Why BBQ &. Chili is not an OP perk

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

Just saw someone say it is. Someone with over a thousand posts say it's the Aura not the Bp. Killers use it primarily for BP not the aura. So let me show you why it isn't OP.

1. Jump in a locker

2. Hide behind a gen

3. Walk one direction for four seconds then go the other way.

4. Get within 40 meters of the hook not that hard for reference that's the range of Huntress's hum

But the killer can zoom says the person who couldn't use one of the four counters to a perk. So let me name every killer who could reach you in time and why it still isn't that bad.

1. Windstorm Wraith okay no terror radius he zooms over an gets you except he's Wraith you'll be fine.

2. Spirit with speed add-ons okay the Spirit phases to you but at that point her power is completely drained and you'll be looping a 4.4.

3. Demogorgon with his portals okay you walk near one of his portals he teleports to it except you'll hear it coming and then you leave and can hear his footsteps

4. Sniping Huntress this is very unlikely even the best Huntresses can't consistently pull this off it's rare.

5. The Twins okay Charlotte sees you unbinds Victor you'll hear it coming and if Victor does latch on you Charlotte will be so far away it can't be utilized.

6. Legion with duration add-ons okay even with double duration by the time he gets there his or her power is drained and you're looping an M1

7. Blight okay he zooms over there. Once more he would've used all his charges he's an M1 killer when he gets to you.

8. Oni okay he pops his power heads your direction. Okay you hear it coming and it's terribly risky for an Oni unless they're good at tracking to pop their power after you. Without being on you. He's slower then Billy using Demon Dash. Not to mention he can't zoom all the time.

9. Billy okay he zooms over to you. Once more you'll hear it coming and Billy's power can struggle at some loops.

10. Nurse okay she begins to teleport to you once more you'll hear it coming and good Nurses are very rare. And she'll use both her charges before she gets there you'll be able to get distance.

11. Freddy okay he sees you near a gen he teleports there you'll hear the gen with the blood splatter and he won't be undetectable you can gain distance.

Final conclusion there are 22 killers currently in the game as I write this. First six scenarios require add-ons or aren't efficient with the Aura that means there are only 5 killers who can truly utilize BBQs aura and even then it's not like they're approaching you with stealth. And for Oni it's a gamble. Billy and Nurse you'll hear. Freddy isn't as precise so not guaranteed to be an immediate hit. And Blight would have wasted all his charges. And people that's why BBQ & Chili isn't a OP perk.

Post edited by WishIcouldmain on


  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    I wish more people would go in lockers when the killer downs someone. Lots of games are lost because bad loopers get easily caught and go down in 10 seconds. Even when I get in a locker in front of someone, they don't take the hint.

    As for the subject matter, no one truly believes BBQ is OP except for the truly ignorant. I doubt the Dev's will ever touch it, it is one of the healthiest perks in the game.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Heck it was worth shot would like to see one of the nerf BBQ people respond to a the counter evidence I stated.

  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    My only problem with BBQ is that it is far too easy for high mobility killers such as Spirit, Freddy, or Billy to get in a chase after a hook. There's no real fundamental change to bbq that could be made that can fix that unfortunately.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    "bUt It'S iN aLoT oF kIlLeR bUiLdS!!1!!1!"

    I seriously don't understand why people can even try and say this when the perk has so many counters. Honestly, this is one of the most counterable (and probably healthiest) perks in the game. It promotes an Anti-Camp playstyle (even if not all killers follow that promotion.)

    Honestly, I don't think a lot of killer's even use it for the Aura Reading. I know I constantly forget to look around after I hook someone. I use it very only nearly for the BP. There are much more accurate tracking perks than BBQ

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122
    edited January 2021

    I've never understood how people can say BBQ is op. It's a Plain Jane aura reading info perk. Information means pretty much nothing to killer chase-wise. It doesn't matter if he can see where you are when he can't get to you, which is the problem with Object.

  • That's the crux of the matter right there, bad loopers.

    "oh no the m1 killer is coming towards me from a 40m+ distance whatever will I do?? 🙄" - said no decent survivor ever.

    You have plenty of time to use stealth or just get to a pallet and then most killers become powerless. Its only an issue if you're a bad looper. I will say BBQ used to be OP on old billy and old nurse due to their powers and how fast they could travel. Billy zooming over in seconds swinging instasaw was a bit different to clown slowly waddling over looking to m1 you but billy lost his add ons now and Nurse lost omegablink

  • It's usually people with not many posts because they literally just made an account; and don't actually have many hours in the game.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Yeah the kind that say "I just bought this game for my wife and I. BBQ is too good." Like they're the ones best aquatinted with the game and its balance.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Some people just don't want the other side to have useful perks.

    BBQ + Chili is pretty good (even beyond the BP), but not OP by any means. It just gives the killer a sense of direction to head in next.

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    If it’s not OP why is it heavily used. Why is it heavily discussed. Not buying the BP bonus. Use kindred and watch killer scan after a hook and hone in. Not fun playing a ONi or Hilly illy with this Iwin perk. Pretty much have to play assuming they are using it and like poster said position near a locker, climb in count to 5 while they are on the hook and climb out. If it’s not OP why is it used soooooooo much. Looks damm OP to me. Play without it then. Seems like almost a crutch for far too many killer mains.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    But without it my BP build is crap. What's the point of running Beast of Prey and Distressing and not BBQ? I'll end with like 25k BP at most, which is not worth the time it takes to play a full match.

    Killer doesn't reward enough BP for the amount of effort required. Tell the devs to have BBQ's BP bonus be basekit instead and I'll stop running it.

  • discocat
    discocat Member Posts: 14

    Probably 75% of games I play the killer has BBQ. All the killers in the forums say they don't use it for the auras, but of course they do most of the time (at minimum for the last hook or the 3rd survivor so they can find the final survivor). It's unreasonable to expect all the survivors to have to counter that perk every time someone is hooked. The mere fact that it causes game disruption to the survivors up to 11 times per match AND it gives up to double BP proves it is OP. Not any perk that a survivor has causes that much disruption to the killer AND gives double BP. It is completely OP.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    This right here. I play an unreasonable amount of solo queue, so Kindred is always slotted. I see when someone has Insidious, I see when someone is mocking the person on the hook, I see when they immediately scan the map for their next target. Sure, the BP gains are good, but that's not the only reason people run it. It's a 2-in-1 point multiplier and survivor-tracker so you don't have to wander around after a hook looking for a new target. Most killers I see using it aren't running a bloodpoint build, so the excuse doesn't really hold up. Also, some killers run it with Nurse's, Bitter Murmur, and Whispers, you know, just in case they're having trouble finding a survivor.

    Is it OP? Maybe not, but I'd say its extremely common use says a lot about its power. Personally, I don't think it should show dying survivors. People will have a laugh and say I'm being "silly" or some other condescending [BAD WORD] but I've played against too many killers who use it to slug for 4Ks. I'm talking Blights and Bubbas and Wraiths who run BBQ and maybe one other perk, then run around swinging wildly until everyone is on the floor. Then they pick the survivors up, one by one, and each time they hook one, they hone in on the next hookee. And downed survivors don't really crawl fast enough to get away from that location.

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2021

    Every time I read "Nerf BBQ", I feel like it translates to "I would like to get an episode of King of the Hill in between matches."

    Eliminating the grind is at least in the 80th percentile for the reason most of us use it, including the 4k/slugfest jerks, and I don't see nerfing it doing anything except driving even more people away from what is seen as a frustrating, grindy, unrewarding role to play. The ones who're actually being toxic will likely just replace it with NOED, or legitimately just facecamp, since BBQ actually DISCOURAGES doing that.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    Yes they can use it efficiently but like I said above it's a gamble for an Oni since they can loose sight of you. And you can hear a Hillbilly and Oni coming giving you plenty of time to find a loop. And once more people don't bring Kindred to counter BBQ. And by the time any killer gets let me remind you it takes over 40 meters to get to you which is plenty of time. Any example I listed above you can easily counter. And it is still the Bp why else do you see M1 killers who can't zoom around using BBQ. Tell me do you think BBQ is good on Hag?

    Post edited by WishIcouldmain on
  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    Being Killer is grindy, frustrating, and unrewarding, but survivor is definitely not, no sir! Never mind that they can barely use their BBQ equivalent unless they want to take off their perks that protect them from sweatlords and [BAD WORD], and are guaranteed to make less points than killer if they don't escape or maximize their participation in the match. It is much less of all those bad things.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    Like I said most killer can't utilize the auras. A perk where only 5 killers with their base can utilize the Aura reading. And you'll still have tons of time to get ready. Let me see 75 percent of killers most of them aren't Blight, Billy, Nurse, Oni or Freddy. So the Hag and Trapper using BBQ aren't using it for the Aura it's the BP. Did you read what I said? A perk with 4 counters must be to hard to counter.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    As someone who plays quite a bit of both sides, BBQ is just boring. As Killer I enjoy actually hunting for Survivors, not being shown where to go. The BP bonus is nice, sure, but the aura reading kills it for me...I get fat on Survivor Pudding instead.

  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    If the killer being able to see survivors auras is over powered, then isn’t Kindred Spirt also overpowered?

  • MajesticOtter
    MajesticOtter Member Posts: 3

    As someone who plays both killer and survivor (though i dont get to play killer as often so im probably a mid teir killer at best)I dont think BBQ is op at all.

    As Killer When i first got the perk I was like "oh yeah, more blood points" then when i left it on for the auras I realized a couple of days ago that ive only ever looked for the auras a few times and only saw them like twice. I now take the perk off unless im going for more BP. For me its a useless perk when not BP farming.

    As a surviver (like 95% of my gameplay) I either hide in a locker, get closer so my aura doesnt pop up or I dont care if he knows where one of us is, if i know hes going after me i can prepare myself for the chase and if I'm playing even halfway decent then I'm simply making sure that the rest of my team can rescue/complete gens at their leisure.

    To put it simply, if you are far enough away for the killer to see your aura, it doesnt last long enough to make a real difference.

    For those that are using the argument "but its obv op cause everyone uses it" do you use one of like the same 4 perks just about every survivor uses when not running an incredibly specific build? maybe we should just remove DS, Unbreakable and a few others (or nerf whatever) along with BBQ, maybe that would make you happy then, except then youd complain that your op perk is being nerfed when you should instead work on getting better at the game. that goes for both killers and survivors.

    While i do believe that the game is in general stacked for the survivor I dont think that its a game balance issue as much as a player issue. Now I only have about 448 hours in the game and like 400 of it is probably survivor so keep in mind i might not get the killer mindset as well as a killer main might. but i have played a bunch of this game and watched a lot of better people play this game and it seems to me that all these people complaining about the opposing side's perks are people who would rather complain about a perceived problem ( doesnt mean that what they are complaining about isnt a problem but still ) than get better at the game. Those better players I watched, they also complain about some perks but those better survivors are at least complaining about bbq while tea bagging the killer out the exit gate and the better killer is complaining about ds while wiping the blood off the last sacrifice of his blade. I can take those people's opinion on what needs fixed better because they tried to better themselves despite any 'OP' perks the opposing player is using.

    To put it simply, the group i run with tends to be rank 1-4 survivors while im usually rank 7-8 (id be higher if I could learn to loop killers once in a while) and not once has the phrase 'the killer only won because he had BBQ' or 'man I wish they'd nerf BBQ so OP' So maybe my group just does better against it i dont know but there are a million perks better for finding survivors that arent BBQ heck you know what finds me 9/10, it isnt bbq its whispers, dont hear me me complaining about that perk. (says the guy making his first post)

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If I see a thread where someone typed "BBQ OP or BBQ has no counter" I stop reading. That one sentence tells me more than I need to know about that person.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,631

    I've faced killers who had BBQ & Chilli most of the time it felt like they forgot they had it but I find the people who would complain about it being OP is more the new people playing since they haven't gotten used to it yet and haven't figured out counters

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Not to mention at max level Sole Survivor becomes a massive counter to BBQ

    It's actually a really useful perk

    BBQ is completely balanced (unless of course its rank 20, that's just unfair, i met a BBQ nurse in one of my first ever games, needless to say that wasn't fun)

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I don't think anyone with a brain has ever considered it OP.

  • discocat
    discocat Member Posts: 14

    It's a lie that killers don't use it for the auras, because they do all the time. Maybe you forget once in a while, but it is definitely used for that purpose. I run kindred and can see killers looking around to locate a survivor and then moving in their direction. Why even point out that there are counters to BBQ if killers aren't using it for the auras? It's because they do. So, we are often good at countering BBQ, but in doing so we have to stop what we are doing and counter . This is a huge disruption for us and a huge benefit for the killer. Up to 11 times per game we are disrupting our gameplay to counter a killer perk. What perk do survivors have that equals that kind of disruption for a killer? We have a BP perk, but it just lets us pick up dying survivors a bit faster..woo hoo! A great idea to balance BBQ would be to let killers see the aura only on the first hook of each survivor. Also, removing the ability to see the aura of a dying survivor.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    If only you knew how many ignorant survivors there are 😂

    And don't underestimate the devs.

    You know that if those survivors cry hard enough the devs will most definitely consider it 🤐🙊

    I think it will take you a full month most likely as there are a lot of ignorant people who actually think it is OP 😂

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    You do realize hiding behind gens means you still fix them and hide from BBQ. And a killer can only be in one spot at once. And only 5 killers can utilize BBQs aura to it's full potential sorry if you're scared of a Hag waddling all the way over with BBQ. Oh the interruption of one person while 2 still fix gens.

  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292

    Lmfao Good killers don't even want to run BBQ mind you. They only use it for the BP/

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    Its nice for the first few hooks but survivors catch on quick in red ranks

  • discocat
    discocat Member Posts: 14

    I see that you are unable to counter my point with logic or proof so you resort to ridicule. Good job proving me correct.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    Okay then since according to you I didn't name reasons why BBQ isn't OP. Tell me how every killer with their base power can use BBQ efficiently. To counter all my points. And I once again mentioned you can continue to fix a gen while BBQ happens. And only 5 killers can use it efficiently.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    Trust me I know. I only play solo and rarely ever play killer.

    Don't worry, I won't ever underestimate the devs. When the Devs nerfed Huntresses lullaby to no longer affect the Doctors madness skill checks, I wondered why, it was never really that hard, and the counter wasn't too terrible, just find the totem. Then I found a video that shows one of the devs playing against the doctor and missing every skill check over and over and said thats not how it is supposed to be....and it was nerfed.

  • discocat
    discocat Member Posts: 14

    That’s actually not what i said. You didn’t respond to my point about the game disruption to survivors being the real issue. Ok, maybe if you are at a gen you might be able to continue working on it if you are lined up correctly so your aura doesn’t peak through, but that doesn’t happen most of the time in my experience. My point is that by having to counter the perk, it puts survivors at a big disadvantage and there isn’t a survivor perk that disadvantages the killer like that. I don’t think it needs to be totally nerfed, but it should be balanced more.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    That's only 4 seconds that you'll have to hide which in game terms isn't much. Mind breaker is about that much and that perk is bad. And once again only 5 killers can use it to it's potential. You can't say BBQ is effective at disruption when with a Trapper or Plague. You act like every killer can disrupt with BBQ which it doesn't. And your experience with the perk doesn't account for everyone's experience I've already had many survivor mains laugh at the thought of BBQ OP your experience with it doesn't mean it's OP. If we were to use your example of from my experience it was this or that. Then Myers needs to be nerfed because I usually lose against Myers. Your example doesn't mean BBQ is OP it isn't. Just because you have a rough time against it doesn't me it's OP. Ask the majority of survivors it isn't OP. BBQ isn't OP. But if you can somehow find a way to show how each killer can use the Aura efficiently do so. Since you act like every killer is a threat with BBQ. But thanks for responding unlike others.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Tell me, what counter is there against ds than?

    They jump in a locker and you want to grabbed them out, voilà ds stun.

    Smack them down and pick them up, voilà ds stun.

    Smack them down and leave them on the ground, we'll you guessed it, the get up by unbreakable.

    Than to keep it a bit on the aura reading part.

    Try playing killer when survivors are using OoO.

    How does this not put a killer at a disadvantage?

    You have pretty much unlimited aura reading and against freddy you have unlimited aura reading as long as you stay asleep.

    Tell me, what is the counter to that perk?

    You complain about a 4 sec aura reading perk that is mostly used for bp and is easily countered.

    Yet you forget the most broken aura reading perk in the game with no counters (unless you're a stealth killer), belongs to the survivors.

    Do your research before you complain about a 4s aura reading perk ✌️👋

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Yeah with the last Q&A they made it very clear they suck at playing survivor.

    "I find it harder to pip as survivor than as killer"

    Like how?

    Are they playing with their eyes closed or something as survivor?

    It's the most easiest and most relaxed part of dbd and to pip, it just shows how little they actually know about their own game.

    I mean you don't have to be a god player as a dev, but sucking at the easiest part of the game sure tells a lot

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    A killer perk that causes "disruption" to a survivor staying undisturbed on a generator. Completely OP!

    :shakeshead: Who knew killer perks weren't supposed to inconvenience survivors?

    For the games I play killer, I'll gladly throw away BBQ if every survivor perk that disrupts my pursuit of survivors gets tossed away with it.

    For my survivor rounds, I'll jump in a locker. Or make sure I'm within BBQ's range. Or hide behind a generator. Or fake moving one direction, then go a different one. Or loop the killer if they actually do come my way and trust my teammates to get a rescue/do gens. Or run an aura-hiding perk. Or all of those things I do now as a survivor that makes BBQ far from OP.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    No, they shouldn't be the best players, but they should know the characters they create and balance inside and out. If they're just not good enough to, they should have hired testers as good as the top streamers and balance around them.

  • discocat
    discocat Member Posts: 14

    That’s 4 seconds x 11 (max number of hooks before 4K). You can take the risk and not hide, but it still gives information to the killer. The point of it being OP is most killers use it, it is used for aura reading either to point out the next target or give at minimum good info and gives double bp. I play trapper a lot with bbq and I find it quite useful to find my next target. Killers should at least be honest that it’s used for more than the bp. That’s all. I don’t think anything you say will convince me it’s not so let’s leave it at that.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    You're playing Trapper wrong if you're going after people with BBQ. It being a popular perk doesn't mean it's OP. Then according to you we need to nerf Iron Will because it's popular. And you can't tell me you can't do one of the four counters. And stop acting like every killer is a nightmare with BBQ.

    Post edited by WishIcouldmain on
  • discocat
    discocat Member Posts: 14

    Every perk you mentioned is not used nearly as much as BBQ except maybe DS. And none of them give double BP. As killer I’ve almost never played against OoO, which is annoying, but whatever. The point of the thread is BBQ is OP because it gives double BP, the aura reading capability and it’s used in probably 75% of games. Maybe you should read things more carefully before responding.

  • I'll never understand the BBQ hate from survivors.

    Survivors: We want less camping!!

    *Killer leaves hook to go chase someone over 40m away*

    Survivors: Nerf BBQ!

    Like which is it? would you prefer the killer just sit around the hook? or is the killer meant to confidently take a guess at a survivors location and leave the hooked survivor free for a rescue with no guarantee a survivor is even in the location they intend to travel to?

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    People say its an op perk. Honestly when I hook someone. 90% of the time, I go and kick a gen if it is close by compare to looking around. xD I use it for more blood points. xD Like, knowing where people are is pretty easy, most times its easy to find them without it. However there are the few times I go to the wrong spot and say damn. Should of looked xD

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    Yeah! How am I supposed to Insidious camp Meg if she has that Kindred perk! Bubba is lazy and don't wanna go hunt for his steak fingers! He let them come to him :D

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    Killer main. Simple answer. Blood Points is the biggest reason. I am sure you already heard from many others that few can really use this to benefit from it. However, if BBQ does get removed or nerf. The next perk for survivors or two I can think of is these two. Kindred Spirit (shouldn't show killer location for any reason if BBQ cannot see survivors). If they remove the bonus Blood Points. We're gonna live forever. Since its the Survivors Blood Point bonus. It needs to be removed if BBQ Blood Bonus gets removed.

    I honestly use BBQ simply for more blood points because the grind already is nearly to damn much. I been focusing on getting all the perks on my killers and I barely even started with the damn survivors. I think I got 3 or 4 to the point I unlocked the perks. But yes a few killers with BBQ can use it to there advantage. However can be countered. If you cannot grasp the fact you can sit in a locker for 5 seconds. Dear God that is a long time in a DBD match. Then hide behind a gen and keep working on it. Or, use a perk called Distortion. Just make sure your team don't get hooked more than 3 times. Solo runs that's hard but hey. Its a counter for the start of the game at least.

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    If it’s “not op” (PFT!) Why is it used so much?!?!?! The advantage is assume it’s in use. When someone gets picked up, scurry for a locker or try to position behind a gen.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Wait what?

    No way dude, you gotta be high right?

    Bbq OP because of the bp?



    For real you changed from aura reading to bp, if you gonna argue about a perk than stay at 1 point and don't suddenly change it when you're proven wrong.

    And before saying "I never said that"

    Here is 1 of your comments.

    And about ds, yes that is used in 95 out of 100 matches, way more than bbq.

    I played survivor all day today (without ds) and barely saw any bbq.

    And yes OoO is freaking annoying in a swf especially when you play freddy vs all 4 using it.

    And believe me that it is used way more than you might tell yourself.