Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Proximity Chat!!!

I know there are multiple people talking about this but it’s something I’ve always wanted to be in the game since I joined in 2017.

I’ll try to be short and reason with you all but I just think it would amazing for all. Obviously, it would be a choice to have it and for survivors I think they would already have to be in a SWF lobby for it to work. Because then it would exclude any kind of safeguarding issues in terms of talking to someone you don’t know if that’s something people aren’t comfortable with.

If it was included, it would nerf SWF, it would be more immersive because there might be moments where you and your mate have to whisper and just thinking about it makes me laugh. For safety reasons the survivors would have to allow for the killer to hear them but in terms of killer it would be up to them if they wanted survivors to hear them and that could equally be hilarious.

Technically I think it would be a step up for DBD, they’re upgrading graphics and trying to keep up with other new games and I just think it would bring in more and more new people. Among us was good but when they added proximity chat it made it great and so funny.

Even if you don’t agree I don’t see why something like this couldn’t be implemented into the game just make it an option for people who play with friends. It doesn’t give people an advantage and if you didn’t like it you could simply turn it all off and mute everyone.

what do you think?


  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,770

    If they ever add voice chat I'd rather it just be full on comms then proximity. They could even incorporate it as walkies talkies which a lot of people bring up. Any survivor that opts in will have a walkie talkie and they can talk to everyone else that has one. If you opt out then you just don't have one and can't hear what anyone is saying.

    I personally find proximity chat to very cringey most of the time, whether it be people roleplaying their character, playing music or just being stupid with it. If they're going to add comms I hope they just add them and not be half-assed with it.

    Sure, it can work with games like Among Us because it's more about secrecy then anything else but DBD just isn't like that and I can't see any reason to add proximity chat outside of it being popular with Among Us at the moment.

  • rockysombrero7
    rockysombrero7 Member Posts: 12

    But if they added it and you had the option to turn it completely off then you wouldn’t have to worry about it being cringey. Just have it for friends like I say then you won’t have to deal with music or anything you stated. I’m not suggesting it become a major part of the game like it is in among us just a fun thing for friends in an SWF lobby. Coms are basically radios already I’d just stick to being in my party with my friend it’s the same, maybe making it so you have get it out of a chest then maybe but then it’s like Friday 13th and that walkin talkie.

    I mean why not both.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,770

    Why not full on comms instead of proximity though?

    Like, I just don't see any reason to add proxy chat when they could just straight up add full communication. SWF people will still be using discord or other chat options anyway since proxy chat is a lot weaker so this only applies to the majority of solo's in the first place. Why not just give full communication so the SWF's might consider using in-game chat.

    I just can't see any good reason to have proxy over full comms in DBD.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    If they add it killers should be able to talk as well I would really love this if I remember correctly dying light had it in the be the zombie mode sadly most people cheat when you invade their game. Had tons of fun with it when it first came out

  • rockysombrero7
    rockysombrero7 Member Posts: 12

    The main reason for me is that coms is pretty boring and we’ve been doing that since the game released.

    Proximity chat would just be a fun thing that people could tap into if they wanted to. I’m not suggesting it’s better for trying to sweat the game out of course people can still use standard discord or parties but that more fun option is there if people wanted it.

  • rockysombrero7
    rockysombrero7 Member Posts: 12

    Absolutely I just think it would be a new fun element that people could do. The Devs would have to make so both sides agree to proximity chat just in case either the survivor wasn’t comfortable with killer listening or if the killer wasn’t comfortable being listened to.

    it would just offer a new fun extra option for playing.

  • Selliato
    Selliato Member Posts: 27

    Proximity chat will be used for toxicity AND for most part will be useless because of different language.

  • rockysombrero7
    rockysombrero7 Member Posts: 12

    Not suggesting it’s turned on permanently for everyone. Just for people who play with friends to make it more fun.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Imagine your prox chatting with someone and a billy just chainsaw sprints in shouting ooga booga booga

    tell me it wouldnt make the game scary again