Goodbye to Gideon's long loop, time to loop the other way.

It seems that they made the stronger side to the weaker side, the other side will look good to loope, although now the game is in the opposite direction, below it will light up while above it will be dark.
Wait, wait, wait...
Gideon had loops?
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That room pictured was one of the best loops still in the game.
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That sounds like code for "Walk away and find a different Survivor".
Most of my time on Gideon as a Survivor is finding a hole to drop down, walking away in a random direction to not leave scratch marks, and hope the Killer picked the wrong way to check.
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Yes, as was typical in the lower ranges, we loped to the left where the mannequins were and the loop was very long and very annoying for the killer, but now since they made that side of the loop very short and weak, it seems that we are forced to climb the ladder and looping to that side.
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I wonder if the two safe pallets by the bathroom/basement will remain.
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That whole corner of the map had 4 incredibly strong pallets, only counteracted by a vulnerable bathroom gen and the basement always being next to it. I'm glad they changed the top, hope the bottom got the same treatment.
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The whole Meat Plant is setup that way, its full of strong pallets everywhere, but there's almost no windows.
As killer you just end up kicking pallets for the first 3-4 mins of the match, and then the entire map becomes a dead zone.
Its just extremely boring for both sides, there's very little room for counterplay or mind games or good use of windows to preserve pallets. Its just a grind to see if the survivors run out of pallets before the killer runs out of generators.
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That doesn't change that that room has one of the best loop still in the game. It is one of the very few safe palletes that hasn't been removed. What made this loop even worse, is that after it's played out, you can run to the hole, jump down the toilet, and then go out to the basement area where there are two more safe palettes.
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But then they have to give something else because The Game has nothing at all except from those 3/4 god pallets, its already like the second map with the highest kill rate if you remove them it will be unplayable as Survivor.
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I'm more interested to see if I'm able to watch Survivors and Killers on the camera feed in the upstairs of that room.
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This would be amazing!!! Especially if they didn't tell you! Just looking at the cameras one day, and the trapper running around looks suspiciously familiar