Please stop suiciding/disconnecting

Fellow Survivors,

I understand this game can be frustrating especially with some big issues.

But please stop suiciding on hook or disconnecting when it is NOT NECESSARY

Like dam i just had two matches in a row where a survivor instantly killed themselves on hook, usually i dont think much of it because its something like a spirit with stridor, or a iri head you know? But as far as i was aware, nothing bad was going on. No toxic builds or op killers or anything, just strange.

I know alot of you probably dont do this, im just saying my last two matches were pain.


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Yeah I feel you there. No matter if I’m playing killer or survivor, having to deal with a rage quitter is so annoying. If I play survivor and a teammate rage quits then we lose a teammate because of something the other 2 survivors and I can’t control and if the killer rage quits I don’t get to play the rest of the match, which leads to another 15 years to find another lobby where hopefully the killer won’t rage quit this time. When I play killer and a survivor rage quits, it takes me into an instant 3v1 which doesn’t really feel like an accomplishment even if I hold them to five gens. A 3v1 is so easy to win as killer and it doesn’t matter which killer you play. If you rage quit a lot, just go play PvE games instead because you’re hurting other people around you that just want to have fun playing the game. I deal with a lot of this being a spirit main because people hate her so much. Matches where the survivors play efficiently and actually try to win are the matches I really enjoy.

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    They won't lol. They will see a decent nurse, realize that with their only skill, which is tbagging, they will be dead sooner or later and suicide/dc. At this point my best and only teammate in a trial is the killer.

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    I have absolutely zero problems with a killer doing the following




    So, I won't DC if I'm the unlucky survivor on the recieveing end of it, the Killer is just trying to win like the Survivors.

    That being said I am NOT going to stick around if it's done for any other reason. Sometimes(not all the time) a killer will down me, kill the other survivor, then watch me on the floor untill there's a second left of my bleed out timer.

    Or a Survivor that chose to sandbag or sabo the game, constant fast vaulting so the Killer finds us, before urban evasioning away. Or standing at a window or pallet when I'm in a chase.

    People disconnecting/suicideing is the worse, I understand that. Hell I'm a solo q player I see it once every three or four games. So I'm going to propose an alternative.

    Play in a SWF, it dosent need to be a sweat squad just 1 or two friends, eliminates this problem better than the DC penalty itself.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    I DCd as killer last night and was gonna uninstall.... Ran into a team on new reworked mcmillan map which had infinite loops 11 windows at a dead hard range from each other and around 5 pallets, all that within 3 gates wide of a distance... Literally nothing I could have done they were just tbaging, I was trying to catch up to m1 almost the whole time only reason I downed him is cause I had pyramid heads ranged attack, I hooked him and all gens done... Then they come for rescue and I go for grab but it doesn't grab cause they were lagging and they knew it and abused that bug... All rank 1 except 1 rank 2... T bagging and running at the same time, now I seen people running backwards but never saw someone able to crouch run... Got too pissed off even tho they at gate I disconnected, didn't care, state of the game is horrible for killers and needs to be addressed but it never does due to survivors whining killer OP and they don't think to fix infinite loops or increase gen number or time to repair... I'm not that good (2/10) at looping and I can loop red rank killers for 1min minimum... That says alot about the game

    There's a reason u have escape with no perks 8x achievement and none for killer... Killer needs perks to counter gen speeds, survivors don't need #########... doing this achievement 8/9 matches won with no perks with a friend with no perks and 2 randoms that on average did half a gen.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    What world are you living in where Macmillans suddenly turned into a 2016 map clownshow?

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    “Infinite loops” - said by someone who clearly doesn’t know what an infinite in dbd actually is. Go watch some 2016-2017 vods to see a true infinite loop.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850


    When every other game I get hit like this

    And yes this is with most recent hit validation on (no I did not make the name of this clip) then I'm going to suicide on hook and go play something else that has functional gameplay mechanics.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    I kill myself in first hook against iri head, and I'll do it until they rework it. I know I'll depip, so I won't give 3 hooks to the killer

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911
    edited December 2020

    All you people making great points, but these matches were literally the beginning of the game, as they were hooked first time no slugging or anything. So strange i couldnt think of a reason to suicide :(

    My games are going better today at least :)

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    So your the inexperianced survivor I have to pick off the floor and put on my back. If a killers slugging your ass heres some simple counters.

    Stop going underneath a hooked survivor. Start moving long distances away from other slugged survivors and if the killers gonna guard a slug do a gen close by.

    Perks like wglf is insanely powerful for countering this. Im glad i play with friends because this is exactly the aittude i avoid when it comes to randoms. Play it out show some spirit comebacks can happen but if your one of the indiviguals giving up and throwing in the towel then dbd isnt for players like yourself.

    I have had survivors give up immediaiatly because basement hook clown? We had one gen left by the end of the game despite the massive setback of 2 mins in having a hook sucide. There are 3 other players playing with you. Dbd is a team game you are obligated to play with your team if you don't care move on to another game.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    They don’t like something you’re using and are trying to get it nerfed. Usually it’s a Killer but can be one of their perks or add-ons too. Suicides are counted as kills and it’ll look bad if there’s a lot of DCs against something.

    Some people will DC or suicide at any sign of the Killer playing optimally because it’ll be harder to bully them, even if it’s someone who’s considered weak like Clown, Legion, or Trapper.

    Of course there’s the players who either have to go right at the beginning of a match or everyone else wants to farm (which is probably the most boring experience in the game and eating the DC penalty is often better), but those people aren’t as common as the ones who get upset over who the Killer is or how skilled they are.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Since the Mori nerfs, I don't suicide on hook due to what brought to the match. I don't even do it frequently, but whenever I suicide is due to the team's actions. If I looped for a decent amount of time without wasting resources, and see someone Crouching on the other side of the map doing nothing while the third is looping the killer and the forth is self caring in the corner, there is not much impact that I can bring to the match.

    Other think that I hate is hook bombing, just yesterday I was playing doc and a Bill unhooked immediately but I noticed the ace didn't move after the unhook and that's when happened to me that he gave up bc bill didn't have BT. On my usual days I would've killed Ace, give him a chance to find better teammates in another match, and made Bill's life hell, but I opted to leave. Ace was grateful in the post match chat even after I killed him later bc I let him play.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    Freddy, PH, DS still a thing sadly, so no can do amigo.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The devs need to do a serious QOL pass on the survivor side.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I don't ever DC and the only time I suicide on hook is if I've given the killer a long chase and no one is on gens and no gens completed, there's no point in playing a game where nobody is doing objectives I'd rather die and move on to the next match with people who actually want to play the game and not scared to do gens

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The primary issue of this game is it is a 4v1. That means that Survivors need each other and suffer based on how poorly any weak links perform. A lot of time is spent blaming Killers, game balance, Perks, Builds, etc. but 99 time out of a 100, the reason a game goes south is based entirely on Survivor choices. People who disconnect or suicide on the hook are just two of the most glaring failures for the Survivor group. It means that time, the most precious resource in the game, has been squandered.

    There will always be poor sports and bad players. I don't think the Tutorial does well by the Survivors in that it doesn't stress the fact that they need TEAMWORK to win, nor does it cover any of even the most basic good habits.

  • LeleLP
    LeleLP Member Posts: 153

    I had a ghost face yesterday that tried todo this and he couldn’t even slug right. He’d get one person down then someone would get you back up. Rinse and repeat. Slugging is the most boring gameplay ever.

    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 255

    I really understand your point of view, but I hope you understand mine as well:

    In a certain way I like the game. But as with everything, there is something that bothers me:

    This exaggerated killing with your own hand. There are people on both sides who find this cool. I find it repulsive.

    For me, the suicide on the hook is a compromise. The killer player gets his kill checked in, and I'm ruining a chance to do that kind of violence. It happens in anticipation of a mori.

    Further, I can tell you this:

    It's not just about dodging a mori. You can tell with a high degree of accuracy what your opponent's goal is by the way he plays. And let's not fool ourselves: If the killer has you in his crosshairs, you need a lot of skill and incredible luck so that your opponent makes a mistake and gives you a chance to escape and/or you have the right loadout. For me, as a survivor, these situations are almost always predictable.

    Logical conclusion:

    Expecting to be killed by the hand of the killer(player), he gets only a very small chance. If he spots me, he gets the kill checked in on the hook. And I do my best to stay undetected for a long time.

    The view that I'm ruining the round for the other players is tenable for me, but not correct and therefore not my problem. I don't see DBD as a sporting game and also not as a championship. It is a game. What is preventing the rest of the players from adjusting to the new situation?

    I had once made a suggestion to the devs to make the game less violent by implementing a checkbox in the settings that would allow the survivor player to automatically skip the corresponding animation in case of a mori.

    That would satisfy everyone, I would think.

    The killer player can get off on it and my one will immediately stop with the suicide on the hook. It couldn't be simpler.

    However, I must add the following:


    Much of what happens in the game seems to happen out of habit.

    I very often observe that killers hang me on the back hook in the basement.

    I like to interpret something into that:

    "I want a kill." OK. Wish is fulfilled.

    So why stay in the game when the killer player sends an understandable message? I do that, too! I don't fight my way out of the killer's grip most of the time.

    If your opponent makes it very difficult or even impossible for you to escape from the hook, then there is no point in trying. Especially not if the remaining survivors do not use the time to repair generators, but make an insane rescue attempt.

    I've been playing the game long enough to know the following:

    A rescue attempt made difficult by the killer no matter how usually ends with all survivors massively weakened, and either for the one off the hook, the fun repeats, or one of the others is on it, or worse.

    If you want to understand how I see things, I recommend this:

    I once wrote this guide a few years ago. Even if there are exceptions, I can proudly say that I consider it durable and applicable.

    As a killer player, I had really exciting and fun rounds that brought both me and my opponents a lot of points and fun. But you know what else?

    We had respect for each other!

    Thank you for your time!

    I wish you a happy new year 2021!

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Except it isn't the Killer that you are leaving to rot. They don't care if you suicide on the hook or not really (at least I don't when I play Killer). It is the 3v1 (or worse) that you just hung out to dry. Everything you just wrote spotlights that you see this suicide on the hook as a thing that is between you and the Killer, when it isn't. You don't know what would have happened, or if those other Survivors would have gotten you or gotten more Generators done, or whatever because you are "gone" the second you check out.

    You have unbalanced the game by your actions. The designers assume, calculate in fact that people will be on the hook (probably multiple times) and stay on those hooks for a bit. All you are doing is freeing the Killer up to hunt the others down faster.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551

    4 minutes stacks by each trial happening, and slugging is one of the things any killer will do most of the matches to apply pressure and gain more time regardless of the fun from everyone

    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 255

    I want to thank you for your view.

    It is tenable. I cannot deny it.

    Like a medal, there are two sides. Front and back.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    If the worthless sack of poorly constructed atoms sitting behind the killers monitor is sweating harder than a sack of really sweaty loser meat then I'm leaving for another match. And so should all other survivors in that match in order to discourage such play style in hope that its eventually removed from the game.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551

    if I reach level 20 in steam this guide will be my new unlocked banner thanks

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    enjoy your time outs from your dc! but you want to know something? I rarely get slugged.... usually it's a sweaty killer that is doing this to get the 4k, but you know what? it's not a probelm i'll just crawl away and hope he doesn't have deer stalker. you are the people that caused the issue of getting disconnect penalties. I support them and still call every dc an exploiter, yes you are exploiting an out of match function that is supposed to only be used if you get a game breaking bug or issue but no you use it to say you're a quitter, a whiner and the match didn't go your way so I hope you build up a large time out. I see dc's in about 25-50% of my matches for no reason. a few of those might be network issues but there is no way to tell

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    What else you gonna do versing a still broken killer ?


  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    edited December 2020

    People suicide versing stupid/broken mechanics.

    Not everyone plays for bullying.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957


    This bit from your user guide speaks to this thread well:

    "No one can make you feel compelled, you do not feel compelled to stay in the game. Even if your team members see it differently, they will not suffer a decisive disadvantage if they leave the team prematurely. All they have to do is be more careful and make fewer mistakes.

    If you want to leave early, it's through a hook. Simply accelerate your player's death by taking advantage of the rescue attempts and not pressing the spacebar.

    That's legitimate and okay."

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Sorry, but that’s an individual players choice to make.

    There are totally times where there is literally no point in persisting after first hook. Examples:

    • if the killer has already demonstrated that they’re a hard camper, and have made sure the first survivor they hooked dies on their first hook, and I’m the only one doing gens as best I can because the other 2 survivors are just crouching by the hook hoping the killer will leave, then you’re damn right that if I happen to be hooked I’m just going to suicide. I’m not going to wait around for absolutely nothing, knowing neither of the other 2 survivors are doing gens.
    • Hag! If I’m up against a Hag I’m going to suicide first hook. Because absolutely every single Hag player does exactly the same thing: traps the hook, and then when an unhook occurs, they immediately run straight back KNOWING it’s impossible for me and the rescuer to crouch far enough safely away from the hook traps before we can run without setting them off, so I get downed again either way whether traps were set off or not. So I’m not going to give a Hag benefit of doubt to see if perhaps this one time the Hag player won’t play like a scumbag. I just suicide and get it over with. Especially if I’m in the basement. Why bother, seriously?
  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    5 minute time outs are not a big deal. Slugging is much more common, even if you are lucky enough not to see it. You can see the uptick, in comments about it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you can see the uptick in comments about disconnecting even more. i remind you here that those that post here are a minority of the users in the game. I dont deny that slugging happens, I dont say it isnt semi-common. I've been slugged and i don't dc. sure a 5 minute time out isn't much, but then you do it again same period that's now a longer time out, then again, and a fourth time because you're upset. now your internet craps out because there is problem they can fix in a minute now you're at 5 dcs! you're getting up there in longer timeouts! gotta love it and you then complain how your internet went down and caused you an hour break (or more i don't know how fast it ramps up) and ######### the DC penalties!!!!! well it was your own arrogance that got you up there. just play the game you get tunneled... you're in a new match faster or just don't struggle in stage 2 or try to get off the hook in stage 1. it's not the best but dcs are worse than suicide on hook.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    No. Give me good team mates that dont drop like flies or lack total map awareness. Fix match making and ranking. Until then, why are you yelling at players for leaving a garbage match?

    Fix the game. And it ain't any survivors fault.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    I won't play against freddies or op addon users because they always play toxic and tunnel, there are no exceptions. Rather look for new game than spend 5 minutes having a terrible time.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    probably a figure of speech, it feels more like ten minutes lmao. unless crawling away from somebody that deserves taking ten minutes finding you as the last one alive, in which case I could crawl around the map for an hour out of spite if I could and feel entertained the whole time.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I know, I'm a killer main and I'll slug if I think i can get another hit on someone else without going too far. Just pointing out to him that 10 min is a bit of an exaggeration, and you're rarely on the ground the whole 4 min unless your team sucks or you're the last one

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    I guess you are right.

    I should get good and pallet stun every nurse cuz it's my only defense against killers and she ignores that.

    In the end ... it's a matter of how many time you put on Nurse practicing, on PC is not that difficult, but console suffer a lot.

    Still broken, nothing has changed just wait reload breaths.

    Nice one btw.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm not a huge fan of the "git gud" response because it makes people defensive, but in fairness to that poster, there really is no better way to say it. All of us face the Nurse, and statistically we do it as often as you do. You can survive and beat her. People do it every day. I did it last night. It just takes practice.

  • Void_Vampire
    Void_Vampire Member Posts: 4

    Survivors are toxic to each other. No wonder the toxic ones don’t care about being toxic towards the killer. Dc just because you’ve got downed or don’t like the killer is just awful behaviour. Now you’ve just left the other survivors with a 3v1. Thanks

    Try to Kobe when you are coming in for the save. Won’t heal you if you do something they don’t like. Sand bagging. Farming you. Pretending to get you off hook and just spamming it. Could go on and on.

    They are toxic to each other. Don’t know what you expect. I only find this sort of behaviour from survivors who pretty much only play that roll. Anyone who plays both wouldn’t act that way. I would like to think anyway. Suppose it comes with the mindset you have to have to be a survivor main in the first place.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    When you have played enough, you can recognize an unwinnable match. A good killer requires a SWAT team to beat. Especially if they are running the crutch perks. I can understand why many suicide when the chances to escape are near zero.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    So, you mean a killer in the game is broken, right? Because i have seen dcs against EVERY killer in the game. Yes, not every one dcs against all killers, just against the one he selected, but as a whole every killer get those dcs, and by your argument, thats because killers are stupid and/or broken.

    Maybe just leave the game then?

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    The only times I suicide is when you get the tryhard Freddy/Legion with Ruin/Undying/Thanatophobia with slowdown addons...sorry, not gonna spend an hour doing match please.

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 94

    Played Pig yesterday, brown add ons, no hexs, nothing special.

    Games starts Steve is right there and obviously wants me to chase him, not going to happen, so I crouch and find the Nancy, down her, go to put the mask on and she disconnects, we aren't even a minute into the game.

    Steve shows up again, I humor him and give chase for a minute before I spot the Laurie, go, down her, put the mask on, hook her, crouch and go look for Steve or the Claudette. Laurie kills herself.

    From where I was I could see Steve was almost there, we are maybe 4 minutes into the match and they just screwed over their team.

    I went ahead and just chased the Steve to the his little hearts content until the Claudette showed up and they made it clear they would like to farm now. Good time was had and they escaped.

    But seriously people who just don't like the killer, the map, getting down quickly, you know the game in general. Maybe you should find another game, or better maybe go find a nice single player game where you controll all the choices, cause games like this, they may not be for you

  • strivingash8284
    strivingash8284 Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2020

    if the devs can dc ban, then survivors can suicide.

    Post edited by strivingash8284 on