This community is obsessed with Spirit...

GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

Like seriously, I see hate posts left and right about this poor killer. I'm not even sure what's more repetitive at this point: doing gens or coming across posts about Spirit.


  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    The only issue I ever had with spirit was when we couldn't tell where she was when she was phasing, even if it is now a very slight noise she makes, it still balanced her. Now she's pretty okay and I'm not sure why people want her nerfed further?

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    There are killer mains that also have an issue, and I agree she has issues but some of the ideas people have to "fix" Spirt will make her weaker and/or keeping the same issues she currently has while making her more disorienting to play.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    Yeah, that's about all she needs to be balanced. Maybe also give her a bigger penalty for a bad read with some minor buffs, and then she's fixed.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    I used to main spirit. But she is SO BRAINDEAD TO PLAY. So, obviously I don't anymore. But it's just frustrating because when I DO play against her, I know how to counter her but it only goes so far. Survivors don't get nearly as much feedback from her power as she does. Which I think is unbalanced, but in turn I think that survivors should get more information, and the Spirit should get a buff to balance it out. It's not that she's OP, it's that she's just braindead for both sides.

  • I mean, when all of the best killer mains and tournament players find her to be the most powerful killer in the game as well. Some of them don't play her even for that reason too much.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    When I started playing I thought Spirit was impossible to beat, I hated going against her. Now that I've played more I don't find her bad to go against. I'd rather a tough Spirit than a Freddy/Doctor that makes the game go on way too long without any progress being made.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Nerf Spirit

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    They were talking past tense. It already happened. She already makes that noise. She is balanced.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822
    edited January 2021

    Friendly reminder that people generally want her changed, not nerfed. Same goes for Deathslinger.

    Edit: Not @DoritoHead I guess, lol

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited January 2021

    Friendly reminder. What happened to the Nurse when the devs said they were going to rework her add ons?

    Pimped slapped with an unwanted CD, add ons completely suck and a plethora of bugs that have not been addressed for over a year. I don't want another repeat of that.

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    Friendly reminder that nurse is still the strongest killer in the game after her nerfs.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822

    They nerfed them, because her add-ons were busted. Given that Nurse is still a consensus top-2 killer with much weaker add-ons and a cooldown on her blink I think it's fair to say that a nerf was warranted.

    What the devs changed on Nurse isn't relevant to survivor complaints about killers like Deathslinger and Spirit, though. Nurse was nerfed because she was OP. People were specifically calling for nerfs for her. People want Deathslinger to be changed because his 1v1 has very little counterplay for survivor. He's only an average killer in terms of strength, so most players would agree that his strength isn't the issue. It's 100% his 1v1.

    Spirit is similar, except she's also a top-tier killer so the DoritoHeads of the world do want nerfs. I think she could certainly stand a nerf, but she doesn't need one either. The key issue is just that survivors get just about no feedback on where she is while she's phasing, so they can more or less only counter her by guessing where she's going to appear. People don't think that's fun, so they want a bit more feedback on where she is while she's phasing (or even to know if she's phasing). Giving some sort of feedback to survivors without doing anything else would be a nerf, but that's not necessarily how she'll be changed (if she ever is). Like I said, I don't really care if the devs keep her this strong while tweaking her, but it would be nice for her to give some more feedback to survivors.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822
    edited January 2021

    Pick rate is 5.2% at all ranks and 6.6% at red ranks. That's a bit more than average.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited January 2021

    1: I agree her add ons were broken and needed to be changed but they could have stopped at that. Her base kit was fine. She didn't need a CD. Now you can literally avoid her by holding W. Her map pressure dropped. You need to waste 2 blinks just to close the distance. Then wait for your 2 blinks to be able to land a hit.

    2: People don't think Spirit is fun? Well it's not fun to try to blink as Nurse and get stuck on an object or your 2nd blink glitches.

    3: My point is when the Devs nerf something they tend to either do nothing or too much. They hardly hit the sweet spot. This is why I am against nerfing killers because the devs are inconsistent. Given the low amount of killer players I think nerfing one of the few top tier killers isn't a very good idea.

    4: Their coding sucks. If they rework Spirit in anyway there will probably(almost certainly) be bugs added to the game. Given how they haven't even looked at fixing Nurse's bugs and it's been over a year. Spirit's bugs will probably be neglected as well.

    5: I don't know how many times I have to say this. If you nerf a top tier killer, people are just going to move to whose next in line. This means less spirits, more Freddys/Billys.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822

    1) I agree. She's obviously still good with her cooldown, but I don't think she really needed it.

    2) Also agree. Nurse is still super buggy.

    3) Yeah, they're far from perfect. My metric is basically just "is the game better or worse after this change", though, and they clear that bar almost every time. For example, I think post-nerf Nurse is better for the game than pre-nerf Nurse even if I wouldn't have given her a cooldown personally.

    As for nerfs, though, I'd generally disagree - I am generally in favor of nerfing strong killers and buffing weak killers across the board with the goal if limiting the strength disparity across the killer roster. That should help to make more killers viable and make the game in general easier to balance. That's a factor in why I'd be okay with nerfing Spirit a bit even if I don't think she's way too strong right now. This is my philosophy on the survivor side too - changes should be geared at closing the information gap between solo and SWF because it should allow for easier balancing decisions and allow for both to be viable without being too strong or weak.

    4) Yep, I wish they would prioritize bug fixes and performance improvements. As is it feels like they just keep churning out content that often isn't ready and then they need to spend the next few months fixing major bugs with it.

    5) That's fine in my book, so long as the gap between the best and worst killer is shrinking. That said, my experience at red rank is that plenty of different killers still get play because not everyone is concerned with playing the best killers all the time and more killers are viable now than in the past. So, I'm not really worried about armies of Freddies showing up if Spirit gets a bit of nerf. Incidentally though, I actually do think Freddy needs a bit of a nerf :P

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893
    edited January 2021

    This really annoys me I have one change and i want all of you to be honest with my NERF.

    How would all of you feel if spirits breathing while phasing bug was put back in? Spirit would still be the same IMO.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Which would be everyone? Except Ohmwrecker. I've escaped from Spirit, but they've been hatch escapes in very short matches. Why participate in a match that won't be much fun and over in 5 minutes or less?

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    You should have seen how obsessed they were about Nurse back in the day. And we all know how that turned out.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    It doesn't actually work like that, though. Some of it is warranted(though blown out of proportion), but the majority of the posts don't actually get taken seriously.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If the survivors represented EVERYONE this game would actually die because there are no killer bots.

    Second why should you participate in a match you might find unfun? Because you clicked "Ready". That's why. If your not willing to play a match because you might not have fun then you shouldn't be playing the game. Your argument makes you sound like the person who DC's because it's a spirit then you open a thread saying Spirit is OP! Your input is detrimental to this game.

    Last, how do you expect to get better against a Spirit if you quit every single time you face one?

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    I'd certainly rather face a spirit than a trapper anyday. Trapper you get a normal M1 chase but then suddenly you lose. Spirit you get a unique chase experience of trying to see who's a better mindreader (not that dissimilar from Nurse)

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    To heck with your spirit! Stupid killer with stupid powers and stupid mind games and and and and and... What else do people complain about?! XD

    Love the spirit the way she is.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    Yeah I agree. Survivors don’t want these killers to receive a buff to compensate because they want everything to be easy.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I'm not sure what's more repetitive at this point: posts complaining about Spirit or posts complaining about posts complaining about Spirit. Give it a rest.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    Probably because they want her nerfed.

    I think she is fine the way she is.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Maybe cause they want her nerfed. Her and Deathslinger are my most hated killers, there so braindead easy to play.

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    Spirit was the first character I hit rank 1 with because I never care for the ranking system. When she came out I was like... to hell with it xD.

    Best part, don't even have that many perks with her either lol

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    Easy yes, but if you aim like a potato you are not catching anyone xD

    I know I potato a lot with him

  • lol what? I was with you until the last part.

    Spirit is obstructed by windows, walls and pallets. If you're on the other side of one she can not hit you. Spirit is completely stopped by god pallets like the one on the outside halls of Lerys for example or the one at the bottom of the stairs on Midwich. If the loop is large enough and you make it to a dropped pallet or window then she needs to take a long detour to get around, which with you moving can really hurt her.

    Nurse is hindered by nothing. Nothing saves you against Nurse other than being through 3 layers of brick. You think you're juking her but really that's Nurse missing.

    Think about it this way, lets assume that a spirit and nurse were able to predict every single move you make in a chase correctly 100% of the time.

    Spirit may be able to get you at some loops but not the god pallets or larger loops. Which ones she could get you at would depend on her add ons too, she's kind of weak with no add ons at larger loops, you'd want very strong duration and speed add ons.

    Nurse would get you every single time with 2 blinks. Every single time. Even god pallets like midwich are nothing to her.

    I agree with what you say about survivors wanting control of a chase, can't really blame them they've had it that way for 4 years against the M1 killers so they have this wacky idea of that being's not. However I disagree in that I believe Nurse is the only killer that has complete control of the chase.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited July 2022