BHVR should sell DBD



  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    problem is the people support the game and don't make their voices heard. you can scream at the forums all you want but you hit them in the metrics they will respond. players stop playing, or paying for things then they will take notice. that's what most here don't think about, they whine on the forums but keep paying for the stuff!

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,961 there doing it cause there listening to the fan base they wanted clown buffed now there giving it to us

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    because it's been on their radar to be done. they are trying to balance things out and work on things but not always does this equate to what needs to be done. look at what happened with billy, and they are sticking with the new version even though there is a large ourcry here on the forums. because people keep buying aurec cells and dlc's as well as spending their hard earned iri shards they don't care because they get the metrics that keeps the game operating.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Yet everyone is screaming for changing the Legion and yet they didn't got changed. Same with Decisive strike which is broken with other perks like unbreakable.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    And most of the reworks and tweaks they have done for both sides have been actually good on game health in the long run even if received with a flood of hate and "Im done with this game" posts, IE Ruin, Toolboxes, self-care, Doctor, Spirit, Leatherface, most map reworks, Moris etc.

    I believe two of the biggest problems is some reworks come too late, for example Moris took them way too long to curb when it was an obvious and easy change and some reworks should have come at the same time (Toolboxes and Ruin should have been in the same patch, Moris and Keys same) and that makes people feel left behind, especially the main players when they see their side taking a beating and the other going unscathed it feels like an insult (which is dumb but I do believe some people feel that way).

    I do believe Clown/Demogorgon and Freddy should be tweaked in the same patch so people dont go bonkers over a nerf or a buff.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,961

    DS has been changed like 3 times over its history and they announced a change is coming to DS but we don’t know when. Also unbreakable is not broken it’s a balanced perk people call it op cause if it’s great synergy with DS

  • BoiltOver
    BoiltOver Member Posts: 118

    Arguably the same if not worse. They'd have loot boxes, probably make a dbd two that's a lifeless shell of it's predecessor. Examples of this are The Sims 3, The Sims 4, Dragon Age 2. The Sims 3 had horrible bugs and optimization issues, had a crappy store that was horribly expensive for no reason. The Sims 4, EA tried to make it a weird online game that no one would want, cancelled that and made them work in little time off its framework that is in no way built for it leading to later complaints of bugs and empty basegame. Dragon Age 2, also horribly rushed due to EA wanting to cash in on DAO's success, so much so that every environment in the game outside of the main city is literally. the. exact. same.

    EA's policy is "if it makes us money without trying, then don't try", the only time they try is if there's enough fuss but then when the heat goes out its back to normal. We'd also probably get some starwars dlc randomly tacked on too that's literally just a Disney world paste.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Definitely should not sell. If any other company could do better, they would have already done it. This game is best in the hands of the original developers. They've managed to grow it every year keeping it updated with fresh content and updated graphics which is phenomenal in my opinion.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,302

    I'm all for it! I've had enough of an optimized, balanced DBD being restricted to a pipe dream!

  • Muntcuffinz
    Muntcuffinz Member Posts: 18

    I'm part of quite a few different game communities and all of them have posts like this. Honestly I think they do a pretty great job. The game is just frustrating (especially swf) sometimes and the more you play the more frustrated you get

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
  • MasonOliver123
    MasonOliver123 Member Posts: 255

    They could just sack the useless balance team and get a new one

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    I agree. This game needs devs that are capable and competent and BHVR are neither.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Dead by cyber punk

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977
    edited February 2021

    DBD Problems are over exaggerated?

    They're pushing a HUD patch that everyone hates.

    They have Devs that they had to silence due to their lack of professionalism.

    They refused to implement a color blind mode for years (It took an outcry on social media that lead to extremely bad press to force their hand).

    Matchmaking is a complete ######### show and puts rank 10-20's against Rank 1's (even without SWFs).

    Hit boxes and Latency are worse than any game i've ever seen.

    Many killers are bugged and have been bugged for years (ie Nurse, Myers, Oni ect).

    Every patch is released with more bugs than they can fix within a 3 month period. (Alot being game breaking.. ie falling through maps, invincible under hooks/gens)

    Most maps are incredibly unbalanced and either lean heavily toward killers or heavily toward survivors.

    Most cosmetics cost more than the base game itself.

    The bloodpoint grind is so bad that most new players wont ever catch up.


    Extremely long queue times for survivor

    Shall we keep going?

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Just watch the last Q n A video and you don't have to look further than their "Lead Game Designer" to realise how bad they are at developing this game lol. The guy looks clueless and talks utter rubbish.

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    DbD being given to another developer wouldn't be a fix to the game's issues. It would change the game, for better or for worse, but it's not a solution to the current problems. I think what would be more beneficial and realistic in line with this line of thought would be if BHVR enlisted the help of other developers with a longer knowledge base in this kind of game.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    They didn't silence Ethan, he was kidnapped by those extremists at the Colourblind Liberation Front. There were signs of a struggle at his home, the notes for what was going to be his magnum opus scattered everywhere: a cooldown on monstrous shrine.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278


    This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read on these forums.

    The quality of this game continues to IMPROVE.

    And why would they sell an IP that’s making them loads of $$$?!?!?!

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    gaming companies push features and functions that some players hate, some love and this is more of the verbal minority that thinks it's a majority of players that hate. some love it, others are i just want to play.

    not everyone is good at public speaking. sometimes people are given a chance to talk publicly about a product and later should never have. look at the Tip O'Neal shot himself in the foot award over a 4th of july event and he was the speaker of the HOUSE, a lawyer and still that was a BAD call. Not all DEVS are supposed to talk to the public.

    There are games that never got a color blind mode yet here one comes.... Everquest and world of warcrafte (not sure about wow but nothing was heard and both are still in production) does not have a color blind mode) that's just ONE example.

    publically the match making algorithm is said to be thus: Killer rank +/- 6 ranks and after time if a match is not formed that window is opened up. so take a rank 10 killer, that window becomes rank 4 to rank 16, and only a short time it'd be rank 1 to 20. also SWF changes things up. just because you see a rank 1, 9, 10 and 20 doesn't mean they aren't solo. again lets take the rank 10 killer and we take the AVERAGE of the ranks, 1 + 9 + 10 + 20 = 40 divide by 4 and that is an average of 10 (and i just threw numbers lol) so a rank 10 would be matched there as well. but you talk about a rank 1. so a rank 1 can be matched by the algorithm from rank 1 to rank 7, again use the above swf which is average of rank 10, not too much to open up to allow the average rank 10 to be matched.

    Hit boxes and latency two different issues, one a function of the game, one a fact of live with the World Wide Web. the first is functioning as is, but you just don't see the hitboxes and WHEN the hits are calculated. latency you can not easily account for in even the current mode of the game, anything to mitigate this issue would cause more issues in general. but hey they are working on that.

    maps: well yea some will be either or, some will be middle of the road. the fact of random placement of things in a procedurally generated map where it is built tile by tile.

    blood point grind: lol i started in 2018 and i have so many characters at 50 and on hold because I want to prestige them it's just a matter of devoting the time for what you want.

    Statistics: can be rotated and manipulated to show you what ever you want to see and should never be a 100% guide as to what is happening in the game. most companies even like amazon don't use statistics correctly.

    extremely long queue for survivor: till recently it was decent, but their recent changes has pushed many killers away thus increasing survivor queue time, before it was decent changes then pushed survivors away and killer queue time was horrendous.

    Going back over i missed a few comments: killers bugged for years, this is not easy to fix lots of variables and requires people submitting the RIGHT information that can be VERIFIED in order to help find the issue, Same issue about patching in DLC content. just because a bug was never found before doesn't mean it hasn't been there but just hasn't been reported or EVEN able to be connected to what IS reported. there was a bug in a program that I was writing for a class and for the life of me I could NOT understand where the bug was! Turns out it was not the calculations or even the CHECKS that I was making against the values, it was in the storage allocation location, it was not correctly being stored where it should thus the checks were giving me erroneous values! took 3 days and 4 people looking at it and finally another looked and spotted it!

    cosmetics cost: greater than the cost of the game? how is that possible when the most expensive SKIN/COSMETIC is $15 and the base game before discounts or specials is $20. if you are telling me the cost of the game is free on game pass, that is not true though to you it is free, it is not free at all as microsoft pays the bill with the money you give them!

    Sure keep going I'll come up with a logical and plausible reason you are wrong.