What makes you go “YES!!!”

In response to @Huge_Bush post “What makes you go Ugh”, thought I’d also get the community sharing moments that make them feel amazing.
For me, without fail, it’s always interrupting a hook save with a perfectly timed bottle toss on a survivor that’s led me back to a hooked survivor during a chase, and then subsequently downing them or grabbing them mid save after they’ve recovered from the direct bottle hit.
I rarely play Killer, so I'm not that good, meaning I play at low ranks (15 atm)
I decided to play a game hoping to farm, however my opponents had other plans. They were a SWF, I'm not sure if it was ps4 or pc but they were definitely on Comms with the way things were going.
Thank the entity I was playing my boy Freddy and not Legion, I managed to pull off a a 32k game against these purple rank players. I had to stop after catching the last guy to savour the moment.
Like I said I rarely play Killer, so when I do and I beat better players. I wanna punch the air in joy and yell "Get in there!!"
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Downing someone with MYC and then another with Dragons Grip.
Edit: also, getting a Legion Instadown - hitting someone in FF, them dropping a pallet on you, and you having Enduring/Spirit Fury.
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When I'm playing Spooky Myers (Scratched Mirror+Boyfriend's Memo) and didn't put in a Map Offering to practice on the big maps, and somehow pull a Gideon, Midwich, or Hawkins randomly. :)
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I’ve totally done this too 🤣
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Good job
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When I 360 a pc killer as an xbox survivor. It just gives me that moment of satisfaction.
As killer is when you have someone teabagging at hatch expecting you to hit them and you close the hatch right on top of them.
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Thanks man
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Going up against Demogorgon
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- Landing a max range (10.5m away because yes I use double range) POTD shot through walls without it being animation locked.
- Dead Hard working.
- Downing that one survivor who's been just good enough to dodge me up till now.
- Not loading into Dead Dawg Saloon.
- Midwich Nurse
- When someone asks me if I want Mr. X in DBD.
Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on2 -
I love that kind of luck.
Reminds me of last week where I changed things up by running TTS & Undying. First match I was in was Lery’s, and there was on OoO T-bagging me during the opening camera pan. I quickly made life hell for them once they were blind and constantly inadvertently revealing their location to me. Even funnier I was running up to the OoO just as they were finishing cleansing one of the Hexes, thank goodness it wasn’t Undying, so it meant they were free of blindness for 2 seconds before they were blind again. The survivors didn’t find the other hex totems after that, so once everyone was blinded it was slug city. Fun times.
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This ^
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I squeal with joy when the killer kills a survivor who tunnels gens and lets me get to second stage.
It's always funny watching a teammate tbagging at the exit gate, only to get downed due to noed and hooked because they just weren't close enough to the exit line.
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I always just leave.
I hate the tbag at the gate culture in this game. It’s disrespectful and ugly. So because I know how tilting it is when I’m killer, I just leave when I’m survivor.
Plus, like you said, you just don’t know if the killer has NOED or any other last second tricks up their sleeve.
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I leave unless my teammate was good throughout the match and got hooked. I'll risk trying to save them, even if I die.
If I have an item, I'll wait if the killer is near and place my item on the ground in front of him as a gesture of good will.
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Stabbing four people in Frenzy. It's very satisfyingly
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This was one of the better last second escapes I’ve had
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The moment when I as a survivor or an opponent survivor accidentally runs into a dead end and we share a moment of silence before the head bashing. I always like to crouch.
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When teammates try to be clever and it backfires on them always gets a triumphant “Yes!” sensation
...also a pshhh, smh kinda feel🙄
This shady Claudette tried to trick me out of my gen and steal it from me
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Getting a great Trapper snowball going, it´s even more rewarding than with Oni.
Also getting a MacMillan Map :)
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Getting a flashlight save that was barely possible to get in position for in time.
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When every teabagger is laying face down and I can rotate them into worry free chases for my pleasure.
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Getting multiple stabs in frenzy never gets old
My record chain is 11 stabs
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Snowballing with a single tier 3 as Mikey by getting at least two downs.
Seeing toxic players get punished on either side (killed as survivor/get none or minimum kills as killer).
Saving fellow Dweets from death.
Pulling off great jump scares with spooky Mikey, especially grabs off gens, totems etc.
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Animated M. Bison
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Catching ppl with bamboozle
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When I press Shift + E and Dead Hard works.
Chaining loops and mind gaming killers with as little pallets as possible for a couple of gens. Makes me feel good.
When I find out I survived against a streamer! Love watching those games back.
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When I find the gremlin standing all by his lonesome.
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Getting a single kill on killer. I'm genuinely at that point. Rank 4 now, blackpipping without a kill every game, full squads of 4 dead hards, 3-4 DS, 3-4 Iron Wills.
Meanwhile when i play survivor i'm at rank 1 and i get genuine rank 18 console players into my teams. Feels like there are two worlds of matchmaking going on, both to the absolute opposite of my favor. "Lost" almost 90% of my last 50 games regardless of role, it's at the point where it's destroying my fun with the game complete. "Oh, another DC, oh well". "Oh, another full red rank sweaty team, wish i had one of those for once"
So yea. My feels good moment is getting a single kill, or seeing a teammate get chased for more than 15 seconds total. I don't know why both of these things are this incredibly rare, but i guess that's just red rank matchmaking for you.
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Legion Pallet Tech, I have 3 in about 700 hours of Legion play.
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When key comes out of a chest. I'm almost guarantee to escape.
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Killer: Turning a 1k into a 4k because the survivors swarmed the same gate and kept getting hit.
Survivor: Looping a killer only to seemingly disappear around a corner and lose them.
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As survivor: hearing a chainsaw at the start of a match
As killer: ...Idk nothing's exciting as killer, maybe getting a 5 token cross-map as Blight, that's probably the most fun thing now.
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*working on a gen then suddenly hearing Demo's roar right after someone gets injured*
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There it is.
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When playing as Krampus and that cocky, toxic survivor who has been flashlight clicking and teabagging from the other side of dropped pallets tries to loop me in the killer shack with the basement in it that has a window and god pallet door that I trapped three gens ago...
Activate the basement snowball
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Grabbing a survivor after blinking with nurse.
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When I'm in a chase and the killer gives up and looks for another survivor, it hardly happens
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As killer I do it all the time if I’m not Clown. Eye on the bigger picture and all that stuff.
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Lol, who waits by the hook after being exposed by MYC.
That was so silly of them. They deserved what you did.
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Yeah, I'm terrible at looping. Running away and escaping I can do, but being in an extended chase with a bloodlust killer? My success rate drops heavily, lol
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Don’t feel bad. That’s the point. All chases are intended to end with a down unless a killer willingly gives up.
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Contesting the hatch with the killer as it is about to open and they panic and make the mistake of hitting me when what they really should have done is stay on the hatch and close it.
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When survivors teabag at the exit gate. Only to realize I was running Blood Warden.
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Getting one of those Blight hits that either seem impossible at first or using all 5 rushes to position yourself and downing somebody in an otherwise really safe loop, nothing better than that imo.
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Getting a snipe with one of the ranged killers.
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Any time I get a gen grab on a survivor I legit go YES irl lol
Idk there's just something so satisfying about sneaking up on survivors doing a generator and yoinkin em off it cuz you know you scared them half to death probably. That and I love playing a more stealth like style on killers.
Basically anything to scare survivors to death, I just really like scaring them more than killing them lol
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Bigger picture and the fact that even a single survivor is actually the power role, if they're playing well. If you're not one of the few agency-stealing killers (Nurse, Spirit, and to a smaller degree Pyramid/Doctor/Huntress) the survivor FAR outpowers you. Keep chasing after that first hit and you're basically handing away 3 gens, you need to go find someone else out of position instead. Not fun, but just the state of genrush balancing vs chase times and pallet values.
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Getting to the hook save at the last fraction of a second and survivor doesn't let go. Even if we both died I died giving them another shot and I'm OK with that.