What's your favorite non-meta perks to run?

With all the complaints and stigma around each sides use of meta perks thought itd be nice to see what people like running that isnt meta.
Survivor:i have a love for detectives hunch now with the amount of hexs in the game and getting tired of getting hit by noed even when i get 4 totems so i make sure to get all 5 now. Synergizes amazingly with inner allowing me to heal 5 times a match (which is sad how often that happens btw meaning i got all the totems by myself). Its also funny when i do a gen infront of the last totem and immediately remove noed so they get the false hope of having the perk.
Killer:gotta be mad grit the halarity of mad grit+stbfl and facing a bodyblocking team i plow through them and hook the survivor anyway.
I like running deception and quick and quiet. Only problem is I only have those on Elodie right now and her screams are so loud.
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Can't live without Detectives amazing on indoor maps. And really like Bitter Murmur.
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fixated because it's fun stealth perk and combines very well with exhaustion perks
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I love all of Tapp's perks, so I tend to use them every now and then.
But my favorite non meta perk must be bond, after Open Handed (that's why my avatar). I love aura reading perks, as survivor or killer, because basically I'm that blind survivor/killer that can't see anything if it's not glowing in front of me hahahaha.
But I run many non meta perks, depending on the mood of the day, like Leader, Fixated, Better Together, Camaraderie + No Mither + Blood Pact (because killers love to camp No Mither, don't ask me why... almost always get value from Camaraderie when using No Mither), Windows of Oportunities, Diversion, Flip Flop, Plunderer's Instinct + Appraisal... and other fun combinations :P
As killer, I don't have many perks on many killers, so I usually just run whatever build I have. But I love Plague and Dark Devotion. You'll see me run that.
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I utterly fell in love with I'm all ears, it can lead to some good moments where you catch the survivor's off guard, my favourite times to use it being on Crotus prenn where they go window and I go upstairs to snipe them with my lunge.
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Discordance and tinkerer. Should be the meta combo
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For survivor small game and power struggle. For killers dragon's grip, hoarder/franklin's combo
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Had a demogorgon have mad grit. It was really annoying. especially up close.
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Ace in the hole + marauder + appraisal + (detectives hunch or tenacity or kindered)
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Not sure how meta it is, but I enjoy Thrilling Tremors. I pair it with Doctor to get everybody off of a gen before picking up a survivor. Then I can see which gens are being worked on since it won't be locked out.
My overall Doctor build is the following:
Whispers: Never waste a Static Blast
Distressing: bigger TR and Static Blast zone.
Thrilling tremors: per above it syncs well with Doctor
Overcharge: just more for hard skill checks but will probably switch it out. I like that it has no cool down on top of madness. But Oppression hits 3 gens and immediately causes skill checks. I'm also considering some other M1 perks here, but haven't decided yet.
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Here's a list of all of my favorite non meta perks. Enjoy!
Better Together.
Not only does it highlight the gen I'm working on, but it also shows me what everyone is doing when a teammate is downed.
Inner Strength.
Counters the current undying/ruin meta and prevents NOED.
Windows of Opportunity.
Shows me which pallets have been used and whether there is a pallet to begin with.
An off brand Spine Chill and a great way to find teammates on gens.
This perk is great since most of the time I don't bother healing.
Wake Up.
It came in clutch so many times when I was the last remaining survivor.
Great with all exhaustion perks. I usually run it with SB.
Counters Forever Freddy and all anti healing perks.
For the memes.
I won't list the perks I like for killer since this has gotten way too long 😂
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For Survivor, I enjoy using Calm Spirit, Iron Will, Resilience, and Spine Chill.
For Killer, I enjoy playing Nurse with Infectious Freight, Knockout, Sloppy Butcher, and Whispers
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Detective's Hunch is not meta but a counter meta pick, I luv it.
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Hex: Devour Hope of course!
Something that can be permanently removed at any time & takes 5/12 unhooks with you far away can't possibly be meta.
But i enjoy it for 3 reasons, ranking from biggest primary reason to least primary reason.
- Permanent Exposed. This power is just insane on Wraith. Y'all say you can spot Wraith easily, and it's not like i don't believe you. But successful sneak attacks really aren't an uncommon occurrence in my gameplay, no matter what ranks the Survivors are. And i think you can imagine how devastating a successful sneak attack is on Wraith with Exposed, unlike with Pig's Dash for example.
- Permanent ability to kill Dying Survivors. Obviously, being able to outright remove a player from the game as soon as you win the chase, no matter their Hook stage, is downright OP if it was standard, so the Perk having the 2 weakpoints i mentioned earlier make this Perk the best example of high risk/high reward, at least for Killer Perks. It also gives me the opportunity to see Wraith's kill animation. Quite outdated, but i'll always enjoy the leg-pull. "GET OVER HERE!"
- It won't always work. That's right, the constant risk of losing everything on this Perk adds to my enjoyment of it. With my experience in many many many other games, i just KNOW that if i can successfully 1-hit everyone and kill all 4 every Trial, i'll get sick of it eventually. It might take a few months or more, but it'll happen. But because it doesn't always work (and i am not special: I also quite dislike the super-early cleanses), it makes the Trials where i DO get it to work that much better. I haven't taken this Perk off my fun build ever since Hag brought it into the game, though the beginning was harder than its current version. (The ability on 2 Tokens was previously on the 1 Token, and it reduced repair speed, alerting Survivors immediately that you have Devour Hope, it was way harder to build Tokens back then.) I know this type of Perk isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it is mine.
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We'll Make It, Aftercare, Second Wind and Detective's Hunch is probably my favourite build.
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Appraisal + Plunderers + Ace in the Hole is probably my favourite non-meta build. Love getting useful items from chests and seemingly much more often than not I find at least one purple/skeleton key. I like to hide keys I find as a kind of backup plan if things go bad.
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Pharmacy. Whenever I have a surplus of brown toolboxes and medkits with brown add-ons, that perk is glued to my build. Mainly it's because I want to use Self-care without being a detriment to my team. Otherwise For the People and Inner Strength are pretty cool too.
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Bond - I'm a solo survivor so that should explain
Autodidact - I like to heal teammates quickly
Resilience - Because I spend 90% of the match injured
Make Your Choice(MYC) - Perk is extremely underrated but is only useful to killers with high mobility
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Survivor: Vigil, Plunderer's Instinct, Small Game, Calm Spirit
Killer: Knock Out, Hex: Third Seal, STBFL, Mad Grit + Agitation
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Head on will always be the love of my life. You will pry head on from my cold, dead fingers.
Red herring is also on my list of loves. Great for sandbagging.
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This weekend I was using breakout/ bond / sabotage. Pretty funny to sabo the hook and help them wiggle out before they get to the next one. Petrified oak helps too. My record was twice in one match, going for 3 next weekend.
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I'd say Spine Chill, but I think it should be meta. Then there's Any Means Necessary and Autodidact.
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For Survivor: We'll Make It, Breakdown, Resilience, and Quick And Quiet.
For Killer: Nurse's Calling, Hex: The Third Seal, Blood Echo, and Mad Grit.
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I've fallen in love with Deception. It brings me such joy when I fake the locker and hear the killer begin checking every locker in the area. Even when I fall for it when playing killer, it makes me laugh that I deep down knew it was Deception but I just had to be sure.
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I love love love Technician. I've seen killers leave me working on a gen because they must not have heard the repairing sound effects due to technician.
And then the killers who do come to check on it, sometimes I can stealth and hide while they kick it then go right back to work on it.
It's especially underrated in any scenario where I'm working on a generator above or below the killer though as, they can't hear repair noises and have to check manually.
Paired with spine chill this let's me truly play like a rat.
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When you get the stacks needed to make it work at some point in midgame, Autodidact is my fave. It is a true joy to slap on autodidact and empathy, or We'll Make It and become the cleric you were always meant to be. Late slugging? You got this. Team perilously injured going into late/end game? Not a problem. Need to heal up to go for that last second save? Come to me fellow survs and let me make you a star again.
I once had a game where just 4 stacks of Autodidact had my teammates seeking me out for those sweet, sweet heals against a Thana using Legion. .....
......Of course, the problem is getting the three stacks you need at or before midgame to make it worth it. The first rank of the perk is near garbage, or might in fact be garbage. Sure you're healing faster, but to get those three stacks, you cost your team a lot of time and I never found the T1 pay off to be worth it.
While T2 & T3 can treat you so much better, it's well..... The frustration of fulling healing someone and getting exactly 0 skill checks is perhaps a frustration only those who love Autodidact can truly appreciate. And finally getting those skill checks late/end game? It hurts man, it hurts. Have you ever had to refuse to heal someone because you just KNOW that first skill check is going to pop now when a %25 regression is the last thing anyone needs? I've known that pain. Unfortunately, getting good use out of the perk seems to be the exception rather than even slightly 'more frequently than viewing a unicorn' and you will come to hiss at teammates like a mangy cat when they run over to help you heal. (Damnit, I need that chance for skill checks.)
Which brings me to my next fave - We'll Make It. You won't be team cleric, but you can wrap those terrible gaping holes left by hooks like no one's biz. Well, as long as no one beats you to the hook. Still you can get your teammates up and running faster and it is so good when you have two injured teammates and the ability to really speed heal them both.
Lastly - well no, there are a lot of perks that aren't meta that I like, but for brevity's sake - Deliverance. Yes, Deliverance price can be so very steep. Don't get hooked before you unhook someone else safely. NBD, right? Well, until you see a Lery's offering burnt (or Gideon, I hate that map), and you just know it's going to be Myers (which it it is) and you're the lucky soul who just .... turns a corner at the start and there he is. Right in your face. The wall hacks do you in, and there you are on the hook, staring at your dark Deliverance, knowing it will remain dark.
Even if you aren't as unlucky as I am, Deliverance is a a questionable perk in soloq though it may look otherwise at first glance. The ability to get yourself off the first hook for free sounds great! The broken status can even be partly negated if you don't pop too soon. The problem in solo is that no one knows you're running it and all too soon you have two survs (or sometimes all three, ouch) leaving gens to come get you off the hook, while you're just waiting for the killer to not be up in your grill before you hop off and find an out of the way gen to work on while you're waiting out broken. That said, I've had Deliverance come in clutch for me more than any other singular perk.
Have a killer trying to use you as bait? They're preparing for their teammates to come at u, but suddenly you're off the hook (and with an exhaustion perk) well away before they even figure out what happened. I had a Myers (hah! revenge for that time you hooked me at the beginning) trying to use me as bait. He hooked me (my first, swoon) right at an open exit gate. He turned his attention to looking for a save, I yeeted off the hook and ran out. (Barely made it, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.)
I'd like to love No Mither, but I'm pretty bad at looping so I don't dare run it.
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This is going to sound cheesy AF, but the answer is: Pretty much every non-meta perk.
But, and this is going to sound even worse and more BS, my favourite probably has to be No Mither. I wish, wish, wish is would get buffed so that killers didn't know it was coming, maybe make it so that it doesn't give you broken but you still can't be healed. Or make it deactivate if you are healed, I don't know. I just like No Mither. Nothing will ever beat No Mither/Tenacitying away from the killer in a straight line, popping up and going about your business like nothing ######### happened because you're not a little ######### that gets ######### by a goddamn machete in the spine.
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Okay, I laughed (in a good way). This is how I view No Mither too. Unfortunately, running it seems to scream "pls tunnel me out". And I get it, it's going to usually be less effort for the killer to take out someone with No Mither. Hence why I avoid the perk.
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Death bound for sure.
I think it does nothing half the time but the few times I’ve found two people hiding together in a corner or something made me laugh enough to keep running it every now and then
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Spies from the shadows. This perk can put in some serious work throughout the match. Free info without having to think too much.
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Zanshin Tactics.
You'd be surprised at how nice of an alternative it can be to I'm All Ears on Pyramid Head.
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Survivor: Detective's Hunch
Killer: Mindbreaker and Iron Maiden