What Annoys Me About Crossprogression

Prior to crossprogression being released, the devs gave us updates fairly often (once-twice a month it felt like). Then, after it released they stopped giving us updates. That only annoys me because they said another platform was being added but have yet to give us any updates on it when it's been over 2 months. Ngl, it's past the point of "shortly after" for Switch joining crossprogression and "Nintendo Switch is on its way" is sounding old when they answer the question about crossprogression during Q&A's. Why did they stop giving updates? I'm curious. I was pretty excited when switch was announced for crossprogression since it's my main platform and I had just bought the game on steam when they announced it. At first it felt like it was implied to release with steam and stadia, then it released and all of a sudden it's "shortly after", now it's just "on its way" with no helpful-ish insight. I know there's a good chance that the whole working from home thing probably is making the process slower, but even saying "it's taking longer than expected" is more helpful than "It's on the way". Anywho, that's my rant for the day. (and I'm sure XBox and Playstation players would want more of an update of if there's even a CHANCE that microsoft/sony will allow crossprogression so they can have it to)


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Honestly, seems like it was rushed out the door for Stadia since they seem to have some kind of deal on it. Free on there or something, not really sure. But I don't get why consoles haven't gotten it. Microsoft have even confirmed it isn't down to them, but the Devs of the game in question. They just have to 'flick a switch' according to them. And most games do Cross-Progression these days, so it just feels like they're stalling on it now.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    I'm on PS4 and waiting. Both the time and money I currently have sunk in the game is too much to be cavalier about.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    If only the devs knew how to communicate. Right now it almost feels like they're just fighting the community on releasing it more so than Google/Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft/Steam.

  • Selliato
    Selliato Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2020

    "and I'm sure XBox and Playstation players would want more of an update of if there's even a CHANCE that microsoft/sony will allow crossprogression"

    Sadly non discolosure agreement with Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo can be very strict and sometimes dev can say "it's ok" only when it's 100% ok.

    And in the case of Dead by daylight they're many things to check :

    • Every rights owner for licensed DLC must be OK ( a player who bought the DLC on PS4 and on PC is more money for them ) and even if they're are OK you certainly had to edit the contract
    • Sony/Microsoft must be Ok and check if the previous step is OK too

    Yeah Mircrosoft/Sony allow crossplay/progression more easily than before but this is not systematic and of course they only look game by game what it's more profitable for them in terms of income.

    ( And yeah i hope too that the crossprogession will come to all platform one day, i started the game on PC via Xbox Game Pass, i plan to go to Steam version because it's my only way to cross-save with Switch which actually mean lose everything )

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688
    edited December 2020

    If the grind was eased I wouldn't be unhappy if we didn't get crossprogression on consoles. As it stands, there is no way I'm grinding to get all the perks I would like on the PC (Steam) version of the game.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I guess that's true, although they've announced it multiple times that Switch is getting it so as far as switch at a minimum I don't think Nintendo is the problem here.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2020

    There is no cross progression in DBD. You must mean cross play. They are two entirely different things.

  • Selliato
    Selliato Member Posts: 27

    Account created on this site can be used with steam, stadia and , "in the near future ©" Switch to share progression/friends and unlocked survivors/killers/cosmetics.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I mean until it's on all platforms and doesn't require you to pre-emptively make an account with BHVR there is no actual cross progression in the game.

    When I can buy the game on PC and transfer all my content from my Xbox we'll talk.

  • Selliato
    Selliato Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2020

    You don't have to create an account pre-emptively, the site fuse the progress of all connected account. This is the définition of cross-progression but yes with a very low compatibility right now. If you buy a DLC on Stadia you cna use it right now on Steam and, in future, on Switch.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,842

    Sadly NDA's limit what can be discussed.

    Crossprogression requires behind the scenes work that can't be disclosed until finalized. This is in line with their past decisions and makes sense. How would it feel if they told you that it was looking good for crossprogression and then when bts the talks go sour they have to backtrack.

    Essentially its easier for them to finalize things that way players aren't disappointed if things change.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    That's true at least for XBox and Playstation. We already know how crossprogression works. Also they already announced Switch is getting it. They did that at the same time as Steam and Stadia. Can they not even tell us during a Q&A that they aren't allowed to say due the nda's? Or is that also prohibited? They always get crossprogression questions. Not to mention they said Switch will be "soon after" so we're already in that "disappointment" stage because that wasn't true. (Sorry if any of that is phrased weird so it's confusing)

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    It means there isn't crossprogression between all platforms. That doesn't mean there isn't crossprogression period.

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688

    I am hoping the delay in crossprogression arriving on the Switch means BHVR are trying to get it on Xbox and PlayStation all at the same time. I think this would make sense so everyone is happy regardless of what platform they play on.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I'd like to think that's true, but seeing how they said they don't even know if they can get it on XBox and Playstation makes me have my doubts about that. I think it is making Switch players who do want it really badly mad that they announced it with Stadia and Steam making it sound like it will release at the same time, then go on to say it will be soon after, and now we have no idea when it's releasing. I'd actually be kinda annoyed if that were true because then why announce it for Switch at all if you were going to wait for the other consoles.