Deathslinger makes my blood boil

i’m seriously after some tips on how i can stay calm going against deathslinger. i’m okay going against any other killer but deathslinger makes me so aggravated and i just completely loose my composure.

Its not that i struggle going agaisnt him or anything, i just find him so unfun and annoying. getting shot from yonks away and hit is the worse feeling and you just don’t feel outplayed, it feels cheesy and not right.

Normally i just kill myself on hook against him, not because i want to be that one player or ruin my teammates game but i just hate everything about him. i’m sure they all wanna let go on hook aswell.

What are some ways that yous don’t get pissed off when going against a killer you don’t like?


  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Deathslinger is my most hated the way he laughs, the toxic behavior lots of them do. I hate it. I hate slingers bad design and so he is the only killer ill kill myself against quickly others I will try against if im having a bad day but if I have a bad day slinger will break mr

  • ArchFox
    ArchFox Member Posts: 205

    Slinger is definitely one of my least favourite killers, not because he's cheesy or particularly difficult, but mainly because I find playing against him just plain annoying. Also his design isn't "horror" enough. He's just... a cowboy with a funny face, that's it.

    Best thing to do, I find, is to just duck and weave between objects so he can't get a bead on you with his gun.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    I still hate doc and freddy more

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    Best advice I can offer you against a Deathslinger is to never throw a pallet until you are injured.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    I find huntress to be just overall worse with the massive hatchet hitbox and servers being completely unable to handle them. Deathslinger also can't guard hooks 30 meters away or abuse the ######### out of aura reading

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    For killers I hate going against, denying their power is what I try to do most.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited January 2021

    If you're at a medium to short range, you're getting hit no matter what. At a longer range, break LoS until you weaving through everything has made you lose all that distance on him and then he instantly shoots and hits you seconds later anyway. Like, just dodge the Instantaneous projectile travelling at 40 m/s I don't get it, it's that simple. So well designed I love this killer so much 🙃

    The one good thing about him is that if he shoots you near an injured person and downs you quickly while that other guy is still near, you get 2 WGLF stacks is I suppose that's one way of keeping your cool. Personally I've just blocked out those emotions entirely when playing this game now. If it's a Deathslinger or Spirit etc I'll just think "meh, whatever, time to rush gens" and try and get some BPs.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    lol wait till you run into a M&A/tinkerer DEFSLINGA!

    He makes almost no noise without a TR

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    I’ve recently had some luck with slingers, and it’s because I was running spine chill. Their movement speed is pretty slow and their terror radius is really Low. So if you know they’re coming up to you (because of Spine Chill) start making a run for it.

    Keep using LOS against him and use Spine Chill to gauge whether he is still on your tail. Because you never see him and he moves slowly and he is not in chase, he chases you down really slowly and cannot build bloodlust.

    This worked because the slinger kept tunneling me and I knew he was still tracking me because of Spine Chill and because if I stopped for awhile I would hear the Terror Radius behind me. He couldn’t catch up because he didn’t know which direction I would be running and he couldn’t build bloodlust.

    Not saying this will always work but I’ve looped 2 slingers for 4 gens each this way.

    (Also you don’t get points for chase but hey, it’s for the team right?)

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    If you get shot from far away it is the same problem as huntress.

    By the time you see him raise his gun, you are probably already speared on his screen thanks to the tick rate and range killers tendency to have suspiciously high ping.

    I just give up against Huntress these days if i get hit 5 steps behind a wall.

    At 20 ping survivors always seem to be able to react to me aiming before i shoot and it isn't in obvious situations like the corner of a wall or something where they would just naturally guess and try to dodge.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    Just remember DBD is a casual game. Don't take the game too seriously, it helps a lot with mental in general.

    I think it helps when something frustrating happens to think of it as a good play by them instead of a bad play for you. (Good shot, nice deadhard, etc)

    Sounds silly but helps me.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    I just take advantage of their weak aspects. I absolutely despise plague because of the annoying coughing and puking but I don't find her hard to go against. I just endured and now I almost always escape against her and find her less irritating.

    With deathslinger you need to stop giving up on hook since you'll never get better against him. I find succesfully dodging a few shots to extend the chase a lot of fun. I especially like a good deathslinger that tries to snipe you through windows and cracks in walls; it just ups your own game. It will get better once you use breaking LOS better and get a better game sense on when a deathslinger will try a shot on you.

    Against most deathslingers things like window fakes, pretending to go for the pallet but turn away at the last second will lure a shot from them. You need to not be obvious with your pathing. Also crouching reduces your hitbox doing this with the right timing behind small objects can make it really hard to land a hit.

  • MasterofSFL
    MasterofSFL Member Posts: 125

    There's only three ways to deal with Deathslinger, all of them are dependant on the killer's skill and your ability to do all three:

    1. Learn how to play with your camera facing the killer 90% of the time.

    2. Stick to Trees, Stacked Boxes and/or Boulders.

    3. Figure out the killers timing (are they twitchy, do they aim long, ect) and bait them.

    And no, it's not fun, unless your high in schadenfreude, then it's nothing but laughs if they never catch you.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Deathslinger has technically no weaknesses in chases without pallets. The only counterplay I can think of is dropping pallets early and hope your team genrushes. Because the second alternative is line of sight blocks and jukes. But if you don't get shot, it's not because you outplayed him, it's just that the deathslinger missed. So, basically, everything you know about normal m1 loops is almost completely gone with deathslinger.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    Slinger is not huntress, u need to aim properly to hit survivors, and this require skill, just play unpredictably

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    "Normally i just kill myself on hook against him, not because i want to be that one player or ruin my teammates game" lmao stop playing DBD please, everyone will thank you.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    I remember Scott's argument against Slinger's general existence. The problem with killers the community finds boring is that they don't let survivors use what they've learned so far. That argument works to an extent until you realize that Slinger's skill floor is pretty high, on a game without practice mode. Any time Slinger makes a mistake, it is punished severely due to his lack of map pressure and unlike Huntress, he can't snipe people across the map.

    But the problem is once a player reaches that skill floor, there's nothing else standing in their way. They're already an almost inescapable killer the moment they rise above the bare minimum. I wouldn't call this a flaw in game design since most sniper characters in FPS multi-player games are also balanced by that high skill floor.

    TL;DR : Slinger is forced to chase optimally, making him painful to play when you're bad but allowing you to make others feel pain once you're good which the latter is apparently a bad thing.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Every missed shot of slinger / huntress punishes them, because they have no really map pressure. Hell, pallets are slingers worst enemy, he can't down you over it like huntress.

    Survivors have always problems with killer, that can prevent them from their 0815 looping.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    I have to digress here. Huntress have a Wind Up Time and whenever she lands a Hatchet from 30+ meters away, I miss having a clapping animation like the one in Dark Souls 3.

    From his normal animation to effectively shooting, Slinger doesn't provide reactionary time. So most average Slingers will just walk to you toggling M2 while you dance around only to take an M1 on the back. The amazing Slingers won't do that, they can shoot through small cracks and leave you wondering how you got hit. Both styles are aggravating/unfun bc there is no reaction involved, you need to predict and if you do it wrong, you lose distance.

  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    I played against a camping slinger this morning. Until then I haven’t had a problem with this killer. They’re different enough to keep the game interesting.

    P.S. the slinger lost because I didn’t suicide on the hook. I let him camp me for all the hook stages, which was enough time to get two or three gens done.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    It's just an alternative playstyle, that survivors don't like. You have to play more around obstacles, because on a open field, you most likely get shot. I can understand, why this is hard, you just have to play constantly against this killer to become better.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,964

    I understand all the problems if deathslinger were to be fixed they would give him the Pyramid head treatment where if he ADS and doesn’t shoot he can’t attack or shoot for 1.5 seconds

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742


    Honestly, I know, i know 'chases are the only fun way of playing etc', but Deathslinger is one of the killers where stealth/breaking the LOS is the counterplay (like it should be with myers and ghostface, but people will rather complain about T3 before the first gen pops than stay tf out of his los)

    Then it's knowing your environment. To loop and juke well you need to know the tiles, and it's the same against Deathslinger: get an idea for what he can shoot through/over and what not.


    On his hometurf, he CAN shoot you from across the street at the gallows if one of you is on the balcony and the others at the gallow's gen (not counting behind the gen, of course). So many people don't know that and will complain about hacking.

    Likewise, the gallows again: if you are working on the gen there with your back to the open trapdoor, he can shoot you from below the gallows and pull you down. (again, a cause for a lot of hacking accusations)

    There's a lot of douches out there who play him BECAUSE they know many survivors don't bother to learn what Deathslinger can do. These people don't know what he can do either (case in point: going up against a survivor who I faced before with them playing a toxic slinger, only to get accused of hacking after the match cause I landed some trickshots on them they weren't aware you can pull off)

    If more people learn how a killer works, the chances to reduce the toxicity increases cause exploiting things won't be as easy anymore.