Taking the DS early is not counterplay



  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Fine if you really need an explanation, here. If you are in a power position at the start which can easily be changed due to bad game design, and you eat one or 2 ds as soon as they start doing gens too fast you can decide to tunnel the people without ds and because they don't have it now you get extra pressure AND can turn it to a 1v3 which is super killer sided. I today hooked a girl aftee she unhooked a Laurie and Laurie was on a gen so i ate her ds and when I downed her after she got unhooked later I tunneled her because the girl I carried dc so I could just end it instead of wasting time finding the guy who saved her while letting her leave.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    That's not nearly same thing. You have to worry abaut BBQ aura for that whole 4 seconds after each hook and even if killer saw your aura.. so what? you could be opposite side of the map, even if the killer came you have resources to waste his time. But i would gladly trade DS nerf for BBQ nerf

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited December 2020

    Up map pressure needs to be tranlated in this context. It dosent mean anything besides git gud until you point out what it actually means. For example maybe stop commiting to chases and spend the first few minutes driving survivors of gens. If you down a survivor dont immediatly pick up if there a survivor close by try and drive them off the gen and come back for the downed. Target regions groups of survivors as opposed to moving into locations with one survior. Spread out damage. Only ever target a survivor if they are on deathhook.

    Its annoying i get it. But a lot of killers need more simple advice to improve. Its not an easy role to pick up as you know. I do disagree on slugging for a lot of what i stated abive you want pressure now not later. Burning unbreakable is much better then ds. Much less safe and you have a lot more gen pressure then eating the ds.

    A goid start is half the battle eating dses is the opposite of that.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited December 2020

    Alternative method slug the laurie leave her on the floor next to the gen. Locate closest survivor knock them down or injure them. 3 hands are now off gens so let break down the advantages of both plays.

    Your plan allows swifter kills later on a point wheere survivors are weaker anyways due to lack of pallets and resources.

    In my plan I have taken 3 survivors off gens you have taken none off gens at a vulnerable point in the game where survivors are at there strongest. They are all spread out and are in areas with much more advantageous looping positions. I could go on but the is so much value in slugging.

    You pull survivor into dead zones you tale immediate pressure off. You leabe no time for save set up and if someone else is hooked you have more time to put pressure on the other sides rescurer. Yes unbreakable but your choosing ds or unbreakable. Expend unbreakable. Slugging is wayore advantageous. The 3 v 1 is often gonna come up to late to matter with a push early kill strat even if you push others off gens along the way.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    You have a point but eating a ds is still a good play. You may not get as much pressure but you are free to tunnel later

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    My man can't make it any clearer how this ish works. (5:28 If it don't work).

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    If you do that for every survivor it's a guaranteed loss. Hooking each person once, repeated 3 times is impossible to win with. You could try to just stick to 2 or 3 survivors and ignore the others, but who are we kidding? Smart survivors will force you to risk the DS, otherwise you don't have near enough pressure. Many games are unwinnable unless you slug everyone or 2-hook/1-hook someone, and that's the sad reality.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    If you take away Bloodlust, normal loops become god loops. I've seen loops right now that are just a pallet and 2 long sides, and even with Bloodlust 3 it's unmindgameable once the pallet is down. I'm not even kidding. And I know tiles like killer shack are supposed to be that way, but that goes without saying. When all loops are god loops, no loops will be. In other words, any survivor will be able to take the killer on a long chase just by using a basic loop. And you may be asking, "Why not break the pallet?" because you do that 5 times and then the game is over. Breaking the pallet not only cancels 'the unbeatable Bloodlust' but also gives the survivor enough time to run to the next loop.

    I played mostly Hillbilly when Bloodlust was disabled and it was insufferable. I could never use my power. Multiple times I said, "Bloodlust would have gotten me that hit."

    That's why if Bloodlust gets taken away, loops need to become shorter.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2020

    It's counterplay to me - in fact I will often just drop them back on the ground if they don't have DS and go hunting for someone else if I know I downed them under 60 seconds from unhook.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    edited December 2020

    I am perfectly ok with that, as long as other things are solved, like exit gates being next to each other. Still, this shouldn't mean that every loop should be shortened. Not every single one at least. I would be ok with infinites being blocked, but with the amount of unsafe pallets this game already has on many maps... Or at the very least, if we want to keep the game in its current state (map-wise), Bloodlust should be reduced to tier 1 and activate after a longer period of time.

    Just not to be misunderstood: I used to consider myself as a 50/50 player (survivor/killer). Nowadays, when I play, I mostly play killer, so I am talking from that perspective, too. As much as some matches can be stressful, I like to kill survivors because of trap placement and thinking ahead, not having to rely on Bloodlust on every single chase. Though I can agree that is it needed sometimes, sometime does not equal everytime. Bloodlust is something that is just there too much.

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    If you're so damn scared of DS run Endurance

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060
  • MissKylaKy
    MissKylaKy Member Posts: 2

    I mean...first of all not every survivor runs it. Not every survivor has DS because not everyone paid for it. I get that it is annoying and lots of people complain about it, but literally it wouldn't be a big deal if people didn't tunnel. There are matches I've been in where my teammates with it couldn't even use the perk. If you actually go look at what the perk days it does, you'll see that it is literally for anti tunneling and there are conditions to use it--you can't just whip it out. No one wants to hear it, lol, but if you went after other survivors and made sure they couldn't use their DS on you at all, you'd become a better killer. You wouldn't be tunneling, which forces Gen rush, and you would get better practice at going after others and making the game last longer for more blood points, even if in the end you don't kill every single survivor. You can literally play a game where no one would use it, if you made sure not to go directly after the same survivor every time.

    I play both sides and I don't have DS on any of my survivors, and I just go of out of my way not to be an a-hole who tunnels when I play killer, and I've never had it used on me. Obviously other situations can affect all of it, but if you take the game so seriously that losing a game or two makes you angry, you're playing the wrong game. You win some, you lose some on both sides--that is literally the whole point of the game or no one would play.

  • Drywatr
    Drywatr Member Posts: 135

    The counter play to ds is actually pretty simple. Dont tunnel. There are 4 survivors, spread the pain and ds cant get you.

    Not saying ds cant be abused but its very rare as long as you dont tunnel

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    I think you mean in a year and a half because that change didn't happen till June, it's almost like it's such a non issue the devs decided to remove the stun reduction and let it just happen so clearly they want people to just take the stun and move on with their lives

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    "Don't tunnel" isn't a counter. Go play killer, learn how it works, then come up with a better solution.

    Sometimes you have no choice, and under no circumstances should DS be active and the survivor be allowed to progress the game forward by doing their objective. Period.