Fixing Matchmaking Is The Key To...

Title + Balancing the game... Let me explain. Let's use Freddy for example right? If Matchmaking was actually matching him up with top notch survivors, his kill rate wouldn't be so high. If a person has mained a killer, and sustains R1, it's clear they're a cut above the rest because you have to have SOME kind of skill to maintain those ranks.
I'm a R18 now, but my true skill is around purples without Nurse. It's not fun beating up on low ranks. If Matchmaking was working, I'd still be matched against those of my skill level, and I wouldn't be contributing to the inflated kill rates of certain killers... Like Freddy. Billy was only overperforming against boosted survivors, not truly skilled red ranks.
We know what happens when survivors actually WANT to win... They do. No other killer outside God Nurses can stop them and they are extinct now. So, let's fix Matchmaking, and then observe the stats before we judge these kill rates and escape rates right guys?
The synopsis of this is, killers like Freddy are only "overperforming" because Matchmaking isn't matching them with players of their skill level. They're going against boosted players that either hook suicide or just don't have the skill to outplay him. If you want an example of how it should be, look at COD COLD WAR. "Pro" players are whining because the game is matching them with players of their true skill level, and they can't smurf casuals. That's how the Matchmaking here should work.
Honestly they've attempted to fix it so much that it only shows how incapable they are at actually fixing things. MMR was supposed to solve the problem, but only made things worse by a landslide.
At this point they ought to borrow or at least look at ranking mechanics from other games before messing with matchmaking again. Otherwise the game will only be worse for it.
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Freddy is OP because the top 1% of Freddy players play better than the survivors he is matched against. That's why he's getting nerfed.
Of course, the survivors AREN'T the top 1%. They are random.
To me, the top 1% of any killer SHOULD be getting more kills than the average. If you can't match a killer's skill by giving him survivors that are equal, the stats are TRASH!
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But not every killer main plays Freddy, spirit or nurse all day long.. If I choose to play killers like legion, demo, wraith, bubba , clown etc.. i really don’t want to go against survivors based on the true high end mmr obtained by just playing an “A tier” killer like Freddy and get stomped when I decide to transition to a different killer.
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That's my point tho. The Freddy players are elite while the survivors more often... Aren't. If the top 1% were matched against top 1% more often than not, you'll see he's not as powerful as he looks. Tournaments still prove what happens when survivors actually WANT to win... They do.
Matchmaking isn't matching players correctly and that's why it appeared Billy was "overperforming" despite getting thrashed by survivors who actually know how to loop. With so many boosted survivors, the trend of killers "overperforming" will continue. Looking at the stats, can you honestly say Pig is a vicious as the stats made her seem?
As always, according to the stats, Nurse should be buffed.