Sick of this killer sided game

Word of warning - You need 4 survivors and just 1 killer to play DBD.

If this game continues to overwhelmingly favour killers it will die.

The only way survivors stand a chance is if they have a swf, in solo queue you are just meat for killers to have fun with.

Hex Ruin, Hex Undying, Noed, Face camping, Tunnelling, insane red add-ons, etc, etc, etc....

I challenge Behaviour Interactive to release their stats on how often killers get a 4k vs 4 survivors escaping (across all ranks). We all know who those stats are going to favour.



  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292

    People has been saying the game would die ever since it first released.

    Game was an abhorrent state back then yet it's still alive and actually has a strong player base.

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    I am a red rank survivor.

    What you said makes perfect sense to me and it works flawlessly with a swf who realise they can easily counter this.

    In random solo queue people just don't work like this and killers know that they wont get punished for it !!

    Also Hex ruin is so hard to find, does a game like dbd really need to be so luck based?

    Disagree with you on the stats, the variables you mentioned should also be stated.

    I would love nothing more to be wrong and find that both sides have an even go off it.

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    The perks you mentioned cannot be brought into a solo queue game.

    You need to bring kindred and BT.

    Adrenaline is total luck in solo queue so bring it at your own peril.

    Frankly i don't understand the hate for keys, i have never brought one in a game and have only seen others bring it in like 1% of the games.

    When a key can actually be used the game is pretty much decided already in favour one side or the other.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392
    edited January 2021

    If the game is so killer sided, why are queues for solo survivor so long? Also, don't forget how long it takes for a 4 man SWF to find a killer. Most players just don't understand how to play survivor well. This is what makes the game seem killer sided. I personally only have an issue with Spirit, and I'm a solo survivor player. Every other killer is fairly easy to deal with, barring an actual good Nurse, which can even still be fun to run at times. Also, being red rank means nothing. People that can't even loop shack get rank 1 due to the game not requiring you to actually improve skill wise to rank up. All you have to do to hit rank 1 is play often, and do enough to safety pip so you never lose pips, which is super easy to do.

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    I am red rank.

    I barely survive 5% of my games in solo queue at this rank.

    I can understand it would be very tough for a killer against a red rank swf but how often does that happen??

    Hence, the reason i would like to see some stats so all of us can know the truth instead of guessing.

    I will be happy if the stats say :

    "it's 50 50 for killers and survivors" and then i shall know that iam just bad and need to improve.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I think if you played killer up into rank 1 you would have a very different opinion.

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    Honestly i have no clue why survivor queues are long.

    For me the long queue times only started happening recently, even though i have pretty much always been in red rank so i don't know what has changed .

    I agree with you that red rank doesn't necessarily mean you are good at the game.

    Frankly my statement in the post was click bait...what am really after is cold hard analytics so all of us players can know if the game is balanced or not. From my experience i don't think it is and i believe the stats will back me.

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    Do you think the game is survivor sided in solo queue red rank?

    Against a 4 man swf i would agree with you that killers have a hard run.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    What does info do when the stats are pretty much messed up? A lot of people only get kills on killer due to the survivors playing bad. This game's balance has forever 100% relied on people not being good, or understanding the game on survivor side well. Just look at the video linked below. Imagine getting caught when the game was like this. The best part is that people did get caught often actually. Because a lot of people just didn't, and still don't understand how to play survivor well to this day.

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    The problem is all the killer mains will now show up and try to rebut. Many threads crying killers are weak which is pure comedy gold.

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    Hex Ruin also needs to be re-worked.

    I wont say it needs to be nerfed but currently it works around pure luck which should not be the case.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Here how about this. 1v1 me in a kyf. I'm not the best killer but I win most of my matches swf or not. If you go down to me easy it's your skill and you dont deserve red rank (not trying to be mean or make assumptions) and If you wreck me then you get some GOOD killers.

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    I don't follow...what would a 1v1 entail in a 4v1 game?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Then if counters exist, but you just aren't using them, how is that the Killer's fault? Asking Killers to not take advantage of 4 Solo's is like asking Survivors to only do one gen every two minutes when there isn't any gen defence.

    Ruin is not hard to find. Once you get a decent idea of totem spots, it's easy. If you really have trouble, use a map, Small Game or Detective's Hunch.

    The issue is, most Survivors at Red Ranks are boosted af because of SWF and easy pip requirements. Ask them to release stats when MMR is working, then we'll have a decent idea.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    It would have certain implications. If I did a 1v1 with a regular green rank killer and lost bad it would mean I'm not deserving of my rank and I'm not good so I cant loop. I'll tell you whether you can loop and that's one key item to your survival

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    Sure the devs have petabytes of game data over 5 years. Sure the number of trials 0,1,2,3,4 survivors, survived, as well as how, all gens, open exit, find hatch, exit unlocked automatically.... would be very telling and they certainly have access to such data. Don’t see many games unless it’s a BaD killer or a thrower killer that all 4 waltz out of the exit. See quite a few games the killer systematically mows down even decent survivors often with 2 or more generations remain. I am a baaad killer and I can still consistently down at least 2 survivors with ease using a 1 perk trapper. One of the more op leaning killers like Ghost perked up. Forget about it. Gonna be slug central.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Are you calling me boosted pulsy I thought we were in love :(

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    You only survive 5% of the time? I gotta see you play.

  • TauNkosi
    TauNkosi Member Posts: 282

    I used to think this game favored killers over survivors. Then I actually played killer. I suggest you do the same. It's eye opening.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    The only reason people get kills on 99% of the killers is due to survivors making mistakes and playing bad. All the data in the world can't change the fact that people play survivor at different skill levels, and have different outcomes with the game. You really think data that puts a good survivor that can loop every tile on the same level as someone that goes down in 5 secs should be seen as accurate? Also, Ghost Face does not learn toward being OP.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited January 2021

    Title should be "sick of bot teammates".

    Killer gameplay is hard and stressful the second a DECENT (not even god like) SWF team joins the lobby. Why is that the case?

    It's not just communication. It's also the fact they're actually DOING gens.

    Meanwhile solo queue with Bond:

    You see people

    - hiding in random corners on red ranks especially at the start of the game because no one wants to get chased even though it's braindead easy against most killers.

    - crawling behind objects as soon as they're injured doing nothing.

    - plundering chests.

    - tbagging together in the basement (I once looped a Wraith for multiple minutes in 1 single chase expecting all gens to pop, then saw all 3 teammates tbagging each other in the basement when I got caught and hooked. After the match the killer told me they were trolls that did nothing but HEAD ON attempts all game).

    - dropping pallets AFTER taking hits wasting said pallets while nullifying their speed boost due to the animation lock. This often includes strong pallets like killer shack.

    - going afk randomly during the match.

    Maybe the MMR system that drops next patch will sort things out. Right now it's safe to say that 90% of all red rank and even purple rank survivors belong to yellow ranks based on their decision making and looping.

    Post edited by Yamaoka on
  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302
    edited January 2021

    I’ve seen the head on throws before. There was this one Steve who literally tried to head on me from the exact same locker all game. I just assumed he was drunk.

    The you tubers don’t help. I saw someone claiming head on to be more toxic than object. I looked at the matches and the killers were default hag, default doctor, default trapper. Cherry picking the matches much? Although I do love how popular they made the dumb tech because I have enduring on half the time and just grab them.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    I agree with you that killer gameplay is hard against a SWF.

    My opinion is the devs need to deal with the reality of the situation that the game completely changes based on if you are in a swf or not.

    If most people are in a swf however then i guess solo queue can just suck it up or move to a different game.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Yes, but only because I am also boosted.

    I have no fear in saying that I am not good enough to be a Rank 1 Survivor, let alone a Red Rank.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited January 2021

    I'm not sure what to think of this. It kinda shows how bored people are when it comes to their objective/gens so they really prefer to mess around even if it gets them sacrificed but we all know the devs are not going to change up survivor gameplay let alone add a new "mission" so I'm not even surprised when people throw just so they can try to do some "funny stuff" like chaining Head Ons, dumbtech (can't believe how popular this is) etc.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Haha dont swf much I had to get to red ranks myself. I do admit with the matchmaking since mmr I couldn't hit rank 1 by myself or at least I never try harder to the point I could do it. Recently I started getting good teammates surprisingly but because they do gens I end up looping the killer and all the gens are done and I cant get any damn points. So yeah I hate solo and when I swf it's always with my boosted friends. So personally I THINK I deserve red rank. But idk XD

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    I have started playing killer.

    Finding so far:

    1. 4k in 95% of my games (currently in purple rank, i have zero doubts ill be in red rank soon)
    2. Don't enjoy playing killer as much cause they do have to be focused throughout the game
    3. It's too unfair for just is. Way too easy to force altruism when you think the game is going downhill.
    4. I don't touch red add-ons because the game might as well be over the second it starts, purple and green also quite OP.
  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    Do you have actual data supporting that 99%, because I am sure that wasn’t just a number you pulled out your backside to give some sort of statistical merit to your claim. Getting popcorn, looking forward to the source of that 99%

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Yup I experience the same thing at all ranks. 90% of solo survivors who play this game are potatoes, the other 10% are bored to tears and don't want to do gens because it's the most mundane thing to do in the game, which leads to the majority of killer matches being a complete snoozefest. But this doesn't fit into their narrative of killers being weak and difficult to win with.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    The only reason you 4k 95% of the time is because most players can't play survivor well. How is this the killer being OP and not on the survivors not improving and playing better? Why do actual decent survivor players have no issue usually outside of dealing with low skilled teammates as a solo? You wouldn't 4k 95% of the time if you went vs even a decent team every game. Vs truly good teams, you will struggle to even get a 1k most of the time on the majority of the killers. Literally, to make sure you have a chance vs the rare good or decent swf, people play nothing but meta killers while using meta perks. On survivor, even as solo, I can always use off meta things and still do well on a personal level. On killer, you can't do that.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I understand your frustration by the way. I usually enjoy playing both sides but everytime I get derp-teammates that have absolutely no idea how the game works I just wanna give up on survivor gameplay forever.

    At the same time I know just how ridiculously fast gens may pop when you face 4 decent survivors that really know what they're doing and punish the killer for every single mistake (fastest 5 gens against me was 3 minutes and 8 seconds without toolboxes) so I know just how strong survivors can be by default.

    My biggest hope right now is the upcoming MMR system. It wasn't any good the first time they tried but maybe it will be more... Functional this time?

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    Let’s sprinkle in trolls who throw and help the killer. See that far more open than a hatch being opened by a key.

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    Don't you see something wrong with that though??

    I am not a good killer...average at best but i always get a 4k.

    I am a good survivor (you don't have to believe me), but i lose the majority of my games.

    I kid you not i have seen in red rank

    1. Survivor gets hooked
    2. Survivor clearly being camped & tunnelled by the killer but getting unhooked by team mates without BT & then not even taking a hit for him/her
    3. Survivor dies and killer repeats the exact damn thing with a 2nd survivor

    Maybe this will be solved with MMR and there is also a desperate need for voice chat so survivors can co-ordinate.

    Doesn't really make sense that on one end you have a fully co-ordinated 4 man SWF making killers cry and on the other end the exact opposite. Balance pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048

    red addons kinda suck doe lol

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    So it is bad that the killer can 4k a lot if the survivors are not playing well? Is it also bad that a good 4 man SWF can get escape rates into the high 90's percentage wise?

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    But camping and tunneling and slugging is apparently the survivors fault. Be careful. Seems like when any criticism is lodged that game skews killer, the toxic killer mains come out the woodwork to tamp you down.

    You must be new, your bad, it’s hard out for for a killer, I only get all 4 survivors every 3 games now and I even had a recent game, where all 4 got away. Survivor perk x y z is broken. Killer perk a b c is fine, game would be unplayable without it. Game must be broken. And then one dared open the not easy to find hatch with a key and got away. The tyrannical devs hate killers I swear because they created another means to escape to counter gate camping.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    All this points to you(no offense) and survivors in general being stupid.

    You're a good survivor but your teammates are stupid? The survivors against your "not a good" killer are even worse than your teammates when playing survivor.

    The problem with the game is that most survivor players are casual as #########. And red rank is flooded with them. They have no idea what they're doing.

    Earlier, I played against a red rank who had no idea what was happening as I was killing the rest of her team as infinite tombstone Myers.

    Then I played against a 3 man red rank SWF. I managed to get 5 stacks on Huntress Lullaby and the dude and his team could not for the life of them figure out why they weren't hearing the skill check pings.

    And the third streamer of the day I faced, a 4 man SWF. One of them couldn't figure out why they couldn't vault windows for awhile(I was doc). The streamer kept accusing me of tunneling despite him running into me again and again. Literally. I hook him, I go to his left where 3 gens are to see if they're being worked on. He gets unhooked and the dude runs DIRECTLY IN THE SAME DIRECTION I WENT, and I down him. Then he starts crying about being tunneled.

    Of course, I've also faced against some sweat squads that made me want to kill myself today. One team actually let the random console player on their team to die... cause I injured them all and they all proceed to heal all one another in a corner as the poor console Yui died. These weren't bad survivors at all. They looped me to hell and back but they had no ######### sympanthy for the survivor not on their team. They took forever to do gens too. Not because I was applying pressure or anything. But because they spent 20 minutes just trying to bully me instead of end the game.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    I mean I play solo ques all the time and I've gotten to rank 1 multiple times. You just gotta learn how to loop and get better. This game favors the better player. Although survivors have alot of second chance perks take advantage of that.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    It can be, actually.

    If I find nobody and you unhook, I am gonna go back to the hook. If the guy who unhooked you is hiding, I'm gonna down you.

    Slugging is usually a counter to DS or a means to gain pressure when one sees more than one Survivor in an area.

    Tunneling is usually also used to gain pressure. A 4v1 is massively against the Killer but a 3v1 is much more in their favor.

    Camping generally occurs when the Killers doesn't see anyone on BBQ or when they see someone near hook.

    None of these are exclusively regulated to the specific scenario's I gave, but this is generally why they happen.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    ^ Always relevant for survivors ^

    And you dont even need good teammates since the hatch exists.