BUBBA Makes me instantly want to stop playing

Every game bro...... EVERY GAME. What is wrong with you people? lol Every single bubba I go against, either just face camps or proxy camps. Like how is that fun??? And trust me I'm a red rank killer, i could NEVER do this man. it is so lame.
Bruh, it's fun and interesting gameplay, just do gens and win.
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"just do gens and win" Yeah sure! Thatll be fun if this didn't happen... Its people like you that really make me not want to play this game lol Stop defending this bs
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I mean it sucks but it's not the killer, it's the player, we cannot control how other player will play. But you can punish him by doing gens and making him de-pip, maybe even tbag at the gate 😉
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Yeah if I end up in the basement w a face camping Bubba I just kill myself on the hook if I notice teammates coming for the save.
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i understand that bro, but 95% of bubbas do this. period. its rediculous lol its like in their blood
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I mean you have a dreamcast why would you play DBD when you could be playing like....Sonic Adventure 2 or Skies of Arcadia
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What did you do that made him behave in this manner?
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I'll have a ham sandwich with a thick slathering of sarcasm, please.
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Nice little collection you have there. I miss my gamecube.
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Hell yeah ! Sonic Adventure was such a great game not gonna lie. Great combination of actual adventure/open world feeling and the soundtrack was awesome, too.
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PSA to all bubba's: please run devour, it's a better no ed I swear please switch them out, thank you.
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He pressed the "on" button on his console
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I main Bubba and it's sad that people still do that when he doesn't need it anymore. A lot of them are bad players or they get mad when they are losing and do it. You should look it like reward, he couldn't catch you and now wants to camp you because you were outplaying them.
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Niles. I'm running NOED on EVERY killer so you better do the bones lol.
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Dude, bones are so hard to do. Especially if you are a survivor!
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Yh thats the point. But the majority of players gives them an easy win. And that will never change and so they will never change.
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Since now Bubba can counter BT it is more easy to facecamp, so they do it more.
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wait what bubba can counter BT?
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Oh hell yeah. He is now basically sprinting Billy with better hitting range and not even have to stop after downing survivors.
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Baby Bubba's who don't understand his true potential
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Thankfully I've seen less of this since the buff now he's good at other things
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Yes, he can double smack through BT if he times it right. Add-ons make it even easier. I did it to a Meg once, but only because she sought my attention all game. I had to be a gentleman and not let her down (no pun intended).
The only thing that would counter it is maybe Sprint Burst, if there aren't vaults/pallets nearby.
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Srsly? No facecamping, even after they abruptly changed Ruin? After they snuck in a Mori change during a Hotfix? Actually, I haven't either... I do tunnel players a lot more now, though.
I think all of us killers have taken part in a few facecampings... granted, maybe back when we used NOED. Honestly, though... I don't know why you're facing so many facecamping Bubbas. I haven't seen a facecamper in a while, but then again I don't play survivor when I don't have to.
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But noed guarantees me a 2 or 3k when i facecamp 1 or 2 people to death since the counter to facecamp is genrush can't do totems! Fun for everyone!
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He's always been able to 'counter BT'. He doesn't really counter it, he just hits people multiple times; first chainsaw swing activates BT, second swing downs them.
Honestly, it makes sense if you've ever seen the movie. I think they took that scene where he chases Sally for 10 minutes too literally before they buffed him. Sally was being corralled into the store! Bubba wasn't meant to chase people the entire trial without downing them.
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I got to rank 1 killer the first time with Bubba boy...not one camp to do it. Other Bubba's who just use him for facecamping are legitimately sad most of the time : /.
Though, he is such a simple killer with an uber-powerful ability for facecamping soooo sadly people made it par for the course for him. Really hope people can stop doing it with him as much though, giving my Bubba a bad name :').
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Is that a PS1? Why are you playing this god-awful game? You could be playing Oddworld, Metal Gear Solid, Dino Crisis, Spyro series... So many opportunities.
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True story playing since 2017 i met like 4,5 bubbas thats plays decently with no facecamping
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Then dont go near a tree when there is a thunderstorm outside, youre the kind that will be hit by lightning 🙄
Also play lottery !
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Lol. It's not like you play a camping Bubba every game, just move on.
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Lmao that's me every time a survivor teabags or does the clicky clicky. Do not disrespect a bubba or you are giving him a justification to camp and ruin your game.
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I do this to derank. with insidious. and if they save you they save you. but they have to have the gumption to try to hook save a camping bubba
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hahaha thanks man, check out my Instagram when u get the chance! @animatedaaron
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See? lmaooo terrible
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Clearly you are just showing off your Dreamcast.
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It's better to camp with Bubba than actually play "fair".
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Do gens and escape easy. Use your brain and stop crying
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These are the killers that i hate the most please understand that we play games to have Fun and holding M1 for a whole match in not the most amazing gameplay.
Edit: this is the ~ These are the