Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Well uhh... rip undying, would you kindly join me to give a eulogy?



  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    This game is about to get ugly. I don't play competive I play for BP. So rank me **** to me RN. I let some1 get hatch every game if someone dc's I let survivors farm since they don't have a chance even though they never do the same if I'm playing horrible. However now that soon there will be rank rewards I will be competitive. Actually have a reason to care about ranking up and winning. i am guessing most will do the same. So more perks you don't like to see, tunneling, slugging, camping, whatever it takes. Survivor rulebook will no longer exist for me at least. Everytime I start to like a perk it gets changes/nerfed, gen speeds are ridiculous, theres 30 pallets on every stage, breakable walls, dum loops, and they still whine about certain killers and perks. Most games by the time you tear through all the pallets and walls then you still got DH, DS, AD, and SC for a 36 meter head start. How much time you need? Not everyone uses Sprit, Freddy, billy, or nurse every game.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Annoyed, seeing as DS/UB haven't been touched for years. But really, I don't mind the change too much. I didn't use the combo myself. I main Plague, and get better benefit out of Oppression/PoP, than Hex perks. It's nice hearing that tokens remain, however.

    MY biggest problem, though, is survivors spawning on top of lit totems. I still fail to see how devs have yet to address this. It's the biggest reason I don't actually use Hex perks. Second being totems that spawn in open areas.

  • I think it's super close to reasonable changes honestly. I just feel they went a little too far with it.

    An entire perk slot just to make the survivors cleanse 2 totems instead of 1? It won't stay active for that long especially now that they removed your ability to defend them at all.

    Had it been able to do that at least 2 times making them cleanse 3 totems OR had they left it's aura reading in effect for only lit totems so they could be defended- I feel would have been much more fair.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killers now must have more urgency to protect their gens. It's not like Ruin wasn't strong enough on its own.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Glad I wasted the effort to unlock undying for my killers. Back to no reason for equipping hex perks.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    I might i get now get Devour value more consistanly

  • Aldath
    Aldath Member Posts: 30

    Honestly, I was expecting them to follow track record and completely wreck Undying when I read about a nerf incoming.

    But... I'm pleasantly surprised. It doesn't breaks the Ruin + Undying combo to an unusable degree, it makes the anti-genrush build still viable without making it outright unfun and frustrating for Survivors. Plus, the other Hex buffs are welcome.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Hex Undying was a needed change; but I feel it was a bit too heavy handed. They should have left the aura reading enabled on lit totems- because the first totem cleansed is going to remove the aura reading anyways! So I mean it gives them at least a chance of defending MAYBE one totem, but after that it's gone. Since it's only 2 totems now, why would anyone take it with ruin EVER? A whole perk slot to make them cleanse 2 totems instead of one? With devours that's okay, but with ruin it's not worth a perk slot to make it last 2 minutes instead of 60 seconds ( and that is being generous, against half decent survivors both will be gone in the first minute of the game)

    Letting them at least have ONE chance to protect their investment seems fair. Instead of between like 3 - 5 chances like before.

  • It does though; especially because they have no defense anymore. Also breaking the first totem is always undying so you just....break 2 lit totems on the map that's it. That's not hard to do at all especially when the killer has no means of seeing you on it.

    I feel they should have left the aura reading on for lit totems- since first totem is undying, it would be broken anyways, so it would only give you the ability to maybe try and defend that first totem some if you wanted- that's all. That's enough to at least make it decent still with Ruin, as it stands however this buffs it with devours but makes it basically a wasted slot with ruin in most matchups.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Anyone else feel like they made the aura reading backwards? Shouldn't it give vision on Hex totems? I don't care about dull totems as Killer, especially now that Undying doesn't bounce the Hex around.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    It's not. Again, it's a Hex, and Hex's have been known to have terrible spawns. Either they're in the open, right next to a gen, or survivors spawn on top of it. By itself, it's not worth the perk slot.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Then don't tunnel and don't slug and you'll be good. I just go ahead and eat the ds but I also never tunnel. I rarely get hit with ds anyway.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Oof. How does one do that if you down survivors in 10 seconds?

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    i mean, they also said hex perks are supposed to be strong, but most of them are garbage, even ruin on its own is garbage

  • Silverbusa
    Silverbusa Member Posts: 19

    It's funny when a moron with failed logic pretends they are putting things in simpler terms.

    Your argument about multiple injuries relies on ######### survivors. Congrats on being a killer facing ######### survivors.

    "A lot of killers run corrupt...killers like Myers and Trapper live by." Yeah a lot of people play those killers which translates to high Corruption use.

    But you weren't done with the dumb survivor argument and raise it a second time. It's good to see you really own your stupid argument that ######### survivors are really easy to injure.

    You then say I dismiss your argument and capture it again, but of course, it's a new argument because the first time you tried that trash it was rebutted. Tournament survivors and tournament killers are not who we are talking about. Nice bait and switch. You at least realized arguing tournament players was dumb. You can be taught. However, your stupid argument no longer applies because it's a tournament-level argument.

    We won't get into the other two arguments because it's clear I addressed them last time and doing so again is a waste.

    And if you want to speak in simpler terms, perhaps reduce confusion by not spelling like a third grader.

    injures != injuries

    greddy != greedy

    your != you're (x3)

    And it could help to use periods to end the half dozen or more sentences lacking them.

    Have a good day, lass.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm too drunk too read this lol

    I love how it's bad word this, bad word that lol trash this, trash that lol I'll reply to this properly tomorrow when I feel the need to care what you say.

    All I see is stupid, dumb, trash and other stuff lol apparently being rank 1 since 2017 means nothing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'll give you a proper reply tomorrow but we'll see. No point wasting my time with someone who just doesn't understand what they're talking about.

  • Silverbusa
    Silverbusa Member Posts: 19

    I'm rank one. That means I'm smart. Just look how I can't spell basic words for evidence.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    No because the perk is still good

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    This. Hexes are powerful and shouldn't stay up ALL match with literally no effort on the killers part.

    Ruin is the strongest gen regression and pressure perk in the game. Giving it the kind of protection and uptime Undying did was overkill and unnecessary.

    Killer mains who say otherwise need to reconsider that it's not always feasible to remove Ruin Undying in a timely manner. If a Survivor gets killed and removed from the game before Ruin Undying is removed the Survivors most likely can't win.

    The combination of any semblance of map pressure along with Ruin Undying makes it impossible to complete a 3 gen.

    I know Killers want good slowdown and gen regression is absolutely a mandatory thing but there's a point where it's just too much and it's literally oppressive and begins making things like Pop and Oppression completely pointless to run.

    This is a healthy change. You can still run Ruin Undying and they still have to cleanse it away. It still wastes time. Ruin is still powerful. You can camp and protect your Hex totems if you want to keep them in play as it should be instead of potentially maintaining Ruin Undying all match by doing nothing. Additionally this makes Devour Hope Undying infinitely more viable but nobody's talking about that huh.

    Wait until people start complaining about that combination lol

  • theman43
    theman43 Member Posts: 40

    Guess undying wasn't undying after all huh.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Fare thee well undying. You passed away way too soon. That’s what I will say when I occasionally run you now that you’ve been butchered. Perhaps you should’ve been called un-neuterable so they couldn’t have taken your balls.