you already few meters away from them.
You wonder why people play swf? Because it's sucks hard playing solo without any coordination against almost every killer.
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Are you on crack? lol. So basically you want an easy game where you always get 4ks. 2 kills is balanced where the both the killer and survivors get a decent amount of points.
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Keys are much more common since the mori nerf
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The mere fact that you said vacuum pallets were okay destroyed your point. That's like saying old BNP or old Mori's were okay. EVERYONE knows they weren't.
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That person is being sarcastic lol it is hard to understand but that is just how he/she is.
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Wha....- what?
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He has a point, it went from vacuum pallets to getting bs hits THROUGH pallets no matter how fast your internet is. 100% of the time the hit favour the killer, I've been hit through pallets/windows and my body drops 6ft away from it and my internet is fast so you would think the hit would be in my favour.
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Sry I didn't really take in the sarcasm via text lol.
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I've occasionally see questionable hits, but it's maybe every few games. Supposedly, hit validation was going to fix that visual issue.
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It happens lol I don't really know know that person but I know that she/he likes to be sarcastic and most of the time it is really funny.
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Occasionally is an understatement. I was playing Hag yesterday and boy oh boy was the hit validation on my side. Same thing with my hatchets as Huntress. Hit validation is busted.
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Well,fast internet doesn't matter.
Your ping however does
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You shouldn't put words in my mouth. Judging by your logic, I would be ok with bugs just because they sometimes give advantage. Which is wrong. Old bnp were bad as hell, it could be treated as old moris, which cut game at least in half.
But looking at vacuum pallets, they were a great bandaid to non-existent hit registration until devs would fix that problem. But now we have to deal with that and sometimes hope that hits won't connect where they should not connect. And that's not even about huntress's hatchets and slinger's harpoon!
Right now toolboxes and self-care are almost useless due to their nerf. Moreover, killers already had before perks to deal with items and gen speed, but today they got even more. And those who complain about genrushing simply do not belong to ranks they are currently at. If you are not able to pressure gens, you obviously doing something wrong, since I saw many red ranks doing pretty well even against swf. Hell, I don't have problem with that too, and I play survivor and killer at 50/50.
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For the most part, the hits that I get are fine. I don't play Huntress tho, so I can't speak dor for that.
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Vacuum pallets were not okay. Do I need to pull up clips? I started playing right before they were removed and let me tell you, I am glad they are gone.
Toolboxes are still very good. You just cannot do an ENTIRE gen faster, now you have to be intelligent about how you use them.
Self-Care has always been useless, or at least, it has always promoted poor gameplay.
If Survivors are entirely focused on gens, the Killer will usually lose. Heck, if the Killer and Survivors play casually, the Killer will lose. Gens go very quickly at Red Ranks. Have fun trying to pressure 4 people off of gens when you still have Cow Tree Loop into Shack into Jungle Gym.
The game isn't balanced towards Killer, if you are having trouble as Survivor, that's on you. I am a Red Rank Survivor (though I should probably be in Purple Ranks) and I have zero problem winning solo because I know my job. If I can get even half of a gen done for every hook, we win by a landslide.
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I never said said the game was balanced for any side, or vacuum pallets are a good choice of game design. This is why I referred to it as bandaid. Yes, I know that it looked at least silly in many occasions, but it's a fair trade looking at what we have to deal with even with hit validation (which never worked and still doesn't work).
But I can't stand hearing people complain about killer being hard or even impossible. I swear it's those "muh easy 4k" treads all over again. And looking at the backlash due to fair mori nerf, I can already tell these people will always prioritize their own vision of enjoyment instead of balance to every side. At least key requires to do some gens and survive before you can use it, where mori required some tunneling and that person is gone for good.
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I don't see anyone crying. I see paying customers making valid complaints about the game. Why shouldn't they express themselves and their concerns on an outlet that has been provided by the developers to obtain feedback?
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Vaccum pallets allowed Survivors to escape being hit since the pallet would "vaccum" them to the other side.
Killer is absolutely hard. The Mori nerf was fair in its content but not in its timing. The Devs obliterated one side's OP item without doing anything to the other sides OP item. The nerf needed to happen, and I actually think it's fair, but not nerfing Keys was a mistake. Keys essentially force the Killer to de-pip, almost guarantee that the Survivor will pip and they end the game early.
The game is so close to being balanced right now. Getting rid of Keys and Mori's is a big step. The next will be to take a look at maps like Haddonfield, Disturbed Ward, Hawkins and The Game.
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I was just performing killer mains in a nutshell.
You should not argue with people who think killer are totally underpowered at the current state, because you can not discuss with them on a reasonable level. Talk with them who play both sides. Nobody with a sane mind who plays both sides equaly would ever ask for crazy buffs...
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I think the biggest issue is that everyone thinks they are way better at this game than they actually are. All of the Genji mains or Yasuo mains play killer in dbd. Only they don't have a team to blame so its obviously a game balance issue.
It has legit never been easier to play killer than it is right now.
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Yeah someone told me you were being sarcastic sry, I didn't quite get it since it's via text lol.
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Figured this thread would've blown up way more with as many entitled Killer mains that complain while rudely shutting down any Survivor that says otherwise.
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It's almost like I could see all the comments an entire day in advance