The reason why devs didn't nerf keys in the mid chapter patch.
The exact same reason is why devs nerfed moris without announcing.
If devs showed key nerfs in the PTB patch notes or announced the significant key changes in some other way, some players would say "KEYS ARE USELESS NOW!1" and would start using all of them before the patch is released. Some time ago they made a mistake and shew Styptic and Syringe changes on he PTB, which resulted in multiple people instahealing themselves during regular matches in live version.
Developers made a very wise decision nerfing moris with no warning, and I am sure they will do the same thing (or almost the same) with keys, we just should wait a little bit.
Still, it doesn't explain why they don't touch Decisive.
Well people started using tons of keys after the mori nerf. They figured it was coming so they got it out of their system and their inventory.
Me? I still have hundreds of keys stockpiled, probably never going to use them. The only keys I use are green keys and I just put weddign rings on them. Super annoying though because the killer will swap in Franklin's 50% of the time and tunnel me out of existence even though all I did was use an aura add-on.
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Im hoping that‘s the case. But perhaps they just need a bit more time before the nerf is ready to be released.
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Yes. I've played 130 Killer games and 74 of them have had a key in them, it sucks.
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I'd love to believe this, but I have a bad feeling it is just... not here. And that sucks.
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I'm willing to wait and see what the devs do.
But I don't want to wait several months for something that should have happened a long time ago.
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Using a green key is just the same as a red one, the killer has to adapt around it, I have lost several games where a key existed but was not used just because the impact of a key existing changes your playstyle and decision making drastically.
Now what they should do atleast is, give the green key a different visual to ones which can open the hatch, then using a green key would go from equally as bad as a red one to fine.
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The problem is, survivors are already spamming keys so much more since the mori nerf because they know keys are next on the chopping block. It would be nice of the devs if they delayed the mori nerfs and released them at the same time with key nerfs but that's not really possible anymore.
I hope the key changes will at least be good. Not some half-assed changes that don't solve the main problems killers have with key escapes.
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Keys will not be nerfed for months, the devs themselves dont have an issue with keys, its just the minority in their community. When they are on such a tight deadline for release dates they arent going to waste time on something as minor as "key changes" when they can barely fix bugs from patch to patch
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I thought the reason devs didn't touch keys in the mid chapter patch is because they have no plans to actually balance them.
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Aw yeah, what a strategy to prevent players from using keys by not announcing keys rework. But at the same time separate them from mori rework, to actually give players time to figure out and use them anyway.
Like... relax. There is no key update. Atleast I highly doubt it.
I'll also quote my comment from other post here:
Dunno, I feel like mori nerf was too rushed. Almost as if they didn't even plan it, but decided to do something as for excuse for bugged 'Binding of kin' chapter to please community.
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Because it’s not ready. There, solved the mistery to you all.
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A killer cant tell if you have a simple green key or one that can jump the hatch, they look the exact same ingame.
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As a killer main, there's absolutely no way that 56.9% of your matches have a key in them.
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That's what I have recorded so far. Note that I counted individual keys, and I probably should have specified that, but most games did not have more than 1 key.
I am on Xbox with no crossplay, North American servers.
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The least they could so is remove them from chests for the time being.
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I would be surprised to see a change to keys within the first half of 2021.
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Or within the second half of 2021
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Bro, I haven't kept track of how many times a key has popped up since the Mori nerf by excel or anything, but for me being in red ranks, keys and hatch blueprints are easily at 50%. I see keys very frequently. It's gotten tiring.
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Easy change to ds if it’s from a locker grab window vault or they score a protection hit it won’t trigger it only triggers if the killer tunnels off the bat
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That is what I said yesterday here on the forums as well, same example being the insta heal stuff that we suffered.