“To make sure Tea-bagging still feels satisfying to our players”
Holy crap, the dramatics in this post are almost great enough to go on broadway or London...someone call Andrew Loyd Webber, I'm sure one of them can spin a 5 verse song about how crouching up and down is devastating to the soul.
And please, don't give the bull line that only survivors taunt.
In my years of playing I have regularly been smacked on the hook, face camped while nodding, tea bagged, followed around the map to watch me bleed out, been dropped in front of the hatch and had it slammed in my face , body blocked the entire match, teabagged by Ghostface and YES, even been teabagged myself because I play both sides and fly my flag for neither because the 'feud' going on between both sides is about as childish as it gets these days. And no, I don't use meta perks, I don't BM and I'm about as polite as a 40 year old English woman can manage when running from a maniac, just in case someone tries to use the age old war cry of "You probably did something to deserve it"
Someone made a joke and now people are frothing and declaring EVIL (lol seriously?) when the reality is, if you were really concerned about in-game toxicity, you would be calling for all forms of it to be removed, otherwise it just seems like people are bored and now LOOKING for things to be outraged about.
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Wow, I hope getting all that off your chest helped!
This post was simply just a quotation from the end of the video that some people may have missed. As for it being a joke, it could possibly be, I’m not familiar with French Canadian humor so I’m unsure.
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The thing is that teabagging was invented as a way to insult defeated opponents, Thumbs up were not.
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Teabag is a non issue. Just as head nodding is a non issue. Clicking flashlights in a non issue. Pointing is a non issue. Come here is a non issue. And head shaking is a non issue. Who cares if survivors, ghostface, pig, demo or hag t bag? Actual toxicity is an issue. Aka death threats and insults in post game chat. Purposely sandbagging other survivors and aiding the killer. Griefing specific players over several games and forcing bleedout on people when its not necessary (i.e. to avoid ds or some other perk from activating or the survivor being in a area they can't be hooked). DDOSing is an issue. Those are serious problems in this community and you people want to complain about animations.
It is obviously a joke. A boeing 747 flying over your head wouldn't be enough for you to realize you got wooshed.
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Exactly!! Press 1 the character points, press 2 character waves someone over, press 3 character gives thumbs up to say thanks.
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Like, I said, usually.
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Teabagging was invented to insult people because it was the only animation you could do in early FPS like Quake, Counter Strike and the likes and then again, it was made into an insult because people got angry over it, the reasoning was "you get angry over an animation? Ok, ill keep doing it to anger you".
Pointing and nodding werent invented as insult and people in this game get mad at Survivors pointing at the gates and Killers nodding while going to hook you.
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Tea bagging and taunts in general have been in games forever. It's just a small jab that does nothing if you choose not to be offended about it.
If you can't take a little taunt then you shouldn't play pvp games.
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I think they meant Tbagging other survivors like a "hello" gesture rather than a BM. Devs know people use t-bagging as a taunt but they don't really care cause they are not a bunch of snowflakes, unlike this community.
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Are you serious? You have to be completely ignorant about your community to not know how teabagging is tied to unsportsmanlike conduct. It's like stating "oh, saying EZ on the endgame chat is ok you know, EZ can be an acronym for Extreme Zooming or something".
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This is such an overreaction. Man made a joke referring to what's happening in their game and thousands upon thousands of other games. Quite honestly, if they did the exact opposite, removing the teabagging, I would've found them far more petty. "Now you can't hurt other's feelings anymore because you spammed an animation." Please. Teabagging is part of gaming culture. Bad sportsmanship? Maybe. Spamming "and they say" in Overwatch could also be considered bad sportsmanship, and that has remained like that for years, not to mention there's literally videos out there ranking their characters' teabagging skills. It's there, and would only create massive backlash if removed.
I would hardly call this joke 'encouraging toxicity'. It just ackowledges something that's been part of gaming culture as a whole for as long as the crouch button has existed.
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yeah, thats how the world should be... just talk ######### to each other, encourage it, and tell the target to grow thicker skin. It would be such a lovely place if we all just followed this advice, right?
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It is, I can see that on first PTB appearance it would be the wrong finger to raise. Which I would love to see, just to confirm how everyone starts raising the stinky, hard to say they're not toxic then.
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I mean, it's validating to hear from the Devs that they don't consider killers to be players, I suppose?
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T bagging is something I did mid match on halo 3 regardless of who was winning or losing.
There are thousands of games out there with t-bagging and dbd is the only which has a community so upset over t-bagging, it's kind of insane really.
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It's scumbaggery in those games too. Is it so wrong to want a less toxic experience?
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This is why ive grown to hate the devs and their game/community. They say these things tryiny to be funny but they come off as sounding dumb. Honestly **** the dev ethan. They need to get rid of him
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But what are they supposed to do?
They can't put sometthing like a cooldown on it because it would mess with gameplay (e.g trying to stealth around,trying to dodge huntress hatchets at low wall loops etc.)
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Garauntee if they made pro killer comments more often and took tbagging away this game would lose so many survivor mains. **** this game. Ive wasted too much of my time and energy on it for nothing to show for it. This game is so badly put together after 4 years, they still dont have leaderboards...oh well theyd probably screw it up somehow and it would go unchanged for 2 years
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It´s kinda baffling. I mean, they propably meant it as a lighthearted joke.
Unfortunately, they fail to understand that Survivors use the repeated use of the crouch button, teabagging, to tell the Killer to kill themselves, that they suck, what they did to the killers mom, they should uninstall and that they´re the most pathetic worm ever in a smug and arrogant way.
So yeah playfully supporting these kinds of messages feels a little out of touch,
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Why can't they institute a penalty? If it's toxic and they can't appeal to their sense of respect for their fellow human (ha), then why can't they get the exhausted condition for doing twenty squat thrusts right in front of me? If I were a person and just started popping off calisthenics in front of an angry man with a machete chasing me, odds are I'd be tired if I just spent the past two minutes sprinting away from him.
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So you are a driving toxic element, and ok with it, with no regards to others, and still feel you are right. Talk about insane.
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Tbaggins is a very important part of the game.
if you still get mad when you play killer about a simple button just dont play the game honestly.
tbagging is important for me, since i need to tbag my girflfriend to have some laugh moments.
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It was a joke, but poorly said. He really should have known better than to say that.
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I'm not saying take it away. I'm saying respect human physiology. If you started doing squat thrusts in front of a serial killer you just spent a minute charging away from, full-speed, then you'd be exhausted, right? Then give the exhaustion status to anyone who considers the psychological warfare component more important than the physical safety component.
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i know tbagging can be frustrating sometimes when playing killer.. especially for newbies.
but honestly after 3k hours im just laughing when i get tbagged.. we just need to get all a thick skin.
and lets be fair here.. survivors tbag each other more then the killer (atleast survivors like me) as i said i love to tbag my GF just as a fun and the other way around.
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I know. I'm saying let survivors keep teabagging, but respect the limits of human physical exertion. I understand teabagging has a psychological warfare component, but to do twenty squat thrusts after a three minute flatout sprint would leave anyone not an olympian-level or professional athlete fairly tired, and last time I checked Dwight wasn't an offensive tackle for Green Bay.
Post-edit: why are you so opposed to being allowed to keep it, but with a tiny bit more realism? Is it the fact that you may actually face a consequence as a survivor?
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It's good to see that some devs still understand and value the essence of PvP games.
PD: Not sarcasm.
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Yeah, but they actually removed crouching for hunters in Deathgarden, as it served no purpose for them other than being used to t-bag scavengers. So, according to BHVR, the victim role should be able to BM, but the power role should not.
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No, I play killer, I get t-bagged, and then I realise it has 0 impact on the game or the outcome, or myself because it's 3D characters in a game spamming ctrl, not much to it.
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I think it's funny when I see people do it, I don't let things as ridiculous as a random player who has no idea who i am spamming CTRL get to me, it is a video game after all.
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I would rather see the devs spending their resources on things that will actually have impact on the game honestly
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Probably because it's a video game, not real life? Maybe this is where the anger comes from t-bagging for most people, they muddle dbd up with real life, especially when you start comparing IRL men with machetes chasing you with video game characters as some sort of an apt comparison.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
If you don't think that doesn't have an impact on the game, hoo boy, are you more than wrong
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Yeah idk why people make a huge deal over it, it's kinda annoying sometimes but at the end of the day it's insignificant. Players are always going to find a way to taunt other players, it'd be a waste of time trying to "patch" teabagging.
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So if you don't want any realism, why not just ask for a perk that lets you fly?
Every single bad faith debater always engages in this bad faith BS when I suggest this solution. Of course I know the difference between real life and fantasy, but every game has an element of realism, otherwise there'd be no physics. All I want is to make teabagging a tactical decision. Is mind-gaming the killer an important enough benefit to risk injury?
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
I mean impact on the balance of this game,which is much more important imo
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And also, if you're being chased by machete man, would you run to a pallet, drop it, and run to another pallet? Would you magically heal yourself in a corner? This game is so far from realistic that using the "do you want realism" is a big fat no from me because if I were to be hit with a machete I would die, but it's a video game so that isn't the case.
No, I don't want any realism.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on2 -
Okay. I disagree with you but I get what you're saying.
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And killers want there to be a consequence for crouching 30 times in front of a pallet after they just sprint flat out for minutes of a chase and flinging a pallet down.
And there's always SOME kind of realism in the game. It's why medkits function like medkits instead of firing fish. The game conforms to some kind of realism. This is a minimal change that doesn't take away your ability to do anything, and in response you call me mentally ill.
That's some real unhealthy aggression, champ.
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"Why don't we have flying perks, bc the game has realism"
"Why don't medkits fire fish, bc the game has realism"
What even are these sentences?
I suppose you only want punishments for survivors too, right? No punishments for killers hitting on hooks, or making the survivor crawl all the way to the exit gate and picking them up just before they leave and hooking them, no punishments for nodding, or t-bagging as certain characters?
That's the thing, all of the things above I would argue against punishments for as well because it's ridiculous.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on2 -
Please explain why there has to be consequences? Can you not take a jab from another playe in a video game?
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I think hitting Survivors on the hook should give the Survivor a 20% chance to be jostled free, yes. It's scumbag stuff from the killers. I think a Survivor within 5M of the exit crawling for at least 30 seconds should have a "tumble chance" of 50% if a pickup is attempted. I absolutely believe killers with bad manners should experience consequences. Unlike you, I believe in PARITY.
Edit: I was using my examples to demonstrate how, for all your talk about how you don't want any realism, you clearly want some, otherwise why would you say those things are dumb?
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
Hitting survivors on the hook should be looked at too.
Its quite rare to see a high rank killer hit a hooked survivor, a tea-bagging however starts at rank 20 right up to rank 1, the concerning thing is that it often appears to get only worse with time.
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If that’s the message you get when someone butt dance to you then the problem is you. Grow up.
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But if you get mad about someone literally butt dancing then it is your own fault. It’s just an animation.
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Because the game isn't goofy enough to have flying perks or medkits that fire fish, there is an obvious difference between "you can take multiple hits and heal yourself" and "you obviously want realism because nobody flies or shoots fish out of medkits" like c'mon seriously?
and again, those things sound ridiculous, you have a 20% chance to "jostle free" so the killer can just hit you and put you back on the hook and force kill you?????
You have a "tumble chance" the thing is you straight want survivors punished from the sounds of it, but you want killers to "maybe" be punished, sounds like bias in all honesty.
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It's not a straight punishment. They can choose to do it and mindgame and RISK injury, or they can choose not to and get away safe. Likewise, the killer can choose to hit a hooked survivor and RISK them getting a free unhook, or they can keep that player hooked safe. Actions have consequences. As of right now, there's no consequence for teabagging a killer, nor is there a consequence for a killer hitting a survivor on the hook. If they want to engage in bad manners to mindgame someone, there needs to be a chance of it backfiring.
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Holy heck this conversation is ridiculous how do you not see the comparisons you're making are so far from each other?
Survivors t-baggin is not a "mind game" there is no "what if I t-bag him and he loses this chase because of it" t-bagging changes absolutely nothing in the game, it doesn't have any power at all, on the other hand, hitting a survivor on the hook gives you benefits already (unlike t-bagging) as you're actually face camping to do it, which is far stronger than t-bagging ever could be, ontop of it you actually think letting the killer hit someone until they pull off the hook is something healthy, killer camp and tunnel, do you not think if a survivor pulled off infront of them they'd just let them go?
T-bagging is not "mind games" lmao.