Why are Demogorgon players so damn admirable?

I dont know if it's a coincidence or not, but every demogorgon player I come across plays well, doesnt tunnel, doesnt camp, pressures us, and let's us have a not too sweaty but not too easy game either. And when we get desimated or when we desimate him, they go all "Gg wp all. Fun game, y'all are really good!" Now I've played demo a fair amount, and are demo mains kind because of how stupidly fun he is, or how he has a balanced skill ceiling? Now, if you main killers like deathslinger, ph, hag, spirit, y'all are fun too. The thing about some of those mains however is that the players sometimes act like they wont get another meal if they dont play well. Kind of random, but can we please get more demogorgon. I love you guys that main demo :(. Good luck y'all that read this, and have a safe 2021.



  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I've come across some sweaty demos. And have def. smashed more than been smashed by them. But I never really had any toxic ones. And by toxic, I mean actually saying offensive stuff. Tunneling and camping isn't exactly toxic to me.

  • Rank1Mindset
    Rank1Mindset Member Posts: 28

    Yeah, I mean mostly every killer is gonna have a sweaty player.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
    edited December 2020

    Demo is such an underrated killer (but some buffs are still needed) and people should learn to use his powers better that's all.

    Mastering Demo is easy you can have fun without sweating.

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    I have never played a demo match that wasn't fun, so thats probably it. Ive played so many different killers and none of them are as fun as demo. Im playstation, so I dont have the chat box, but if I did, thered probably be ggs all around.

  • I mean it's a lower tier killer.

    Takes a fair bit of patience to learn so most that get decent with him did so by learning properly. Which means camping and noed and all that kinda holds you back from learning.

    They are also more resilient to eating the losses so most of us are pretty chill tbh.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,306

    I can confirm, Demodoggies always provide fun matches. I have only seen them tunnel toxic survivors. Otherwise, they play very well.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    Not really. There's a difference between trying to win and being sweaty. Most try to win. Sweaty killers are like not as common.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    They don’t exist. They’re an urban legend

  • Rank1Mindset
    Rank1Mindset Member Posts: 28

    Better delete that comment, or I'll be the one teabagging your body

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    This is so true. The demogorgons are always really polite Chad killers just doing their best, in a good mood. They're the backbone of our society.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Not really, the ones I found always put hemorrhoids close to the hook and port immediately after the unhook. Always get me thinking about H:DH.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Demo is such a meh Killer that he inspires people to be nice :)

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    This is an ironic post because I just got out of a match where it was a Demogorgon who was campy, tunnely, sweaty, doesn't really know how to pressure well and I died early on.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,244

    I think Demo is balanced to the point that you can do really well with him, but you have to be a good killer to do so. That coupled with the high fun factor means you're probably running into a confident player who is just vibing on Demo. Someone with a chip on their shoulder or something to prove isn't picking Demo.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Demogorgon, from my experience, aside from being the pick you play to faff around with, is one of the more aesthetically pleasing Killers on the roster.

    Playing as a literal monster who is real loud and screeches in a particularly satisfying way in a game otherwise populated by Humans and mutant Humans is quite the fantasy.

    Plus, Survivors being chased have to deal with the fact that if they are careless, he can really mess up their day.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Coincidence. I've seen quite a few that literally facecamp while nodding their heads.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Because demo mains are chads

  • Rank1Mindset
    Rank1Mindset Member Posts: 28

    Well I mean, they probably know the claudette who's definitely right behind him is going to the hook the second he leaves

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Because it looks like a p**is with arms to some people...it kinda does actually. Probably very sensitive to boops but idk.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    My group of friends played against a ranked one demogorgon last night, and he proceeded to camp the first hook he got, and slug all of us that tried to come for the rescue. To make matters worse he brought in party streamers, and because he played the way he did the match didn't last any longer than 5 minutes, and every survivor walked away with less than 10,000 blood points (not including what the party streamers added). Even the killer barely walked away with 20,000 blood points.

    It was rare to come across a camping demogorgon, but to see that playstyle from a supposedly "rank 1" player was really upsetting.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    If the killer is cute like Demo that will influence the way you play. That is just how the human brain works.

  • Well there was 3 toxic Demogorgon's today.

    All three of them, I am very disappointed in whoever those people are.

    One guy just face camped and kept hitting the person on hook; the other guy tunneled the HELL out of one person waiting out borrowed time eating the DS to go after them again, doing it right till they died.....it was all just shameful to see =(

    You are ruining demodog's good name people. Stop it.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Nah, I had a couple nasty ones lately. One tunneled like mad and I simply said at post game that's why DS/BT/Unbreakable are meta. And the dummy literally admits he camped and tunneled cause he didn't see the spider legs. On his profile he was complaining about those OP survivor meta perks. A lot of killers are very hypocritical in regards to SWF and the "crutch" Survivor perks cause they just love to play dirty and stomp solos not running the meta.

    Then the other one was one of those "I refuse to hook till I have the last 2 both downed." That's a small PP move from killers in most cases. It's fine if you want to spare the David you just downed and want to switch it to Dwight being sacrificed. Cause I've done that. I downed the sweet little Kate and the toxic sandbagger Nea is out there? Nope, I want Nea dead, not Kate. But it's ridiculous to constantly alternate slugs cause your little fragile ego has to have the 4K to the point of dragging the match out for another 10 minutes or longer.

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    There are definitely some mean demo players out there, as there are with every killer or survivor. As to why your seeing a majority of demo players play nice I don't know. I play nice just because I have no reason not to, I stopped getting mad at this game years ago and demo became my favorite killer overnight when he came out, I sucked initially and would sometimes have to resort to some scummy plays to try and get more kills, but I got a lot better with him and I haven't had a reason to play "toxic" for a while. I think the main reason people do it is because they want to win, and they aren't at the level of experience to do that consistently yet, so they resort to other strategies to get more kills and make themselves feel better. In reality people can play the game however they want, if a bubba decides to facecamp and lose the game just to kill me, then so be it.

    I just think most experienced demo players and experienced "low" tier killers in general have more tolerance for difficult games because of how used to it they are. Playing a "stronger" killer slows the learning experience because you will run into less tough situations, and therefore learn how to play around them slower. I just think lower tier killers tend to be nicer in higher ranks because if they've gotten to the point where they can comfortably play a weaker killer in red ranks they are usually much more experienced at the game then someone who is playing spirit in red ranks. Of course this has some exceptions and no one should be exempt from playing stronger killers, I love Blight, Oni, and Huntress, but I can't help but think most of my experience in the game has come from playing weaker killers like Demo, Myers, or Wraith.

    Sorry this turned into a bit of a rant.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Its the risk of failure from those other killers that makes them play that way. If you say....miss a nurse grab, or miss a nurse hit in general you're punished for it severely. Now its not that many seconds, but it adds up and it adds up fast. Spirit, if you miss your guess where the survivor is headed or are thrown off in any way, you're punished hard hard. Hag practically lives in the punishment zone and her FOV doesn't make it any better. If she doesn't get a trap off, you will be hard tilted, especially if you really...really, REALLY needed that last trap. Deathslingers punishment is obvious, you miss your shot, doesn't matter if you thought you hit it or not, if it doesn't hit, you're boned, and your recovery time from throwing your shot just compounds things over time. PH? I have no idea why Pyramid head would get salty, his kit is completely binary and suffers no real punishments.

    But for those other killers I just mentioned....of course they're gonna play as if they wont get another meal if they don't play well....because its TRUE LOL! If you start throwing bricks as spirit, nurse, hag, or the cowboy, its a wrap. For all of those killers their power is NOT a bonus, it is A REQUIREMENT! They're all sub 115% killers so out of the gate if they miss anything thats time on the clock. Using their powers the wrong way punishes you, again, their powers are not bonuses so it leaves plenty of room for the player to get extremely tilted if they don't focus.

    Demogorgon on the other hand is built in a way that if you play him even slightly effective, you have room to fail. Even without add ons. Everything about demogorgons kit provides a BONUS to the already effective existing base killers set of skills. He's 115% out the gate, he has a decent FOV he has the bonus of map travel, he has the bonus of detection. Everything about his kit is optional to use, it is not REQUIRED which means if you mess up your punishment is basic and doesn't compound itself into your skills as "He doesn't need his power to be effective"

    Need vs Greed, Hag, Nurse, Spirit, Cowboy<---NEED

    Demogorgon, Hillbilly, Oni, Doc, Pig, Wraith, Trapper, Ghostface etc etc etc <----Greed, all of their power sets are bonuses, not requirements to function so you don't have any reason to sweat while playing them.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    Just coincidence. Plus, Demo has a pretty small playerbase. Personally, most Demos I've gotten have just tunnled me or someone else into the ground, eating the DS and all

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    If you are getting tunneled by the "most" of any killer, I suspect it's either in low ranks or your idea of tunnelling is flawed. It's not that common to be ACTUALLY tunnelled by any killer unless they don't know what they are doing, or are trying to grief a particular person.

    You can eat a DS and still not be actually tunnelling someone.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    In a way, Demo is just a weaker version of Freddy, but he's still a pretty strong A tier killer IMO

    Love playing him and being underestimated.

  • Jukantos
    Jukantos Member Posts: 114

    They are voluntarily picking one of the least viable killers against strong survivors, so they clearly don't give a ######### and just wanna play their own style. Against well equipped groups on voicecomms this game has two playable killers, Nurse and Spirit (specifically because non-interaction through their powers is the only thing in the game that beats an optimized squad)

    So if you ######### yourself to the point where even a rank 5 squad shouldn't have a single death against you by picking Demogorgon, clearly you're not playing to win, you're playing to have a good time and let others have a good time. That's the only take i can offer on it.

  • I had another toxic Demo, smh.

    All but one of said toxic demos have been console though; I've not had a single toxic PC one.

  • Awrhy
    Awrhy Member Posts: 23


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    I can say that most Demos I play against are good and fun to play against, but sometimes there are Demos that just tunnel you to death, camp, etc... It's like with any Killer.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I don't know what anyone here is talking about, playing against Demo for the most part is boring, and I don't mean in the sense they're "unfair" to play against.

    He's just to predictable of a killer. His lunge is worse than pigs because it's actually way more predictable and can't be hidden, he has to slightly commit to it, and it's a heavy punish for him everytime whether it hits or not, so you're mostly better off not using it for anything but to down.

    His portals are wack, you have to hold down a button to use them to detect when that should just be inherent to them like Victor, imo (after all, they basically only notify you when someone is actually on one, and it only benefits SWF over him because it's super easy to say "hey he's chasing me", so someone could break his tunnels without fear

    He has no ability to truly bait, his slug game is mediocre, his tunnels are super obvious and you always know when he enters one, and most of his add-ons aren't even good, aside from the one he needs base-kit. Like of course he's not add-on dependent, most of them aren't even worth using.

    My experience, but he's just too easy to beat in a traditional way. Too vanilla. I prefer to go against any killer who I can at least have fun beating.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    Sorry but no. I'm at Red Ranks and I play Killer often. I know exactly what tunneling is. A lot of Demos will immediately teleport back to hook, ignore everyone else just to chase me, eat the DS, and continue. Doesn't matter if gens are flying during this or if someone is trying to take a hit. This has been my overall experience with Demos. The only times I don't get tunnled is if they are running STBFL with me as Obsession or if they are genuinely not terrible.

    Of course this is my experience but like I said, it's mostly coincidence. Not all Demos are nice and not all are tunnlers. Anyways, don't assume things about people you don't know ❤️