Crotus Prenn Asylum is getting updated, and it's out with the old

So does this mean Nurse QoL and bug fixes?
I appreciate the 1 specific map and 1 specific area within that map bug fix per update (sometimes) but this is a great chance to lump it in with her map and upcoming Tome.
If they were changing Nurse during this quarter, they would’ve announced it in this update.
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So virtually everything do to with Nurse in the coming updates, except actual Nurse changes who is in desperate need of a bug patch?
Let me have this dream damn you :.(
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I mean there's a reason why they "Reworked" her and barely do any map testing with her on new/updated maps. I'm on the fence whether I want to main the Nurse again or not. Her power is more punishing than rewarding, small map bugs, and inconsistencies. Also, she only has 5 useful add-ons out of 20.
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They will never improve the Nurse, shes too powerful and the flood gates of survivor tears would be overwhelming if she became more common to face.
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No, bad Nurse! Shoo!
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Please just fix the main building. Even with 2 less pallets, it takes so long to down survivors in there with 2 god windows.
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- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse's Spasmodic Breath addon to last 40 seconds instead of 60.
- Updated model, textures and VFX on 4 Nurse outfits.
*deep, stridor ridden sigh* I guess I was high on hope thinking they would fix any big bugs or ones that have been around for years during her map visual update and costume visual update....