“To make sure Tea-bagging still feels satisfying to our players”
Another update where the latest popular killer perks get nerfed and the survivor meta is still treated with more reverence than the Qur'an is more insulting than teabagging, or jokes about it.
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Then why do it? Why fight so hard to keep it?
If it doesn't have a benefit and you can get rid of it without consequence, then why are you arguing so hard that you should be allowed to do it without any concessions?
If it doesn't serve a purpose it literally does not matter. It does something, right? What it does is supposed to tilt the killer
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Because it's fun? Because everytime I see my team mates I like to do a little t-bag to say hello, because it's funny to t-bag a killer who's spent the entire game being terrible and tunneling off hook, BECAUSE ITS FUN & It Doesn't Do Anything To The Game.
In the same vein, I don't think it does anything, so why put effort into removing something that has 0 effect on the game?
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Circular logic.
"It doesn't do anything!"
"Okay, it's adversely affecting the enjoyment of killer players, so let's get rid of it."
"No, don't do that! We need it!"
"Why, what does it do?"
"It doesn't do anything!"
Endlessly and forever. It must do something, otherwise you wouldn't fight so hard to keep it. You don't get to say it doesn't matter but then that it should never be gotten rid of when people say it affects their enjoyment in a negative manner. Because then you just prove affecting people's enjoyment in a negative manner is the whole point.
Edit: And AGAIN I'm not saying you don't deserve to be able to do it, but if you teabag, you should suffer exhaustion for 30 seconds.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
I like tea bagging, it's a really cool thing to do. Like when I'm killer I like to face camp every single survivor. Devs love toxic, that's what we got to do.
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I said it's fun, I never said it adversely affects the enjoyment of a killer, its cool that you're comfortable putting words in my mouth though.
It doesn't both me when I play killer, so why should I advocate for something that doesn't bother me as killer, but I enjoy doing as a survivor?
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You don't take the joke words seriously, don't you?
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If the main complain for Tbaging is it would drain your stamina in real life and we are going to go for a proper realistic experience then we should walk the whole road not a single step, no more Jigsaw, Hag and Freddy lifting David, Jeff or Adam, hell, no more weak Killers able to beat them in a fight, David also can punch people with full force, lets see how well fare most of the Killers against a champion underground boxer in his prime. Nurse cant teleport nor float so she has to go walking everywhere, Spirit starts the trial dead and remains dead the whole ordeal, Ash hand hast to be a regular prosthetic so he fixes gens 50% slower, Pyramid Head POV is black (bad luck, tell BHVR to put some holes in the damn thing) etc
All of that sounds dumb? good, is as dumb as restricting tbaging on "realism" reasons, if Tbag really angres you that much either you have an anger problem, or take a party game too serious or you are playing with the wrong mindset.
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Your sample size of 1 is irrelevant, and noted.
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Amount of games I've lost due to t-bagging "mind games" - 0
Amount of games killers have lost to t-bag "mind games" - 0
Seems to be a lot of other people in here calling out on the ridiculousness of wanting a 0 effect action to be punishable, and rightly so.
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Serious or not is up to the Dev to address. Given how it's been roses for survivors and fertilizer for killers lately, it feels like a stick in the eye to an essential part of the DBD playerbase.
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This is quite possibly the silliest extended waffling about actually nothing i've seen so far.
Keep it up.
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Who says it causes losses? I said it's meant to mindgame the killer, or be really unpleasant in the endgame and say "hey killer, we don't respect you, even a little bit!" right at the exit gate.
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Not really a "mind game" then like you said. If it doesn't at least have the potential to affect the match in anyway.
How is it "unpleasant" it's literally some pixels, from some randomer who doesnt know you spamming ctrl, lol.
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Because people can't be unpleasant unless it's to your face? That's such a load of crap.
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No Teabagging has been always ment to be a taunt. It may not be one for you but it was always used to be one since in Quake 3 and Halo.
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Oh wait, I see your edit "punish survivors with exhaustion for 30 seconds" ok go ahead, I don't run exhaustion anyway, I think the real issue here is players that are better at chases than you are at looping, if your punishment doesn't affect everyone then your issue with t-bagging isn't the t--bagging itself the issue you have is with exhaustion players and that they often t-bag you because you can't catch them, got it.
and no, it's really not, some random who has no idea who you are spamming ctrl is not offensive or at least to me, unpleasant. And also, how does a 30 seconds exhaust punish people doing it in the exit gates? lol.
I'm thankful I'll be able to t-bag and be t-bagged for the life span of this game bc like I said, it's fun. :)
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I said "exhausted" this whole time. Way to not read.
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I probably ignored it because of how ridiculous it would be to only give someone exhaustion as a punishment when that just means your issue isn't t-bagging, it's exhaustion users, lmao.
I just checked and in every comment you ever sent to me not once did you mention Exhaustion besides the time you edited it to the end of a comment.
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Theninjajesus Posts: 62
But what are they supposed to do?
They can't put sometthing like a cooldown on it because it would mess with gameplay (e.g trying to stealth around,trying to dodge huntress hatchets at low wall loops etc.)
Why can't they institute a penalty? If it's toxic and they can't appeal to their sense of respect for their fellow human (ha), then why can't they get the exhausted condition for doing twenty squat thrusts right in front of me? If I were a person and just started popping off calisthenics in front of an angry man with a machete chasing me, odds are I'd be tired if I just spent the past two minutes sprinting away from him.
THAT? THAT unedited post? God you're just a horrible bad-faith negotiator.
Edit: And you're even worse than I thought because you literally responded to this with EXHAUSTED in the original quote, trying to claim I edited it in. What trash you are.
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Slow down the animation so it doesnt look that funny or hilerious anymore. Doesnt need to be that slow, just a little bit.
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This wasn't a comment to me at all, you replied to someone else, I just happened to quote it, lmao.
Can you please direct me to where you directly told me that you want the penalty to be 30 seconds of exhaustion? Thanks, I'll wait.
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Yes, you DIRECTLY QUOTED an UNEDITED post where I explicitly said EXHAUSTED right here:
SenzuDuck Posts: 5,228
Why can't they institute a penalty? If it's toxic and they can't appeal to their sense of respect for their fellow human (ha), then why can't they get the exhausted condition for doing twenty squat thrusts right in front of me? If I were a person and just started popping off calisthenics in front of an angry man with a machete chasing me, odds are I'd be tired if I just spent the past two minutes sprinting away from him.
Probably because it's a video game, not real life? Maybe this is where the anger comes from t-bagging for most people, they muddle dbd up with real life, especially when you start comparing IRL men with machetes chasing you with video game characters as some sort of an apt comparison.
That's insane and probably warrants a more serious discussion with a licensed professional in my honest opinion.
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Then it would be either A) pointless or B) too much so that it affects actual gameplay
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Again, this was NOT a comment to me, I read it, saw you comparing real life and being too exhausted to t-bag, you NEVER once mentioned exhaustion as the penalty in a comment TO ME.
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Whatever, you directly quoted me saying exhaustion as a consequence for teabagging in an unedited post, and you can't admit you're wrong, ever. I feel sorry for anyone who knows you personally if this is how toxic you are online.
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Can't admit I'm wrong? You said to me "way to read". Yet I asked if you had ever directly told me you wanted exhaustion to be the punishment and you gleefully pointed out a comment that had literally nothing to do with me except that I'd quoted it for comparing irl to dbd which is still insane.
You're the one that's quoting literal proof that you didn't directly tell me it was exhaustion related, and i stand by my point, you want exhaustion users punished, not t-baggers.
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Calm down, junior.
We're still talking about video games here.
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I'm probably older than you are, real talk, but I get what you're saying. I'm just exhausted by their intractability to acknowledge they responded without reading what I said to harangue me. I don't know why I keep falling for thinking people act in good faith, ever. But yeah it's why I switched to "whatever"
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Well once your exhausted status runs out you’ll be ok, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you won’t hear from Duck again anytime soon!
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What people like you dont get is: it is not just an animation. If I send you a message starting with F, followed by U etc it is also not just key strokes on a keyboard. It is a message with a meaning.
Implement ingame chat and see what happens
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This content has been removed.
Please try to have civil debates without attacking each other. You are free to dislike something or comments being made, but attacking each other for it is not okay.
Considering how the thread has went until now, it's best to just lock it as it seems to keep getting out of hand each time it calms down a bit.
I want to say, this was meant jokingly and not seriously. It was never meant to be harmful in any shape or form. A lot of things about the game are subjective. You can feel strongly about one thing, but others may not.
If a survivor wants to spend time at the palette tbagging, that's time wasted to run away and get away from the killer, same for the killer who decides to stand at the hook smacking the survivor - that's the killers choice to also waste time not going after the other players.
You are free to dislike those mechanics still and give feedback about them, but attacking and insulting each other for it is not okay and considering multiple comments had to be deleted, this thread will be locked. Please always remain respectful to each other - it helps much better with discussions. People have different opinions and they always will.
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And if it ain't butt dancing, it's going to be something else. Literally anything else.
That message is gonna get to you and there's nothing you can do to stop it short of just removing mechanics.
You choose if the message bounces off or sinks in.
Do something about it.