We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

I don't like the idea of dead by daylight

Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

-Cut insults to kick-start discussion.-

Dead By Daylight should be made much harder, no more aim dressing, no more second chance perks, you want to survive? Work together or die alone. Do you want to kill them all? Train your aim, learn set-ups, and speak up if the power role doesn't feel powerful.

The Killer Power role is a joke, with exceptions. If facing a killer by yourself is not daunting. something is wrong. In a proper asymmetrical game, the power role should be powerful, you should be wary of being near, knowing that getting seen a bad, and getting caught dangerous. It isn't, not to myself or any other truly experienced survivors.

I mean, I run Mettle of Mither, and can still escape without a Survive With Friend squad. That should tell you something is up.

Edit January 12, 2020: I've realized that, Dead by Daylight is not meant to be a challenging game, at least not on the survivor side. The killer side is a whole different can of worms, beyond frustrating unless you play specific killers, Nurse is the only killer the feels like you are the killer, something to be avoided and feared. Very high skill-celling.

Huntress and Deathsligner feel good too, having a range feels good. Huntress more so IMO.

Regardless, the devs should remove match-made ranking altogether, as with how casually balanced this game is, true match-making will never work. Unless.

Anyone, this discussion has given me some kind of answer, not one I wanted, but I asked. I'll leave this thing going, and may bump it, but I'm no longer going to justify my feelings on the survivor gameplay in Dead By Daylight.

Post edited by Weeb_H_Toast on


  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    Yes and no, I've hard my share of shitshows and shitstomps. Unfortunatelyly, mostly the latter.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I did git gud. I escape most of my matches. Something like 60%?

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    No, 50/50 is good, the game should be properly balanced around this.

    Due to the counsel players and matchmaking being a joke, I am not surprised.

    Yes, easy in the wrong ways, frustrating in others.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Play solo crossplay off in eu from 14-22 uk time with that build and tell me how many times you will escape

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,202

    Never said that and I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from putting words in my mouth.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I been recording it on a Excel spreadsheet and I also record my gameplay.

    It's around 70 games worth of data.

    I also recorded how many times I've been camped or tunneled and by whom. It has data such as how many gens were done, how many ppl escaped, how many totems were cleared, what map the game took place. Who the killer was, wrote down if undying/ruin combo used, or NOED, Was the escape thru the gate or hatch, etc.

    I did not pull it out of my butt.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited January 2021
  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    For many players, I think this IS true -- they just want to do some low-effort bullying and tell someone who struggled to gain some ground to "git gud," and then when they meet someone who is a very good killer player, they get mad and shout about cheap easy-mode perks or items or whatever else.

    Not everyone is like this, but these players are definitely not rare. Just remember what my wife says, when I wonder aloud why people act this way. She tells me "It's because they have nothing else in life except this video game."

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287
    edited January 2021

    Cant the same go to killer? I mean killers practically cry when a SURVIVOR survives. This game goes both ways, a two way street. There isnt supposed to be power roles btw, in that case I mean what luck would survivors have?

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,141

    Its rare, not nonexistent. But when you do get mates who play risky rather than like cowards, it makes a big difference and feels amazing.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    You are wrong about that. That's not what survivors want and encouraging us to speak up about underpowered killers whilst not defending ourself is dumb. But I agree I wish this game was scary and aim dressing is a curse on console now that we got god tier pc players who spin last second and them call us trash. I literally have a video on YouTube where I whiffed 2 times in a freaking row because of it

  • thicc_iguana
    thicc_iguana Member Posts: 5
  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    I blame the side with more people playing it, and with more influnce over game direction.

    It would if the game was built in favor of killers, some aspects of it defintly are, but a majority of matches would not be winnalbe for the killer if the survivors played to their best. As the killer winning more often then nots realies on captolizing on survivor error.

    In this case, for this game, where the whole point of even having the killer playable at all, in a 1v1, 2v1, or 3v1 sitation, the killer should always win. A perfect aysmetrical game would have the power role (that's the side that needs to be beaten with coawrdination and teamwork,) should be powerfull.

    Think about it like this, killer can't play the game whiel listening to music and still play at thier best. As evident by streamers, survivors can. The survivor role does not require as much focus to play, and as such, is without a doubt, easier.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    You're blaming the wrong people. Survivors have no control over what the Devs intended to make their objective. You think Survivors aren't bored of holding M1/R1/RB an entire game? I think I speak for most of us when I say I'd like another objective, and I shouldn't be blamed for what I have no control over. Also saying Survivors are the only side that have the most influence over the game is a HUGE couch in the house of opinions.

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    Then why are survivors still complaining about killers?

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    See the problem is that there are 4x more survivors than there are killers, I remember when old Freddy was nerfed a week after release because of survivors complaining. Nothing remotely close to this has happened because of solely killer complaints, only when the survivors comparing about something, does anything get changed. This is a fact, observable through the entire change and update the history of the game.

    I didn't have a bad match, I've only had easy ones, there are a few exceptions, but because of how this game is built. in favor of the survivor experience over the killer's experience, killers had to get good, whereas survivors relied on perks they know will never get changed. Any player with the salt of their tears knows this about Dead By Daylight.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2021

    Freddy was an exception which they admitted was too knee jerk of a reaction and its why they take longer to assess everything now. You also have to think how long ago that was.

    There have been numerous changes for both sides and even perks like DS have been changed multiple times and MoM 2 weeks after release. Sometimes things are apparent and changes need done while others take longer.

    The game is an online multiplayer and these always change over time. The reason the game is what it is today is that no one wants a hide and seek game in reality. If this was the case no killer would complain about a blendette.

    What became apparent overtime was the player base enjoyed the interaction between the two sides so the game adapted more towards that aspect.

    No one wants an easy game but they do want to have the feeling that they have a chance to win and outplay the other side. The main issue with this is someone with 40h can be at red ranks playing versus someone with 5kh and because they hit the top ranks they beleive they should be doing better in all matches.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Guy, killer rate is 65-75%. It the killer rate were 25-35% you’ll see thousand of killers complaining and uninstalling the game and this forum will be a river of tears

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    I like the idea of this post it's just that DBD has no competition, no real reason to strive for a better experience and product. This is why I'm starting to move towards deception games and indie horror games, way more fun and enjoyable.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 902
    edited January 2021

    "you should be wary of being near, knowing that getting seen a bad, and getting caught dangerous. It isn't, not to myself or any other truly experienced survivors."

    And yet with every update and killer released the devs introduce a new way to find survivors. Aura reveals in a least 10+ perks and built in killer powers. Survivors WILL be found. At this point you can be revealed for cleansing a totem, touching a gen, getting out of a locker and recently rummaging through a chest. I don't play stealth. It doesn't pay off, and gens don't get done with this nice new undying/ruin combo. I run. You ever seen what happens when a person goes upstairs and hides in the bathtub during a horror movie? They die in the bathtub. Only the ones who fight back, get s**t done. I don't bully killers. That's some latent PVP crap from people who play other multiplayer games where they swagger around the map using hacks and autoaim and call themselves the best there is.

    And there is not one horror game around that maintains it's 'horror and fear factor' for the majority of players. If you play something for 1,000 hours you've seen it all. There is nothing new and no reason to be afraid. Perhaps, you are not challenged with this game since you handicap yourself and still win. That is your experience and not the experience for the majority of the players who barely make it out. Maybe it is not because killers are powerless but that the person behind the killer is not as skilled as you. That happens on both sides. I don't believe you should reward a new player for simply buying a killer that can never be beat. Put in the time like everyone else, if you're getting your behind handed to you in every game, it's not the game.

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    You cannot quantify enjoyment. If survivors had more challenging skill requirements, Freddy wouldn't be getting nerfed, because facing him would be a proper skill match-up instead of mashing heads against generators to push through a slow.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited January 2021


    I guess when you can't add anything to a resourceful debate, insult the opposing side and make invalid assumptions.

    I don't ride anything. I examine actions and make judgement upon them.

    Also, I didn't buy the chapter, I bought Elodie because I am a black female in real life & I love representation. (I dont know why I'm wasting my time explaining this to someone like you, but hey, you swear you know it all.)

    Try again next time kiddo.

    Thanks for validating the fact that a biased person can never be overturned, not even with the evidence in their faces.

    Edit: Removed an irrelevant comment.

    Also where did I call someone a baby kil-..?

    You know what... never mind.

    Post edited by Unicorn on
  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    I misspoke, what I meant is that I want survivor to be more stressed, skillfully, and challenging. The extent of difficulty on the survivor side is, skill checks and looping. When the added the Exeacutuioner and the skill checks for the struggle faced in the cage, I liked that. Facing most any killer with an instadown, I like that, in most cases, it's your miss play if you get caught out by the down (though No Mitther kinda counter Exposed, and IH for huntress still needs a fix, but ya know.)

    I don't like watching my teammate faceplant in a beartrap on an exit switch, get hooked, and still escape because of them having decisive. I feel the frustration of the killer, and sometimes the leave. I don't like playing an unfair game that I must limit myself in order for the game to be fun.

    I can't even voice my complaints because people will cry killer main and disregard my points.

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    I'm getting defensive over the fact that it feels like my point of survivor being relatively easy to learn and master, is being twisted into killer bias. Yes, in fact, the game is in the best balance-wise state it's ever been in. It appears that more changes are made to benefit survivors than killers (see hook counter vs. hook progress in the upcoming mid-chapter.)

    I should not have assumed your reason for using her as your picture; to me she represents what's wrong with the developer's mindset. The entire binding of kin chapter was awful, with broken, unusable perks, buggy killer, janky visual updates the further cripple the consoles and those with affordable computers.

    I apologize, I still believe that survivor is too easy, and that most killers, are pushovers.

    This kind of quote can bite someone in the ass if they're not careful (so is this one but, you know.)

    "Thanks for validating the fact that a biased person can never be overturned, not even with the evidence in their faces."

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    If you played with @Unicorn as frequently as I do then you’d know that she isn’t anything like what you’re claiming her to be so please come up with a better argument instead of coming up with pointless attacks on her character.