I hate versing twins so much

about twins, idk how to verse them.
whenever i play against them i just get tunneled, camped and slugged.
even if victor misses and you kick him charlotte just gets him back in 6 seconds anyway so there’s basically no punishment. it seems when you play against then you just die, nothing else.
People say this killers the weakest killer in the game and the thing is they were, but only in the ptb. now there strong af.
everyone is coming out now saying this killer is top tier, even otzdarva puts them in A tier. the only person to say this killer is weak is tru3ta1ent but he just complains about everything that’s not his way so his opinion means nothing.
what do i do against twins?
Yea there definitely needs to be a longer cooldown/punishment if victor is killed rather than just 6 seconds, which is ridicuously fast. Funny how everyone was eager to shorten the recall time but nothing about this punishment time.
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i think there should be 2 different cooldown.
victor can be kicked for both missing and landing. i believe missing an attack but getting kicked should be a 10 second cooldown and landing but getting kicked should be 5 seconds.
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Even 10 seconds wouldn't do much though. she's just gonna walk after you for an extra 4 seconds until victor comes back. I would argue it needs to be 20-30 seconds.
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So basically, you want The Twins to be worthless as a killer. Cause with a cooldown that long, for a killer with no other ability, would make them useless.
Twins haven't even been out a month yet. People whined about WRAITH being OP for the first 2 months he was out, too. Perhaps, maybe, JUST maybe, we should wait, and give everyone the opportunity to adapt.
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Egh, I disagree. If they keep sending Victor out then the Survivor can get more distance. Victor doesn't see scratch marks either, so you can use grass to help slow him down his tracking or even lose him as well. All this time the other Survivors will be doing the objective as well. The only true issue of Twins is placing Victor at the hook before hooking which leads to foot trap Victor.
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No? I just want players to be punished for missusing Victor. I hate that every twins player just constantly pulls him out, it becomes really stale gameplay when all that is happening is victor is released, comes after you with a 5 second chase, rinse and repeat.
It literally woudlnt affect you if you were able to hit all ur pounces, if you miss all ur pounces then it'll help you to get better rather than just re-releasing him six seconds later even if you are clearly outplayed by the survivor.
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Nah, it means Victors will only leap when biting your ankle and you'll see less skillful long range pounces. I love landing longer ranged pounces, but they are riskier since you can be smushed for failing. Punishing the Victor for not being a ankle biter will be a mistake.
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I mean, if you want to have the "stale gameplay" conversation...
*glances over at the survivor meta which hasn't changed in 4+ years*
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But punting Victor is the like the most satisfying thing in DBD, for me. It took top place of pallet slamming the Wraith (I just love that roar of pain he does).
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You mean the baby elephant sound? :D
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This isn't the thread for that debate, but Killers are to blame for the DS, BT, and Unbreakable meta just as much as Survivors. If many Killers didn't resort to the tactics of tunneling and/or camping, Survivors would be able to run stuff that isn't to prevent themselves from being blocked/unable to play the match after one down. And no, making the matches longer will not change anything, Killers will simply have an easier time tunneling/camping/slugging.
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You're right, it isn't the thread for that debate. So don't bring up "stale gameplay" next time. The Twins haven't even been out a month. You don't know what stale is. Give it time, learn to adapt.
Demanding nerfs so soon is actually nonsensical and the INCORRECT solution all together.
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Who actually goes for long range pounces consistently though? If ur playing to win/playing safe you would almost always go for short range. As much as i respect long range pounces, its far safer and easier to go for shorter pounces and its what 95% of pounces end up being. His design already pushes you away from doing long range pounces, somethign i don't think can be fixed unless they make him slower.
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It's not survivors fault that there havn't been any meta or good/consistent perks releasd in a while. Killers on the other hand are constantly getting good perk additions to the meta.
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And going against ANOTHER M1 killer won't get stale?
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There are PLENTY of good survivor perks, survivors are just allergic to any build that doesn't contain Exhaustion/DS/UB
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There have been good perks released. They just straight up refuse to run them. For example, the second ruin/undying came out, Distortion, off The Record, Detectives Hunch and Small Game ALL became INVALUABLE perks.
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More exciting than vsing somethign that takes less time to down you than walk over to you and pick you up.
And seriously how many TRULY m1 killers are there these days?
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No-one wants to ruin perks just to counter one potential killer build. That's exactly what a boring meta is. Why do you thing enduring was changed so it didn't affect ds and ds was changed at the same time? Because you used to have to run enduring to get through old ds.
If ur trying to tell me that totem perks and immersion perks are good...
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If they don't want to run the counter, that clearly exists, they don't get to complain. BESIDES, if things like ruin/undying are as common as survivors would have you believe, running the counter regularly should make sense...unless...that's right, they just want to keep running their FAR MORE broken crutch combos. The point is, survivors don't get to complain about stale gameplay. Not when they absolutely refuse to run anything other than their busted meta. Period, end of story.
When it comes to the Twins, no, they don't need to be nerfed. We're not even a month into their lifespan in DBD. Take time, learn to go against them instead of whining about how you hate them. People like you whined that Wraith was OP when he came out too. Then people found out, months later, how to counterplay him. People whining this soon for a nerf are the reason Freddy got the overtuned buff that he did.
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I been maining them since the test build. I don't want to see them nerfed. I disagree with people saying there needs to be a longer cooldown on Victor respawning since Victor is the kit, the power, and the threat. If you take him away from her longer with a cooldown, she loses most of her pressure. I disagree with people wanting Victor immune from being kicked after downing someone since Victor can already snowball if left unchecked. I see both sides wanting ridiculous things.
The main change I want to see is Victor no longer being able to act like a old school Trapper foot trap on hooked survivors by placing him before hooking a Survivor. A hooked Survivor in the vicinity you can't switch should cause him to despawn during the hook animation.
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I think a better approach would be to give him a Hag counterplay. Crouch walk, no detection.
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If we need to be taking more time to see counters and how they are played, then why have there already been numerous buffs to them, yet as soon as someone mentions a nerf it's like they've commited a sin? Oh no imagine suggesting a reasonable nerf to a killer who is already decently strong?
Look once again i agree the survivor meta sucks, and as a result i've stopped runnign exhaustion/ds and unbreakable and tried using different perks and builds, but at the end of they day what other good alternatives are there to run if you're tryign to win/do well? All of survivor's new perks are either memey, require throwing the game to work or extremely inconsistent. Take repressed alliance. That can either potentially block a pop or two or do nothing and actually sandbag ur teammates trying to do the gen (which is what happens more often than not. Deception (One of the few decent perks released recently) Once again is situational. It could help you and buy time in certain occasions, but often it will do nothing as the killer will just see where you are going. See why in competetive or high level games would you want to run perks that more likely than not will do nothing? Killer's newer perks on the otherhand almost always do at least SOMETHING and often provide far larger benefits. Pop will always do something if ur able to get a hook (which you should be able to i don't see why you wouldn't), ruin undying, even if it goes down in the first minute, would have stalled the game tremendously at the start more than people often realise. Opression will always do stuff if ur able to kick a gen. Surge will always do stuff if ur able to get downs etc etc.
Survivors will change up their meta once they are given consistent, reliable and decent perks. A great example of a balanced survivor meta perk is iron will. Give more perks like those.
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"numerous buffs" - before they were released; and those that came out AFTER release were announced PRIOR to release.
Based on PTB feedback.
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It still counts as buffs. There was also the decreased recall cooldown from 45-30 seconds which was done out of the blue.
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No, buffs count as anything after release. Anything that was discovered and announced during the beta test is not a buff, it's a fix.
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That actually is in play. There is more you can do against a camping Victor than one can do with Cannibal or Hag. Only issue is not hearing him before the killer gets alerted (as you hit the range) and the fact crouch walking does give the killer plenty of time to switch and gamble if someone is doing so. It's a gamble though since you can't leave Victor at the hook once you take him back over.
But as a former Hag main and current Twin main, I don't mind them making it so Victor cannot be left at the hook before the hooking and if Hag traps are left inactive for some time starting when they are hooked and ending some time after the unhook. I don't deny they can be played in a very obnoxious way. But I also hate how these 2 get flack for it while Cannibal is still the biggest middle finger there is to denying saves.
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I mean, generally, with Hag, survivors tend to crouch to hook whether or not they know for sure a trap exists or not. Could they not just do the same with Victor, as a precaution?
The plays are there. it seems this is just another case of "OMG PLS NERF CAUSE ONLY MY FUN MATTERS"
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How is it a fix? Quite clearly the locker changes and the ability to recall were buffs. I've never heard anyone call a change from ptb a "fix".
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Because both of those things were CLEAR oversights. The fact that lockers hard countered The Twins with zero way around it, as well as the fact that survivors could LITERALLY keep Victor forever, and cuck the killer of their power - adjusting those is called "fixing", not "buffing".
Buffing would be adding to something that was underpowered. Those two changes were straight up broken, not just underpowered.
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How do you draw the line of Clear oversights? Because as far as i saw it it wasn't broken, just extremely weak and annoying.
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So, being able to jump in a locker, or keep victor on you...both cucking The Twins COMPLETELY of their power...aren't oversights.
Okay, I'm done with you. You're trolling.
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Whatever you wish to call it, a buff or fix, they were still IMPROVEMENTS at the end of the day.
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If you watched true more you would know he changes his opinion all the time and has valid reasons to why he thinks certain things are bs and there's plenty of counterplay to the twins just basically git gud
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Stick in groups of 2. Always. Never leave anyone's side. Just imagine you are playing Among Us and all of your teammates you have seen do medbay scan. Just stick with someone always and Victor becomes essentially useless. After getting a hit with Victor, he is free to be kicked, which is bullshit, but I digress. Making sure that you are always with someone ensures that you cannot be affected by Victor, because he will just get kicked and then picked up and all you did was waste the Killer's time while your other 2 teammates slam gens.
If you are getting camped and/or tunneled by Victor, again, the same rule applies. 2 people should always go for the save. It's rough, but it will ensure survival. If Charlotte is the one camping, well, you're just kind of ######### if you're in the basement. Anywhere else, you can have teammates take a hit for you, or even heal you if their medkit is beefy enough.
If you are sticking close to 1 person, never heal. If you heal, then Victor will attach to you instead of downing you, which means you have to deal with him, which means Charlotte comes to get yo ass.
If you're teammates never want to be near you, you're kind of #########, kind of like when your teammates cleanse against a Plague.
Also, if you can kick Victor, the chase is just over. THAT'S the punishment. Sure, Charlotte gets her brother back within 6 seconds, but she lost all her pressure on you.
And then the normal zig zag and become impossible to hit by existing, because pouncing with Victor is insanely difficult.
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Twins are aids when u have potato teammates, which is like 99% of the time
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Before they nerf it they gotta buff him... For example they nerfed it so even if survivor starts kicking the baby half a second before baby is u stunned it will still get hit, it's not interiors like it was at release, which sucks cause I see alot of laggy survivors kick the baby 2 seconds after he's not stunned anymore...
But honestly killer is kinda bad, just do gens and ur good, recover, it's easily counterable I see so many survivors do mistakes that could have landed them a win, bidding in corner of a map self healing is not a smart thing, I hook btw I slug if i see more people but I hook within 20seconds usually
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Make distance and hide in the lockers. There is no way that Charlotte will get you in 7 seconds.
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1 Be always with someone, if ure injured and Victor comes, once he hits one of u, just kick him
2 Always heal, Victor can't to snowballs if you're all healed
3 If ure alone, injured and getting chased by him, get in a locker, this doesn't make u invincible, but that isn't the purpose, the reason to do this is that he doesn't get to snowball, and the killer wastes a lot of time going to get u
Wglf is fcking good against them, on the 1st point, if u have wglf u can usually pick the person up even before the killer/Victor comes back
Now, as u can see, all this strategy depends on ur teammates (lol good luck) and this wastes a lot of time that u won't be spending on gens, which isn't bad, it's nice having a killer with slow down potential, the bad thing is when they have ruin undying, then ure ######### dead. Ruin undying, usually, requires a lot of time to get rid of, and if u combine that time wasted with the time wasted healing and stuff... Yh rip, prepare for a long ass game with a little to no progress
The cooldown after Victor is kicked is a joke, doesn't matter if Victor is Charlotte's only power, he is a killer with 150% speed, u shouldnt be able to use him all the time if u ######### up, the cooldown should be longer, maybe 15s? Idk, anything like 20s or above seems like too much so I can't be sure, but 6s is literally nothing.
Camping with them is absolutely ridiculous too, if Victor is camping what I do is crouch, kick him, and get the rescue. Now if Charlotte is camping... LOL get #########, nothing u can do, no borrowed time, no #########. Counter to camping be like "if the killer is camping, do gens, they can't pressure gens and r wasting time", then a killer that can do both is release, good job. This should be looked into too, camping with Victor isn't THAT much of a problem cause u have counterplay, but with Charlotte there's nothing and that's just stupid (I mean, u have ds that u can use once, yes, don't get me wrong that perk asides from the obvious tunneling u get sometimes, is stupid, but against the twins I've seen it meaning nothing cause u have it once, and never again)
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You want to increase Victors cooldown. Ok, im cool with that, but only if Charlotte gets a buff whenever victor is cooling down, like an enraged status. Otherwise, your asking for a much longer cooldown along with COMPLETELY removing all aspects of a killers power whenever Victor is kicked. Having survivors have the ability to completely remove all aspects of a killers power is something no other killer has to deal with, and quite frankly, is ridiculous to begin with
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Isn't that already a thing? I could swear I read that was how it worked...
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This is the entire power, so of course they do this. The killer literally has no special power or ability to do anything except swing her weapon, without Victor.
That said: Twins were designed in a way to incentivize and promote hard camping. This is bad design.
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Then what the hell are people whining about? 😂
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The Twins seem like a half-baked idea rushed to release in order to keep a silly 3-month timeline. That pattern cannot continue or they will create more problems than they can keep up with to fix.
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Here's what I've done that's helped my team against the twins.
If Victor jumps on you, just hold onto him. Don't crush him. If he's on you, he can't go after others. It buys time. Will you get tunneled for it? Probably. But I definitely get a sense of satisfaction from keeping that sucker with me. I'll even run him away from the team so if Charlotte comes after me for keeping her chest monkey, she won't get anyone else for a minute.