Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Ok, seriously? Are you really curious why more people aren’t playing killer?

The game before this it was against a 2, 3, 5, 5. The game before THAT was against a 1, 2, 1, 2. I started the night rank 11. I’m trying to practice Nurse but when I can’t even SEE anyone from the other team until they’ve finished three gens the game is incredibly frustrating. Yes, I’m a noob (70 hrs in). Yes, I’m trying to git gud. Throw me a fricken bone here, DbD!!

And for the record, when the day comes many, many moons in the future that I’m actually good with Nurse? There will be no mercy. Just sayin!


  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    This is normal, and has been for a long time. The same happens to survivors. I have been rank 1 killer and faced rank 15 survivors. Hopefully the new MMR will put players vs players that are similar skilled.

  • Even if you ahve all red rank survivors and a red rank killer it might not be fair. Getting to red isn;t hard, and it just....stops there.

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    Yup, it's totally MandA. Thanks for the tip. I'll try it out!

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Monitor is still really good on her, but you want whispers / discordance / surveillance along side it along with extra blink range addons

    It will let you teleport straight on top of people from almost outside the terror radius if you get it right

    There are other options but it’s still really solid.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited January 2021

    I think Scott's video makes this make a lot of sense. A lot of the really good survivors and killers have simply left the game behind because they're played so long, and now what's mostly left is newer players.

    What it leaves you with is a large population on both sides that are inexperienced, and with the way the game currently works, it's much easier to learn to play and win against a mediocre killer than it is 4 mediocre survivors. Do gens, loop "decently" and you can win quite easily. So it results in a lot of killers who powered through the ranks of new, bad survviors to 6-1 ranks, and come in contact with survivors who are just good enough to make them realize they can't handle it.

    Of course, that also leads to imbalance, because there's also a large % of the population that are, quite simply, terrible in red ranks that should not be there. It's easy to get discouraged. But I think a lot of the killer population simply hated the new killer, and with no rift, a lot of people probably took a DBD break. I don't see these Clown changes or PTB notes doing anything but making them not wish to return.

  • I mean trapper for example has a huge list of weaknesses and problems that would need to be fixed to make him even a serious contender as a killer.

    They let him reset traps on the ground, and made his traps a bit more reliable on the escape front...that's it....and that was in the span of over a year.

    There are still like half a dozen other major changes that would have to happen; what do we have to wait 3 more years for the other ones? Who wants to sit around for a third of a decade waiting for their favorite killers to become viable?

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    It's really that it's more annoying to play killer, honestly. There is little fun for me personally at this point. Thankfully I play both

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    He just needs a brown bag base kit. I don’t think he is that bad, just boring to play and very addon reliant.

    Tar bottle honing stone traps are pretty outrageous but you barely get any of them if you use that combo.

  • He is one of the weakest killers in the game currently, him and wraith and clown slug it out for the lowest rung.

    OoO? Your power is useless. Map that can read "belongings"? Your power is useless. Luck offerings? Your power is significantly nerfed; this outdated stat literally does nothing but make trapper's job harder and accidentally kobe someone once in a blue moon; that's all they do. He has no early game, no tracking assistance, low mobility, You can dead hard through traps, etc....

    He needs more than base kit trapper sack; but that sure would be a huge first step.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    He can still basically seal people in the basement and kill people off 1 hook. If you are not playing basement trapper then you are playing him wrong IMO, it’s probably his greatest strength.

    Unless the survivors end up being total trap magnets he is definitely not winning games with 12 hooks

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175
    edited January 2021

    I personally can't wait till new change comes in that pushes all red rank 1s to 20 on reset. Be prepared for hell. It will be glorious. And the frustration hasn't even begun.


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    That's when the devs want to use their hidden mmr instead of ranks for matchmaking. So it might be less of a mixed skill hell than people imagine. But then again, it would depend on a working MMR system.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Killers are probably avoiding 'Dildo Faggins'... lmao

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    Damn dude I feel ya. That matchmaking just ain’t right. But please when you do get good have mercy!! D:

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    it is monitor!

    Nurses should only run monitor with infectious fright as it gives them more terror radius for a higher chance of screams!

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    Unfortunately this is happening to everyone,not only killers.

    Sunday I played with my friend that is rank 6 and I am rank 8. We were paired with a rank 19 and rank 18 who clearly didn't have any clue on what they were doing against a rank 11 Doctor. Even though the Doctor wasn't so good, he simply downed them in 1 minute and it was quickly a 2 vs 1 game with 5 gens to work in Shelter Woods, the great dead zone of Macmillan.

    Saturday the same thing happened too.

    I was even matched with low ranks against a rank 5 killer. It gets frustrating sometimes.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    11k escape, looks like you had some real gamers on your hands

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    It's really not that hard to get good with Nurse you just need to get some better perks to learn her with. I'd unlock Infectious and Corrupt from Plague and BBQ from Bubba. I started playing Nurse a few weeks ago because I wanted to switch up my main and I've hit a point where I 4k most games. A couple other good perks are I'm All Ears and Sloppy. I'd recommend always keeping Infectious and BBQ on your Nurse builds though.

    When it comes to getting rainbow ranks? That's not going to change... Like ever probably.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    Survivors can be boosted, killers can't. Red killer mean youre better/experimented than average, red surv can mean that you play more than average.

    But not all people at same rank have the same skill lvl (surv or killers). Also, at equal skill lvl, that will almost never happen even in tournament, 4 red rank surv will always win (3-4 man escape) against red rank killers, even more true if they are sfw on vocal, exception being very good nurse or spirit players playing dirty (slug the 4, proximity hook camp, hard tunnel), thats why in tournament they have to make rules like surv cant do gens when they are injured until 2 gens left etc...

    @ProfGameAndTalk yeah MM sucks and i can understand that with "only" 70hrs, red and purple rank surv can be impressive and tricky to counter, especially when you start with nurse that have one of the high skill cap, even more, as a new players, you need to learn surv patterns so you need perks that will help you find surv easyly so you can practice more her power and the way you must patrol the map to apply pressure and chain chase. You need perks like Tinkerer, BBQ, Discordance, Bitter murmur, Whisper, Im all ears is also very good when you start nurse... Nurse calling is good tho (its my favourite perk so im litlle bias here^^). NOED can be a fine perk when you start but it will not help you get better cause its a late game perk. Monitor is kinda useless on nurse, you should almost never walk with nurse and since she scream when she blink and grunt when she stop...

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Exactly my experience the other night! I started out playing Survivor, played (I think) 4 games where all but 1 were evenly matched (i.e. all survivors close in rank vs a Killer of close equal rank), and the 1 that wasn't was more varied on the Survivor side (bigger gaps in rank) but at least our collective average rank was still equal to the Killer's.

    Then I switched to Killer for 3 games and ALL 3 were horribly mis-matched - me, rank 13 vs 3 games of survivors where all of them were rank 6 or better. Ridiculous how that happens...

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2021

    Survivors (and I should note CERTAIN survivors - a lot of survivors are legitimately just looking for a fun spookfest, and I enjoy games with them immensely) aren't curious - they're ANNOYED. They don't care why they can't get quick games - just that they can't. What they WANT is for killers to play the game they want, in the fashion they want it, and if they don't get that experience in a timely fashion, they figure something's wrong with the killer PLAYERS. Not the state of matchmaking, not the state of killers in general, not SWF. Just the players.

    For my part I've given in to the intended play they want, because the occasional fun game where I can get some jumpscares and an occasional sacrifice is worth 5 games of 4-man SWF trolls making me their clown.

    My advice is just keep a smartphone or second monitor handy, and if their behavior starts to lean towards the "DANCE FOR US, CLOWN" direction? Just watch youtube or something on your smartphone/second monitor, and just continue to play without paying much attention. You'll occasionally get yelled at for wasting time/bloodpoints/etc, but just remind them they got their win and that a humble baby killer like you is just no match for such pros.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    The problem with that is that once killers find their elo, they'll never get that random potato that leads into a fun and easier game for them and it'll be constant sweat. I expect it to take a couple of months getting to that point even for those that play more often probably, but, sooner or later that's gonna happen and they'll lose a few more to that. But if doesn't run too many off it would probably be offset by those that would wind up enticing back or holding onto out of newer ones anyways I reckon. Personally, I'd only play each of my favorite killers just that far in and then wouldn't enjoy it any more from that point until the elo on them decayed for at least afew months so I could get a week or two out of them againw ithout having to constantly sweat in closer to perfect matchmaking. If I don't get enough dopamine out of something I basically am numb and not enthused about it lol. The potato matches made up for the sweat and were a nice break.

  • I stopped playing killer due to the BS on the survivor side that never gets addressed despite killers receiving nerf after nerf. Mostly perk combos or situations with no counter-play where the advantage automatically goes to the survivor. Badly designed maps. Object of obsession.

    Fast gens are the least of my worries. I can live with that. The above things however really suck the fun out of playing killer.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    get a friend to 1v1 you, kyfs are way better practice than pubs