Does BHVR ever wonder WHY people DC?
Yeah DCs are a problem. I get it. But maybe there’s legit reasons sometimes. Or maybe somebody already had a bad day and wants to blow off some steam playing video games but instead gets tunneled and facecamped in the very first match. Been there many times.
I played match recently where I had no HUD, meaning skill checks did not show up, or the meter bar didn’t show up while cleansing totem or searching through chests. What am I supposed to do, stay in that match? I couldn’t repair a generator or heal anyone.
I think DC penalties are too harsh, and a lot of people are probably going to disagree with me. That’s fine. We don’t have to agree on everything.
There's many reasons why people DC, for example as a killer you hit someone down quite quickly, they DC...or when playing survivor you cleanse a hex totem early in the match and the killer DC's - the common factor there is the DC itself and the fact that's the match ruined for the 4 other players.
Yes bugs happen that are gamebreaking, you get stuck on the map and can't do anything for example so you're forced to DC but that's only a 5 minute penalty, those situations are rare right now so there should never be any need to go over the 5 minute dc penalty.
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In most cases the DC doesn't hurt The Killer, it makes it much easier to get a 3k.
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In situations like that when the match bugs out I got look for the killer and keep them busy long enough for everyone else to get the gens done
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Think about, yes. Care about, no. They would rather have a poorly balanced hame that screws people over
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Well, most disconnects in game itself are usually one of two things haha.
- from survivors who do it out of spite usually before they are going to be hooked for the second or third time. Usually the ones that come right to the forums and scream about tunnelling because they did something ridiculously dumb like act invincible because they had DS up and do a gen in your face; but miss their skill check or just run into a wall right after using it and getting hooked again.
- The other is killers usually right before the game would end normally anyways, around last gen or after last gen pops before survivors can leave the gates. Usually done out of spite because they are salty that all the survivors are going to escape. Which is funny because they threw all their BP away and took a penalty to avoid waiting like 30 seconds for the end's even funnier is if we won that bad and the killer didn't play dirty (and I don't have a challenge or daily to do) I will totally go back and let the killer hook me or something.
A lot of these people then whine about a "30 - 60 minute ban I got because my game crashed one time!" in a last ditch effort to have the thing not letting them leave just about every losing game; removed.
The times I had a survivor/killer DC or crash happens almost always during or right after load in and it refunds and puts everyone back with no penalties generally anyways. In game, it's almost VERY clearly a rage DC, the times it's not are probably 1/100 of all DC's in odds, it's not anywhere close to a common occurrence.
I mean the only one I can understand is the no HUD one, in which case it would be a 4 minute lockout, something for you to decide between or trying to play without it somewhat anyways and just dying; or even just dying on hook to get out that way it would only take seconds longer.
Disconnecting because you are being camped or tunnelled tbh again you may as well just die on hook; that's going to give them more time to do gens than a DC that instantly offs you. If being tunnelled just play the game, that's literally just part of the game, and you are starting to fall into the category of the folks I mentioned above.
Also with bugs, if it's an obvious one the other side might show leniency too if they can see it themselves. We had a bubba get stuck in the ground, so we split the difference 2 stayed to die and 2 of us left; and we made a bunch of memes and I added the guy on steam after and sent them to him, we ended up all getting a big laugh out of it. So depending on the issue it can be worth sticking around sometimes.
tldr; the only DC lockout you would get that tbh is understandable, is a 4 and 1/2 minute one, that could be mitigated by just dying on the hook instead and take only a few seconds AND it would give you some BP at least. That doesn't seem too harsh to me at all.
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Depends. If the killer was looking to pip up that's gone now, and if it was for bloodpoints that's prolly out too unless they farm.
But yeah if it just to get the other three dead and no one gets blood absolutely easier with a dc.
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People know why they dc. Outside of being stuck in the geomerty, outside of bugs and internet issues, they have all said it here on the forums: "I was tunneled!" , "I was camped!" , "I was slugged!" , "I didn't like the map!" , "I didn't like the killer!" , "I can't win" well the last one is what the others make it feel like. I've seen people dc the second legion hits one survivor, I've seen people play the game and dc because I played freddy (mind you with ONE rank 1 perk!) , I've been told they dc'd because i camped and tunneled them. yet I was chasing off two people from the rescue (MY JOB AS KILLER).
I have found people hide under the hooked survivor just to not get hit, I've had people crawl under the hooked survivor to avoid being picked up. in these cases I've stayed there to make sure no one got up and unhooked. why should I leave when someone is righti there? nope don't need it and 2 people with 4 gens to go the one one the ground can't do anything for the one on the hook and i don't have to worry about the gens right away.
disconnecting is basically saying you can't be trusted as a teammate to play a game you decided to play, It means you quit when you don't want to learn, it means you want others to say you made the right call. only time a dc is the right call is when it's not your fault (computer/power restarts, network issues, game bugged out, got stuck in the geometry, personal life IRL is indanger (though why you'd take the time to dc i don't know for this!)) and that's it.
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Spot on.
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Yes DC penalty should be taken off cuz im sick of stupid toxic killers being absolute dicks just because there higher rank then me doesnt mean im bad at the game just means i dont spend my whole life on the game like they do im sick of being tunneled and face camped and just being ######### in general i use to love this game but over the years its slowly got worse and its pissing me off and any killer who says im wrong can piss off because its only survivors that get DC penalty not killers Survivors get punished for everything and killers get away with everything
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"Its only survivors that get DC penalty not killers Survivor get punished for everything and killers get away with everything."
Killers are also given the DC penalty if they DC.
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I've seen plenty of DCs from playing both sides since 2018. Obviously if you have a game-breaking bug, an IRL emergency, a hacker etc dc away.
I don't approve of people dc'ing for being camped, or tunnelled, or getting haddonfield or a team of dicks as a lie rank killer - although I get it
But the vast majority of DC's are none of these things. Most on survivor side come after being downed once, most on killer side come from not being able to catch anyone.
Also I've had the same HUD bug, but only like two or three times ever. If you don't dc otherwise then 5 minutes isn't so bad, even if it is annoying. When I've had it I just do totems and harass the killer, non-skillcheck stuff.
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Regardless killers get away with everything some are too OP aswell and NOED sgouldnt even exist its a crutch perk
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just what do they get away with? using the perks available to them? do you use Unbreakable, DS, Borrowed time, Spine Chill, and even others i can't think of? well those are crutch perks too. if someone disconnects, then they get the penalty no problem there! that's just how it is. don't dc if you don't like the penalty! if you get a toxic killer that you call toxic and they call you names in the end game chat, get screen shots of what is said and report them! if it's just because they slugged you, because they tunneled or camped you well that's part of the damn game and NOT against the rules. Disconnecting IS against the rules, so if they violate the rules then they get punished just like survivors! lol you're so angry you don't even know what you're saying! noed is not even a threat if you remove all the dull totems... you can leave glowing ones up if you want because noed can't take that spot! hahahhhahahahahah you want to say noed is toxic? that's laughable.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
The only legit reason to DC is a technical issue.
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No its not thats KILLER opinion
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I mean there are a ton of legit reasons. Maybe your house is on fire I don't know- just if it is a legit reason a penalty probably doesn't matter to you at all. However, 99% of disconnects are intentional because someone is just upset about something.
I mean no it's not. If a killer gets stuck in a generator and cannot move after kicking it; early in the game- leaving and taking the penalty is far shorter than standing there as survivors t-bag you and don't finish the game. So I mean that is absolutely a valid reason to disconnect.
It's a game, they are there to have fun, some with limited time. I am not gonna hold it against someone, from any side, for a reason like that. It would be selfish of me to do so.
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it's no more a crutch perk than what i listed. and you just attacked me... I asked you a question and you didn't answer it, this tells me you're just looking for validation for your own weak reasoning that you're oppressed when you aren't. trolling isn't funny.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Except it's not a 'killer opinion'. Having a bad game isn't a valid reason to disconnect.
Stop playing online games and ruining it for everyone else because you can't handle playing it.
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so because it's against the rules you dc'd? that's a riot.. break the rules because someone else broke the rules. that means you are willing to break the rules to suit yourself. so how does that make you better than them? if you want to be better then either let the hook take you, escape and then report them and submit evidence of your accusation via ticket! if you don't then you are just as guilty as those you accuse.
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Im Not gonna stop playing cuz killers cant stop being toxic #########
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There is no reason to dc. If your gonna play survivor then expect killers to eliminate you in the best manner possible to themselves.
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Now I kinda wanna see the stats on number of disconnects directly related to house fires. :P
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you better not be complaing about the dc penalty then! you break the rules you suffer the punishment. if you don't report game rule violations yourself you suffer to let it keep going. you are a riot... your comments about pages of hate on your profile... that is nothing compared to people actually reporting actual offenses like disconnect exploiters and other game rule violations because without that you won't get anything fixed. You are more toxic than the killers you are complaining about because you support their actions by not reporting it.. oh yea you said that it's survivors working with killers and killers acting on that information that is toxic but the game rule is you do not help the other side out basically so it's a rule against survivors from helping the killer find others. the survivor doing this is the toxic one, not the killer in this case PER GAME RULES. and trying to pin it not on the survivor breaking the rule but the killer is toxic so yes you're toxic, please enjoy your timeouts that are given for your dc's because you know what? you deserve them and more!
actually the killer being stuck in a gen happened RECENTLY with the ONI! and yes a 5 minute time out is preferable to 30 minutes of the survivors doing gens and tbaging you where you get no points to speak of either. blargh.
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No im not saying there being toxic they ARE being toxic this isnt about rage quitting ive often gave my life for others so its not about dying its about Toxic Killers but i forgot theres no such thing as a toxic killer 😒
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but it is about rage quitting, you rage quit because you call them toxic thus you break the rules and don't even think or realize how toxic you have become. You support and encourage their actions by your own actions.
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reporting things like this to them allows them to look at what happened and perhaps making things better. i'm not talking about reporting the killer here but the fact that you didn't dc yet got the penalty. please give them the logs they need for this though
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Haha I just got hit by this myself:
A whopping 4 minute lockout, 30 seconds of it was up by the time I restarted.
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I have reported it time and time and again and nothing has been done as usual cuz devs dont listen to survivors so dont say im being toxic when im not but yet again another typical Killer comment
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did you submit a ticket with proof of what you were claiming? probably not or it wasn't proof enough for them to take action or they didn't see an issue. for working with the killer you best have video of them actually doing it.
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Its not really competitive in a traditional sense
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it is as you compete to win or loose, how ever it is not somthing that is "professional" or truely ranked and esports level. so you are right and wrong at the same time.
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Not really this game isn't a PvP perse because it's a 4v1 and not a 1v1v1v1v1 and so on. But even then its not supposed to be competitive like in tournaments. So Idk I guess it depends on how you play it. If you play to have fun and not win you aren't beimg competitive. When I play survivor I don't compete with others I just do my ######### and get out. My mindset is not competitive at all
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To me I don't focus on "competing" like what am I competing for a escape? A killer cant escape and I'm not fighting my teammates.
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that does not mean that this is not technically a competitive game. here is why: 1) this is PvP so you are putting people against each other thus it is a competition, 2) this has points, therefore someone is technically listed as a "winner" even if you aren't trying to win, and finally 3) there is a ranking system so that even if you aren't competing there is a way to show that you have gone up or down in your ranking and this is determined in part by the actions of the other side.
so while it is not competitive as in an ESPORT or a sports expedition the game IS a competitive game by the definition of competitive. "Competition is a situation in which two or more people or groups are trying to get something which not everyone can have. There's been some fierce competition for the title. Synonyms: rivalry, opposition, struggle, contest More Synonyms of competition."
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As ive said its up to the individual. The game layout is competitive but not everyone is. You can play a competitive game and not be competitive. Some people are fine with losing and do sports for fun and there's me who wrestled to win. Anf just ad some people play this game in tournaments where its rinse and repeat because this game sucks for competitive game play I play to have fun. Escaping is nice and all but I mainly want pipping. I dont compete its not my mindset even if the game says I have the most points. Idk in the end you have a point but it still relies on the player. You can have a 4 man swf sandbag eachother for fun and is it still competitive no not really. But if you get literal and say it is because they are trying to see who gets killed first I can retort and say if you think like that no game is not competitive
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Yeah, cool. I wonder what the numbers look like for suiciding on first hook, though.
Not against DC penalty btw. I just find it kinda funny that people think it has actually fixed anything, lol.
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by the definition of competitive/competition yes it is still competitive as there is someone else other than that 4 man swf that is opposed to the 4 man swf. but it isn't hyper competitive in this case because the swf isn't taking themselves seriously and having fun. what most people consider competitive in this is the esports angle which this game really is not set for that. but it is still competitive but you can ignore that and you're good either way.
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the devs have said the number of this action did not substantially increase, while the number of disconnections did substantially decerease
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I like you. We understand each other and aren't just arguing and I agree with you
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i can be irritating but i try to keep my own stuff level and constructive. when i'm unsure of something i ask, and i admit when i'm wrong. :)
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We Could use more of you
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I've tried cloning myself but it hasn't borne fruit just yet unfortunately :P
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Dont worry I got funds
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Are you perhaps the leader of the Garlean Empire? the one that founded it? hmmm? or are you the Entity??? ARE YOU NEA??? OMG YOU'RE NEA!
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At this point the thread has run it's course and other things but the thread are being discussed.