i'd actually play this game more if it wasn't for spirit

i'd say the first 3 killers are perfect, fun to play and play as

most killers since are kinda hit and miss but easily the worst is spirit

nothing in this game is lamer then not being able to the killer



  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    The more you play the easier it ges, she is very easy to deal with, use iron will it makes her power completely useless against you and it helps alot against all killers

    "nothing in this game is lamer then not being able to the killer"

    Can u rephrase that?

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    play killer then

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Spine chill helps determine if spirit is phasing towards you. Also instead of running. Try crouching or walking. Think of it as a rabbid wolf. Sudden movements make it attack.

    The way i win against most spirits is :

    1) never jump a pallet the spirit is by. No matter what i think. I rather move to the next loop

    2) if she is phasing. I bait my scratch marks to the left then move the right. Or vice versa. Baiting with scratch marks confuses. If im injuried then i will run to a pallet and drop it early. A few times i knocked a spirit out her phase walk.

    3) i realize its 4v1 and not 1v1. Im going to go down eventually. Its fact. I just hope i buy enough time for my fellow survs to be close to finishing a gen. No killer can be 4 places at once...except hag.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Stridor. It completely hard counters iron will. I know this because I've actually played her again recently and holy ######### she's easy with stridor; there's nothing they can do because I know their exact location.

    @topic: I honestly agree. She's one of the worst designed killers in this game, bringing nurse levels of power with a quarter of the learning curve (for reference, it took me 6 weeks to get to above average as Nurse and 4 days to get to incredibly good every match a 4k as Spirit). She needs a hard nerf imho, because there's genuinely zero counter to a stridor spirit who knows what she's doing.

    And it's all well and good saying to just not get chased but the thing is, unlike most other killers, she's invisible when she approaches you with a reduced terror radius and moves at mach ######### 10.

  • Ironically Spirit is one of the few things that makes killer fun to play.

    @GoodBoyKaru Because killers that are at the mercy of survivors are so much better? The m1 killers are poorly designed. They have zero control over the game. Survivors control the chase, killers are completely hindered by pallets and windows, most survivor perks and design decisions in the game just have no counter. Its why people complain killers are underpowered, because under the hood the game is designed around survivors having complete control. People dont like Spirit because she has actual input in the game lol

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    It’s a 1v4 not a 1v1, you can’t expect to run around a jungle gym twice, drop the pallet and on to the next with every single killer.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Tbh nurse is the one for me. There are more and more people with like 1000+ hours into just nurse, and it's getting to a point where I get a nurse I just wanna die on hook. I still don't, but I want to....

    I don't find the matches terribly fun or thrilling; and it often feels like there is no point to even playing.

    Nurse can be a LOT of fun to play against; when the skill barrier is fair, but too often it's either the easiest win ever or just impossible and a waste of everyone's time either way. Hopefully BHVR's supposed new matchmaker might help with that...I am skeptical.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Actually, people enjoy Nurse for the reason of her being so strong and yet a lot of people find counterplay vs nurse. Even if it's just stealth, the fact she's 96% when approaching with a 32m terror radius and has a lot of fatigue makes stealth viable vs her, which is a lot more fun to play against (and imo, as).

    Also, I absolutely love playing as killers like Wraith or Bubba, Bubba being literally hard countered by windows and Wraith being regarded as one of the worst killers in the game (and let's not forget that I used to main old freddy lol). Because when a survivor thinks they control the chase, I love to show them they don't. Being an M1 killer is all about learning how to control the chase despite what survivors can do and if you can't do that one then you're not a very good killer. :/

    Spirit makes the game incredibly boring to me, to play. Put on Stridor and it's almost a guaranteed win, unless you face a lot of Prove Thyselves on Haddonfield and even then if you've got decent RuinDying spawns or rng it's ggs for them.

    Also, people hate Deathslinger despite the fact he's often regarded as a weaker killer, because his map pressure is awful. That doesn't make him any more fun to deal with because generators are boring and his counter is to just genrush.

    Stridor spirit has little to no- if not no- counterplay in the game and is unhealthy for it. And don't even get me started on MDR+Yakuyoke.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    The only problem I have with Spirit is the fact you can't tell when she is using her power in chase. Every other killer in the game has audio and visual indicators for the survivor to see when they are using their power except her. If they fixed that I wouldn't have any issue going against her, but right now it just seems really unbalanced because of that. Plus the fact one of her mind games is just standing still is pretty dumb imo.

  • They have little interaction. Survivors control the chase and these killers rely on survivors making mistakes. This is fact and its not debatable. Those are the mechanics of the game.

    You can debate how strong they are but there is no arguing the fact that they have less control than survivors

  • I'm with this, as a Demo/Trapper main I am obviously playing these supposed "Non tryhard" killers.

    But Trapper CAN be more fun, but it's not exactly fun having your entire kit negated because one guy brought a piece of paper, because your traps are so visible on most maps you can't hide any of that, because someone with OoO is calling out every trap, because dead hard passes over traps, because luck offerings get them out of traps first try almost every time, because being injured and going into a trap often has no repercussions because you are already hurt and get out first or second try anyways, being unable to even pick someone up off a trap because they have DS/Unbreakable so they are immune to them for 60 seconds basically anyways, etc.....

    Trapper CAN be more fun; but survivors often force him to just be M1 machete man. That's no fun, it's boring as hell; same with when you have to play as a basement lockdown trapper but again, sometimes you get forced into that.

    But hey; if that wasn't the case he would be a "Tryhard sweaty killer" right? Like get real.

  • Angry_Boi
    Angry_Boi Member Posts: 9

    I used to play Spirit. A lot. And I can tell you she has no counterplay. It's pure guesswork for survivors, even for me when I go against her. There's no indication is she's phasing or where she is if she is. Survivors complain cause it's lick of the draw whether they come out on top in a chase

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Seeing her does not avoid the inevitable down if the nurse is good. And there was a "bug" last or second last PTB where you could hear her moaning while phasing. Pretty simple nerf that everyone loved on that PTB. Way less annoying

    Spinechill seriously is not a dumb perk, that's just your opinion... same to all your ratings which killers are fun to play as. This is not a general thing. "Fun to play as" is a pretty subjective thing

    Iron Will doesn't even help that much against good Spirits. Footsteps and environmental feedback can be enough. But I disagree with "the worst designed". She was pretty hyped and fun to go against on release because of her jumpscare moments. Now that the skill level increases, everyone is just about ez winning or losing. As said above, the "bug" (which was actually intended on her PTB) when you hear her moaning would be imo the only change necessary to make her fair again. She can hear you, you can hear her, seems fair.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    I honestly still believe spirit just is the shittiest thing to ever be released in this game, 0 interactions whatsoever with her.

    Get slapped by a random pathing spirit who had no clue you were there, and now you're injured without ever getting a glimpse of where she was (this happened to me at least fifty times or more) pure luck while being invisible pretty much sucks.

    People don't get that it ain't about just "looping" a killer for eternity, but rather the interactions and intensity of chases between them that makes those moments enjoyable, nobody likes to play steatlhy since in the first place it isn't rewarded as much, and it gets really dull fast.

    And we dont want to just break out of our perk loadout just because a killer requires it to even make a slight amount of sense from what's happening, it ain't good design.

  • well said and this is my point. I have a lot of hours in the game and im just burnt out now. When you sit back and truly look at a killer you end up with all the little details that you describe. Individually they’re small but combined you just feel at the mercy of the survivors and the maps. Add to that the fact that when reduced to an m1 machete killer, then you have no input in a chase. You follow a survivor around a pallet until they slam it on your head then rinse and repeat a few more times unless you get the survivor to make a mistake, but they’ll likely have Dead Hard to undo that mistake anyway.

    Now compare that to how survivors feel. A lot of things they do you dont have control over, whereas they have control over what you get to do.

    its that lack of control and interaction that causes frustration. Hence why spirit is so popular.

    You can win with an m1 killer but the lack of feeling in control and feeling sub-ordinate to the 4 is what makes this killers frustrating.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    On release she wasn't that good though, which was another factor to it. Spirit was buffed 3 times iirc- once on the PTB itself, once when she came from PTB to live, and once in a hotfix after she came to live. Then she was nerfed very slightly (lack of collision and lost old prayer beads, vaulting animation, etc) and was kept where she is now.

    On release she wasn't that bad, her phasing noise wasn't directional but she was also slower and had less power. Her add-ons were bullshit, and her lack of vaulting animation weren't great, but it was made up for by the fact that she just wasn't that strong either. Then they buffed her again and shot her into high territory, which is when she because incredibly unhealthy, but nobody noticed until Nurse was nerfed because most tryharding players were all still on ruin/noed/3 blink nurse.

    That bug where you could hear her, combined with an actual indicator of when she's phasing in the TR (and preferably an indicator that doesn't bug out half the time lol) would make her a lot better to deal with and I wouldn't mind her so much.

    Current spirit is unhealthy for this game and needs a hard nerf, imho. All I can hope is that their plan includes buffing weaker killers before nerfing the stronger ones, because Spirit in her current state is not good for dbd.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291
    edited January 2021

    All of these solutions I am seeing simply is suggesting the solution is to equip a perk. Pretty sure no one wants to constantly have specific perks equipped all the time to deal with problematic killers that's how the game gets boring and the meta stays stale. It's not like every single game will guarantee a Spirit anyways.

    I'm on board with Spirit was probably the worst addition to this game. I get I'm biased because I main Nurse at the moment but honestly when I play survivor I'd rather just suicide and move on to next one than have a game where I get to play the guessing game against a good Spirit. Against a good Spirit you don't have a chance anyways. Also here's a hint for anyone saying "I don't have this problem". You haven't played against a good Spirit player.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    I read this as "i dont want to adapt to my problem at hand".

    Seriously, stealth maybe boring but stealth can actually counter so many killers. Also being chased isnt that rewarding. Being altruistic is. Like everyone tries to run all the time from spirit. Yet no one tries to hide when she comes around. And then complains "ohh no. I got hit while running in a game where its so easy to track runners as a killer".

    Might i also remind you all that she was nerfed. Twice. Remember prayer beads? Remember collusions? I do. But no not enough. Your post literally tells me "i want to run the same tired load out, and do the same tired thing to deal with all the killers o/"

    Im kinda glad devs posts stats and dont listen to complaints like this. Next thing we know is all killers will just use nerf bats and have to sit in corners.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    then skip those matches and go for those you have fun in?

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    i would rather play trapper against a full ooo squad that can sabo destroy my traps on a map full of infinites and vacuum pallets then to actually read what you had to say. Least that would be entertaining.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    She was nerfed "twice" (same patch) after having been buffed 3 times but go off

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Personally, I feel my input actually matters vs Nurse, it feels there is something you can do, even on crossplay off which is basically only Nurse I've always felt I had a good chance and had many fun chases, it felt like PVP - also the Nurse actually has to be good to get you. With Spirit, even rank 14 pub Spirits can just randomly get you, I've seen actual avg pub players play Spirit vs comp teams and still ######### on them in chase, obviously the Spirit loses due to the game's nature, but it's a genuine thing where a totally avg player picking Spirit can just ######### on some really good players with thousands of hours. I feel like Nurse has way more counterplay & the interactions are far more satisfying on both sides, but for sure on the survivor side, to me Nurse is actual PVP, Spirit is basically PVE or an RNG sim, I'm not really playing against an opponent, I'm just hoping they mess up somehow of their own accord because I don't actually have any way to make them do so myself

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    If Slinger, Phead & Spirit were removed, I'd instantly switch & become a survivor main.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    There's always gonna be things in games that are difficult to you, seem unfair, and you might not like. It's a matter of if you let that get to you.

    Clearly, you don't really like the game as much as you say if you let one thing make you play less.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    that I agree with, since the rift was done I have not played it and its nice and relaxing.

  • dabaconboss
    dabaconboss Member Posts: 8
  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Thats...a bit subjective. I like challenges. I also like having to think of strats on the fly to take on the problem.

    With that being said Personally. I would remove her tr when she does phasewalk. It gives survivor audio queue by the sudden drop of her tr. As well as let survs hear the woosh. I also would reduce survs groans of pain while phasewalking. Not removing it entirely. It is needed a bit. But not have it so loud where you can pinpoint just by sound. If it was removed, i would put it on an addon. Like father glasses. So its bloodstains and grunts of sound. That way it exists still a bit. But wont be rampant.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Biggest facepalm of my life, you don't even know me or what I run and yet here you are thinking you know it, incredible.

    Also feels like you didn't read my post at all or the reasons behind my thinking, just cross it as a "random tryhard who doesnt want to adapt", you've proven you don't care, so why answer with something so off?

  • dabaconboss
    dabaconboss Member Posts: 8

    could be worse she could actually be op like the twins. they can camp and chase people at the same time

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    One killer out of over 20 makes you not wanna play? I hate oni and when I play against him I wanna dc but I'm not gonna quit the game bc of him lol.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2021

    A god tier Spirit is just as rare as god tier Nurses. Quite rare.

    Unless they're at that level there is counter play even outside of perks. Even more than a god tier Nurse will give you.

    The average Spirit you're facing is quite manageable.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    I had the same complaints, although I finally got the tips to playing against spirit (Hint, it helps to try playing spirit a lot).

    She's usually very RNG dependent, especially on guesswork. Anticipating her moves via counterintelligence is very important. That's where self-awareness comes in very important. Subterfuge and unpredictable actions are the key to her; don't be predictably unpredictable, turn off your brain and smash your keyboard. You won't be able to lose her completely, but you can frustrate her enough to leave you alone.

    My least favorite killer now is trapper. I can usually guess where the traps are, but since I suck at zoning, I usually have no choice but to try to slip past them either.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited January 2021

    I'd actually play this game more if it wasn't for <insert killer/perk>

  • The same people saying spirit is easy and takes no skill are the same people that bring sprint burst/Dead hard and loop wretched shop, badham school grim pantry over and over.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    She is fun to go against because it's usually surv win or a decent nurse who does good But doesnt just wreck ya know

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    "i'd say the first 3 killers are perfect, fun to play and play as" lmao

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    I actually like spirit. While lots of killers are essentially skill and tile knowledge vs skill and tile knowledge, Spirit is entirely about mindplay and prediction. And that's fun, approaching the game with a completely different mindset sometimes. Who can get into the other person's head better?

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I have a 100% foolproof method of dealing with Spirit.

    Play Killer and pick anyone else.

    If she's not in the game, you don't have to worry about her. 😁

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I actually like going against spirit it's fun tripping her up.

    The killer i hate the most is probably a good nurse.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited January 2021

    You know what would REALLY make you play the game more? If you played killer.


  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    My pet peeve with Spirit is that you need Iron Will to have a realistic chance of winning a chase.

    People bring up Nurse quite a bit, but I find Nurses easier to juke. Nurse blinks in a straight line, so if you use the map to your advantage, you mind game a Nurse.

    With Spirit you really have no clue what she might do. Your best option is to use Iron Will and try to be unpredictable.