CHAPTER CONCEPT: Jennifer's Body™

CaptainSadist Member Posts: 1



Jennifer Check was once at the top of her school. All the boys wanted to be with her, and all the girls wanted to be her. Gorgeous, talented, and charismatic, she was the definition of a high school princess. But one night while out with her friend, Needy, at the small town's only bar, Jennifer met the attractive boy-group, Low Shoulder, and instantly began vying for the attention of the lead singer. Due to an unfortunate accident, however, the bar was set aflame and collapsed to the ground, leading to the deaths of many of the town's inhabitants. Jennifer and Needy got out unscathed, but were greeted by the band outside. Despite Needy's desperate pleas, Jennifer decided to leave with the band in their van, where her life would take a turn for the worst.

After a long drive into the woods, Jennifer began to grow afraid of what may happen to her once the shock of the night's events began to wear off, and she tried to escape from them, but was unsuccessful. Then, reading from a ritual printed off of the Internet, the band sacrificed her to the Devil in order to receive fame and recognition as an indie band. There was a flaw in their plan, however. Jennifer wasn't the virgin they had assumed she was, so she became a man-eating demon.

In order to stay looking beautiful and strong, Jennifer had to feed on the flesh of young males she tricked into being alone with her. After the first few deaths were discovered, Needy began to do research, and soon discovered what Jennifer had become. On the night of the spring formal, Jennifer went after Needy's boyfriend, Chip, and killed him right in front of her. That very night, while Jennifer relaxed at home, Needy went to her home. After a fight that resulted in Needy getting bit by the demon, Needy ripped off the necklace that was the sign of their long-time friendship. Memories flashed in Jennifer's head of when they were kids, and things were still simple. As her friendship necklace fell to the ground, Jennifer gave up the fight, and was overcome by Needy.

The last thing she remembered was the pain blossoming in her chest from the boxcutter stabbed into her and Needy's tear-filled eyes staring down at her. When she next opened her eyes, Jennifer heard the rustling of leaves and dark whispers of an ancient entity, and knew that she now had a second chance to live, and to feed the demon inside of her.

Killer ability: insatiable

With the ability button, The Demon can mark a Survivor, and when that Survivor is in the terror radius, their life will slowly be drained until they're put into a lower health state. Does not affect the marked Survivor while mid-chase.

killer perks:

Hex - Cross Out
  • Your need to be rid of the competition fuels your hatred. The Killer becomes Obsessed with one Survivor. The obsession can't hear the Killer's heartbeat as long as a Hex totem remains on the map. The obsession isn't affected by perks that reveal their aura. This disappears once the Hex is destroyed.
  • "Do you have to undermine everything I do? God, you're such a player hater." - Jennifer Check
  • Your hatred of obstacles increases your ambition to hinder others' success. The Killer may destroy 3/4/5 untouched pallets, rendering them useless for the entire game.
  • "I need you frightened....I need you hopeless." - Jennifer Check
Devil's Kettle
  • The smell of your prey is strong and builds your hunger. At the beginning of the round, all Survivors' auras are exposed to the Killer for 1/2/3 second(s)
  • "Hell is a teenage girl." - Needy

new survivor: Anita "needy" lesnicki


Needy and Jennifer were friends from childhood. Even when Jennifer became popular, she still stayed close friends with her more socially-outcast companion. But when Jennifer disappeared in the van of the shady indie band, Low Shoulder, Needy knew something bad would happen to Jennifer. She just didn't expect the real outcome of Jennifer leaving with the band.

When everyone else in Devil's Kettle was in mourning after the only bar in town burned down, Jennifer was glowing with energy, instantly putting Needy off and raising her suspicions. When the young boys from her school began to disappear, Needy headed to the occult section of her school's library to try to find answers, and came to the conclusion that Jennifer was now possessed by a demon. No one would believe her, not even her boyfriend, Chip, until he was attacked on the night of the spring formal by Jennifer. But it was too late; Chip bled out, and Jennifer disappeared.

That same night, Needy went after Jennifer and attacked her in her own bedroom. After they fought, Jennifer finally gave in and allowed Needy to have the upper-hand. Exhausted by the encounter, Needy flopped onto the bed beside Jennifer's still body, ignoring Jennifer's mother's sobs of distress, Needy knew that it wasn't over yet.

She was sent to a mental institution, where she received fan mail and gifts from those hoping for her recovery, and she waited, now a completely different girl. The bite that Jennifer left on her during their fight had apparently given Needy some demonic powers, allowing Needy to escape from the institution she was being held in. She hitchhiked her way into the city, following Low Shoulder to their hotel room before their concert, and murdered them all to avenge the loss of her friends and Chip. As she left and gazed up at the camera, she could hear - over the sounds of screaming fans - soft, unearthly whispers, and soon found herself in a strange place, completely different from the hotel she had been in.

She soon met other Survivors like her, and knew that she would once again need to fight for her life and protect her new friends. She may have destroyed one threat, but there was a new one, lurking in the shadows, murmuring haunting words.

Survivor Perks:

Bite of the Demon:
  • A bite from a past-life increases your strength, allowing you to endure more than others. The Survivor can get hit one extra time, making it so it takes 3 hits to enter the Dying state. This comes at a cost, however; the Survivor now heals much slower.
  • "I am a kicker. K-I-C-K-E-R." - Needy
Chip's Memory:
  • The loss of a loved one fuels your determination, keeping you alive at all costs. The Survivor's speed is increased if they're the last Survivor alive. The speed boost disappears while being chased, however.
  • "Why do you need him?....Why Chip?" - Needy
Through the Trees:
  • You're used to stressful situations by now, and the threat of death only adds to your boldness. The Survivor's repair speed is increased while the Killer is nearby.
  • "I'm still here breathing now until I'm set free." - Low Shoulder

  • - -

Map Idea:
  • The forest surrounding Devil's Kettle (A version of the bar can be the center structure)


  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Nope we don't need any extra hits

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453

    Cmon at least give em credit for putting effort into this.

    Nice story and concept btw.

  • Squeetlebug
    Squeetlebug Member Posts: 2

    Oh, wow! I love this movie, and a DBD addition for it would be awesome! Maybe with along with getting hit again, every time you're hooked, the healing time is extended? And if you made it teachable, you could use it for other players.

  • lilaclobster83
    lilaclobster83 Member Posts: 2

    I know this is late but honestly I’d love to see this come to dbd the idea is amazing I love the film and these ideas are so good for both of them plus the rights to the characters really can’t be that expensive and putting such and iconic duo in the game would be so amazing! NEEDS TO HAPPEN!

  • sleepynell
    sleepynell Member Posts: 2

    Love this concept. I was inspired so wrote my own version of this if you'd like to check it out on my profile? I credited you for your great ideas (:

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    This is pretty cool, though the Demon's power should probably be fleshed out much more than it currently is. The perks are incredibly powerful, but they all have good downsides and seem to be very well balanced. Good job with this!

  • Jess6ixa
    Jess6ixa Member Posts: 2

    I hope the Devs see this. I'd literally never stop playing as killer if this were a thing