Why do killers shake their head at survivor?

I don't be rude or mean by teabagging or pointing at the killer and they still shake their head at me for no reason. I was playing against a legion and he shook his head when he downed me. I find it rude and on the level of teabagging. There is no reason to do it, so why do some killer shake their head.



  • Zwergz112
    Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

    In my experience, I usually do it to communicate to the last Survivor to stop wiggling since I'm taking them to hatch anyways.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 753

    I either do it to tell them to chill as we’re going to the hatch.

    Or it’s a “Ha-Ha” after downing them after they were being a jerk.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It could mean a lot of things. Some killers do it in the form of "Ha got you!" others do it in the form of" Good chase, you played well". sometimes it's a " what on earth were you doing?"

    I would advice not being offended by such a meaningless action anymore. Atleast t-bagging is known to be disrespectfull. And you shouldn't really be offended by that anyway. Nodding could mean anything. Take it as a compliment or ignore it.

    Being offended by everything is a sure path to an unhappy life

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    When he downed you, was it up and down, or left to right? I ask because, after downing a survivor the Legion raises his chin, and sometimes it 's buggy and looks like nodding. I thought for the longest time that Legion players were being toxic, but realized during KYF it always happens.

    If not then, bad on the killer. They were likely being toxic.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    If you're the last survivors and the killers says "no" with his head, its usually to say "don't wiggle I will give you hatch/door", its very common and that's how I use it like many killers. But if they still wiggle after that (more than 3s cause it could be a reflex for them), I give them the hook instead.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    When someone dc and there is 1 survivor left I shake while carrying to let them know I'm looking for the hatch for them.

    If they still wiggle I hit a hook and shake hoping they stop.

    If they don't I give them 2 chances to stop wiggling.

    If you got of 2 times I hook you.

    But why others do that when you're down I have no idea.

    What I do know is that when a pig or ghostface t bags eventhough you were just playing nice, they either had a bad day and put their frustration of on you or they are just plain toxic idiots.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    I only ever do head shaking to "try" and signal I don't intend to do any more threatening actions. So, in most cases, this occurs when I'm chasing players out the gate and if anyone hangs around, I give'em a "good game" nod (assuming they weren't douches). Or if I feel like letting a survivor finish, I try and give them a nod to signal to them that I'm okay with them doing whatever.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    I shake my head in response to BM or really stupid Survivor plays. For example, once a Dwight stunned me as Pyramid Head at the Killer Shack pallet and pointed at me. I got Rites of Judgement ready, he ran but I still hit him and downed him through the wall. When I went to pick him up I shook my head- he thought he was good for stunning me, then I downed him immediately after.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Legion nods after downing someone. It's their animation, not bm.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    @dspaceman20 Then you did something that he didn't like. When I play as killer that means hookbombing, wasting god-pallets, camping pallets, bm in general. Some killers will give you the No-No if you loop them for too long, especially in lower ranks.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I used dead hard. Although I did dead hard into a box. I try my best not to be mean or toxic in any way.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    @dspaceman20 Then he gave you the No-No bc you failed the dead hard :P. They possibly didn't take it as a sign of toxicity, just a way of saying "unlucky".

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I guess that's why he did it. I do tend to to look back at me when I'm being chased i don't realize what's in front of me.

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194
    edited December 2020

    As others said it can be for many reasons and killers have so few ways to respond. Like I used to slap a survivor after hook as a way of saying "good chase" because I can't pat them on the shoulder like I did in football as a way to non verbally be a good sport. When I found the reddit I found out it was seen as being rude so I stopped.

    Head nodding can be for a lot of reasons and a lot of players don't bother with the social media surrounding the game. They could be trying to say gg... or calling you a tool. It's best to not jump to conclusion unless people are actually stopping the game from progressing or ending. I mean I try not to assume a survivor is being an ######### when they butt dance unless they are doing it in egc at the exit gate and refuse to just leave. Otherwise I try to assume we are all playing around.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Yesterday I was chasing a nea who dropped a pallet and jumped in a locker right in front of me. I proceded to walk right at the locker but then darted to the left at the perfect time baiting her head on. She got smacked when she left the locker and downed very quickly. I hooked her and shook my head left and right (oh no you dont). She ended up being one of the last too survivors and I hooked a nancy and my bbq picked her up going into a locker not too far from my location. I crept to it from the side and opened it before she could leap out and ended the game. This time nodding my head up and down in laughter. Head on is the most satisfying stun in the game as long as it's not done to you. She messaged me after said she was trying to do the 4 stuns in one match. Sorry Claudette not these twins.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah I usually shake my head at cocky players, who go down fast or make dumb plays which happens so often its not funny.

    Some folks don't seem to realise the time you wasted butt dancing in front of the pallet is time you could have used to get further away.

    Sometimes a player doesn't have to be obnoxious but they may get a bit to greedy with a pallet or go for a window and when you catch em first sometimes you just want to say "bad choice, I got you".

  • Metalhead
    Metalhead Member Posts: 34

    I never could understand killers who felt the need to down the last survivor and then give them the hatch only if they didn't struggle and allowed you to carry them. What's the point? If you planned on giving them hatch then just let them limp over and jump in themselves. Why waste the extra time virtue signaling on how you are a generous killer?

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    Its not virtue signaling, it's having fun and getting into the role. I don't down someone and drop them near hatch because I want them to worship me for being a joke I'm not sure people will get so I'm deleting it.

    Its because I'm trying to roleplay a killer tormenting the participants of a trial. If the last survivor gave a good game and actively did things like safe unhook/heal/take aggro etc etc I will down them, pretend to go hook them, then drop them on the floor to crawl to safety be it a hatch or the exit gates.

    I'm also a fan of the classic horror movie trope of the last survivor crawling to safety as the credit music starts with the killer watching from the distance. It's a cool and fun thing to act out... which is kinds the whole point of playing for fun.

    As well keep in mind a lot of killers are like me and sacrifice survivors who DON'T fight. If the final survivor wiggles at me and fights to the last I am much more likely to let them go, if you give up you're telling me you want to be hooked.

    There is also the fact that every so often there is a surge of survivor players who think not letting the last escape is somehow "toxic" (I saw it a lot on the reddit when I coukd still tolerate it) which leads to killers wanting to make sure survivors don't start thinking getting away if your the last survivor is something they are entitled to, instead of a mercy the killer has the option to give.

    Don't immediately assume any behaviour is rooted in being a jerk, they could just be trying to have fun. I mean they gave you 5k points they could have denied you and you're mad they wanted to have a little fun doing it?

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Mmm usually when I shake my head is just me moving my mouse, just like nodding on survivor.

    Usually means "you are good so if I need pressure I'm not coming for you" but people take it weird sometimes.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Sometimes its not meant to be toxic, sometimes it is. A few days ago I had a Legion shake his head while facecamping and smacking me on hook. I guess I kinda deserved it, tho. I looped him for 4 gens and threw 3 pallets on his head... He was mad. Lol

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    Then you've never played killers, i do them a favor and loose BP and an assurred double pip chance already by letting them escape tho they dont deserve it mostly, if they escape by struggle and stun me, its sure that I will not.

    Giving hatch, tho it happens i give it to a good surv whose have not been toxic, in most case its just that ive got pity on them for their poor playing or very bad teamplay, they dont have to push their luck too far.

    I already play mostly by the survivor's rulebook (no tunnel, no camping, 12 hook for the 4k, even no ruin/undying on almost all killers i play etc..).

    And before someone says that double pip is not needed on high rank (1-3), it mean to me that I can play 2 games with "bad killers" and meme build (no slow or regression) without caring at all for the outcome. I love good chase and smart survivors who can loop but now with the ######### MM, if you go under lvl 3 you have 75% chance to face 1 or 2 lvl 10+ and its more a slaughter than a good game for both side.

  • The_Nightmare
    The_Nightmare Member Posts: 65

    I only do it to show peace with the survivors too farm bloodpoints for everyone. Nod my head and just start spinning lol just down a survivor then just step back to let another survivor too pick them up then they just run up to me and tea-bag afew times too let me know they got my message. My only problem is trying to get all the survivors to join in so I have too trust the other survivors to spread the word sometimes

  • The_Nightmare
    The_Nightmare Member Posts: 65

    And also 9 times out of 10 whenever survivors and I farm bloodpoints at least one survivor would let me sacrifice them ig like a thank you or just returning the favor in a way which I greatly appreciate too lol

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I do it to the people who are just genuinely toxic. You wanna act like your hot s**t? Then you reap the consequences. That being said, head nods and crouch spam shouldn't be taken as seriously as they are.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I shake my head when a survivor is about to step on a trap.

    "No, dont get there"

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Same reason survivors teabag and click flashlights? None of which should be whined about imo

  • PUFFCandySmash
    PUFFCandySmash Member Posts: 6

    I absolutely do it to survivors who sit in the exit gate that I down, hook, and kill with NOED.

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    If the killer pulls it off right it's pretty funny sometimes

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    they head bangin

  • I had a david that was the last one alive, he just stood on a pallet and looked at me as I approached from across most of the map, I finally get to him and he throws it to early and just stands there looking at me dead eyed. I just shook my head, broke the pallet, and then took him to hatch because he made me laugh.

    If a survivor makes me laugh somehow they always go free that's my rule.

  • Brhoom
    Brhoom Member Posts: 241

    It's mostly insecure killers that were mad you looped them.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Head nodding is just a way to say "yes" and "no", it can be toxic in some situations but I don't use it in a toxic way personally. If I want to be toxic I'll just hit people after hooking.

  • TheWizzbone
    TheWizzbone Member Posts: 4

    I do it to be an ass. Why should they be able to teabag and we can’t? I do it to toxic survivors when they try to pull something ridiculous on me and I just shake my head like “nope, can’t do that!”.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Generally I nod then slash my weapon towards the rest of the map, nod again, and then pick them up. They generally get the message.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    If only people thought the same way about tbagging and stopped taking it personally...

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796

    I usually shake "no" when survivors tbag at a pallet and then immediately after get downed by Punishment or smth.

    I shake "yes" for a number of different reasons since there's almost no other way of communicating with survivors

  • Grum_P
    Grum_P Member Posts: 79

    I nod usually because I'm just goofing around. I don't mean anything by it.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited December 2020

    Ask them why they do it and you will get the obvious answer to your question during that conversation: Because they are #########. Same with survivor who tbag.

    And what exactly is so funny about it?

  • leafninja
    leafninja Member Posts: 123

    I do it to be funny not to be toxic lmao

  • Zylance
    Zylance Member Posts: 64

    Flashlight clicking, tbagging, emotes, killer nodding. Hitting hooked survivor.. these things are done to show dominance, simple as that. Most of the times its a dick move. To trigger the opposite side. Either to do misstakes, or just to be #########.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    The only time I do that is when I fast outplay a toxic clicky-clicky survivor type. Just to let them know I feel they are rude and not half as good as they feel they are. BM is ridiculous but when you can't even back it up with great gameplay it gets sad. After that hook they don't get attention since they don't deserve any until the very end, which usually brings loads of salt in the chat.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Oh if that bothered you i hope you never play killer lol

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I usually do it to say "im looking for hatch". That being said... Last time I played deathslinger I did it, they stopped struggling, i walked up to the hatch... And shook my head again and walked them to a nearby basement. To be fair, i was trying to do the basement hook challenge before the devs changed it. But it was pretty toxic, I feel a little bad that i was cackling like an evil maniac the whole time

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    For toxic survivors, i spin in circles 3 times after downing them.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Because they think they 4k because they’re semi gods, and not the true reason, killer is easy as hell

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    In response to a teabag primarily maybe a 59 ds that they somehow get downed immediately after