Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Im gonna get legion. Any builds you guys suggest?

Im gonna get legion. Any builds you guys suggest?

If you could, please include perks, add-ons, reasons for perks and/or add ons, and strategy.

Thank you.


  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,440

    I don't play him much, but almost every Legion I face always runs Discordance. Ruin and Undying is really good on him since he is constantly chasing people off of gens. Tinkerer is also great on him to help with the ruin regression.

    As far as strat, don't fall for long chases, his best strat is to prolong the game as long as possible to bore the ever daylights out of the survivors. Crush their spirits.

  • As for add-on's, should i run the "slow the game down" build with the extremely long mending time. Or should I run with the recovery time?

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  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,440

    I'm sorry, I don't know, I don't play killer much, my Legion has been collecting dust for a while. My advice is from my experience from playing a survivor and paying attention to what killers run when I face them. If I had to pick, I'd pick the recovery time because good survivors will opt to not heal and push gens.

  • AlbinoViera
    AlbinoViera Member Posts: 169

    Well for me personally, I use one of two builds with them right now:

    Pop, Devour, Thrill, and BBQ.

    Ruin, Undying, STBFL, and Thana.

    The first build is more of just a build I find fun to use, since I've noticed people ignoring totems more often when they know it isn't Ruin. As for why I use each perk:

    Pop Goes The Weasel: Straight-up gen regression. Every killer needs a form of it, but this also works decently well once Devour has two stacks.

    Hex: Devour Hope: It's essentially a hidden win condition. It is the true insidious Hex perk since people don't notice it until someone's insta-downed. It's also something no-one expects on a Legion, which makes it even more of a surprise from what I've seen so far.

    Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt: This is just so you can defend Devour, but once the mini Undying rework comes out I'd probably replace it with that.

    Barbecue & Chilli: Navigation Perk. Essentially tells you where you need to go. Once Thrill Of The Hunt is replaced, would be used to also check if someone is on your totem. The bonus points are just a, well, bonus.

    The second build is a standard one in all honesty.

    Hex: Ruin & Hex: Undying: The obvious passive slowdown combo everyone and that dog runs. It'll be a lot weaker with Undying's change, but I don't see anyone not using it anytime soon.

    Save The Best For Last: Used to be a MUCH stronger perk on Legion, but nowadays it just a strong perk. Use your power to injure the obsession, find everyone else, hit them with a basic and build up stacks until your running down people like a late-game Nasus.

    Thanataphobia: Another good perk on Legion, weaker nowadays, but the slowdown is still useful with how easily Legion gets people injured.|

    As for the Add-Ons: Double Duration or Duration and Green Pin.

    Most of Legions add-ons aren't very usable apart from Iri Button, (Looking at you, cool-down add-ons,) so this is the main two combinations I personally use. It's mainly the former for the first build, latter for the second.

    Former gives maximum mobility, second uses the pin to make people broken and keep Thana going as long as possible.

    As for playstyle.. It's hard to say. Everyone has a different one. I personally play a very aggressive Legion, but I go out of my way to not slug, tunnel and never stay around a hook because of Devour.

    The main idea with them though, is to use your power on the first survivor you see, and get as many people injured as possible. If you don't see anyone, cut them off and cancel your power, then go for the chase. After that, I tend to use my power more for information on where everyone is, whoever is in a weak spot, I go for.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    If you're gonna play Legion you'll need one of these two perks or both if you want. Thanatophobia and Blood Echo both good for Legion and Plague they're good since they can injure people easily. You need them because if you don't survivors won't heal not wasting their time healing instead just rush gens. These perks will make them by two things. Thanatophobia for each injured survivor gens will slow by 5 percent all survivors injured. This will make them heal so gens don't go slow. Blood Echo when any survivor is injured and you hook someone they'll be exhausted for 45 seconds. With SB and DH being common for survivors they'll heal so they don't lose them.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I main Legion. My personal build on them is Surge, Pop, Tinkerer, and BBQ. Surge is insane on them, Pop is there for backup, Tinkerer for added gen protection, and BBQ for tracking and extra bp.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    I honestly would wait on getting him since he is bugged rn

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,785

    Sloppy only effects basic attacks which Legion's deep wound attack is not.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Brute Force Legion. PGTW, BBQ, Enduring, Spirit Fury. Pop is there for a little slowdown, BBQ for bloodpoints and maybe an aura reading if the survivors let you, and Enduring/Spirit Fury is there to munch pallets and also help with a Legion Instadown.

    Forever Legion. Dying Light, Thanatophobia, Corrupt Intervention, PGTW. Pretty self explanatory.

    Chaser Legion. Nemesis, Enduring, Thanatophobia, PWYF.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Brutal strength, enduring, STBFL, and spirit fury for a very aggressive legion build.

    Surge, devour hope, thrilling tremors, and PGTW for a good all-round build. Can track survivors and get some gen regression. Devour hope can also create an immediate secondary objective for survivors if it survives.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732

    My Legion build is Discordance, PGTW, Enduring and Spirit Fury. Never respect a single pallet, in fact it's quicker to get out of your power by getting stunned by a pallet with Enduring than getting out from it manually.

    You can switch Discordance for BBQ if you want!

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,770

    My suggested legion build is to play blight instead

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    I personally wouldn't recommend legion for 2 reasons 1 he dosent teach you really how to play normal killers and 2 he's only good at keeping people injured while there are other killers that do that better pluage for example can completely deny all healing and if they cleanse you gain your power so she can keep them injured deny iron will and down while being capable or being a basic killer with decent perks

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Dying light, thana, pgtw, thrilling tremors. Survivors will either give up or dc half way through the game

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    I run Brutal Strength/Thanataphobia/Pop Goes the Weasel/Barbecue & Chili.

    Brutal Strength to help a bit in chases since he relies on M1-ing to down survivors.

    Thanataphobia as he’s one of the best users of this perk since he can injure survivors easily and keep them injured.

    Pop Goes the Weasel for gen slowdown.

    Barbecue for knowing where to go right after hooking someone and also bonus Bloodpoints.

    I also heard the Enduring / Spirit Fury combo works really well on him since it helps a lot in cutting down chases.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    Highly recommend Enduring on them because they play much like other M1 killers. Surge, PGTW, Blood Echo, Brutal Strength, Bamboozle, Barbecue & Chili, and Thrilling Tremors, and Discordance are some other perks I'd recommend on Legion.

    But whatever you do please don't stack 4 slowdown perks it's awful to play against and extremely unnecessary.

  • Theninjajesus
    Theninjajesus Member Posts: 99

    Were you looking to maximize Chase, control Gens, a good generic build? Legion can be outfitted for several different techniques.

  • AbsoluteArcadia
    AbsoluteArcadia Member Posts: 14

    Firstly, don't run sloppy butcher, it'll sound good, but it won't work with feral frenzy. Make sure you have a good way to snowball, beyond injuring fast, Legion is pretty reliant on 115 killer chase skills. Good perks for Legion would be Nurse's Calling, BBQ & Chili, PGTW, STBFL, Ruin, Devour Hope, and pretty much any meta killer perk that works on any killer (NOED & Bloodwarden are big no no's since they only help after you lost, and to lose a bit less). Fun things to try would be Iri button, and coulrophobia, although this is a bit op actually, Dying Light since faster healing won't really matter against legion, and another fun one is Deathbound since it punishes healing survivors that separate. Also one last tip, keep an eye for survivors that are hard to hit, since missing in frenzy is very punishing. Enjoy Legion!