Can we get a clear answer on these change decisions?

I know this has probably been said before but I just felt like bringing it up again because we never got a clear answer.
The developers nerfed Pop goes the weasel because they said "As a killer, you were able to do many things in these 60 seconds before being forced to use it."
But the EXACT same concept applies to decisive strike though? You can do so many things in these 60 seconds if invulnerability before being forced to use it. Why is DS still untouched?
I've seen so much theories on how you must pay for DS but pop was in the shrine and the clown is a shard chapter, but honeslty right now i just want a response from a dev.
Why was this change valid for Pop but not DS? And looking at it again 3 months later, which one needed it more?
Probably the same reason why they already nerfed Undying while Unbreakable DS hasn´t changed in years.
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If I were working at BHVR I’d fix 90% of perks I can probably do it all at home for ideas free of charge. The customers and consumers I’m sure will gladly sort this game out for free
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Their statistics probably show that survivors with DS don’t have a significantly higher survival rate etc. but killers that used Pop had higher kill rates/whatever statistics they use for gen defence.
not saying that DS can’t be problematic, and the devs clearly expressed that some aggressive uses like running towards the killer and jumping in a locker before them are not what they want the perk to be used for.. but overall it’s also not directly comparable to Pop. DS is one time use only. Pop gets activated after every single hook. So the 60 s comparison doesn’t really make sense.
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"So the 60 s comparison doesn’t really make sense."
^ this.
Killer Players ALWAYS use the 60 seconds for that. Always. I mean, with that logic, Lucky Break is an AMAZING Perk, since it is active for 180 seconds. Wow!
Only because two Perks shared the same timer, does not mean they are compareable at all. Let alone that Pop goes the Weasel is still good. It was a very mild nerf.