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"We don't actively seek to tear down perks just because they are used a lot"



  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited January 2021

    your acting as if Undying+Ruin automatically wins games without any input from the killer. Undying+Ruin rewards the killer for ending chases quickly and applying generator pressure, the survivor buzz word. It is surprising that they change a perk that discourages the killer from camping hooks and encourages them to push people off generators. It is even anti-camp perk similar to BBQ. If ruin lasts entire game, Its because survivors did not find totem or were not purposely searching for it and have decided to ignore their secondary objective of totems. There is also a bug currently in some maps where totems positions are not cleanable.

    It is not like it is impossible to complete all 5 generators with ruin up with a good team. Ruin+Undying change will not affect good killers unless facing very strong teams but those teams were hard to beat even with the perk combination. Its just negative change overall for the game as it means survivors do not really adapt to killer perks while killers always adapt to survivor perks and if anything strong shows up in the future, expect it to not stay for very long.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Member Posts: 255

    Funny how not a single dev has commented on any of this they’re so ignorant it’s unbelievable because they know we’re right @Almo

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    You called old Ruin training wheels. Ruin/Undying is less effective than old Ruin and you're still calling it training wheels. Therefore, anything that slows gens is training wheels.

  • Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2021

    lol the issue with undying wasnt its power. the issue is that survivors refused to counter build and consider losing their precious OP meta perks. god forbid that they would have to remove an OP perk to counter a meh perk. Personally, dont use hex perks or DS/UB. I do however run detectives hunch and dont really have an issue with other killers using hex perks.

    Who'd have thought?

    Guess if the player base cries loud enough theyll be rewarded with long queue times :)

  • Member Posts: 120

    Theres multiple counters to bbq. Unlike ds + unbreakable.

  • Member Posts: 868

    Yes, killer adapt to MoM, don’t know why survs can’t adapt to killers perk

  • Member Posts: 126

    said the survivor main, anyone who believes this change on undying was anything else by a nerf, is just lying to themselves

  • Member Posts: 600

    It doesn't, of course, but hex totems were never intended to be up for the whole match, in the first place. Or, you know, they would not be hexes at all. And well, camping and Undying are two very separate matters. If someone camps, and those who do already know they are going to, they won't bring Ruin in, in the first place. Then, about adapting, all I see is killers bit**ing about DS. As much as I don't like that, too, it isn't even close to being the huge deal killers want to make of it. So, let's say this is a 50/50. Survivors may not adapt, which has nothing to do with keeping hexes up whole match, really, buy killers don't either. Or well, you know, if Ruin had to be up for 4-5 totems, potentially lasting until EGC, I don't see why DS shouldn't last for 5 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    You didn't get the point. I was not arguing DS UB isn't overpowered.

    OP's argument was that the statement "We don't actively seek to tear down perks just because they are used a lot" only applies to survivors. I pointed out BBQ as a counter-example of a killer perk that has been solidly overused for many years and doesn't need changes.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Yet it has received additional of them a base game mechanic

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I mean, that's literally what it was. The second you started facing good survivors that perk had 0 utility. Like literally zero. That's not subjective thats fact.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    You're first sentence is why I don't really take this forum seriously anymore. Any attempt at legitimate criticism of survivor gameplay/perk "LEL KILLER MAIN". Any attempt at criticism of killer perks/gameplay "LOL SURV MAIN".

    I've been playing for 4 years and well over 70% of that is as killer. If you played this game to the degree I have you'd see how easy this game is for good killers nowadays. I watched two straight years of survivor nerfs only for killers to still claim the game is unfair (the game isn't unfair 90% of complaints lead back to DS/Unbreakable).

    For example, why do I criticise people who defend how braindead strong killers like Freddy are?

    Because I mained him pre-rework and he took actual brains and micromanagment to play well.

    Why do I criticise people who cry about the tiniest of nerfs to killer slowdown perks on the forums?

    Because I learned to play killer back when their was almost 3x the pallets there are now, survivors perks were stronger and there was less variety in slowdown perks available. Yet people claim the game is unwinnable as killer when they have access to stuff like Pop and Corrupt on maps that can spawn as little as 8 pallets on the regular. Players who don't want to get better, they want to be carried.

    Winning against a good team was doable then, and its sure as hell doable now.

    I've been here since day 1 of these forums. I've watched it go from a decently fun place to discuss the game and balance changes to self-victimisation general, it's almost tumblr levels of self pity. If it weren't for the global pandemic and currently being on work furlough I wouldn't even be here.

    Heck, I do actually play survivor more nowadays when I can actually find games, not because its easier (it certainly isn't solo) I'm just bored of killer. 99% of matches are way too easy even as a mid tier like Doctor. Killer matches are instant now but games are unsatisfying due to the insane disparity in skill on survivors in red ranks.

    The sweat squads are still there, and they do turn balance into a joke, but they make up less than 5% of actual matches. Maybe even less. And even then those matches are way more fun than slaughtering some boosted swf players.

    Heck, its not just me, many of the streamers I watch (Geistra, Zubatlel, Morf) don't even play killer anymore as its so easy and reptitive now.

    No idea why I wrote this much. Guess the ignorance in your post triggered me.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Killer mains shut up about DS Unbreakable combo otherwise I'm gonna complain about bbq and ruin combo as soon as survivors find a way around your tunneling and camping you complain well here's a tip leave the survivor alone how about that little counter play never thought of that did you... Now let's get on and enjoy the game jeez

  • Member Posts: 593

    If you can't counter an exhaustion perk then just leave uninstall your game and go every killer can stop that unless they're rank 20

  • Member Posts: 155

    Mark my words, they're gonna nerf noed. It's just a matter of time.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    "Its oppressive for solo que to have to cleanse 4 or less totems" *laughs in me cleansing 4 with detectives hunch then getting smacked with noed and being left for dead because of it*

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    In order to balance certain synergy perks it'd need some new mechanics or a community that gets its head out of its arse.

    Like... hey, you run DS? Unbreakable won't work until it ran out. <-- That'd be the easiest fix, cause lbr: people that run both are 9.5/10 cases toxic brats that do it to mock the killer no matter what. People who purposefully try to get knocked down after unhooking just to use ds to fuel their ego (and then DC if they missed the skillcheck)

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    No, it wasn't. It still had counterplay. Very rough, hard counterplay, I admit, but counterplay. DS+Unbreakable still has none.

  • Member Posts: 463

    How does one counter someone pressing E to make it to a pallet they normally wouldn't make it to? Ill be glad to listen.

  • Member Posts: 593

    If you're gaining on them and their making a break for a pallet they clearly have something planned don't swing for them let them waste that pallet and carry on easy

  • Member Posts: 463

    Them making it to a pallet safely in the first place is why the perk is strong. Dropping it to avoid getting hit is hardly wasting it.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Bummer that perk is needed for them annoying insta down killers like bubba always hurring right next to you throw the pallet on his head and move on if you can't counter it don't mean it's broken or OP

  • Member Posts: 767

    The issue is always the fact that people use the strongest build everywhere, pretty sure a well known fog whisperer would use undying and ruin when playing survivor too.

    You used ruin+undying on clown, trapper, wraith or legion but a ton of players used that build on nurse, spirit and freddy where it's exponentially way more oppressive and unbalanced.

    Survivors are 4, there's a bigger chance of having different perks between 16, so in the end ds and ub will be way than people think, killers are 1 and they stick to the meta so in the end there will be a lot of players using that build

  • Member Posts: 1,454
    edited January 2021

    Undying and noed lol gl getting that save now lol

    Hit person with noed try to get 2 or 3 then they break the totem but it's undying and not noed lol

  • Member Posts: 994

    BBQ helps your sorry butt. It lures killers away from the hook! Only Freddy and Billy can really abuse it. Nurse needs the right addons and Spirit too. Oni needs his power up.

    But yeah, nerf BBQ and i guarantee, the camping increases.

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