What to do when you encounter a fake white rank killer?

Just played against a spirit who basically played like a red rank despite the fact the game said she was a white rank (18). With how good she played, even outsmarting me a couple of times, there was no way she was actually a white rank unless she wasted her time purposely de-ranking. She even had all the good perks such as Corrupt intervention and BBQ with the best add-ons possible for spirit. I reported her and have photo evidence but can't post it here cause of name shaming or something. I'm kinda new to the game but have a couple months experience under my belt. Just unsure of what to do here. Is what she did even illegal?
They probably haven't played in a long time and their rank has decayed. The hours played does not factor into rank at all, and since DBD has regular rank resets, they probably fell down. They also could have wasted time intentionally de-ranking, but that's their loss and wasted life.
Get used to that kind of situation. Oftentime green ranked survivors get matched against red-rank killers. Broken matchmaking seems to be a feature, not a bug.
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It could be someone who took months break from the game and just returned
or as you said someone who depipped so she could farm easy BBQ points in low ranks.
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imagine complaining about vs a killer who act like red rank player when killer have to actually vs red rank survivor most of time.
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I accepted the loss. Was just confused why she was a white rank when she did so good. In case you didn't read, Im still fairly new to the game with only a couple months under my belt.
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Doesn't mean a rank 20 survivor deserves a rank 20 killer who deranked to bully brown ranks.
No person does.
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they probably haven't played in a while
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It just a person who doesn't play for a while otherwise there is no way to derank to white rank.
and yes I read.
I just don't think report a player and said you have a photo evidence is "accepted the loss".
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Can also be a high rank survivor who has just started as a killer, so they know how the game works. Maybe unlocked teachable perks for the killer first and started to play after that.
No need to report anything.
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Did... You not read what I said again? I'm still new kinda new to the game and wasn't sure what to do in this situation. People have cleared things up and I'm no longer confused.
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I am sorry.
I think I have a misunderstand about "what to do" here.
please take my apology.